Lightroom :: Import And Backup To Another Location Without Folder Being Named
Oct 6, 2012
I am moving files from my desktop.
I am adding them to my LR catalogue, and while moving them to one external drive, also copying the files to a backup drive.
The files are named and put in the correct folder on the main drive, but the photos backed up to the second drive are put in a folder called "Imported on October 6, 2012".
Why? How do I turn this off?
Latest OSX (10.8), Latest Lightroom.
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Jun 9, 2012
A couple questions on backing up the catalog.
1. What is the default location for the backup?
2.Can I change the default location? I would like to keep the backup on an external drive
3. If I can not change the back up location or Lr must do the backup,can I copy/paste the Catalog I want to keep to my external drive.
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Mar 12, 2013
I understand that Lightroom catalog backup saves only the metadata refering to changes etc. that have been made to photos. My question refers to the backup of the photo files themselves. If I do a Windows Defrag for instance, the photos will probably be moves in that process to a different location on my hard drive. Can Lightroom still find thesse photo files once they are moved? Or, if I restore photo files from an external drive to my internal hard drive which will probably locate them on different locations than they were originally, how does Lightroom associate the Catalog metadata with these newly relocated files?
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Mar 9, 2013
I have a brand new ASUS notebook Win 8 64 bit.
LR4.3 installed to the C: drive (default installation). I am now copying from my external drive all photos to the larger D: data drive.
Of course, I have the very latest catalog backed up to multiple places. The old laptop (Windows 7) was just a single C: drive instead of the two drives I now have.
2 Q: 1) To what location do I copy that backup LR4 catalog?
2) As I remember from some years ago, I also need to double-click on that LR4 catalog once it's in the proper place. Is that right?
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Mar 6, 2013
Trying to make it where I wouldn't have to deal with the idiosyncrasies of the Project file, I created a default project that was rooted to my top level network drive.
All was fine until I did some importing from other formats. All of the sudden there was a new top level network folder called imports.
Ok, bitch session aside on the uselessness of project files, is there an entry in the project file details where I can change the location of this folder?
In SW, I was accustomed to importing a file and then saving it where I was going to use it, not in some convoluted folder structure that had no relation to my active working location.
I mean, why on earth would I want a separate folder for every little part I import?
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Oct 16, 2013
After importing into LR3, I get an error message that says: Some import operations were not performed. The following files could not be copied to the backup location.
Then there is a list of images (usually all of the photos imported). This didn't always happen and I can't pinpoint exactly when it started. My LR catalog and backups are stored on an EHD.
I am currently saving all of my metadata to files (just to be sure) and backing up my catalog so I can upgrade to LR5 (already purchased) but want to be sure my catalog is good before I do that.I've tried everything I know - checking my backup location and drive in LR window match up.
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Nov 4, 2013
Currently moving from pc to mac for my LR. Why do I have to move my Backup folder and how do I do this because I do not want to move all of my photos I have on my old computer?
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Jul 6, 2013
Photoshop Elements 6 (20070910.r.377499)
I do not know why the catalog has changed the file location of "ALL" pictures to the location on my backup drive.
Example: K:My DocumentsMy PicturesPetsPICT1460-1.JPG
The actual location of the original photo is: D:My DocumentsMy PicturesPetsPICT1460-1.JPG
The location of "My Pictures" is on my primary Hard Drive D:My DocumentsMy Pictures
Why is Photoshop changing all of my 37,000+ photo thumbnails to point to my Backup Drive K:?
I need to correct the catalog file. How do I make the correction and stop it from happening in the future?
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Aug 20, 2013
The external hard drive I was storing four years worth of photos on crashed the other day, and I learned the hard way that they weren't on the backup drive like I thought they were. Luckily I was able to recover at least most of them using FileSalvage. Unfurtunately, my ~15,000 images are now in three folders based on file type (JPG, TIF, DNG/NEF), don't have their original file names, and aren't in any particular order.
Is there any way short of manually sifting through the files for me to rebuild the year/month/day chronological folder structure I was storing them in? I'm running Lightroom 4.0 on a OS X 10.8.4.
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Nov 27, 2012
There is a folder on my hard drive that does not appear in the list of folders in the import dialog. I have tried expanding all the other folders around it (my photos are filed by date of capture) to see if it was somehow imported as a subfolder. It is simply not there. I can find and open it and access all the pictures in Photoshop Elements but not in Lightroom 4.
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Feb 20, 2013
When trying to import photos into Lightroom 4 the "check box" on "Make a Second Copy to:" doesn't allow me to check it. The box is not lit to allow me to check it. In the top middle of the Import Screen I have Copy highlighted too. What must I do to get the Backups working during import?
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May 30, 2012
I'm getting ready to build a new PC, and I'm trying to plan out how to move my LR catalog/images.
The problem is that since I've been upgrading my current PC for years and moving user data since XP. The result is that my LR catalog expects some older images to be in c:documents and settings... XP-style, others in c:usersxxx when I moved to Vista, and others in d:usersxxx when I moved my user data to a bigger hard drive. The images are actually all in one location, and there are various OS mappings that make it all work.
I'd like to avoid all this mess with my new setup. Is there a way to essentially do "update folder location" on many folders at once? Unfortunately, they are top-level and don't have a parent folder I could do that to.
Oh yeah, using x64 Lightroom 4 on Win7.
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Dec 14, 2013
Windows 7, LIghtroom 4.4 - when exporting files all works fine when I set the output location to be the same folder as original. If I select 'Specific Folder' then press 'Choose' LR then Lightroom stops working. I've upgraded to LR 5.3 but the same thing happens.
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Jan 15, 2013
Can you import photos into lightroom 4.3 from a cd that has backup photo on it.
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Aug 26, 2012
I have lost my primary copies of all my photos due to a hard drive crash. The only copies I have now are in the folder structure created upon import backup (photos imported on...). My catalog is stored on a third drive, and is uneffected with the exception of all the photos being missing.
How can I match up my catalog with the files that are now not in the folder structure of the origionals? I have 65,000 photos in the cagalog, and locating each folder is daunting.
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Mar 25, 2014
What purpose does this option serve and what is the best way to utilize it
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Nov 12, 2013
My catalog folders are organized by YYYY-MM_TRIPNAME and contain subfolders by YYYY-MM-DD_LOCATIONNAME. Often I want to find a specific image that I took on a trip. I do remember the trip name and often the location name but not the date. How in LR can I search for a folder (or folders) whose name contains the trip or location name? I haven't tagged the image files (I should have but never did). Is there a solution without having to leave LR and go to the OS?
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Mar 17, 2014
When I try to create a new parent folder in Library, the naming box comes up with the message, "read only location". What's wrong?
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Aug 10, 2012
After I edit photos in an external editor, my photo is moved from its original location in the folder, to a different one. The photo stays within the same folder but is moved to a new location within it. This is really annoying as I have a couple thousand photos from a trip to Europe I have been going through, and after my external editor closes and I am returned to LR, I have to find the photo which has been moved to some random spot so I can put it back to where it originally was. I want to keep my photos organized by location, so it really sucks when my photos from Turkey end up with my photos from Hungary. How I can stop this???
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Dec 19, 2013
On Windows, it is possible to move the presets folder to a user-defined location?
By default the presets folder is located at C:UsersusernameAppDataRoamingAdobe. I use Lightroom on both a desktop and laptop and ideally I'd like to sync the presets between them by moving the presets folder to my SkyDrive folder. This way if I create a new preset on one device, it will automatically sync to the other device via SkyDrive.
Yes I realize I can store presets within the catalog folder and I could move my catalog to a SkyDrive folder which would technically accomplish my goal. However that would require sync'ing my entire catalog which I do not want to do; that would generate a lot of syncing traffic back and forth all the time. So I want my catalog and my presets in seperate locations, and I want to define where my presets are stored, which I haven't seen an option for.
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Apr 16, 2013
When I edit a photo in Photoshop from Lightroom 4 and save it back to Lightroom, the photo ends up somewhere else in the folder than it's original location. This is a hassle as my folders can have hundreds of photos. Is there a setting that will place the file back to where it came from?
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Jul 27, 2013
When I open Elements 9 in Folder Location the images displayed are not those in the highlighted folder. Similarly if I select another folder I see another selection of images from elsewhere in the structure.
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Dec 9, 2012
I'm new to Elements 10 and I'm having a hard time figuring things out but 1 thing in particular. I'm on a PC and use Windows 7.I already import a lot of pic's to Elements or so I thought.
When I'm in "Folder Location" and click on a folder it doesn't display any pictures and says "No files from this folder have been imported into Elements Organizer. To add any files, right click on the folder and select "Import to Organizer"
So I do as I'm told and then i get this error."Nothing was imported. The files or folders selected to import did not contain any supported file types or the files are already in this catalog."
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Apr 3, 2013
I am using the trial version of Elements. I imported photos from my G drive, but it refuses to import the photos under the folder named "My Pictures". It sees the folder and subfolder, but not the pictures, even though it imported all of the photos under other folders, and imported the pictures in My Pictures under the C drive. Is there any way I can import the photos without renaming the folder?
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Jan 29, 2013
How would one set up a default import location, such as a directory below "My Pictures" or a flash drive? I don't see a way to create a macro or a preset that would step straight into a directory holding new images. In Windows, there are about six or eight levels from the top of the hierarchy to a location below My Pictures. There should be a way to automate the source location.
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Mar 27, 2014
Right now my default import location is pointing to my c drive and I need it to go to my E drive
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Nov 3, 2011
I am trying to change my default import location on my MAC Pro Tower, to one of the internal HD's. I have named the HD Photo Location, and have created a folder in it called it "My Lightroom Photos". I have been able to create this, but cannot seem to ber able to make it my default when I open LR 3.5. I have to manually go in and change it. Is there a way that this can be changed to make it my default?
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Nov 10, 2013
I use LR 5 and I cannot seeme to get my location data imported when I import my photos. The data is there because it show up in PS Bridge but it is not in the metadata record in Lightroom and the map module cannot find it. I looked through all of the setting and I found nothing that would preclude location from being loaded.
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Sep 8, 2013
I am unable to import pictures from my camera or any other location. The following message appears:"Import Results..Some import operations were not performed.
The following files were not imported because they could not be read (1):..I tried this and does not work
"Generally, when things work at first and then suddenly stop working, the problem is with the preference files. These tell Lightroom how to behave and if something goes wrong with them, it tells the program to behave in a way that causes errors.
We'll want to recreate the preference file. Simply delete, rename, or move the file while Lightroom is closed and then reopen. On launch, Lightroom attempts to read this file for instructions, if it not there a new one is created with all default settings.
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Dec 19, 2011
hiya! so my master media library is running off a 1 tb outboard drive to lightroom and i have a 2 tb outboard drive as a master backup, i drag new media over to the drive through finder on a mac- will this be able to connect to lightroom's catalog in case of the primary drives eventual failure? is there a better way?
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Feb 8, 2014
Cannot import files into LR 4.4 or LR5 - get this message: ""Some important operations were not performed - Could not copy file to requested location" I could import files a week ago and can do it with LR3 Using an iMac LR4.4 works on the MacPro - maybe the desktop?
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