Lightroom :: 4.4 - Store Presets With Catalog?

May 13, 2013

I have a problem with Store presets with catalog. I'm using LR 4.4 Win.
If checked, I lose my Nik Plugins.  If unchecked, I lose my presets. How do I fix this? 
Does storing my presets (but not my plugins) present any negative consequences?

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Lightroom :: 4.4. - Purpose Of (Store Presets With Catalog) Checkbox?

Apr 20, 2013

I am running Lightroom 4.4 on Windows 7x64. I have heard that under preferences its better to uncheck the box that says "store presets with catalog" because it is better to have the presets not tied to and/or embedded in a specific catalog.

However, I noticed that whether the box is unchecked or checked, the presets are always stored in their own subfolder separate from the catalog. Specifically, if the box is checked the path is: "C: Drive"->Lightroom, if the box is unchecked the path is: "C: Drive"->Users->"username"->AppData->Roaming->Adobe->Lightroom. So the presets are not embedded in the catalog file in either case, they are just stored in subfolders in different places (albeit in one case it seems user specific and in another it seems global). So what is the real point of the "store presets with catalog" checkbox?

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Lightroom :: Store Presets With Catalog Doesn't Work With Web Galleries

Jun 6, 2012

I reinstalled Windows 7 and copied over my LR4 presets and galleries over to the new install.  I decided to try ""Store presets with catalog" to keep things simpler next time since I do periodic backups of the catalog folder anyway, so in the future all presets are backed up at the same time as the catalog.  I put the presets including a couple web gallery presets in the proper folders.  LR4 recognized all presets except for the web gallery presets--when I went to the Web module it didn't list them as options.  I then copied those web gallery presets to the default LR4 settings folder (C:UserXYZAppDataEtc-so-on-so-forth) at which point it recognized the presets and listed them in the Web module.
So it seems that LR4 doesn't respect the "Store presets with catalog" setting when looking for web gallery presets. 

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Lightroom :: Store Changed Images In The Catalog?

Jul 10, 2012

How to store changed images in the catalog

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Lightroom :: How To Import Metadata User Presets From Another Catalog

Aug 24, 2012

How to import metadata user presets from another Lightroom catalog?

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Photoshop :: Proper Location To Store Brushes Or Brush Presets?

Jul 7, 2013

Illustrator has a user section. Photoshop CS5 will display your custom brushes in the preset manager.
I use a Mac OSX 10.8. When I download brushes and install them in the User/Application Support/PS/Presets/Brushes they will appear in the preset manager without having to 'load' brushes each time. Yet, when you make a new preset and save the .abr file you can not save them to the proper location since Lion has the library folder hidden by default.
For instance, when downloading brushes, it's easier to combined multiple sets into one presets. I don't want 20 different smoke abr files. Yet, I can't save them to Application Support.
No one has a clear understanding of how this works (at least not on the internet.) The best thread (from Adobe forums) I found from 2011 stated I should do the above steps, but then a few other users reported thats out of fashion.

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Lightroom :: How To Maintain User Presets In Sorting Data After Import Of Catalog

Aug 12, 2013

I have 2x user presets (one for each of 2x camera's), which I use to apply to images on Import.
When moving a catalog from my laptop (rMPB) to the desktop (iMac) (created of just one image folder), using the export / import catalog routine, these presets just list as "unavailable preset" in the Develop Status metadata sorting options in the library module.
I have exported these presets from the laptop and imported them to the desktop and then re- exported/imported the catalog but the results are the same. Is there a way for these presets to be recognized and sorted by correctly when importing a catalog?

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Lightroom :: Presets To Show Up Under Presets On Left Hand Side Of Screen

May 20, 2013

I am having trouble getting my presets to show up under presets on the left hand side of the screen. They are still in develop presets but there not showing up and Ive tried deleting them and adding them again then closing out of lightroom 4 and going back in but I can not seem to get them to show up again. I must have hit something but there not showing up again

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Lightroom :: Where Are Tone Curve Presets In Presets Folder

Nov 17, 2012

I have recenty had to reinstall all my software, and manged to find most of my old Lightroom settings in the Lightroom Presets folder (inside the Appdata folder on a PC) but I seem to have lost my custom tone curves.
Do you know which folder they should be in (indise the Lightroom Presets folder)
I STILL don't understand why there are TWO comminty forums for Lightroom;

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Lightroom :: Way To Store More Than 9 Keywords In Keyword Preset

Feb 12, 2013

Is there any way to store more than 9 keywords in a keyword preset?  I realize I can have more than one preset for a topic (i.e.  Landscape1, Land scape2, Landscape3) but it would be really nice to have just one Landscape preset with a lot of keywords to choose from.

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Lightroom :: Using External HDD To Store RAW Data From Camera

Mar 12, 2013

I have my laptop with LR4, I'm using an external HDD to store the RAW data from my camera. This HDD is fed by an external power line so it's not as portable (WD My Book3.5")

So the setup is that LR4 is linked to the external HDD. Whenever I download photos from my CF card, I tell LR4 to copy the images to the external HDD because I don't want my laptop to be filled with RAW. I only export the JPG's to my laptop.
Now here is the tricky part. When I travel, I take my laptop and my lighter external HDD (WD My passport 2.5") because it's portable and needs only USB power.

While traveling I import my photos using LR4 to the secondary HDD (my passport) and I edit them. When I get back home, I would like to "merge" my edited images from the portable HDD (my passport) to the primary HDD (my book).
So essentially I would like to streamline my work as if I'm managing one catalogue on two separate HDD.

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Lightroom :: Where Does LR Store Catalogs / Previews And Backups

Jun 24, 2012

1.   By default, where does LR store:
a. Catalogs (.lrcat)  
b. Previews (.lrdata)
c. Backups of Catalogs and Previews
2.  Can these locations be changed?
2a. If so, how does one specify where LR will store each of the above?
3. Is there a specific relationship of location the Catalog, the Preview, and the Backups, or any partial combination of those three,  must remain in?
3a. If so, what is/are that/those relationships?

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Lightroom :: Store EXIF User Comment In LR5 Keyword

Mar 23, 2014

Can I automatically store the EXIF user comment in an imported photo into the LR5 keyword.

In the iPad we use the PhotoName app to and a caption to the photo. After import the caption is in the user comment field of the EXIF file, which I would like to automaticately appear in the keywords.

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Lightroom :: Using NAS Hard Drive System To Store Finished Work?

Jan 12, 2014

I've just purchased a NAS hard drive system to basically transfer and store my 'finished' work from Lightroom and Photoshop. In reading the manual for Lightroom, am I correct in thinking that the NAS server cannot be a 'catalog' ?? I basically just want to correctly transfer across my finished files for storage there rather than on my main computer hard drive - and hence free up space on main computer. I'm just not sure of the process in how to go about this correctly? I still want to be able to access these finished files in case I need to revist something - but happy for them to be off the main computer?

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Lightroom :: Shoot Tethered And Store Images Both To Camera Memory Card And HD?

Dec 15, 2012

Shooting tethered only seems to allow me to store the images in lightroom, not on my camera - really would like to do both

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Lightroom :: Can Update Catalog On Laptop And Then Transfer Updates To Master Catalog On Desktop

Jan 13, 2011

I don't want to have the original files on both laptop and desktop.
I want to make a copy of a Lightroom 3 catalog to put on my laptop so while on the move I can be geo-tagging and keywording to 8000 photographs. I don't want to drag an external drive with me. I just want to be able to work on the catalog metadata and have all the updates/changes stored there (on the laptop)(in the catalog) and then transfer the catalog back to the desktop (to the primary archive) and have all the updates/changes pushed back into the DNG's or the XMP sidecar files alongside the CR2's. These changes would be only keywording and possibly writing GPS data into them….NOT image edits (that would probally require access to the original image files)
As a test, I tried "exporting as catalog", TWO images (with the source images "unavailable"). I flash-drived the resulting catalog to my laptop. I opened the catalog in LR3 and made changes to the metadata. I tried both "saving metadata to file" and "updating DNG previews" (which would be useless anyway since I could not write data back to the missing originals) and also tried doing nothing and just closing LR,  then pulling the flashdrive and plugging it into the DESKTOP.(knowing the changes are stored within the catalog itself only) I open the 2 picture catalog in LR and see the keyword updates. Hurrah!
I switch over to the master catalog. All I want to do is import the updated metadata (keywording, contrast, etc…) back into the master catalog and push the data into the original DNG or XMP. On import I select "replace: Metadata and develop settings only" (with or without "preserve old settings" checked) and click import. Voila! NOTHING HAPPENS and the updated keywords are NOT picked up.
I know that the metadata updates were carried out because they showed up when I opened it separately in LR! For some reason they don't seem to making through the import process to the master catalog…

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Lightroom :: Sharing Catalog - Does Housing Catalog And Images On External Hard Drive Work

Jan 15, 2014

I will be managing a small portion of a client's overall image workflow by updating their web prescence on a regular basis with new work and retagging/uploading old work. I believe this requires the catalog and the image library  to be housed on an external hard drive that can travel between the two of us. We are both working on PC's with LR 5.3.
The workflow would look something like this:
Client downloads new images onto external hard drive and imports into LR "ClientCatalog" is created Flags Picks and Creates a Collection from those Picks.Hard drive is handed off to me where I open "ClientCatalog".Make suggested edits to images add detailed tags and metadata upload to various social media sites and websites return hard drive to client
Is there potential problem with this workflow? My assumption is that if everything is housed on the external hard drive then there are no worries about the catalog containing all the latest updates. Are there any "safety protocols" you would add in to this workflow (besides mirroring everythign on another hard drive)?

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Lightroom :: How To Merge Catalogs By Importing A Catalog Into A Master Catalog

Dec 15, 2012

I'm using Lightroom 1.  I tried to merge catalogs by importing a catalog into a master catalog, but there were some problems.  The one I noticed immediately was that the collections are not correct.  It imported the collections, but for example one collection now has only 4 photos when the originbal had 140?  How can I fix that?  (Although not necessariy a problem, it seems to have the wrong number of photos imported too.  It says the previous import was 3175 photos when it was more like 10,000.)

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Lightroom :: How To Merge Catalog 4.4 (empty) With V3 Catalog With Many 1000 Photos

Apr 29, 2013

I had to reinstall an OS in my computer due to a virus.  As a result LR 3 in no longer installed.  I still have the catalog on a backup disk and have just installed and updated to LR 4.4.  What is the best way to merge the V3 catalog with V4 and are there any things I should expect or look out for?

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Lightroom :: Option To Export All LR4 Catalog As A New Catalog

Nov 12, 2013

i have an 8 giga LR4 catalog (about 300000 images).just installed the new LR5 and tried openning the LR4 cat in LR said it needs to upgrade, but in the middle of the prosses i had this messege: "lightroom encountered problems when trying to update the format of the catalog file and cannot use this catalog in this version of LR"
i saw that there is an option to export all my LR4 catalog as a new catalog and than import it into LR5.i haven't tried that yet since i'm worry that i might loose some info. will this process (of exporting and importing) keep all my LR settings? like develop user presets, keywords and collections?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Created New Catalog And Ircat - How To Only Have One Catalog

Feb 10, 2013

I only want ONE cataglog.  Today I installed and upgraded Lightroom from v. 3 to v. 4.3 which was OK.I wanted to upgrade my ONE and ONLY existing catalog keeping the same name.LR created a second catalog and added a - 2 to the name and it's a .ircat. 
How can I return to having only ONE catalog and library?

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Lightroom :: Catalog 3 Didn't Transfer To Catalog 4

Dec 15, 2012

My catalog 3 did not transfer to catalog 4.  I tried to manually transfer files.  Now I have as many as eight copies of some pictures, none of others.

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Photoshop Elements :: Print / Page Setup / Presets / Show Presets Box Freezes

May 8, 2013

When trying to print in Elements 11, after clicking "Print/Page Setup/Presets/Show Presets", the box freezes. Clicking Cancel or OK does not work. I then have to Force Quit Elements to clear it. Apple say that it is a problem with Elements. Using the same procedure in other applications, clicking Cancel or OK does work.

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Lightroom :: How To Use 4 Presets

Apr 24, 2013

I have Lightroom 4 installed but can't get any presets to work.

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Lightroom :: How To Transfer Presets

Feb 28, 2014

So I just transferred my Lightroom catalog to a new computer. But none of my presets were transferred. Do I have to do that seperately? Also I'm having trouble even getting to my presets on my old computer. I can see them through Lightroom but can't seem to find them again out of Lightroom. Lightroom 4. Mac.

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Lightroom :: 5 Presets Are Missing?

Mar 14, 2014

i have lost all  presets in Lightroom 5

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Lightroom :: Upgraded To 5.3 - All Presets Gone

Dec 14, 2013

i upgraded to LR 5.3 this morning, using the Store Presets with this catalog option, as well as the Upgrade wizard. When LR5.3 opened at the end of the process, all of my Import, Export, or Develop presets were gone.  all of those folders are empty (for example C:UsersmePicturesLightroomLightroom SettingsDevelop PresetsUser Presets shows "This folder is empty"), and when i open LR 4.4 (the previous install), the presets are gone as well.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Presets From 3?

Jun 4, 2012

I recently got a new computer because my other one is going out on me. I downloaded LR3 onto my new computer but need to somehow get Ithe presets I created off of my old computer and onto my new one. Anything I find just tells you you have to export them one at a time which would really suck if that were true because I have hundreds.

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Lightroom :: How To Save All Of 4.4 Presets And Put Them Into 5.0

Mar 21, 2014

i just bought the new LR 5.0 (now upgrade) - now i want to save all of my presets within my old LR 4.4 (not just the cataloge) and load them into LR 5.0, so everything is how i know and need there a way to do so?

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Lightroom :: No Presets Working In 4?

Dec 12, 2012

I downloaded the trial version yesterday, but I am not able to use any presets, the default ones or some I downloaded. I put the mouse over them and the image in the navigation bar does not change, nor does the picture change if I click on them. How can I make them work?

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Lightroom :: How To Use Adobe Presets

Nov 12, 2011

I have Photoshop Elements 9 (which I love) and use it to try and give my pics a more 'professional' look, however I find it very time consuming. I was doing some research on Adobe Lightroom and came accross the 'ultimate collection of The best Lightroom Presets'. URL....has anybody used these or other presets? They sound quick and easy to use, just open your photo and apply the effect with minimal editing- is that correct?
I have small children and love taking photos of them and just want to 'professionalise' my photos quickly and easily, is Photoshop Lightroom better that Photoshop for doing?how the Student/Teacher version of Lightroom is different to the full version?

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