Lightroom :: Folders In 4 Disappeared From Dock?

Nov 15, 2013

My folders disappeared from dock, they are now showing as date and no longer as named folders. How do i recover my original folders? also now when i click on lightroom i only get an old version..

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Photoshop Elements :: Folders Have Disappeared In The Organizer

Mar 25, 2013

When I opened my Photoshop Elements 11 Organizer all of my folders/albums were gone.  There was an error message that said the media files had been moved since import and were now gone with no backup.  There was a button for RECONNECT which I hit...but all the computer will do is search for the missing files for hours.

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Lightroom :: How To Recover Missing Folders After Merging Two Annual Folders

May 25, 2013

I had two 2013 folders, each with about 100 daily folders. The dates were differnt in each annual folder. I dragged one into the other. The folder where the daily folder was dragged from is now empty but those folders do not appear in the recieving folder. All the photos are still in the catalog, but do not show in the folders (left side panel).

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Lightroom :: Sync LR4 Photo Folders With Explore Folders That Has Been Renamed

Jan 24, 2013

I renamed a lot of my photo folders in Explore. Now in LR4, all these folders appears with an ?. I can't work on pictures from these folders - I get the message: File named xxx is offline or missing. It does not sync the parent folder. Nor does it sync the folder it self. If I right clik on a LR4 folder with a ?, and try to locate the folder, I only get the option to merge the identical folders. Is there any way to sort this. I can't restore the old folder names.

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Lightroom :: Restore Missing Sub-folders Into Folders Panel

Dec 10, 2011

I am using LR3. I appear to be digging a massive hole for myself trying to sort out the catalog. When I first got LR, I had initially added just a small number of files just to see how LR worked. At this time I was still completing sorting out my full photo collection in 'my pictures' which were also copied to two external hard drives. Once that work was completed, I imported a complete folder (some 4000 images) into LR. The folder/subfolders appeared in the folders panel but the sub folders I had initially imported were displayed with a ? and a message 'file is missing or offline' Going down the road of 'find missing folder' eventually led to my problems.
About 6 sub folders are involved so I eventually took the decision that it could be easier just to remove them so I could then re-import them from 'my pictures'. That hasn't worked out as planned.   When I go into 'file' to import photos from 'my pictures' the missing sub folders are there but the images are 'greyed' as well as the import button. When I put the cursor onto one of the greyed-out images the message 'appears to be a duplicate of another photo already in catalog' appears.
how I can restore the 'missing' sub folders into the folders panel.

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Sub Folders Without Deleting Photos In Sub Folders

Jul 6, 2012

How do I delete sub-folders in Lightroom without deleting the photos in those sub-folders?

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Lightroom :: Folders - Cannot Scroll Down To Access Other Folders?

Jun 5, 2013

I am using LR 4.4. I have a long list of folders but can not scroll down to access other folders in LR. how to access other folders so I can Render 1:

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Lightroom :: Dock And Top Menu Disappears In Maverick?

Nov 4, 2013

My dock and top menus have completely disappeared in Adoby LR (both 4 and the new 5) and I cannot get them to stay permenantly. Super annoying and this only happened after my Maverick upgrade. I contacted Apple, but the issue is ONLY with Lightroom -- not any other program, so Apple thinks it's an Adobe bug.

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Lightroom :: Importing Images From Specific Folders Including Images From Outside Selected Folders

Mar 19, 2013

Importing images from specific folders is including images from outside selected folders. 

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Lightroom :: Niksoftware Disappeared From 4?

Jan 11, 2013

I have been using the Niksoftware suite sucsessfully with LR4 for over six months now on Lion OS. Tonight for some reason when I came to edit an image they were no longer in the "edit in" command when I right click, only Viveza is there.
I have tried to activate them in the pluggin manager but they are shaded out so I am unable to.
In the preferences I am only able to open/select on of the pluggins as my "external editor" I have selected all individually and they all work fine so no issues there. They are also still in my applications folder and open when selected there too so I am totally puzzled as to why they were in the command last night and for the last six months but not tonight when I have changed no settings at all. Interestingly enough my watermark also dissappeared and I had to remake that, is there a reason for this?
To make matters a little more interesting I have to give a bride her images on Monday so need a fully functional suite of software this weekend.

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Lightroom :: All Photos Disappeared From V5

Jul 14, 2013

When I opened Lightroom, all my photos and folders had disappeared. I thought I might've opened another catalog, so I went to File > Open Recent, but there was only the one catalog listed

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Lightroom :: The Library Button Has Disappeared?

Mar 2, 2013

The button to select the Library module has disappeared from the module toolbar.  how to get this back?

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Lightroom :: All RAW Images Have Disappeared On Start Up Of LR3

Feb 10, 2014

I operate Windows 7 with Lightroom 3.  My catalogue is held on an external drive from my PC.  I have tried to open my catalogue today, but my images (17,000 plus) have disappeared, although my folders are still present. I have the RAW images backed up on a separate drive and the catalogue  backed up in two parts by exporting these two sections as separate catalogues to another drive.  NO MATTER WHAT I TRY I CANNOT GET THE IMAGES TO LOAD. This is the second time this has happened and I am loathe to start reimporting copies of the RAW files only to lose them (and all the work I have done on them) again.  What can i do to get the images and the ones i have adjusted back? I find lightroom a brilliant tool except for this issue of losing images and work.

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Lightroom :: Thumbnails Slider Disappeared

Aug 22, 2012

Somehow I managed to "disappear" the thumbnail slider for resizing that's usually shown in the bar just above the Filmstrip. Missing in Library, Develop and Slideshow modules. I don't see a pull-down where I can reselect it. Had difficulty searching for info in PDF. Using Lightroom 4.1, Windows 7.

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Lightroom :: 3.5 - Keywords While Importing Disappeared?

Nov 4, 2011

I used to enter keywords while importing into Lightroom, but suddenly that box/option is gone from the right hand side of the import screen. How to restore that? I'm using Lightroom 3.5 .....

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Lightroom :: One Of Module Tabs At Top Right Has Disappeared?

Jul 15, 2012

I'm working in Lightroom 4 and the module organization at the top right is:

Somehow, when I was clicking/opening and closing tabs I did something that made the library module tab disappear and I can't figure out how to get it back-

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Lightroom :: Change Indicator In 5.2 Disappeared?

Dec 13, 2013

I have recently noticed that the +/- change indicator, which previously appeared on my thumbnails in the Develop module are no longer appearing.  setting which will turn these back on? 

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Lightroom :: ALL Images Have Disappeared / How To Locate Them

Feb 7, 2013

I am currently using the old Lightroom 2 on a windows .. i have 2 questions..
1- if i update will my images/catalog.library disappear?
2- ALL my images have disappeared and i dont know how to locate them - one of my catalogues in the library were missing so i right clicked and pressed find missing file then i located it on my external hardrive and i think i pressed ok now the entire folder does not even show in my library!

i am doing something wrong when i import pics in , and i cant find missing files, i remember a while ago i moved all images off my laptop to and external hardrive but even whe i plug it in i cant find them and all files are dated so its hard to know whats what.. I am trying to apply for a photography job and i cant locate them to put a pdf folio together.

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Lightroom :: Imported Photos Disappeared?

Nov 26, 2011

I am using Lightroom 3.5. I imported todays shoot into Lightrooms catalogue. They were converted from raw to dng. But only when the import was finished did I notice that all my collections and photos were missing. Before I went to my most recent backup I went to my catalogue and double clicked Karls catalogue.lrcat. This restored all my collections and photos, except for todays import.
When I open Lightroom I always hold down Alt so that it opens my catalogue rather than creating a new catalogue, but I must have not pressed Alt hard enough or something because I suspect Lightroom did in fact create another catalogue. I did a search for .lrcat in windows explorer and found my catalogue and 3 backups on my external drive, however I also found Lightroom 3 Catalog.lrcat in C;/Users/Karl/Pictures on my laptop.
How can I retrieve todays import and put it onto my catalogue?

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Lens Corrections Have Disappeared?

Mar 9, 2014

All of a sudden, nearly all profiles have disappeared. I first noticed this with my Sony RX1, when I went to apply the profile correction, and there was nothing.  Usually the program identified the camera automatically. When I looked at old pictures, it was the same, nearly. If I used "custom" then it would give me only Nikon and/or Sony, but only one lens for each camera, not relevant to what I had used to take the photograph.  For some pictures it would recognize the lens, but it would not give me options to change it (if I wanted to).

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Lightroom :: Images Disappeared In 4.1 Upgrade?

Jul 12, 2012

I upgraded to 4.1 form 4. When I restarted I connected to my catalogue. I git a message asking if I wanted to convert images for 4.1. I said OK. Now I cannot see any images in the catalogue. The image information (ie, name of image and a blank space where image would be) are there.

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Lightroom :: 5 Images Disappeared In Library?

Jul 20, 2013

I have a folder with no images in it that were there. I right click and synchronize the folder and grayed out images appear. Mousing over an image produces a message that says this image is alread in library. How do I recover to see images?

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Lightroom :: Move Photos To Another Location - All Are Disappeared?

Dec 15, 2012

was trying to move a photo to another location and I clicked on something and it asked if I wanted to create a new catalog. I said yes.  Now none of my photos are appearing in my lightroom.

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Lightroom :: Development Panels Disappeared And Will Not Come Back

May 19, 2012

I emailed a photo from my light room and all my development panels disappeared and will not come back.  What do I do to get them to return?

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Lightroom :: 5.3 - User Templates For Printing Have Disappeared

Mar 13, 2014

Using LR 5.3.  My user templates for printing have disappeared.

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Lightroom :: Develop Box Called Detail Has Disappeared

Nov 10, 2013

In Lightroom "Develop" the box called "detail" has disappeared. How to get it back?

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Lightroom :: Book Module Toolbar Has Disappeared?

May 28, 2012

My Book Module toolbar has disappeared.  How do I toggle it back on?

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Lightroom :: Tone Curve Sliders Disappeared?

Feb 25, 2013

My tone curve sliders disappeared in Lightroom 3 (exposure, recovery, fill light, blacks, brightness, saturation, vibrance).  I have googled it and tried a few things with no luck. 

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Lightroom :: Identity Plate Information Has Disappeared

Dec 20, 2012

On both the main pages and especially on print page. this seemed to have happened when I updated to 4.3 Is there a solution?

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Lightroom :: Export Window In LR4 Has Completely Disappeared

Nov 20, 2012

Worked fine until tonight... the export window completely vanished. I installed the 4.2 update, no luck. Restarted the computer, nothing. Uninstalled LR completely and re-installed it, still nothing. I can't view the window with the options regarding export, making it impossible.

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Lightroom :: Develop Module Options Just Disappeared

May 23, 2012

I'm new to Lightroom - just downloaded v.4 a few days ago and love it.  Just now I installed OnOne presets (free pack recommended by Lightroom website). When I opened Lightroom after installing, my Develop module options had changed - few options, no "shadow" option (now it's called "recovery"), etc.  I uninstalled OnOne but problem is the same as before.

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