Photoshop :: Automatically Launching Bridge When PS
Apr 5, 2009
I just installed CS4 and my first difference is the (on a PC) Edit/Preferences/General does not have a check box for automatically alunching Bridge.Was this moved to somewhere else? I liked this in CS3.
I just did a reformat, and I used to be able to open DNG's in ACR just by double clicking them, but I can't figure out what setting that was. It was nice to avoid having to right click and select Open in Camera Raw, and just press enter.Â
In PS CS3 there was a preference setting to automatically open Bridge when Photoshop was launched. Â This setting seems to be absent in CS5. Â Is there any way to get both apps to launch simultaneously?
In Photoshop CS5: when you closed an image, you'd automatically go back to Bridge, where you could open the next image. Â Now you close an image, and you stay in Photoshop with a blank screen. Â You have to go to the dock, and click Bridge. Â How can I get the CS5 way back, so I don't have to do two unnecessary steps each time?
For no reason that I can think of, When I click on a single image in Bridge to preview or to try and select multiple images to load as layers or merge to HDR, the first image clicked opens in ACR. How can i Stop this?
Since I installed Photoshop CS6 I am no longer able to launch Photoshop from the properties bar in Dreamweaver.This problem started when I installed Photoshop CS6, I was originally using Dreamweaver CS5.5. I upgraded Dreamweaver to CS6 but it did not correct the problem. Â Additional information: When in Dreamweaver, if I select an image on a web page the icon in the properties window shows the PS icon but when I click on it I get the following error message:
Maybe this belongs in the Dreamweaver section but since the problem only started after installing Photoshop CS6 I thought this would be the appropriate place for it. Â Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate (64bit) AMD 6 core 3.2gHz proccessor 256 Gb SSD (operating system and programs) 2 Terabyte HD (for Data) 16Gb Ram
Everything was fine, but suddenly after about one month working with it, CS6 stopped launching.
Hardware: Win 7 64bit  SPANISH Photoshop CS6  US ENGLISH Hardware: Intel Core i5-2500 CPU @ 3.3GHz, 8 MB ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti  Appears: Error: 16 and the following images. How can I uninstall if I can not launch and deactivate first the product ?
I have a user who is getting a dialog box that says Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator. This started happening after I copied the original user profile who had had administrator access to a new profile with power user access. Do I need to reinstall the program?Â
purchased the 5.5-upgrade to 6.0 Designpremium. Everything seems to work properly except the bridge, wich won't start as stand-alone - works only as Mini-bridge inside photoshop. Â While trying to start the bridge from photoshop ("go to bridge") results in a bridge's crash... Â In my former installations (5.0 and 5.1) everything was ok ...
I've Windows 8 installed [x86].I had windows 7 prior to this. Until then it was working fine. I updated to windows 8 n now when i install al the programs, Only Adobe Photoshop CS4 crashes.. i.e. it'll never get launched.
I'm using Photoshop CS 5.1 on an iMac, running OS 10.8.2. I've encountered an odd behavior. Photoshop is open. I try to open a tif or jpeg in Photoshop by control-clicking the icon, or double-clicking in Bridge. Instead of simply opening the doc, Photoshop launches again - so now there are two Photoshop icons open in my dock. (And if I check behavior in Activity Monitor, indeed there are two Photoshop 5.1's running.) I get a message. Â "The application has been moved, and its path has changed. To update the product configuration, click Update." Â Click Update. Enter admin password. But then the problem simply recurs. The update isn't sticking. Â The problem doesn't occur if I try to open a Photoshop doc by clicking it (just .tif and .jpg). Â When I look in 'recent items - applications' in the finder I see two Photoshop 5.1's. But there is only one Photoshop 5.1 in my Application folder. Â When I have two Photoshops open (as it were) neither one 'knows' about the windows open in the other. That is, if I have picture.psd open in one and picture2.psd open in the other, I don't see picture2.psd as an option in the bottom of the Window menu, if I'm viewing picture.psd. Â But when I quit and just re-launch Photoshop from the dock, it remembers the docs from both launches via 'open recent'. Â Most peculiar. Â This really isn't inordinately impacting my workflow but it's odd, and I think it's slowing the system. (I'm thinking of updating to CS 6. Maybe it will just go away!)
After opening Bridge CS6 (and using mini Bridge), there are no thumbnails showing. I've pointed Bridge to just one folder with less than 5 photos in it and it cannot even display them. I'm running a recent Mac Pro with 16GB RAM and kick graphics card.
I am now getting multiple systems that will not open Photoshop CS 6. As soon as PS starts to open, Application Manager starts and prevents PS from opening. The two applications alternate for control with neither being able to open. This problem is also occurring with Illustrator CS 6 and now has started in Photoshop.  When the "fight" starts you have to do a forced shut down (power button for 10 seconds) in order to be able to login. Then Uninstalling the application, either by the Uninstaller of PS or by using the ELA uninstaller created when the Install package is created. Systems are Apple 10.8.2 with Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Created installer for Master Suite.  This has now appeared on six or seven systems of the approximatly 200 that got the install. The applications ran normally with no problems for about two weeks bu now the problems are popping up for no appearent reason.
Looking for any solutions for a problem that has been going on for some time and have systimatically changed configuations, reloaded drivers, etc. Here is the paticulars. PC with dual core processor, 4gb ram, os XP sp3, PS cs3, Lightroom 3.6. When I launch PS or LR the Wacom tablet get realy jerky responding and lags in responding to input.
When I open PS my powerbook screen turns a a light blue like a photofilter had been applied to it. The second I shot down the app, my screen color returns to normal. This only happens with PS not LR, AI or any other app I have. Also it just started last night and is continuing to be troublesome today. Obviuose I cannot properly correct photos when everything has a blue tint to it.
i have a mac air 10.8.3 with cs6 V13.1.2 x64. The machine is running fine. I use an external usb apple keyboard, which is brand new (having just been returned from apple after a warranty case). Â Launching Photoshop causes the space bar, the enter key, the up-down-left-right keys to become unresponsive to the entire operating system, even after photoshop is closed. Restarting the mac resolves the issue. Photoshop is the only foreground application launched, nothing else is running (other than background services and things like dropbox, sip, etc). Â The issue affects both the external usb keyboard, and the in-built keyboard.I have tried deleting my photoshop prefs file, which makes no difference. Â I have noted that bringing up the keyboard viewer ( Keyboard preferences > 'show keyboard & character viewers in menu bar'; then from the icon choosing 'Show keyboard viewer' ) will not show the key as being depressed. CLICKING on the SPACEBAR key, the ENTER or ARROW KEYS in the keyboard viewer also does not work!
From my C# windows forms app, I want to launch AutoCAD 2006 and 2007..This code is working with 2006 :
Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplication acadApp = new Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplicationClass(); I'm using references to Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop + .Common version
I want to launch AutoCAD 2007, too. So, I added a reference to AutoCAD 2007.Type Library from COM. And now I'm getting a lot of compiling errors :
Error 448 The type 'Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplicationClass' exists in both 'd:CIMS.NETCimsWinClientinDebugAutodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.dll' and 'c:WINDOWSassemblyGAC_MSILAutodesk.AutoCAD.Interop17.0.54.0__eed84259d7cbf30bAutodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.dll'
What should I do to launch different versions of AutoCAD from C#, based on user choice ?
I have AutoCad2013 Â installed on my system, I am running Windows 8.1, my system updated automatically. After updating none of my Autodesk software will launch. When I try Inventor I get a capatibility error and I follow the link and get the SP1 file but it says it also no capatible. When I try and launch Autocad 2013 I get an error thas says" acad.exe This app has failed to start because its side by side configuration is in correct" I als have Revit 2013 on my system and an error comes up saying "This app was unable to start correctly (Oxc0150002)"
I use an embedded excel file I a lot of my drawings. 90% of the time a double click opens excel for editing with no problem. But every so often I get a stubborn one that just will not open. It will select and the quick properties box will appear and then the properties box, but nor firing up of Excel. Usually if I am persistent I can get it to work, but I have one right now that is more stubborn than I am.
I had trouble installing the program on Windows 7 after aborting on the first try when an error message about a font issue appeared and I wanted to find out more info. It took four retries, rebooting and adjusting my security settings I have it installed as a trial version (I think), but when I try to launch the program it goes through the initiallization process each time and then shuts down just as it is launching. Do I uninstall and start again from scratch? I have experience in installing 2000LT and 2004LT on various computers over the years with out ever having an installation issue.Â