Lightroom :: Rename Filename Without Updating Metadata?

Nov 10, 2013

I would like to find out if it is possible to rename filename in LR 5 (after importing the images) without changing the original filename in EXIF metadata? For example the original filename is DSC_1234.NEF and I would like to rename it to 'Hawaii_1234.NEF' in the catalog and also the filename in HDD, but woud like to keep the original 'DSC_1234.NEF' in Metadata.
Seems like LR will also rename filename in Metadata though I read previously renaming after import (through Library - Rename Photo option) will not alter the 'original' filename in Metadata.

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Lightroom :: Can Make Metadata-based Watermark (filename) In LR3

Dec 16, 2011

I would like to use filename metadata as part of a watermark in LR3.  I am hoping I can do this for building client review web galleries in LR3 so clients can easily identify image selects. 

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Lightroom :: Filename Prefix For Publish Service Not Updating?

Jun 17, 2013

I've got a hard drive publish service setup, which renames photos using the "Custom Name - Sequence" option.  After this option in the publishing manager is a "Custom Text" field where you can set the name prefix. 
I've found that if you change this and save, the publishing service doesn't seem to notice - i.e. anything I republish still uses the old prefix. 
Something funny is going on here, that text field isn't doing what it's supposed to do.  It seems each published folder stores the "Custom Text" upon creation, and doesn't check the publishing manager for updates. 
using Lightroom 4.3 on Win7 64

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Lightroom :: Metadata Badges Not Updating In Library

Jan 7, 2012

I have numbers of images with the badge that says 'metadat files need to be updated' I save but the badge remains. I have saved repeatedly, no change. I quit and reopened, no change. I opened the image in the finder - the image looks like an unprocessed CR2 but if I open in PSCS5 the processing changes are shown.
LR 3.6
Canon 5D2 files
Mac Pro 3.0 / 10Gb ram
OSX 10.6.8

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Lightroom :: Updating / Sharing Keywords And Metadata In 4?

May 6, 2013

add keywords & metadata to an extremely large group of photos in Lightroom 4. The intern will have their own workstation so we'll be passing files back and forth. I need to add their work to mine, keeping all of the keyword/metadata work tied to the virtual photos which already have some work done to them (some keywords, metatdata and photo enhancements already in place on some photos).

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Rename Layer Like Filename (with Action)

Dec 20, 2012

rename a layer of illustrator like document file name? (with an action)

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Lightroom :: Rename On Import Doesn't Rename Source Images?

Feb 5, 2013

Is it possible to have Lightroom rename the source images according to my custom naming convention?
I just imported 278 photos and they are all correctly renamed within Lightroom however the source files retained the original Canon generated names. I want to rename them for backup/in case I ever decide to stop using Lightroom/etc.

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Lightroom :: Difference Between Copy Metadata And Synchronize Metadata

Mar 23, 2012

As far as I can tell, Copy Metadata and Synchonize Metadata do the same thing.  Is there a difference in what they do?

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Lightroom :: Add Filename To A Caption?

Jan 6, 2014

I would like to add the filename to a caption - or even better, just the file sequence number.

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Lightroom :: Printing Images With Filename?

Jun 7, 2013

Is there a way to print the filename of an image during printing?  In other words, I want the filename of the image printed on every image when I select a range of images to print. 

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Lightroom :: Filename List For Email - 4?

Jan 31, 2013

I'm trying to make a long list of image filenames (from selected images in Library)  to then copy and email in LR4.

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Lightroom :: Get Slideshow To Sort By Filename?

May 21, 2012

The default always seems to be by capture time and I often rearrange and rename slides.
I have searched the menus but how do I get the slideshow to sort by filename, not capture date?

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Lightroom :: 3.5 - Can Filename Be Printed On Exported Images?

May 22, 2012

I'm using LR 3.5, and am wondering if I can have the filenames show on the images when I export them.  If so, how do I make that happen?  I am already watermarking a copyright script, which I suppose I could change to include the image name, but that would be pretty tiresome to do.  I assume there is an easy way to do this that I just haven't found.

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Lightroom :: Delete Filename Template Preset?

Mar 6, 2014

Using LR v5.3 and saved a filename preset I wish to discard. I can't seem to delete this preset.

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Lightroom :: Tethered Capture - Include Shot Name In Filename?

Nov 12, 2011

I use LR3 extensively for tethered capture and think that Adobe did a great job for the first release of this feature but one critical option is missing.
I use tethered capture with the 'shot name' option selected which is great becasue it puts the different shots into their own folder in the catalog but it would be even more useful if there was a way to have the shot name included in the filename that is saved. I have played around with the custom filename options, which are extensive, but the shot name option isnt available. Is there a way to do this?

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Lightroom :: Darkening Filename Info In Grid Mode?

Jan 6, 2013

is there a way to do this.  darkening filename info in grid mode?

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Lightroom :: Filename Template Editor And Shoot Name Option?

Jul 22, 2012

Win 7 64bit
Lightroom 4.1
Photoshop CS5
The Filename Template Editor has different options depending where it is opened from
If it is opened from the Import menu there is an option to add "Shoot Name".
If opened from the Library>Rename Photos there is no option to add "Shoot Name".
Furthermore, if one invokes a preset by the Library>Rename Photo route, that was created during Import with a "Shoot Name", then the "Shoot Name" part doesn't show up in the preset.

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Lightroom :: Inserting Text Between Base Filename And Sequence?

May 29, 2012

It seems that this should be possible, but I'm not seeing any way to do this. When I go into CS6 from LR4, I'd like to be able to rename the file I'm working on (say 20120422-145) to 20120422-Edit-145 but at best I can rename it 20120412-145-Edit-145
Adding the edit tag prior to the sequence id keep things better organized in the browser and enabled rename on export to properly extract the sequence ID.

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Lightroom :: Get Back The Original Filename Even Though The File Is Missing

Feb 21, 2013

I imported 900 RAW images from my desktop into Lightroom, edited them, renamed the filename, and exported them into JPGs. Since I no longer needed the RAW images on my desktop I moved them over to an external hard drive. So now the images are still visible in my Lightroom catalog, but there is no photo to back it up since I moved the original files to the external hard drive. After realizing that I exported the images at 150 dpi instead of 300 dpi I need to re-export the images from lightroon at the proper resolution. But since I moved the originals to the external hard drive there is no photo to back it up in lightroom anymore. So I went to locate the files by clicking on the  "?"  but since I renamed the file when I exported them, the original filename on the external hard drive is now different from the filename in the catalog. Is the only solution to locate the file one by one?  Is there any way I can do them all at once even though the original filename is different from the filename in my lightoom catalog? The original filename is still listed in the metadata, but since the originals are missing it can't change it back. 

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Still Imports Duplicate Files But Adds -2 Or -3 Into Filename

Jan 21, 2014

On import lightroom 5.3 still does not recognize previous imports of the same file name.  I have the "do not import suspected" checked, but LR5 does not exclude the old files. Import has Copy, New Photos and Do not import suspected duplicates checked. No problem with LR4.4 on imports

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Lightroom :: Edit In Photoshop - Should Retain Filename For Layer Naming

Jul 29, 2012

Lightroom / rightclick / Edit With / Edit in Photoshop...
This renders the image in LR and then opens it in photoshop, which is fine, how it flattens the image to a locked "Background" named layer. I'd much prefer the file name to be with the document in Photoshop.
Mostly because having file names is important for retouching or various other types of compositing.

When you open mulitple files into Layers from LR, each layer retains the file name.
I would like to open a single image and have it retain the file name.

OR PERHAPS... include a command that opens an image from lightroom and puts it into the current active Photoshop document, which would be a great way to add additional images to a comp

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Lightroom :: Change Filename For Single-image HTML Pages In Web Gallery?

Feb 9, 2012

I would like to change the default filename for the HTML pages produced by Lightroom 3 in the web gallery. Specifically, I would like to remove the string "_large" from the HTML filename, so it corresponds exactly to the image filename.
Specifically, the URL by default is like this: [URL] ....
and I would like it to be like this: [URL] ....
I assume there is some way to make this change using the template editors, but I can't figure it out.

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Lightroom :: 4.0 / Library Grid Compact Cells View Shows Just Numbers Instead Of Filename?

May 29, 2012

RAW files (Red) no longer show their filenames in the Library Grid Compact Cells view (now just shows numbers)!
JPGs (Green & Blue) show nothing at all, including ratings and Pick status, and the Develops are gone.
This was after having imported a LR3.6 catalog and intermittently using it for a month.

- Catalog is over 1GB in size, over 50,000 images in the Library

- Windows 7 x64 with SP1

- LR4.0 x64
I have not yet tried:

- Re-importing the LR3 Catalog backup to see what happens.

- Creating a new LR4 Catalog and see if it displays the data in the Grid Compact Cells view
I have tried:

- Optimizing/Integrity Testing the Catalog

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Lightroom :: How To Rename A Image

Aug 7, 2013

How can I rename a image Inside Lightroom.

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Lightroom :: Rename Folder In 5.3

Feb 16, 2014

When I try to rename a folder in LR 5.3, a pop-up tells me the folder cannot be renamed or moved. 

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Lightroom :: How To Rename Several Files At Once

May 31, 2013

I am trying to do a rename of several files at once, but I would like it to use a Custom Name WITHOUT a sequence on the first file.  I should be able to select several files and the first file will get the custom name, the second file will get -2, then -3, and so on.  If I select 30 files, the first file gets the custom name correctly, then the second file get -31, then -32, and so on.  It is counting the number of files I have selected, and then renaming them based on that count!!
The way I have to do it now is to select the first file, do custom name, then select the rest of the files and do sequence.
Lightroom version: 4.4 [891433]
Version: 10.6 [8]
Application architecture: x64
Logical processor count: 4
Processor speed: 3.0 GHz
Built-in memory: 12288.0 MB
Real memory available to Lightroom: 12288.0 MB
Real memory used by Lightroom: 2508.2 MB (20.4%)
Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 4140.8 MB
Memory cache size: 1882.9 MB
Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 2
Displays: 1) 1920x1080, 2) 1680x1050

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Lightroom :: How To Rename A Catalog

Mar 8, 2012

How do I rename a catalog?

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Lightroom :: Batch Rename In LR

Jul 9, 2013

I know that I am being really obtuse, but batch renaming a set of files really eludes me.My Canon 5D2 has now taken over 20000 images, so I want to place a number before the present file _MG_2459.CR2 to _MG_022459.CR2. This is easily done in Bridge, but I cannot workout how to do such a simple thing in Lightroom.

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Lightroom :: 4 Not Allowing To Rename Photos?

Aug 18, 2012

I've been running on LR4 for about 2 weeks with no issues until last night when, for some reason, it would not allow me to rename my photos. I had been renaming photos almost every day since I got LR4 and this issue just popped up out of nowhere yesterday.
'Some Photos Will Not Be Renamed Because They Are Missing Or Not Writable' is the saying that pops up. But the files aren't missing and not sure why they aren't writable.

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Lightroom :: How To Rename Already Published Photos

Feb 9, 2014

I alreayd published to HDD a series of five images. I then rename the images, and mark the images to republish. But when they're published again, the old names are there. So, I change the publishing service to a custom name, mark the images to republish again, and try once more. Still, the old names are there.

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Lightroom :: How To Rename Photos After Import

Jul 6, 2013

I tried the filenaming template and direct input into metadata. Lightroom displays a message that the file name cannot be renamed_but no explanation is given. What am I missing?

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