I am getting the message 'The following files were not imported because they cannot be read". At first I though my memory card had crashed. However, I can see all the images in the import dialog window. I also tried other memory cards with the same problem and they can't all have crashed simultaneously.
The usual import menue has the options for importing on the right hand side. My system is now showing an import dialouge box and the import dialouge on the right is greyed out. How do I get back to the standard import screen.
This issue occured shortly after update to 4.2, but not directly after. I am using windows 8.
The issue that occurs is after importing images they are adjusted automatically to develop module cross process 1. After dealing with this annoyance for a bit of time I realized that I can not even "RESET ALL" the images to delete the adjustment. In delving into other images that have been in my database for quite some time, I have tried to "RESET ALL", which resets images to CROSS PROCESS 1. I have never set import to automatically adjust.
I just upgraded from LR3.6 to 4.0. When trying to import images the import module freezes for a few minutes and then displays the import screen. However, when selecting a source the program freezes again and eventually crashes.
I had the same issue when upgrading to 3.6 some time ago and then found that disabling some USB controllers solved the problem. This works for LR4 as well. As I don't need all USB connections this is a workable solution, however, disabling controllers should not be necessary to run a program.
System is an Acer Aspire 7811 64 bits w/ Intel i7, Win 7 Home Premium, 8 GB internal mem and no external drives.
I'm using LR4 with a Canon camera setup (Wind 7 Ultimate). I've got the auto import setting all configured with an incoming folder and destination. The app recognizes when an image is put in incoming folder and in fact it moves it to the destination folder. What is really annoying is that it leaves me at the import settings dialog and then I have to make all these choices as I would if I were manually importing.
Shouldn't the images be places in the desination folder and some view of that image be displayed in LR? It could be the folder view or ideally I want to see the last image imported at 1:1 size so I can review it and see if I want to take another shot? Maybe there is some flag I've got set incorrectly.
I use Auto Import to import my RAW files. Each time LR imports my files the Previous Import count number increases. Is there a way to reset this count so it shows a true reflection of the photos from my previous import session?
Correct me if I'm wrong but if you manually import files the Previous Import count number resets itself automatically. I've Googled this problem & this question has been asked before - all users were utilising Auto Import.
I'm trying to import photos into LR3.3, and the thumbnails are grayed out, as is the import button. The photos come from two other cameras -- one Canon Elf, the other I'm not sure. I received them through dropbox, and they open fine with Bridge and Photoshop CS4.
Had version 4.2 working just fine until last week when it stopped importing. Program does not even show external drive in available folders. Bought LR5 and updated to version 5.2. Same problem. I can view from Windows Explorer or Irfan View. If I try to import from other source, I can see the folders but when I open the folder I get an error message that says no items match your search. I need to get this figured out as I'm a sports photographer and need to get 6 games processed and posted.
Installed Lightroom 4.3 update Saturday. Won't import anything Raw or JPG.Get Message: Could not copy a file to the requested location. (1)I rebooted and tried other files with no success
Documentation: • LR-4: Download, 3/28/2012 • LR 4.3, Camera Raw: 7.3 • mac: OS X: 10.6.8
LR4, allthough what i'm reffering to appears with all versions.
when i open the import dialog box, and going to the location of the CR2 files i would like to import, i see on screen a different version/look of the image than after import.
meaning, i see what i interpet as a "Jpeg" version of the CR2 file when i'm in the import dialog box.but when everything is imported into my catalog, when i look on the same file it looks much different. (both in library and develop)
i'm not applying any develop settings upon import.only my metadata and maybe a few keywords.
Is there a way that when first importing from the camera raw files, to see the image in the Import mode, rather than "No preview available"? This is when first starting the Import process. All.jpg files do have the image displayed so you can see what it is. Lightroom 3.5 Win 7 64-bit.
When I go to import photos into PS from lightroom, I am losing my edits. Not sure what the deal is. I checked the color profile and also proof set up and they seem to be right... [URL]...
Today I went to LR4 and tried to import RAW CR2 files into the program using the usual import process which is pretty automatic. I also asked that copies be saved as DNG files. No matter what I tried, I got an error message saying that the files could not be imported. I use a Canon 5D Mark III. The only difference in today's shoot was that I used and HDSC card instead of a CF card. No other obvious changes. Clearly, this is a serious concern. What amI missing?
what DNG files are? I know when you import to LR it gives you the option to import as DNG,or Copy, Move or Add. It seems as if I import as DNG I can't use it on other editing programs.
needed larger HD and did a clean install of windows 7 after doing a search of my original HD for all PSD/CR2 images> then doing the "drag drop" technique of copying/backing-up those images to another external and an internal HD.
Then did the instillation of that larger "C" HD and clean install of windows 7>copied those images into one newly created folder on that drive>installed CS6 and LR 4.1 and...LR can't/will not recognize and import more than 500 out of 14,000 PSD/CS2 images.
I am able to access those images via windows explorer and open them into CS6 without difficulity. I have done a couple un/reinstall of LR.Every one of those images is located within one folder and no images anywhere else on the "C" drive. I still have the original back-ups in two places. I have watched the videos on importing images.
With my Imac (Osx 10.8.3) and L 4.4 the Pictures folder is frozen. I can acces pictures but I can not import new pictures or delete or remane or move. It looks like the Pictures folder is locked. I can do everything if I move up the the "Myname" Folder. both version L4.4 and Imac are in French.
I'm trying to import a catalogue into Lightroom 4.4. The catalogue I'm importing has 3397 images but only 1806 of these images have been imported. I tried to reimport, but the import dialogue box won't let me tick any of the boxes. With the preview window open in the import dialogue box it seems that some images are missing, yet they are all there when I go to the folder. The images and catalogue I'm trying to import are on my desktop. I have verified and repaired disk permissions after clearing my caches.
Whilst PS reads all my files from external hard drives (previously worked with Windows)onto my Imac, LR sees the files but they are "dimed" and thus will not import. There is no error message.
I guess this is new in LR 4, but when I import, I select the folder I want the images imported to, but LR creates subfolders for each day, not what I want.
For example, I just imported from my CF card all the images shot this past weekend and ended up with four subfolders (2012-05-24, 2012-05-25, 2012-05-26 and 2012-05-27).
What I wanted was for all the images to go into one folder.
since updating from lightroom 4 to lightroom 4.2 I cannot open new photos in My Pictures with lightroom - therefore, I cannot import new photos. I uninsalled the 4.2 - but I still have no option to open photos.
I just cannot get it. In the Library I can see the desktop, but not all the folders in desktop are not visible. Have tried many triks but cannot fiqure this out. The intro tutorial does not explain this at all in necessary details. Why doen´t the folder tree open like in windows? I am just used to work with the windows way to show the folder tree and that is why this looks a bit starange to me.
How can I make Lightroom import only RAW and not JPG files? (Some camera's require you to save a JPG next to a RAW to generate the best preview on the camera LCD).
I am suddenly unable to import photo files from my computer directory into LR 4.3. I have imported thousands of photos previously, but now I get an error message "Could not copy a file to the requested location". I have seen comments elsewhere on forums which says that to solve this the "Destination" has to be set to "Pictures". I can't find anywhere to select "Pictures" in the Destination menu.
LR is now totally useless to me. How can you get to talk to an expert at Adobe? I just get sent round in circles and end up back on the forum every time!! This is urgent!
25/02/13 Solved this myself. Found after clicking on the arrow at the top right, I got a pull-down menu of recently used destination paths, and by ticking the one which showed "My Lightroom Photos/ Pictures" all was well. (My Lightroom Photos is my directory in which I keep all my photos).
I have some RAW images stored on a network drive, and I was working on them with my laptop. After completing the album, I removed the photos from the catalog on my laptop, so Lightroom wouldn't be so slow when I didn't have access to the network drive. This was short-sighted becuase I need access to those edits again, and I am wondering if I can re-import into the Lightroom catalog on my laptop and recover the edits.
I recently imported all my iPhoto photos into LIghtroom...all went pretty well (some of the metadata didn't make the transfer for reasons unknown, even though I imported all of the photos as jpg files).
I'm stumped by what is most likely a VERY simple thing with a VERY simple answer:
How can I import (and move during the import into the LR5 catalog) a single photo from my Mac desktop?
The online support covers importing from folders, cameras, SD cards, etc...but doesn't mention importing a single photo that's already on my Mac. I've tried dragging the file onto the LR icon in my dock. LR starts up...but doesn't import the file. (Or if it did, I can't find it, since there's no "Last Import" selection in the Navigator panel).
Lightroom 2.7 won't import raw files from folder. After I choose files and click they come up as a white file that says (preview not available for this image ) and I can't go any further. Have no trouble importing JPEGS.