I've exported a book I've created as a PDF. Now I would like to import that book template to a different Lr4 user...how do I go about that? I've tried exporting it as a catalog, that works except that's a pain in the butt to do just for a book - and also all my images go with it too!
I have a book that was created in Blurbs BookSmart. I saved it as a Template. Is there some way I can import that template into LR 4.4 to use as a guide for a new book?
I created a book in the lightroom 4 book module using a photo catalogue. This photo catalogue is updated with new photo every week in the library module, and I would like to be able to use these new photos in the book module. Is there a way to sync the library and book module so when I add some picture in my catalogue in the library module the new photos will appear in the book module?
I think I chose the wrong option when I saved a book, I clicked on save only used photos, I now cant add more photos. I think I should have saved a virtual copy. Do I have to start again?
When I upgraded my LR4 catalogue to LR5, a book collection failed to import. What can I do to fix this problem so that I can continue working on the book project in LR5?
I am using OS/X 10.8.5 I can see under the Catalog there is a folder for Lightroom Settings, and the Filename Templates folder exists.
I also tried clicking on the various template names, which gave me the option to install them. They then disappeared from the folder. But were not available.
I had previously also tried Resetting Filename Template under Catalog Preferences.
In one the former VS (from Ulead times) there was a rustical opening book template. The book with brown or red cover opens and the pages could be edited ( i have it on my earlier videos ) . I am unable to find this template on my computers and there is nothing similar in the VS X6.
I am in the process of making a photobook using Lightroom and discovered when I reached page 240 that I couldn't add any additional pages, much to my surprise. I was surprised because I knew from Blurb's website that the limit for standard paper is 440 pages and mistakenly assumed that this limit would also apply within Lightroom. I did more research online and found many others being surprised by this limitation after spending hours and days on a photo book. I will likely work around this by exporting from Lightroom to .jpg and uploading to Blurb, but that will take extra time and effort and reduces the appeal of using Lightroom to create a Blurb book. I had also tried exporting from Lightroom to .pdf only to find that the .pdf format exported by Lightroom is not compatible with the requirements of Blurb.
I am trying to up load a 40 page 12" x 12" photo book to Blurb from the book module in Lightroom 4.2. It renders the pages and then having rendered the cover gets stuck, about 50% to 60% through the process. None of the photographs are starred or colour coded. I have uploaded successfully from this iMac in the last few weeks.
I have made a template for my mapbooks and I got the main viewport, key viewport and adjacent map arrows to work great, but the title block is proving more difficult. I have tried it many ways, in a seperate drawing in model space which did not work, in the template as a block in a layout which came in, but did not allow me to edit any foelds unless exploded, etc, etc...
How to use an existing company title block incorporated into the map book template?
I purchased Lightroom 5 and am creating a photo book through Blurb. I accidently erased 38 pages, so after I re-created them, I clicked on Create Saved Book, which put it in Collections. Now I am trying to work on the book again, and can open it, but when I go to the Library of photos, Lightroom automatically repopulates a new book with all the photos in that file and won't let me put them in the book I saved. How can I get this partially finished book so that I can use it?
I am an archaeologist working with survey equipment and Map3D for a few years but now I have the following problem.
When I import the shapefiles created in my leica/topcon equipment into Map3D (mapimport) there is the possibility to select which attributes are going to be imported with an import profile file (.ipf).
How do I create the above and save it so that I do not have to go through the same process again?
Is it possible to import my existing webpages I have saved on my PC. I want to re-design them and make a few changes etc. I only seem to be able to import the images from a page. Am I being dim or is this simply done? I am using Designer Pro 6
I've imported a pdf template (2x2 labels) into corel draw. I've finished designing the first label and want to fill in the rest of the sheet. will not allow me to cut and paste.
I am attempting to import an external drawing into my own template. However this particular drawing refuses to insert. I have inserted quite a few from the same source but this one will not insert.
When I import a layout from template it takes about 5-10 min of ACA not responding before it will actually import the layout from my template file. It will do this on any new file the first time and then it will work just fine after that. This was happening with ACA 2013 and now with 2014.
One of my customers has come to me with a job of engraving and cutting out personalised seat name tags for large football/soccer stadiums upto 75,000 tags.This will envolve engraving seat numbers and details in to a sheet of acrylic 600mm x 600mm in size (each tag is 80mm x 40mm so approx 78 per sheet)
Whilst I can design the template or drawing quite easliy, I can't seem to get the data from the .csv file (each tag will have 3 records in it. SEAT NUMBER, NAME, MESSAGE) in to just one page / template. when I use the print merge function all I can seem to produce is 78 pages of one seat tag each.
I'm sure there must be a way of producing the 78 tag template so I can just import the relivant data, but I'll be a monkeys uncle if I can find it....
I have created Template drawing files of D Size, C Size, B Size with defined title blocks and dwg sheet information on it. These template files i want to used in 2011 Solid Works . I don't want to again create the Title Blocks , Border layout and Sheet information for Solid Works. How can i import or make use of ready templates created in Inventor to Solid Works. ?
I am using inventor 2010 sp1. I have a content center part that I want to replace the family template. I am having problems doing so on random components. Sometimes it lets me and sometimes not. I cannot pinpoint any differences or irregularities between the different library parts.
I am recieving the message indicating..."Import Part Invalid"
Here is my process
Open from content center and save to another folder with or without the same name. Open Content Editor right click and replace family template Recieve this message. "Import Part Invalid"
I've got a project that we made some changes to several of our Civil 3D styles. I'm trying to use the Manage/Import Civil 3D styles utility to update my template. It's not working. When the dialog comes up, it shows me what styles are new with a green plus sign next to it. It does not show me the items that are in conflict (changed). Once I process it, the new style does get added to my template but the modified styles did not come over.
I have recently installed Lightroom 5 and I can´t save a book. I choose a folder from library than in book module I select autolayout. Than I save the book and when I navigate outside and return to the saved book it doesn´t show the book filled with the fotos added befor anymore, despite in top appears the saved name.
The album suppliers that I use all require book pages to be uploaded as JPGs. Lightroom 4 only lets me use Blurb (which I don't want to use), or export to PDF.
I realize that I can import the PDF into Photoshop and save them as JPGs, but when I do so, it saves the left side of the page spread as a file and the right side as a file. Most ROES programs from album suppliers require that pagespread be uploaded as one image that encompasses both the left and right side of the page spread.
I realize that I can go through and merge two JPGs together to create a pagespread, but doing so is time consuiming and requires that I resave each JPG an extra time, thereby losing quality. good way to get pagespread JPGs out of the lightroom book module? how to get pagespreads out of a PDF that looks at each side of the pagespread as a separate image?
While useing LR 4 and makeing a Book (13x11 w/164 pgs) when I go to export a PDF it freezes up everytime around the 150ish page. also when I go to export a blurb it loose pages over 50ish
I have a Book I'd like to put together. Problem is, I have some phtos here at work to use, and some at home. Is it possible to copy the book from one compter to another, so I can work on the book at both locations?
I've read several times that the only way to get a custom book size in the book module is to edit/create one in Illustrator or Scribus. In this interview with Kevin Tieskoetter he mentions that he would be documenting this process, so I imagine it's allready doable.
"All of the templates we ship with Lightroom are made using Illustrator, and I'll be documenting the process for creating those. We've also successfully made templates using InDesign and the freeware tool called Scribus, so if you need templates in different sizes, you'll have a range of options."
I want to try this. But where do I find the files that I'm to edit? Where do they reside on my computer? I'm using a Mac OSX 10.6.8 and can't seems to find anything that resembles tenplate files.