This is a Canon kit combination and it seems odd that it's not included in the Canon profile for lens correction. The EF-S 10-22 IS USM is there which is not a kit lens and quite expensive. Am I missing a step or do I have to download additional lenses from Adobe?
How or where can I get the lens correction profile for the Canon 18-135 STM lens in Lightroom 5 ? In effect he is not available in my list of correction lens so my lightroom is up to date apparently.
I just bought the Tamron SP 90 2.8 DI MACRO USD and LR lens profiles only lists this lens for Canon (F004E) and Nikon (F004N). There is no profile for Sony (F004S) ! Any drawback if I use F004E or N ? Or better use a the profile of the older Model of that lens where there is a Sony profile ?
Using Canon Mark11 camera and Canon 16-35 lens. I can not find a profile for it in Lightroom Lens Correction. Any thoughts on where I can find a profile for this lens?
I seem to remember that there used to be a lens profile for the Canon 500mm f/4 lens in my older versions of Lightroom 3, but now when I use LR3.6, I see "none" listed when looking for a profile for this lens in the Develop module. Is this a change in 3.6 or am I mistaken? This probably is not a big deal because I don't remember seeing much change when turning on the profile correction before for this lens, but I am beginning to wonder if I was imagining something.... If the profile was dropped from the latest version, are there any independent profiles for this lens? Can you remind me how to load a user developed profile?
Somehow, I have lost my profile for my lens. I have a profile for the 1.8 85mm but not the 1.2. Same goes for the 50mm 1.2. What do I need to do to find them and install them?
I've been waiting for an update that includes a lens profile for the AF_S Nikkor 18-35mm 1:3.5-4.5 G W/A lens. I thought it would be in RC 5.2 or Camera RAW 8.2 RC. But, no. Closest I can now come is the more expensive 16-35mm W/A. I'm using this on the D600.
my main reason for upgrading to LR 3 was the lens profile correction abilities but for some reason LR 3.3 is not listing my Canon 15-85 IS USM lens. I use LR 3.3 at work and the lens is listed but on my Macbook Pro it's missing.
I don't want to start creating a profile as I am not sure I have the technical capabilties or knowledge. Where can I find a profile for this lens?
I have Lightroom 3 and just this morning noticed that all of the preloaded lens profiles are missing. I've been using the program for 3 years now and they've always been there previously. The only one available is SIGMA. I have a Canon, so all of those are gone. At the bottom of the box in "Develop" it says "Unable to locate a matching profile automatically."
I am running on Windows and tried repairing, but it seems to be missing the installation file that it needs.Is there a way to download and install the profiles for just the lenses I have? Or, do I need to completely re-install? If that's the case, will all of my libraries stay in tact?
I'm unable to find a profile for my Canon 5D Mark III within the PS CS6 lens correction filter. In fact, Canon isn't even available as a camera make option within the Search Criteria box, nor are any canon lenses. When I click the Search Online button, the prompt reads "No online profiles found".
I have no problem within Light room 4 (the Mark III and lenses are recognized)-- however, I'd really like to be able to use the new Adaptive Wide Angle Lens filter within CS6, which needs the camera's EXIF data to function correctly. I'm using a new i Mac OS X.7
Using LR 3.5.1. When applying Lens Corrections/Profile/Enable in Default, my Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 actual lens is being corrected by the profile for a Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 lens. I can tell it's the wrong correction because the barrel distortion after using the default profile is not corrected, and when I manually select the 4-5.6 lens the correction is perfect. So I know the right data is embedded in the LR correction data bank but is not being used.
I found that when I set the profile Setup selector to "Auto" the correct lens is selected and the correction it makes is "correct." But then moving to the next photo it switches to Default again, selecting the wrong lens, and so has to be set to Auto for each photo. This action doesn't seem to me to me an expected result called "Setup." I need this for my home interior photography, and with hundreds of photos a week I don't want to manually operate this. This didn't happen until v.3.4 or 3.5, I think.
So, how do I get it to select the right lens as the Default, or get the Auto setting to stick? Either would do. (Seems to me they logically are the same thing).
In addition, why isn't it possible to have the profile itself enabled as a default perhaps in a preset - or is that possible and I don't know how to do it? In other words, once it's working right, why not make it an import preset for that lens?
I'm trying out the new Sigma 24-105 DG lens with my 5D M II. The lens profile is not yet in the list of Sigma lenses. I checked and my LR is up to date with the latest version 5.3. Is there a way to find the lens profile to import for LR lens correction function? Or do I just need to wait until LR updates for new lenses?
I am using lightroom 5 at work and shot some images with a canon 5d2 body with tamron 24-70 2.8 vc and tamron 70-200 2.8 vc lense. According to the note below, both lens are supported since lightroom 4.1. However I can not find the profile of these two lens on lightroom 5. How I can bring the profile back in?
LightRoom and Camera Raw have profiles for Lens Correction and all the current available lens are in the list for the Canon 6D raw files. BUT the Filter/Lens Correction when in Photoshop CS6 only have 2 Tamron lens listed. Odd that there are lens profiles for the Canon 6D raw files in Lightroom and Camera RAW but not CS6 Filter/Lens Correction.
Camera RAW, LR and PS are up to date..... NOTE: I have a Canon 7D, G11 and 1D Mark II N and all their files work as expected. It's only RAW files created by the Canon 6D.
I have installed LR 4.2 RC but when I check Lens Profiles these lenses are not listed although ACR 7.2 is supposed to be supporting them. Where I can get the profiles for these lenses and what is the proper procedure to install them?
I'm using Lightroom 4.4 on a five-year-old iMac. I haven't been able to upgrade to LR 5 because it requires an operating system upgrade, but the technicians at the Apple Store say my machine is too old for the upgrade. I just bought a new Sony 18-105 lens which requires siginificant software lens correction. It has been included in the latest ACR in LR 5, but not LR 4. Is there any way I can locate and load the lens profile for just this one lens in my LR4? I've looked and there is no profile in the Adobe Porfile Downloader I can use.
I use Lightroom 3.6. The "lens profile corrections" does not have my lens in the drop-down menu. Is there a way other than using the Adobe Lens Profile Creator Tool to create this profile? The lens is the Nikon AF-S DX NIkkor 18-105mm F3.5-5.6 G ED VR, and I use the Nikon D90 dslr. I only shoot JPEGs.
At work, on a Windows 7 laptop, I used the Adobe Lens Profile Creator utility to make an LCP file for a Nikon 1 6.7-13mm zoom lens. After submitting that LCP file to adobe via email, I copied it to my Dropbox. At home, on my Mac OS X 10.8.5, I copied the LCP file from the Dropbox to:
Then I launched LR 5.3, navigated to a raw (NEF) image shot with this lens, and attempted to apply the lens correction in the Develop pane. Although the Library correctly shows the meta data for the lens and camera, the Lens Correction section in Develop does not even list that lenses LCP file in the drop down menu. Instead, LR attempts to apply a different lens profile which does not match the focal length of the zoom. I'm wondering if the LCP file that I created will only work on a Windows PC since that is where it was created?
i used Adobe Lens Profile Downloader 1.0 (Vista) to install a Profile for my Sony DSC-R1. I can see it in ...Adobe/CameraRaw/LensProfiles/1.0/Downloaded/ as 9480906a6e914dc7a47b3d5cf491d624.lcp. But it doesn't show in Lightroom 4.1 as a profile under Camera Calibration.
As my camera is fairly "old", lightroom does not have a lens correction profile for it. I have created a lens correction profile with Adobe Lens Profile Creator. Now how can I import this profile in Lightroom?