Lightroom :: How To Upload Pictures From LR4 To Facebook
May 16, 2013
While trying to upload pictures from LR4 to FB, I got the message " 7.0 attempt to index a nil value " this referred to an error while uploading LR's plug in portion for export!
With the new LR5 I've problems in uploading pictures to facebook. The folder is created on Facebook, but I can't upload any pictures (I've the German version)
I recently tried to upload some pictures to facebook, i created a new album and started the upload which ran no problem. But when visiting facebook the album is there but it is empty.I have tried several times all to no avail.
I am an administrator on a Facebook business page and want to create albums and upload photos on this business page. I access the business page through my personal Facebook page. Lightroom authorizes with my personal page and I can upload photos to it no problem but I can't see how to give Lightroom access to the business page
I've been trying so hard to upload high quality photos on facebook but the compression used by facebook is just so bad that all the hours used to edit the photos is left in vain. There seem to be an action uploadable on Photoshop to keep the quaity of the photo before uploading it to facebook. Is there a similar action/present for lightroom 5 as well?
After upgrading to LR 4.4 the publish service to Facebook semms to not work anymore.
I'm publishing from the new LR 4.4 to Facebook. I create a new Collection in LR 4.4, enters a Album name and presses the Create button. I see that the Album is created Ok on my Facebook account Then I add some pictures, and executes 'Publish now' After a minute, I gets the message the the 'Upload failed and no returning string was received from Facebook'.
I am not able to publish my pictures on Face Book, after dng conversion , its not letting the face book album to publish on wall, its not letting the dng photos, the errormessage coming that "cant upload to the facebook album named cover photos please make sure the adobe photoshop lightroom app has permission to upload with the privacy level off this album''.
we have checked the privacy level is ok, the light room is not permitting to publish the photos on the wall, it only comes as cover photo,
I have edited a series of photographs that I want to upload to Facebook, and it seems that any file I save from Photoshop CS6 will not upload. Facebook reports the following error:
Security Check Required A security check is required to proceed.Below is a snap shot from my Save for Web dialog box, and I don't see anything there that would prevent me from uploading the said image to Facebook
Adobe Photoshop CS6 V13.00 64bit Extended Mac OSX 10.7.4
I uploaded the lightroom 30 day free trial that i received when i purchased adobe photoshop elements 10. I am now unable to upload pictures directly to my computer because every time i put a memory card in, lightroom pops up and they upload there. Because of this i can not upload the photos to any other program, including the program that i spent $80 to use. I have tried deleting the shortcut, but this doesn't uninstall the lightroom program. I am not sure how to uninstall it because i want it off of my computer.
I created an image using the new Gimp 2.8 update, but when I try to upload the image to Facebook it gets all blurry. Any other photos I upload are fine, and I made another image in Gimp 2.6 of the same size (2400 pixels x 1800 pixels) which uploads normally, but for some reason no matter what I do the new picture made in 2.8 always uploads blurry.
I exported the image to jpeg format (although I also tried png) without messing with the export settings at all. Do I need to change them to make it upload to Facebook normally?
When I want to upload pictures into Lightroom 5.2RC the window is black and no picture is shown. This was also true for Lightroom 5. The same pictures are imported into LR 4 without any problems.
My system: 27" IMac newest generation, 16GB Ram. Uploading from a Ricoh GR, Fuji X-Pro 1, Fuji X100 directly or from a Hama cardreader USB 2 or 3.
i cannot upload photos from Elements Organiser to facebook .. the upload gets as far as 1% and sometimes 12% but stops .. message pops up saying " There was a problem with your internet connection .Please check that the firewall is not blocking Elements Organiser from accessing the internet and that you have a internet connection
1 - Firewall is not blocking EO as i turned of my firewall but still get same message. 2- Have internet access as how come i am typing this on the Adobe site.
have also tried - Edit - Preferences- Adobe Partner and refresh but still same message.
I have a problem with elements 11. I am trying to share my photos on facebook but it will not let me upload them I have activated my account and selected the photos them just comes up to a blank screen and that is a far as I can go.
I'm using Photoshop CS5 on a mac. The photos saved in jpeg is only recognised by photo editing software. E.g. photos are unable to upload to facebook, nor view on a PC unless using paint.
I have tried numerous times to be able to upload directly from PSE 10 to Facebook, but continue to get an error after I sign in to Facebook that says HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.
In Elements 11 on a Windows 8 64 bit machine. I can upload photos to Facebook using the standard quality without any problems.
However if I select the High quality option, the upload appears to work, I get the progress bar, and the done message, and if I select a new album the album is created on Facebook, but the album is empty and the photos do not appear anywhere in etiher the newly created album, or an existing album if that has been selected.
I have many photo albums on Facebook. Using Organizer 10/Share I was able to upload several "batches" of pics to an existing album even though the dropdown list of existing albums only showed 2, one of them was the one I wanted so all was good. Then on about the fifth load the target FB album disappeared from the list leaving only the FB Wall album. Seems like a bug to me.
I cannot upload pictures from my camera, Canon 7D, into Pnotoshop 10. I recently had Photoshop 7 and had no problems. I do seem to be able to upload pics from a thumbdrive.
Ability to upload any videos to Facebook via Lightroom's publish?
I go to the Lightroom Publishing Manager, and in the middle it says, "Videos will not be uploaded into this album. Facebook organizes them under "My Videos". OK, but it doesn't have an option for selecting that album.
My .JPG exports look more vibrant and contrasty when viewed on Flickr and Facebook. I didn't have this issue until I calibrated my monitor. I recently purchased a new monitor (Dell Ultrasharp U2711) and went with the factory calibration for awhile. Using the factory calibration my test prints were acceptable for color but the prints came back a little too dark so I decided to calibrate the monitor with an Xrite i1. I haven't submitted test prints with the new calibration on the monitor yet but I have exported and uploaded some .JPG's to Flickr and Facebook and they look way more vibrant and modestly more contrasty than they do in Lightroom.I want others to see my images the way I intend them to.
When exporting the images I have always selected sRGB as the color space. I tried selecting the monitor profile as the color space for the .JPG's but it didn't make a difference. The exported .JPG images looked the same on Flickr and Facebook. I also tried using a color space called sRGB IEC61966-2.1 but it did not correct the boost in saturation and contrast that I am seeing now either.
I want my exported .JPG's displayed on Flickr and Facebook to look the same as they do in Lightroom. I had no problems with this when I first got the new monitor and was using the factory calibration. It's only become a problem since calibrating the monitor with the i1. I don't think I can go back to using the factory calibration but even if I could, eventually I am going to have to calibrate my monitor.
I don't often publish to facebook, but in the past I have created several collections under the facebook publish service, each going to its own album of the same name.
However today I decided to add 2 photos to an existing album, but when I click publish they appeared in a new album called "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Photos" instead of the existing album.
Is this a change in the plugin or maybe something facebook has changed?
Is there any way to get it to publish direct to albums again?