Lightroom :: 5 - How To Turn Picture A Bit With Crop Overlay
Jul 17, 2013
Let's say I want to turn a picture just a little bit with Crop Overlay. And... many times LR5 is hanging. I can only force to shut it down. I did not have this problem with LR4. And it cannot be my iMAC, it's the new one, 27" with SSD and the highest processor.
Photos adjusted using Process Version 2003 incorrectly display a “Post Crop Vignette: Paint Overlay” History step. Selecting a subsequent History State can reset existing settings that follow that state in the History panel. This reset cannot be undone, effectively deleting any settings that have been applied after the selected History State. This only occurs with images adjusted in PV2003.And up until today, I was indeed seeing this Post Crop Vignette: Paint Overlay history step on my Process Version 2003 photos.
Today, I downloaded and installed Jeffrey Friedl's Data Explorer Plug-In, and I used it to create a collection which contained all of my photos that are Process 2003, so I could go through them and see if any would benefit from using Process 2012.
Lo and behold, I see my process 2003 photos now do NOT have this history step, as you can see in the attached screen capture (the history does not show this step, and at the top right, under the historgram, the photo is clearly PV 2003).have I misunderstood something, or did Jeffrey inadvertently provide a work-around, or something else?
Sometimes I take a screenshot from within L/R 3.6 and send it by email. Problem is the image name/date/size info. overlay spoils the image. I've looked all over L/R prefs etc but I can't see how to turn the info. off, assuming it's possible to do so?
I used to be able to import pics from my camera into a specific folder on my hard drive. That was until 2 weeks ago. Now my only choice is to import into the folders below. C. drive - where all my digi camera pics are - is no longer there. How do I get L/R import to recognize my hard drive again.
Why my Crop Guide Overlay dropdown is missing? Adobe Photoshop CS4.
There used to be a day when you could click on help and it would bring up help topics on the product you purchased. Now, I get a website with CS5, CS6 and whatever else.
Is there a way to set the relative picture size of an overlay image in the preview window (picture in picture) to a presetted size and AR by default. My overlay pictures never have the original AR unless I select "original aspect ratio" every time.
I'm using PS CS5.1 (extended, Mac), and until this afternoon my crop grid has always displayed as a solid grid. Now it's displaying with marching ants, and it's driving me insane. Did I accidentally do something?! How do I get my crop selection area to display as a solid grid once again?
when I select the crop tool, my image disappears during the entire crop process. I can only see the image in the preview pane. Why is this happening? I am using the most current version of Lightroom, and I am on a PC.
A friend of mine sent me a jpeg file, which when viewed by most viewer programs looks the same.
But when I view it using Zoom Browser (the program that came with my Canon DC), I find that the picture contains much more. I guess that the picture might have been cropped using a DC's digital zoom function.
Can I view the orginal image before the cropping using Photoshop? (Using Zoom Browser, I can only view the original image in thumbnail mode which is not large enough).
I am interested in the mechanism of the cropping process. Could you kindly tell me a little about that?
I have a picture with white background . I want to crop only the picture from there with transparent background .
i read your forum and i use the Magic Wand Tool , and i save the image in png , but the image saved was also with white background . How i can do this .
In PS5, if I start with a picture 5184 x 3456, I could crop a picture to be 2100 by 1500 by setting these parameters in the crop tool. No matter whether I decided to make a big crop or a small crop, my final image was always 2100 x 1500.
In PS6, however, I don't think the crop tool parameters work the same way. If I set the crop parameters to 2100 by 1500, my final crop is NOT 2100 by 1500, but rather my final crop is whatever original pixels I selected.
What is the EASIEST way to accomplish a final crop of 2100 x 1500 on PS6?
Bassically i want to create a photo collage of pics. I have used the Lasso Select tool to cut out my images in the shapes that i wanted and deleted the remaing background. i then saved the cutout image but the issue i am having is that the canvas (checkerboard) is larger than the picture. I can resize the canvas however the images are not standard shapes and the area fills up with either black or white filling.
When i use Picasa to do the collage the pics that overlap are surround with a border; basically the fill between the image and the canvas.
any links to websites that shows you how to turn a normal 2D picture into a photograph?
Like you know, I've some picture I got from the web, and I want to use Photoshop to modify this picture so that it becomes a cool-looking photograph with the edges being flipped a little and there's all those white borders around the picture, like a real photo!
I know of some websites which I saved to my browser's favorites list, but my PC crashed and the links got lost!
Debian updated GIMP this morning (2.8.2) and I notice that after cropping an image, the crop lines remain on the picture. Is this a bug or a "feature" ?
When I select content using the crop tool then hit enter (or the green checkmark) the picture just disappears. This happened all of a sudden a few days ago. I can do COMMAND Z to undo and the picture reappears. But every time I crop the picture disappears and the layer thumbnail just turns brown.
I am editing old pictures. To save time I am scanning four pictures at a time. I'm using the marquee tool to crop each picture into their own layer via right click method and choosing "Layer via copy." After I'm done doing this for all four pictures, I have to hide all but one layer, trim the project to the picture size, save it. Then I undo the trim, and start over for the next picture to save.
Is there any easier way to save each cropped section as their own picture/project at the size of their crop without effecting the other pictures? Was wondering if there was a way to crop the portions I want out but instead of copy to layer method, I could just create a new project with that cropped picture?
I cannot get rid of the selected mask overlay while using the gradient tool. Pressing O doesn't have any effect, and in the toolbar, there IS a "show edit pins" option, but there is NO "show selected mask overlay" option. The mask appears to be permanently on, in blue.
I want tthe text overlay in the slide show module to include the file caption. My captions are long and need two or more rows of text. The problem I have is that Lightroom will only display the caption text on a single line that runs well outside of the slide area. Even if I make the text small by grabbing the center point of the text box and make the height small, the text stays on a single line and extends outside the slide area. I am not able to grab a corner and drag the text box to a more square proportion forcing the text to break into multiple lines. As far as I can tell this is not possible.
I am doing a sequence of photos and it would be extremely useful if there was a grid overlay for the photo I am working on when I am not in crop mode, the same as the thirds grid overlay you see when using the crop tool.