So my boyfriend wants to remove his knuckle tattoos. There is a letter on each knuckle in red and black ink. How can we remove these ourselves without having to get laser removal or any of that really expensive stuff?
I'm planning on getting a number of tattoos to round it up to my final 7 suns. I already have one on each ankle and one over my heart, and have been meaning for a long time to get the rest. I have been gathering ideas for the last month or so and am putting the finishing touches on my visions. The problem is, I'm not much of an artist (especially with photoshop or GIMP) and I want my designs to be PERFECT as they will be with me forever.
I was hoping I could post what I have developed so far and have someone here with much more expertise and skill to perfect my designs, taking out the kinks and rounding out the edges (literally and figuratively). I still plan on meeting with my tattoo artist to go over the final designs and make sure what that he is capable of recreating my designs as accurately as possible. I will list the designs in order of preference and percentage "done" thus far.
This one is for my chest, right over where the pendent from my necklace rests on my sternum. This one pretty much "done" but I was wanting you thought some concerns I had, such as: allowing enough room in the center so the rays aren't obstructed by the pendant; ensuring the rays don't run into my other tattoo located on my chest; and think about possible sagging or loss of shoulder muscle affecting the pairing of the center of the sun and the pendent on the necklace. This is certainly something I will talk about with my tattoo artist and other people as well.
This next one is for the upper part of my back shoulder. Instead of just two spirals winding around each other to comprise separate rays, try seven different spirals winding outwards. Also, draw the rays, sans “flames.”
This one is for my other shoulder. Only in black and “flesh tone,” no red. Rays should be simplified to just a dominant, black portion (~70%) with a sliver outline of the rest of the area, as shown here by the red section in this tattoo. Seven rays instead of 12, with the one of the rays oriented North pole. Have rays extending down top of upper arm if possible. I was going to fill the center of the sun with some other designs I already have.
how to remove a watermark using Paint.NET? I know, I know, they're there on pictures for a reason. I'd buy the picture if I could, but I can't. I have Paint.NET v3.5.8.
In contrast to version PSPPX3, the new PSPX4 has implemented a tool that will remove all necessary keys and folders from your system. It works on all supported systems without problems.
follow the description below if you want to remove PSPX4 from your system.
How to remove PSPX4
Go to Start - Control Panel - Add and remove (XP) / Programs and Features (Vista, Windows 7) and remove PSPX4.
Restart the system if you want to reinstall it.
Additional note: No further action is required. Using other uninstall tools is neither good nor necessary.
My problem is My PSP X2 stopped working so I tried a repair all to no avail ..I then tried removing it via windows add and remove which it said it had done ..I then tried reinstalling it But a message came on the screen saying I already had PSP X2 installed on my computer still? I then used Revo unistaller program which found I still had it on my computer and which removed it (according to Revo) and again I tried to do a fresh install only to yet again get the message I had PSP X2 installed ..So somewhere in my computer PSP resides
I have a picture that was edited by someone else, what I need to know is, how do I remove the effects he put on the picture? Â Apparently he wrote (using an editor) something on the background, then using an editor, covered it up with and effect. Â I need to see what he wrote before covering it up. Â I really would like to know how to editor picture in general for I find this really really cool!
I'm new in I have used a little bit photoshop. I need to create photos like this URL....So I need to create new background and edit people also so they match with the background. I think i need to remove the original background first, but what do i have to do after that?
I need to know how to make these pixels in the picture go away. I tried making the background black but It makes it look ugly. Is thier an eaiser way to do this?
how to remove text from background. Im making a Homepage, and the banner of my navigation has a text i dont want there. Here is an image of what i mean.
I need to get all the text removed, so i can add my own. if it is possible.
I was watching a video on youtube when a came upon a brush set called lens flares, since I already had the Custom Brushes Mini plug-in, I was amazed by the lens flares. So then I went to Brusheezy(Dot)com and searched lens flares, there was a brush pack that was the lens flares I was looking for, so I did the process so I could use them, but then when I went to use the magic wand tool, and delete the black colour for it to be transperent, not all the black was gone, I tried changing the tolerance to remove more black, but it wouldn't budge.
We have an old black & white photograph which has a bad crease acrosss the middle. This shows up as a ragged white line after scanning in. What is the best way to remove this a blend the grays together?
I have tried the clone tool which work quite well but you can see the circles and curves from the brush on the clone tool although I have tried various point sizes. Is there perhaps a way to use the clone tool then select the area and blend the gray together to get rid of the curves from the brush?
Trying very hard to figure out how to remove the white box from around this image and preserve it to use in another background. I can not get the steps right. Can a seasoned user give me a few easy steps.
Applying the Oil Paint filter (CS6 Windows 7), I get a "halo" effect around certain common objects. Quite a few halos appear and they are not very natural looking. Click on image to get a better look.
The printer setting - I could never save it.For my label printer LP2844, every time I print, it defaults to Width=4.88 and Height=11.00 and some unprintable area settings. Every time I do my first printing, I have to change it (to 4"x6"). I have gone thru my Windows printer device setting (properties, preferences, advanced, etc) and I have removed the printer device, deleted and driver, reinstalled everything and it still does it.Then I try it on another PC. Same thing.Paint shop Pro X4 Pro V14.3.0.3 licensed version. I paid for it.It seems like Paint shop saves its own printer saving somewhere and I can't re-save it.
I'm trying to remove skin blemishes like acne but not sure what is PSP x4's equivalent to Adobe's cloning?
It's where you can select an area that you want to fix up and when u drag the mouse anywhere else around the face, it clones that skin over the selected skin blemish.
With PaintShop Pro x6, is there a way to remove text from a shirt in the image and get the entire shirt one solid color? The shirt in the photo is not flat, it is wavy.