Lightroom :: Unable To Print To Canon Pro9000 Mark II Printer
Mar 8, 2013Unable to print from Lightroom to my Canon Pro9000 Mark II Printer, I get an error code 1062.
View 1 RepliesUnable to print from Lightroom to my Canon Pro9000 Mark II Printer, I get an error code 1062.
View 1 RepliesRight after updating to 3.6 I started having printer problems on my Canon Pro9000. No matter what size I print, all the prints are seriously misaligned. When using any other program I don't have this problem (Just Lightroom Only). Is there a way to go back to the previous version which I think was 3.3 or is there a fix for this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am unable to import .CR2 files from Canon 5D Mark 11 and 1D Mark IV on Mac OS 10.9 ??
View 5 Replies View RelatedI cannot tether my canon 5d mark III in Lightroom. Use both mac OS 7.6.8 and windows 7 32 bit.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn the Print area, Lightroom 4 says in italics at the bottom to turn off the colour management in the Print Dialog if you're chosing to print with a profile.
how to do this with my Canon Pro9000 mk2 via OSX Lion 10.7?
Installed cs6 which seemed to be working just fine until I attempted to open a CR2 file from a canon 5D Mark III, will not open, checked for RAW updates.
View 2 Replies View Relatedunable to select "printer manages colors" in the print settings, manage colors dialog. The options are grayed out and the default is "color sync". This started yesterday with LR4 so I upgraded to LR5 and it is the same.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHave PS6 with Camera Raw 7.0 Unable to open Canon 5D Mark III files. SNo support or upgrade available on the site but 6.7 upgrade.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a way to print CDs (to Canon ip8500 and ip4300 printers) directly from Photoshop. I'm on x64 where Canon's CD Lable-print won't run, besides which I'd much prefer to print from Photoshop anyway. Is there a plug-in, a work round, a clever trick?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI get good colour reproduction from my Canonn Pixma Pro9000 printer with Photoshop managing colour. However when using the XPS driver version (which should give finer gradation of colour), this is not the case. I have been told by Canon that this is because the driver in Photoshop is the basic one, and that I should find the XPS driver on the Adobe site and download it. However, I have been unable to find the driver.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have stiched together six photos to make a panorama photo. When I go to print that combination photo only one of the six photo shows up in the Print window. Only one photo is printed, not the panorama one. I tried using the Finder > Print box and the copy of the panorama photo I had in a folder on the my desktop. That worked. I want to use photo paper for the print and make some adjustments, that doesn't work from the Finder > Print selection. The original panorama photo was a TIFF file and ended up to be 155MB, but I made a copy in JPEG and that file was 13.2MB.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCS3 / XP Home. I am trying to print a 7 by 10 in image using my old Canon BJ200 printer. On Page Setup the right margin always default to 2.5 in,despite repeatly input to defferent numbers. I've lowered the image to 300dpi with no effect on print setting.What can I do?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have been able to import and move a file of jpegs but as I shoot jpeg/raw combo, the raw files were left behind in the original file. I can now bring them up, but they are dim and cannot appear to do anything w/them. I would like to move them to the file where I put the accompanying jpegs, but am having no success in finding an answer on how to do this. Nothing seems to activite to let me do this. Along w/this, I generally tend to work straight from camera raw files, the jpegs are generally not used, thus when LR encourages me to work on the jpegs, I'm not interested. I wish to process my raw files and only move to PS6 if I need to do some more intensive work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes LR 3.6 support the new Canon 5D Mark III camera? LR4 should. I don't care if the camera metadata is in LR or not. I just want to process the Mark III images in LR3.6. Can't upgrade to LR 4 because it is only 64 bit.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi need your opinion regarding a phenomena i am observing in the RAW images from Mark iii.The following images appear to be absolutely correct in the camera and when viewed through a picture viewer.I have tried and tested the following scenarios:
1. Used a medium speed kingston CF Card (new) and transferred the images through the USB cable supplied with the camera.2. Thought the card might be slow OR faulty.. used Sandisk Extreme and Extreme Pro SD Cards but same result.3. Transferred SD Card data through the builit in laptop card reader.4. Have directly imported the images from SD Card into Lightroom 4.3, copied the data firstly to laptop HDD and then imported, copied the SD card data to an external HDD and then copied.same result!!5. Have tried the same with both Win7 and Mac OS.6. The DPP sw that came with the camera gives the error of 'Decoding Failed' with these images.
Usually 10-15 images out of 100 give this kinda pattern.
When trying to import photos from my Canon 5D Mark III into Lightroom 4.2, the import usually freezes up at some arbitrary point. It will either crash lightroom altogether, or it will have a message saying "could not import all files, files could not be read." (something along those lines.)
I am using a 1 year old iMac with a 1 TB HD. I import directly onto that hard drive. Lightroom has never had an issue importing. My previous camera was a Canon EOS T1i. The problems started when I purchased my 5D Mark III. Images from my T1i, in fact, still import fine with no issues. I am running OS X version 10.7.5. My compact flash card is brand new, a Lexar 1000x. I have seen some suggesting it may be a hard drive issue, however, the evidence points to the 5D Mark III not playing well with LR 4.2. (T1i images still import fine.)
lightroom 3.6 cannot read the canon 5d mark III images. What can I do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI Use a canon mark III, Lightroom 4, when imported my raw files are very grainy? Adobe unable to fix the problem?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have just tried to upload Raw files from a Canon 5d Mark III to Lightroom 3. The file were not recognised. I believe there were some update issues but my Lightroom 3 is updated. Do I need to get Lightroom 4? I need to know urgently as I have a shoot tomorrow and will go back to my Mrk II if I can't get an update for Lightroom 3.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi'm using a Mac Snowleopard, have Lightroom 4.4 but cant read Canon EOS 5D Mark 3 raw files.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I open shots from a Canon Mark 3 (RAW )?I have shot in camer raw on a canon mark 3 and the shots will not open in light room
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have shot tethered through various versions of Lightroom with various cameras with mixed results. With each new version of LR, it seems that shooting tethered becomes more prone to crashes and in LR 5, I have found that the transfer of images is so slow as to be unusable. I recently had a shoot where I used LR 5 for the first time. The transfer of images was so slow that, after trying disk doctor to repair the disk and restarting the computer several times, I finally switched back to LR 4 and found that the transfer, while still prone to its odd temperaments, was much much faster than LR 5.
While LR 4 seems to be much better than LR 5 for shooting tethered, it is still so temperamental. If the camera sits for more than a few minutes without activity, LR no longer accepts images from the camera. I then have to shut down LR and restart it, making sure to have the camera off until LR is relaunched and tethering is turned on once again. If I do it in the wrong order, it doesn't work. During a shoot, it is maddening to have to constantly restart LR 4.
Looking for making LR 4 less temperamental and LR 5 functional when tethering?
Either in Library or Develop, when pressing the Backspace button, nothing happens. Files don't get deleted.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to import RAW files shot from a friend's Canon 5D Mark III, but have been unsuccessful. It gives me the message "the file is from a camera which is not recognized by the raw format support in lightroom"
I normally import RAW files from my Canon 7D, but for some reason it's not recognizing these files.
How can I fix this?
I've been working with LR for a while now and using 3.6
I'm shotting RAW+Jpeg and when importing i use jpeg and raw as separate files.
Now i understand that colors are very different, but,
I'm trying to match the CR2 from my Canon 5D Mark 2 to the jpeg with no luck!
I have tried using the "profile" menu in the "camera calibration section but again no luck.
I have also tried manipulating every single slider combination (allmost) and again, no good result.
is there a good fast and useful way of achieving a match between the raw and the jpeg?!
Why can't I preview or import images from my canon 5d mark III in lightroom 3?
View 3 Replies View RelatedTrying to get my Canon 5D Mark II to tether. It is on the "good" list. But all I can get is "Camera Not Detected". Computer sees it ok. But LR seems to be oblivious.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy my Lightroom (4.3) won't recognize the file type of my Canon 5D Mark iii ? I am also a Mac user.
View 11 Replies View Related1. Workflow is in lightroom version 4.1 Photoshop CS5.5 is used when necessary as secondary workflow
2. Import works fine. "preview thumbnails" appear normal. When I CLICK on the next image it will suddenly do this ^ to the file
3. I have tried taking that EXACT file and running it through Adobe DNG converter but it comes out looking exactly like this... so it seems that lightroom is actually corrupting the file
4. I have a copy of all my raw files on another drive so I can grab those files and they do not have this problem
I have a brand new Macbook Pro with Retina Display and am running CS6, shooting with a Mark III in full resolution raw format. Focus is on in camera but when I open the images in Photoshop, they do not appear super sharp when zoomed in.
Is this a display issue or a program issue or something else? In the past I can usually get the images so sharp that I can see every pore and hair.
I was successfully shooting tethered using Lightroom 4.3 (PC laptop with Windows 7) and my Canon 5D Mark III, however when I disconnected the cable I was no longer able to see anything on the back of the camera, no image playback, no menu, no live view, nothing. How do I recover the functionality of the camera's back screen. I tried removing the battery for a while, replacing the battery, taking out the memory card. Don't know how to "reset" the camera. Note the top display on the camera and the view finder display work fine, I can change settings with my dials. Was working in Manual Exposure mode, and also tried Aperture Priority. If I reconnect to the laptop I can still work in tethered mode, but after disconnecting the camera back is still dead.
Was I somehow supposed to disconnect the camera from tethered capture before disconnecting the cable?