Lightroom :: Don't Import Suspected Duplicates
Jul 2, 2012
Have Windows 7, 64 bit, LR3..On Import Dialog Screen it shows on right panel...File Handling.Don't Import Suspected Duplicates.Make a Second copy to.
File Renaming.Apply during Import...... but Destination Panel has disappeared.Did a lot of renaming lately with presets but don't know or this is related or not.
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Oct 4, 2011
My workflow is as follows:
1. Shoot.
2. Clean the junk pictures off the card with Nikon ViewNX, I keep MAYBE 1 in 50 shots.
3. Import to LR 3.4.1
4. Repeat.
On the second import, the pictures from the first import are normally flagged as suspected duplicates. Occasionally, one will not be flagged as a suspected dupe. I suspect that this is because on a subsequent ViewNX pass I accidently changed the number of stars or some such on that image. Is there some way to reinstate "suspected duplicate" status? Or to put it another way, what determines suspected duplicate status?
I leave the good pictures on the card as a back up (I do have other backups -- the laptop backs up daily to the NAS when I'm home, and I have LR make a copy to another CF card on import. But you can't have enough backups.
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Oct 11, 2012
After import from CF card, then next import with "don't import suspected duplicates'' checked, failed many times. You must close and reopen the import window, repeating the operation (one or two times) to make it work properly.
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Jul 4, 2012
Lightroom 4.1, MacBook Pro running OSX 10.7.4.
I can import a card, eject the card, plug the card back in and Lightroom STILL wants to import the photos it just imported. Of course the checkbox for "Don't import suspected duplicates" is ticked.
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Jun 20, 2013
When importing photos into Lightroom 5, the option "Don't Import Suspected Duplicates" doesn't work every time. Even though I've imported some photos from the memory card, when I do another Import, all of the photos have been checked for importing including already Imported ones even though I have the "Don't Import Suspected Duplicates" option checked. Why is this?
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Jan 15, 2013
Scenario: I'm out in the field filling memory cards and reviewing them on my secondary PC (laptop), marking & editing various images at night. I do not manage to import all of the photos off of all of my cards (and can't due to disk space requirements). I want to keep the edits and work (and images, due to running out of cards I formated some of them that I _knew_ were in the LR catalogue AND backed up onto other devices).
I get home to my primary PC and export the laptop catalouge and then import it, WIN. I start importing images from cards that ARE NOT IN THE CATALOUGE, also WIN. I put in a card that has AT LEAST _SOME_ (but not necessarily all) images in the exported catalouge. Lightroom FAILS to notice that images that were imported FROM THE SAME CARD into the Laptop & Desktop with THE SAME CATALOUGE are duplicates!
What I want to do is to BE SURE that all of my images are in my primary/desktop catalouge WITHOUT dupes. I want to insert the memory card and have LR import ONLY THE ONES IT DOES NOT ALREADY have. This seems like somehting LR should automagically support, but apparently not. How do I accomplish what I want to do without doing something rediculous like importing everything regardless, then buying a de-duping tool, deleting the duplicate images using file system tools, then removing the not found images manually from LR?
[URL] ........
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Feb 21, 2013
my workflow is to copy all photos from my camera to a folder that is configured for auto import.Lightroom takes these pics and import them to the library.But it does not exclude duplicate photos. If I copy the same photos to the auto import folder again, LR imports all photos again.
Why can't I configure to exclude duplicates as it works with the manual import function?
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Mar 7, 2014
I have a catalog and images on my laptop. I have created another catalog that I want to merge with this one. It includes some duplicate images and thats fine. I want the images, keywords and folder structure from the new catalog to merge with the existing one for teaching purposes.
Lightroom wont let me Merge and include the duplicates.
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Mar 26, 2014
I recently imported the camera roll (not the photostream) off my iPhone 5 into Lightroom. The filename appears as the number of the image (eg. IMG 6438); I want to import photos also taken with the same iPhone that had been uploaded to my MAC desktop (because they include photos not currently on the camera roll) but they have assumed a different filename (eg. 2013-06-27 14.40.16.jpg). I have checked off "Do not import duplicates" (and am not renaming upon import) but LR is not recognizing them (the identical photo) as such and weeding out the ones I actually don't have in my library is becoming increasingly problematic..
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Nov 27, 2012
LR4.2 and "Do not import selected duplicates" does not always work. Running a Mac, 10.6.8, I am cleaning up hard drives, organizing old files. There are times lightroom 4.2 (and before) does not recognize already imported raws and does not gray them out. These are backed up cards and folders of of raw images. Why is the "do not import selected duplicates" check box not working???!!!
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Mar 17, 2012
I just upgraded to LR 4.0 and the identify duplicate function does not appear to be identifing duplicates.
I was cleaning off cards and wanted to make sure all the photos had been added to the catalog when I realized that photos which have been imported, will reimport.
The "don't import suspected duplicates" box is checked. I verified one photo, _img_2597.cr2 , was both on the card and in the catalog. LR4 re-imported it - putting a duplicate in the catalog.
I then added some new photos to the catalog and then tried to re-load them: the detection of duplicates worked. It apears that photos from the 3.6 catalog are the issue.
I have:
rebooted the system
opened up a backup catalog
synchronize folders
All to no avail.
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Apr 17, 2013
how to find dublicates in Adobe Lightroom 4.1 without to buy any plugin as Lightroom Dublicate finder etc....?.
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Mar 4, 2014
I'm using Lightroom 5.3. I'm importing images to my catalog from one external drive to another using the "copy" function. I have "do not import suspected duplicates" checked, but Lightroom does not identify duplicate jpg images as such and lists them as new files to import. If I import these images they show up in my database/catalog with the -2 designation. The images are identical in filename, capture time, size and EXIF info. I have tried removing my preferences file and starting another but that doesn't change the behavior. I have seen other posts with similar issues but cannot find a solution that works for me. I don't see this listed as a bug either.
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Nov 30, 2012
When I migrated from iPhoto to LightRoom I wound up with many hundreds, if not thousands of duplicte images.
I purchased the "Duplicate Finder" plug-in, which indeed finds the duplicates, but ther eis no way to simply delete them. I would imagine many users have been through this at some point and hope there is a relatively simple way to get my catalog under control.
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Dec 7, 2012
Somehow I ended up with duplicates in my library. Some could be compressed jpg versions that were emailed to people. Is there an easy way to determine which are the better quality versions so I can delete the others?
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May 13, 2013
I am not sure how, but I ended up with duplicates in my library - probably a couple of hundred. I know there is a checkbox for not importing duplicates. Why is there not a duplicate finder for those already in the library? Or is there? Lightroom 4
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Dec 4, 2012
Yesterday I did a tethered portrait shoot into LR and at one point LR failed to capture some images. Therefore, after the shoot, I imported the CF-card using my card reader and ticked the "don't import suspected duplicates". Still LR imported all images and whenever it found a duplicate, instead of ignoring it, LR just renamed the file with "-2" at the end of the file name. This doesn't look right to me.
Is this a bug, should LR function like this or is there something that I've missed? Shouldn't LR at least ask me if I want to rename, overwrite or ignore?What can I do to avoid this issue in the future? System Windows 7 Professional 64-bitLightroom 4.2 Canon EOS 5D Mark III firmware 1.1.3USB 2 card readerDell Preecision M4700 (Core i7 2.6GHz, 8GB 1600MHz RAM, 128GB SSD, 750 GB 7200rpm HD, Intel HD Graphics 4000, Nvidia Quadro K1000M)Freshly re-installed system on clean system drive a week ago, with all the latest drivers, as far as I'm aware.
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Jun 21, 2013
if there is a SIMPLE way to make a copy or duplicate of a photo in LR4. In otherwords, you have a photo image in one folder and you want to make a copy and move it to another folder or subfolder and that copy is identical in EVERY aspect to the original photo and can be edited, manipulated, etc. without affecting the original. I can find nothing on this subject - all I keep getting is this VIRTUAL COPY which is NOT like the original and cannot be moved without the original (Master) going along with it. What's the problem? Every image program I know of can do this. BTW this in on a Mac Lion (10.8.4).
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Jan 5, 2014
I have been using Lightroom since V. 1. I have noticed that many of my file names have been renamed in LR (now V5.3) by changing the filename from "XXX_yyyy.NEF" to "XXX_yyyy-2.NEF". IF I look in the folder where the images are stored, both versions of the file are there. I went into LR and deleted the "-2" version and re-imported the original files. In some cases this worked and the LR file now has the original name. In some other cases, LR re-named on import and appended the "-2" to the file name. I checked and it turned out there were other files with the same name on the disk and in the LR catalogue, so I understand why these files were renamed. In other cases, however, there is no other file in LR with the same name. Yet, when I try to delete the "-2" file in LR and re-import the original file (as I did earlier), LR again renames my file by appending the "-2" suffix to the file name. It does not copy the file, it actually renames the file in the folder where it is stored. I cannot understand why the file name is being changed in this case.
why LR is doing this and how can I prevent it?I am running LR under 64-bit Win 7 with 12 GB RAM, the problem seems to have occurred primarily with Nikon D200 RAW (.NEF) files.
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Jul 10, 2012
Some of my imported images are definitely duplicates. The question becomes, is it the same image perhaps saved with different levels of compression and possibly a new name, or are they the exact duplicates of one another.
Is there an easy way to find this out in LR without having to look at the images some other way? Where is this type of info located?
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Feb 2, 2013
I love the batch rename tool in lightroom, but I don't like how it handles duplicates. Is there are way I can change or define how it handles duplicate names. I want it to do xxx (1), xxx (2), xxx (3), etc. instead of xxx, xxx-1, xxx-2, etc.
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Nov 1, 2013
I immediately "imported " my pictures to my Catalog. As I began to read and view the tutorials, I realized that this was probably premature and so I "removed" the pictures. Somehow, in this process, I also removed the menu bar "catalog" from the left side of the screen (now it just shows "folders"). How do I reinstate the Menu bar "Catalog"?
When I eventually imported my pictures again, there were now duplicates of every picture and many pictures have several duplicates. What is the best way to remove duplicates rom Lightroom? Also, I checked "My Pictures" on my PC and all these duplicates are there, as well.
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Mar 14, 2014
In Library Mode:
Moving a photograph from one folder to another creates two copies, one in the destination folder and one in the originating folder.In grid view, right clicking on a discarded photo and choosing delete from disk no longer works as the photo deleted does not show in Lightroom but in windows the files still remains on the hard drive.
In the first few months these two features worked properly but no longer respond in the same way. I tried Alt delete and the photo was removed from Lightroom but not from the original folder.
Is this a bug or a windows problem?
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Jan 31, 2012
1. I have a number of folders where the photo's where stored on my Mac HD. I then moved these folders to a new location on an external HD. I re-imported these folders into Lightroom and they showed up under the external HD. However, all of the colour coding/ratings and even the adustments I have made to the images are not visibible. Is there a way I can correct this?
2. I've also imported a number of folders to Lightroom that were originally colour coded/rated in Bridge and edited in Adobe Camera RAW. Again the edits that I made to these and the ratings info is not visible. Is there a way I can change this?
3. Is there a way to search for duplicates within a particular folder or within the whole library?
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Sep 3, 2013
We do a lot of 3D texturing for models. While CS6 was doing that just fine, CC has a problem. When we paint on 3D model directly, it has a 0.5-1 second lag. That's acceptable, as it's not used much. However from CC it started to lag even when painting directly on unfolded texture. Which basically interferes with our job.
It seems that there is no applying step anymore when switching from flat texture to 3D view and all changes are applied on 3D immediately when we paint on flat texture. Release notes say it's a 100x speed improvement, but we don't really see it. We see this behaviour on 2 computers: OS X one and Win8 one.
So my question is - can we turn immediate change applying on 3D model off?
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Nov 1, 2013
The usual import menue has the options for importing on the right hand side. My system is now showing an import dialouge box and the import dialouge on the right is greyed out. How do I get back to the standard import screen.
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Nov 4, 2012
This issue occured shortly after update to 4.2, but not directly after. I am using windows 8.
The issue that occurs is after importing images they are adjusted automatically to develop module cross process 1. After dealing with this annoyance for a bit of time I realized that I can not even "RESET ALL" the images to delete the adjustment. In delving into other images that have been in my database for quite some time, I have tried to "RESET ALL", which resets images to CROSS PROCESS 1. I have never set import to automatically adjust.
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Mar 13, 2012
I just upgraded from LR3.6 to 4.0. When trying to import images the import module freezes for a few minutes and then displays the import screen. However, when selecting a source the program freezes again and eventually crashes.
I had the same issue when upgrading to 3.6 some time ago and then found that disabling some USB controllers solved the problem. This works for LR4 as well. As I don't need all USB connections this is a workable solution, however, disabling controllers should not be necessary to run a program.
System is an Acer Aspire 7811 64 bits w/ Intel i7, Win 7 Home Premium, 8 GB internal mem and no external drives.
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May 19, 2012
I'm using LR4 with a Canon camera setup (Wind 7 Ultimate). I've got the auto import setting all configured with an incoming folder and destination. The app recognizes when an image is put in incoming folder and in fact it moves it to the destination folder. What is really annoying is that it leaves me at the import settings dialog and then I have to make all these choices as I would if I were manually importing.
Shouldn't the images be places in the desination folder and some view of that image be displayed in LR? It could be the folder view or ideally I want to see the last image imported at 1:1 size so I can review it and see if I want to take another shot? Maybe there is some flag I've got set incorrectly.
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Dec 21, 2011
I use Auto Import to import my RAW files. Each time LR imports my files the Previous Import count number increases. Is there a way to reset this count so it shows a true reflection of the photos from my previous import session?
Correct me if I'm wrong but if you manually import files the Previous Import count number resets itself automatically. I've Googled this problem & this question has been asked before - all users were utilising Auto Import.
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Jan 17, 2011
I'm trying to import photos into LR3.3, and the thumbnails are grayed out, as is the import button. The photos come from two other cameras -- one Canon Elf, the other I'm not sure. I received them through dropbox, and they open fine with Bridge and Photoshop CS4.
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