Paint.NET :: Can't Edit Text Layer Imported From Photoshop
Oct 30, 2012
I installed the plugin enabling me to open psd files, and have been working on a psd file that was created in photoshop. I've been able to make various changes, but I can't see how to edit a text layer?
I cannot go back and edit a text layer. There appears to be no way to re-edit text once you move off of the text area during it's creation. Am I missing something? Is there a great plugin to fix this deficit?
since the last update for Paintshop Pro X4, I can't add a new layer form the layers palette and I cant edit the text color at all. I can change the color in the palette but it will not change in the text at all. Is it me or is it a bug?
I have a family photo including many text layers. I'm trying to edit the text in a selected large multi-line text layer. I'm following the steps from the appropriate PSE article, but I always end up creating a new layer and the red/green no-go/go option. I thought I should just be able to double-click the text layer and start editing.
I've done it before in earlier versions and I assume it's in the same place but where is the option to rotate a brush in CS6, I have to many layers to deal with transform after applying I know it's here somewhere?
Cut and pasted text from a pdf to Encore menu page. The text is a bit hard to read, so I want to change the font, etc. However, I am not able to edit the text in Encore or Photoshop. I tried to recreate a new page and copied the same text, but this is how it pasted. I am not able to word wrap it or get it to appear as the original. What am I doing wrong? I have not rasterized anything. Not sure if it's point text or paragraph at this point.
I am trying to design a pattern with different peoples names in (You can see a rough one I did in the image below, all the 'NAME HERE''s are on seperate text layers) and would like to know if there is a way to update all the type (i.e. change the 'NAME HERE' to actual names) at once? I know you can link the layers and press shift to edit the formatting but I want to update the actual letters.
I've come across an issue using X6 I haven't seen before. After working on a multi-layer pspimage file, saving it and reloading I can no longer edit one of the raster layers. When the layer is selected with the pick tool it shows the circle with line when mousing over. It was not merged or locked so not sure what's causing this and never came across this with any of the previous PSP versions I've used.
UPDATE: Tried making sure it was the top layer and still could not edit the layer. I then made all the other layers invisible and at that point it would allow editing the image. Is there some hidden feature in X6 I'm missing or is this a quirk?
I am trying to make a Christian calendar and entered text on to my background layer and can not edit this. I have tried to duplicate the background layer so it is not locked but I still can not edit this text.
how do you redo text once you've moved onto something else. For instance, I wrote some text and then later on decided that I wanted to edit it but it's not clickable for some reason. For the life of me, how to make the text clickable to change it.
I am new here, but have used for about 2 years. I am not a graphic artist or artistic. But I use the program to create posters and printable material for the small church I pastor.
Any way to edit the text after it is rendered. I have seen friends do this on other programs (PaintShop comes to mind). Is there a plug in for this? Is this planned for the future?
I am facing challenges to edit the text. I was making logo and for that I need to add three different colors text. I added the first text with selecting color & font, then I added the new text with different color & fonts on the same layer.
But, if I want to edit the previous text, how can I edit that one?
I need to know how can I edit the text of a scanned card? I am working on a project and I need to submit as soon as possible.
edit the text of a scanned card and I want the logos as well. I don't want to remove the logos that are on the current card and neither don't want to miss the background of the card.
I have a web design comp in Photo-Paint X5 with all of my layers nice and organized, and some are hidden. If I edit a text layer, upon exiting the edit all of my hidden layers reappear, but only within a "group". It's very annoying to have to go back and hide all of those layers again.
I have added 9pt vector text in multiple places of an image. Now I realize it should have been 8pt. I can add new text as 8pt but cant figure out how to change the point size of vector text that is already on the image. If I select a vector text object and then change the point size on the "Size" drop down menu at the top nothing happens. If I right click the vector object and select Edit Text I can change the actual text but not the font or its size. If I right-click the vector object and select Properties I can change stroke, fill, line style etc but this window does not include font or size. How do I change the font and point size for existing vector text objects?
I create a graphic in Corel Draw X4 and export it as a .png file. It is a button with rounded corners. It will be going on a black background when put into an iphone app. So as to not have the little white corners show up from the rectangular export window, I made the button on top of a black rectangle, slightly larger than the button. I then selected the black to be transparant during the dialogs of exporting to png. When viewed in an image viewer the black is indeed transparent and does not show up. All looks fine.
To test what it will look like when put on top of a black background, I also make a black square and export it as a .png. I then open the black background in Corel Photopaint and then import the graphic into the background image. A siloutte of it shows up with the marque borders but the graphic itself (the colors and contents of the graphic don't). When combined with the black background it just disappears. Why doesn't it just lay on top of the other graphic?
The text tool is not showing my text when used on a new layer.I understand the layer itself is transparent, but thought I could put text on it (allowing me to delete the layer and rebuild that text if I decided the placement didn't work as expected.)I can put text on the canvas itself and that works as expected.All input welcomed. I'm guessing I'm missing something simple.DETAILS for those who care.
I'm building an e-book cover.I sized the canvas to the size of my cover.After creating a new layer, I assumed I could put my text in that layer (My book title, author, etc.), and then on another layer put my graphics/photos and later merge them all together once the placement/sizing was right.Once I add a new layer, the text tool appears to be writting, but it's writing in a transpent font from what I can tell. if I go back to the original canvas, the text tool is working and I can change the color/font size/style, etc as expected.
how to use the text tool on the canvas layer, but once adding another layer.
I've imported fbx file into max but now I cannot edit it, nor can I collapse any modifiers from the stack. I believe it is because the fbx file is linked and I'd like to breake this connection so I can edit my model.
I just purchased a plr blog and I cannot figure out how to edit the header text. I want to change the text to match my domain name. The file is a psd but I believe can edit psd?
I've been marking-up images with vector text (on vector layer) and have some issues. After clicking to position the text box, typing in text and then clicking the CHECK tool button to 'set', how does one go about deselecting that text object? It's not working smoothly here!!
I am creating a photo collage and have created a Vector Layer (Text Tool) however I am unable to see this text on top of a Raster Layer (Photo). However the Text is visible if I move it onto the Background. I am unable to Arrange the Text to the Top.
But Im trying to watermark my still pictures of a gif i created, and whenever I add text to one image, I dont know how to make the text "bleed through" to the other images so I wont have to replace them in the same place ect. it always looks sloppy and out of place whenever I re-type the text into a different image.
I've tried to import a dwg file that was created by someone else but I'm having a hard time editing it. I can scale it and move it and things like that, but if i wish to change the height. I tried scaling it, but it messes up the object. The object I am trying to shorten is a measuring rack on this site [URL].......
I can't change the objects height. Perhaps it's because it's a block reference or something. I've tried editing the block itself, but i have no luck in trying to edit the height. I cant splice it either.
I've attached the file im trying to change the height of.