Lightroom :: How To Prevent 5.3 From Exporting Images With TIFF Tag 59932
Jan 22, 2014
Just upgraded from LR4 to LR5.3.Just got new laptop (Windows 8.1 64-bit OS)TIFF images exported from LR5 are causing (many) warnings when stitching panoramas using Hugin.Hugin works fine (no warnings) with TIFF images exported from LR4 on prior laptop (Win Vista)Hugin warning message: TIFFReadDirectory Warning: unknown field with tag 59932 (0xea1c) encountered.Images are being exported from Nikon D800 NEF RAW filesPanorama stitching still works, but I am getting about 50-100 warning dialog boxes.
Is there a LR5 setting which allows me to prevent LR5 from including tag 59932 in TIFF images?
I am cleaning up the Hard Drive on my Mac G4. My scanned images are taking a great portion of the 80 Gig drive. I finished clearing my external drive by removing nearly 60 gigs of images by storing them on DVD. I will do the same for the Mac drive.
My trouble is that all my images are stored in TIFF format which takes up enormous space no matter the storage. Since I output images in various sizes, mainly prints, to 30 x 40 inches, I need a master image archived in the best format for such. However, I do not want to fill my drives, or DVD, with large files. Code:
If I export text to PDF my font become BOLD and does not look like in Xara. I used Arial font. Is it possible to prevent Xara from embedding font when exporting to PDF? I deselected that option in export settings, however, it still does it.
(it does not do that only if I select first option when exporting to PDF called Draft Quality, however, in this mode pictures are in low resolution)
Images opening from LR to PS6 are opened as CR2 files (canon) and then saved in PS - the resulting saved images are PSD files. These files are not added to the LR catalog without re-importing them. This behavior is different than it was in CS5 - in CS5 they are opened as PSD and immediately added to the LR catalog. I want the same bahavior in CS6. In LR I have set preferences to open files as PSD but they are not PSD until they are saved in PS.
My continuing story of space issues. Find that I'm rapidly running out of space now that my wife has been uploading way too many 24 mpixel files (~30Gb total) to my Lightroom 5 catalog. Is there any way to export her RAW files to a thumb drive or another external hard drive? The only export functions I see are conversions to Jpegs.
last week no problems exporting images at all come yesterday I get a screen saying ' An unexpected error occurred. This photo was not rendered. ( 1) ' this seems to occur for all images I have in LTRM
Recently I upgraded to Lightroom 5.0. I have been noticing that when I export images at 1000px max and 100% quality, the image is very grainy. I can open that same image in Photoshop CC from Lightroom, resize the image to 1000px max, and save, and the image looks great.The first photo is the Lightroom 5.0 export. The second is the Photoshop CC resize and save. never had this issue with any earlier version of Lightroom and I have been using it since version 1.0.
n Lightroom, I want to rename my images, based upon the image name and its mapping in a CSV file. Ideally, I would want something like this:
When the user after editing goes to Export under File menu. Inside the File Naming panel above, one should be able to input the CSV file containing the mapping. Hence once exported, the new Images will be named consistently with what I need rather than the default ones provided by LightRoom.Using the plugin LRTransporter one can do it while Importing images (storing the new name under Caption and then renaming all using Batch Rename). But it is tedious. What I need to know is that, can we build such plugin which can do it? If yes I would move ahead with constructing it.
I have recently switched from a Mac Laptop to a PC desktop. After I export my images they are really pixelated. I am not sure if lightroom is different for a PC. I have the same settings picked too.
When I export my images, the results are not nearly as good quality as on my screen. In fact, I have to throw out perfectly acceptable photos after I have completed editing because they are way too noisy after export!
I am exporting images from a folder in LR4.1 to another folder in LR while changing the name, and changing to a JPG. I have done this to 95 other images, placing them into multiple folders with multiple subfolders with no problems. Now I have created another subfolder and have tried exporting 8 images into this folder but LR doesn't show them. LR shows the folderd with the name greyed out and a file count of 0. I go to the hard drive and find all 8 images in the same (greyed out LR folder) location. Why is LR unable to see these files?
I have exported other files to other folders but when I go back to trying to export to this problem folder it doesn't work.
I had a problem exporting editing images to DNG. Lightroom will only export the original unedited versions to DNG. If I export to JPG I get the edited versions, but it will not export the edited versions to DNG.
I've been able to copy images in an indirect way (LR to an earmarked folder on my PC's hard drive, then to the iPad using Apple's I-Tunes). But editing and arranging images is fairly awkward.
There are LR functions to upload to some web sites, e.g., Flicker, but none to devices like the iPad. (Exporting to smaller sites such as Nikonians would be nice but I suspect there's not enough demand for Adobe to bother with this embellishment.
Is it likely that export functions will be expanded to include the iPad and other devices?
I have been trying to get Lightroom to execute a PS droplet after exporting a set of images. The droplet runs a set of actions which performs certain sharpening and NR steps. What I've been noticing is that if the number of images is too high, the droplet execution fails. Apparently, if the number of images is past 40-50, multiple droplet commands are passed to PS simultaneously and causes PS to fail. PS cannot execute actions simultaneously on multiple images at the same time. The error returned is "Could not complete the Play command because the action is already playing".
Here is what I've discovered by experimenting with droplets on the command line without LR initiating them:
There is an inherent limitation in the number of characters that can be pass to a command in the Windows OS. That limitation is right around 2048 characters. For example, if I want to pass 30 images to a droplet for execution, the command would look like:
If the total number of characters in this command is more that 2048, the droplet crashes because you have exceeded the string limit of characters for Windows. If your source directory path is long enough like, C:UsersMynameDocumentsMy PicturesTalent Show 2008, each image can use up 50 or more characters within that command. You exceed the limit with just 40 images. My suspicion is that if you export more than this limit, LR breaks up the export into a series of droplet executions by executing multiple droplet commands. I confirmed this because as I increased the number of images exported out of LR, or placed them deep in the directory hierarchy, I can see more and more droplet commands being executed in Task Manager simultaneously. As soon as I pass 40 images, 2 droplets start running, and PS fails due to the error I previously mentioned.
What I don't know is why LR executes them simultaneously? Why not in series so that they will not "clog" up PS?
I'm exporting images to an FTP server, via the FTP plugin, and it's moving kind of slow. I'm on an extremely fast line, 10mbps up. When I use an FTP client and drop the images in the directory, it screams fast.
I'm using Windows Vista and my client is using a new Mac. We are both using Lr 4 along with Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop Elements 11.
When we export images to CS and PSE copies are created in the Lr filmstrip as expected and CS6 and PSE open as they should. Unfortunately, the images do not open in these programs as they should. We have to manually retreave them from the folder. What would be preventing the images from opening. It happens when we choose Export and Edit In...., but does not happen on my daughters computer which is operating with Windows 7.
I used to be able to export images to a selected folder on my hard-drive without having to identify the folder for every image. Now when I export I need to select the folder on my hard-drive for each image even thought I'm going to process 50+ images for that folder. I'm using Lightroom 5.
LR 3.6 has serious limitations causing what should be an easy task hours to trouble shoot. Exporting original size JPEG images to DVD should be a no brainer but the application was not built to handle MS OS 7 64bit. Choice is to upgrade to LR v 4 but will it work?
After I've exported through LR 3 I am getting different tone qualities only with two different image viewing windows. The picture attached shows the example of the image on the left opened with Windows Photo Viewer is brighter red tie and bluer suit while the one on the right is opened with Microsoft Photo Editor is more darker red and purple suit. The one on the left is the correct image.
This is also happening when the photo is sent through an inventory management system we have. I am exporting with 600 x 1200 jpeg resize 72 dpi at sRGB, 100 quality, and jPeg mode in File settings.
I've recently encounterd a problem while trying to export images out of Lightroom 4. I keep getting an error messge "File canot be written." This is happening whether I'm exporting a Jpeg or a raw file. Cannot figure what has happend but it's doing it with old and new files, so it's not an issue of a corrupted file.
When exporting images LR no longer recognizes my hard drive or external hard drive, only sees the desk top icon. I tried a new catalog and an old catalog and still the same.
I'm using Coral Draw Graphics suite X5 built SP4 (all available updates installed) This is a bug I have detected.
Start a new CorelDrawFile and import a .jpg,after putting e.q. some arrows on it I choose "export" and exports a .tif - file to a folder.
For further manipulations I also save the .cdr - file to another Folder. Insofar everything works well.But if I reopen the .cdr-file and do my manipulations at my picture and then I try to export the .tif - file to the folder, where the before exported .tif is situated, corel well notice that the old file exists and asks for replacement,BUT instead of exporting the .tif - file the .cdr file will be saved. Got this failure reproducible by doing it the same way.
not till I exported a other file type .jpg or any other and switches back to .tif, exporting the .tif file works and the old .tif - file will be replaced by the new one.
I came across an interesting problem. I was using PaintShop Pro to import a RAW image from my camera, then export as a TIF for use in CDGS X6. When I tried to import the file into CorelDRAW or PhotoPaint, I got an error message:
(X) Invalid compress data
I could see a thumbnail image in WIndows, and I could open the file in IrfanView. Re-saving the TIF from IrfanView allowed me to open it in CDGS.
I thought the problem was with PSP, and reported the issue to the product team, but then I tried exporting the same TIF from PhotoPaint (from the same RAW image file), and when I tried to re-open the TIF, I got the same error. So PhotoPaint could not read the TIF exported from... PhotoPaint!
Smaller files don't seem to be an issue, but my camera files are in the neighborhood of 5000x3000 pixels, and the TIF files weigh in at around 50MB.
I've inserted several TIF images into my model space, toggled the frames of the TIF's then attempted to print them out in paper space. When I view or print/plot the images are missing. I've downloaded the raster inabler to no avail.
I've been opening my RAW images in Irfanview, converting them to .tif images, and then opening the .tif images in GIMP for processing, but I've been getting a pop-up window (see screenshot) that says:
"Calling error for procedure 'gimp-image-set-resolution': Image resolution is out of bounds, using the default resolution instead."
Have developed a problem trying to load some TIF images into Photoshop. I have a large number of images archived over a decade or more. At this point it may some of the older files that exhibit the problem.
Now all these files were edited and stored using the Photoshop versions during the complete time period. The files are always saved with no compression. Have tried to load from Photoshop and clicking on the file in a file list. Photoshop just hangs and I get the message Program not responding. I can take these same files and load them into the ROXIO photo editor with no problem. Stranger yet is if I simply load the file into the ROXIO editor then "save as" back into the same folder (overwrite) the file can then be brought into Photoshop with no problem!