I have a Nikon D7100 with two memory cards. I'm trying to upload the images to Lightroom 5. For some reason, Lightroom has uploaded only about 170 images from the second disk. It doesn't seem to know that there are more images on that disk which have not been uploaded. And it doesn't seem to know that there are more than 700 images on the first disk, none of which has been uploaded. What should I do?
We are getting loads of RAW files together with xmp files from our photographers and then do a central post production on them. Our photographers are requested to add certain information into the metadata fields by using lightroom.So they add (by using a template or by doing it manually) certain information for each image - e.g. ratings.
Then they upload all the images together with the xmp files - we do get 2 files per image.If we download e.g. an raw image together with that xmp file and store on our disk and then start LR4.4 to do some further work, the metadata fields are not set. (if we use however a text editor) to look into the xmp file then the requested information is there.
If we now simply download the provided xmp again, LR detects a change in the metadata fields and reminds us on that. By clicking on "read metadata from file", we can then see the correct metadata information.So it looks by just downloading a pair of files (raw and xmp) and then import into lightroom , the xmp file is either NOT read at all or only partly. (i believe the first)
Any way to force LR to read in and apply the metadata from an existing xmp on import ?
some more information:
- LR5 Beta behaves the same way
- some photographers add owner/copyright information into the camera (e.g. by using eosutility in the canon case) - this is stored in the raw (cr2 for canon) file and lightroom does show this information correctly
- i only need to open the xmp file in an editor and save - then LR detects changed/updated metadata information and displays the little arrow which then allows to read/import the metadata information from the file - and then all is fine and the information from the xml file is shown in LR.
Here is the workflow:
- photographer imports images into their local lightroom and do some modifications - mainly add metadata information
- photographers provide the cr2(nef) files together with the xmp files to us (upload)
- we download and import the files into LR and rework them and finally export to jpeg including metadata - !!! if LR does not correctly use the provided metadata information from the xml file during import then we end up with jpegs including incorrect/missing metadata
- we publish the jpegs to sell them and the websoftware does provide certain features or not, depending on the metadata (which is wrong in these cases)
- we only recognize the problen then and have a lot of work to recreate correct jpegs with correct metadata files
Not very technical but just upgraded my camera to a Canon 6D and tried to upload my raw images to LIghtroom v 4.4. Keep getting and error message that it does not recognize the files.
I am having problems uploading my pictures into a sight called
and the pictures keeping the right color quality. I have been using Photoshop CS5 extended for about a year now, I never had a problem with colors before but now when trying to upload into
and they are looking very saturated instead of bright and bold colors like should. I don't know what is wrong if it's Photoshop or snap fish. I have been trying to contact snapfish and figure the problem out with them as well. I can take my images from one computer to another and they are still bright and bold until I try to upload them into
I am trying to upload images around 40k to a website but it tells me images must not be less than 200k and to upload higher quality images instead. I have tried everything including save as and save for web, etc., to no avail.
Recently purchased Elements 11 and cannot load Raw images from also recently purchased Nikon D600. Is there a download and if so where is it and how does it work?
When I create images for my web sites in X4, upload them into Expression Web, insert them into the page and use the thumbnail tool, the thumbnails appear badly pixelated, as though they were posterized. This did not happen when using PSP8. I save my images for the web as 72 DPI, uncompressed JPEGs. There must be something different about the images output from X4 and those output from PSP8. Image info doesn't show anything suspect.
I have a Canon EOS Rebel T4i and am using Photoshop Elements 11. I have successfully been uploading images, raw and jpeg until yesterday. There is no plug in sound when I wire to the USB port and my images will not upload. However, they load successfully to my laptop.
When saving images in CS6 I can see them as preview icons of the image in finder by itself, but if I open a file in photoshop to find an image, i only have titles and not the images. ALSO when I go to upload an image to blog or facebook, again I have no image icon of what is there, only a blank space and a file name. I HATE THIS as it makes it takes too much time to figure out where the picture is. I am a graphic artist and a painter and I cannot work like this. Does not matter what type of file.. tiff, png, jpg etc... there is no image to see when opening through photoshop or any upload situation. I am able to see the images from FINDER by itself or if I am placing them into MUSE or INDESIGN.
Why I cannot see them to load on blogger or facebook or to open them in photoshop.
Mac OS X lion 10.7.4 NVIDIA GEforce 7300 GI 256 MB 2x2.66 GHx Daul Core Intel xcon 10 GB 667 mhz ddr2 fbdimm
I receive an error message "An error occurred sending the file: Connection to the server failed" My FTP seems ok. This problem arose after reinstalling w7 though not sure that is relevant.
I tried to use the FTP upload feature in Web. Unfortunatly LR can not connect to (Browse function). The very same FTP account words with others clients.
I cannot upload any photos. I click import and go to the file source but it either says could not copy file to requested location, or gives me a bunch of random stuff that does not work or is not even in my files.
This is the error message I get when I try to upload my raw files into LR4 from my Canon 5D MarkIII:
"The files are from a camera which is not recognized by the raw format support in LR. (7)
ex file # 5B9A0008.CR2
I recently upgraded from a 5D classic to the MarkIII. Jpeg's upload fine. I've googled, looked in the manual, searched for LR update and nothing has worked.
I have a huge library and sometimes I like to setup certain catalogs based on the type of image.. what I cant do on import is only select TIFF's or JPGs or whatever I am trying to get into one location. Please make this a sortable field for import ok?
I got the beta 4.1 and it's giving me the following message when trying to uploading images (update collection) to flickr. LR 4.0 was working great. Is there a specifc forum for 4.1beta errors?
"An internal error has occurred: Error Domain=NSXMLParserErrorDomain Code=4 UserInfo=0x11b7b1d80 "Line 1: Document is empty"
I'm still having troubles in uploading the books in Lightroom; I use LR 5.2 with Windows 8 64 bit and even if I turn off the firewall and antivirus, it keeps me saying that there is an error in uploading.
I tried also to remove the background and graphic, but with no luck. I would really like to use this feature, but up to now is not workable. PS: I can save it as *.pdf.
I have no presets marked to run(that I know of), and my raw images look great, but the first time I look at them individually, they change a full stop brighter... What is going on! I correctly expose each image and am having to overhaul them in LR.
I have loaded Lightroom 4.1RC and can't upload Raw from Canon 5d mkiii. I can load to DPP then drag to desktop and then drag to Lightroom but not direct from camera.
I have a 150 page book I am trying to upload from Lightroom to Blurb. It does contain quite a lot of photos (900-ish) and I have tried using a cable as well but to no awail. I am able to download a pdf version.
The process works like this: It starts "rendering" photos which works well. Then it starts "uploading photos" and after a while a pop-up message appears saying that problems have occured and do I want to retry uploading.
I have tried keeping the computer from going to sleep but with the same result.
While trying to upload pictures from LR4 to FB, I got the message " 7.0 attempt to index a nil value " this referred to an error while uploading LR's plug in portion for export!
I am running LR 5.3 and CS6 with the latest updates all installed on a Mac running Maverick (10.9.1). why cropped pictures in LR5 do not upload to CS6? There is no message that it didn't work properly.
In addition, when I undo the cropping in LR, the photo will upload to CS6, however, part of the photo will be destroyed.
I am unable to upload PEF File to LR 5 or Elements 11 If thay do upload file Disappear in front of me. New camera a Pentax K3 shoting Raw I ave two typs of file that I can used PEF or DNg files
I successfully created and uploaded a book to Blurb a few months ago. I edited a little bit of text and tried uploading again, and now I'm getting an error message that photos can't be rendered. I'm at a loss about what this message means. I'm in Lightroom 5.0 now.
When i used the older Lightroom 3 I was able to upload video files (.mov) to Flickr. Now, with LR5.2 Flickr shows those files as grayed out .mp4 files and do not upload.Same camera, Canon 7D.