Lightroom :: 2.7 - Unable To Import From Desktop Or Download Card
Jun 30, 2012
Import images problem with Lightroom version 2.7, on a Mac OSx. Unable to import from desktop or the download card. . All other functions of the program work. I have tried reinstalling and also using the backup file, with no luck Have over 30,000 images on the program. Is there some sort of limit with this earlier version?
Having just got my MacBookPro, installed LR4, sucessfully shared my photo DB from Win XP with this Mac. However, when I attempted to transfer new photos from my SD card to the Mac, LR4 returns an error saying that it cannot read the DNG files on the SD Card?
I am having such a hard time only importing a few pics from my Card or from my desktop. Any easy way to import them because I am watching the videos and the tutorial does not look like my computer screen and I am seeing something different than what the woman is showing on her screen even though she shows it two different ways.
Also, do I need the full version in order to use the presets because when I click on them nothing happens. I am using the trial right now.
I was downloading some images from a Sandisk Extreme 111 CF 4Gb card (from a Canon 5d) and suddendly the card disappeared. At first I saw the previews in the LR "Import" dialog, but some quirk in the reader, or USB connection, caused the card to unmount. After that it won't mount or appear on the desktop.
Just to check, I put the CF card back in the camera and the first thing I got was a message sayin "Card not formatted".... even though I was shooting with it a few minutes earlier...
I am suddenly getting the error message "No images on the memory card meet the download conditions" when I try to import my pictures into Lightroom 5. My other cameras are importing to Lightroom as always... just fine. I have tried a direct import from the camera and also an import with my card reader and I get the same message. I have also changed cards with this camera and get the same error message.
I recently imported all my iPhoto photos into LIghtroom...all went pretty well (some of the metadata didn't make the transfer for reasons unknown, even though I imported all of the photos as jpg files).
I'm stumped by what is most likely a VERY simple thing with a VERY simple answer:
How can I import (and move during the import into the LR5 catalog) a single photo from my Mac desktop?
The online support covers importing from folders, cameras, SD cards, etc...but doesn't mention importing a single photo that's already on my Mac. I've tried dragging the file onto the LR icon in my dock. LR starts up...but doesn't import the file. (Or if it did, I can't find it, since there's no "Last Import" selection in the Navigator panel).
Since updating to LR 4.4, I have been unable to download RAW file formats. In addition, normal .jpg files stopped working today! I can successfully still download into LR 3.6 which I kept on my system. I'm shooting with a Canon 1D Mark X and using LR on an iMac.
I am unable to download any pictures to Lightroom 4. I use Lightroom every day and never had any problem before and suddenly 2 days ago Lightroom stopped working! I even download Lightroom 5 but got the same problem! What should I do?
How to import photos from my SLR to a folder on my desktop before I import them into Lightroom.
I use a card reader to import photos. I do not wish Lightroom to open first but to go straight to my desktop? I set up a folder on the desktop, but my camera does not recognize the folder .I do not have my Nikon's editing application installed on my computer.
When I insert an SD card LR5 will show a preview of all the content, but when you click on import, yget and error message saying it can't read the files.
I've installed Adobe Lens Profile Downloader and found the lens I'm after but just can't download. The "download" button remains grey and unusable. I'm using Lightroom 3.
Just tried to import some images from an SD card (using a card reader) as I normally do and the import freezes on "importing files". Before import the thumbnails shows and I have tried a different SD card. Is this a bug? do I need to re-install LR?
I am having issues importing photos from my SD card into LR4. I have 319 pictures on my SD card and LR is only recognizing 283 of them. In the Library module, I can see the pics that LR is not recognizing but they are greyed out. When I put my mouse over the picture it says "This photo has already been imported" but I never imported it. I did format my memory card right before my shoot if that makes a difference. I am using a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X Version 10.6.8. I have tried to restart my computer, restart LR, eject the SD card then put it back in but it's still not working. I attached a screen shot
Try to import CR2 files from CF card - files show in import screen but then will not import
"Import Results
Some import operations were not performed.
The following files were not imported because they could not be read (1):......."
Then lists ALL files on CF card
I tried copying CR2 files to a temporary folder on my desktop but get exactly the same message. Also tried importing iPhone images and get exactly the same message.
This all worked for the first week LR5 was installed and has just started happening after a week
Trying to import some photos from an SD card that has worked in the past. First, I get an error "The following files could not be imported because they could not be read" with a list of all files. This includes files I've successfully imported into LR in the past (tried them as a test, since they didn't get caught by the "new" filter).
So I copied all the images to my HD and tried importing from there, and got a different error: "Could not copy a file to the requested location" for all files.
Settings: "Copy as DNG", "Into Subfolder: By date: 2012/YYYY-MM-DD"
I'm running OSX 10.7.4 and Lightroom 4.1 The files are a mix of JPG, CR2, and MOV
I have been using Lighroom4.3 for nearly a year now with no problems. All of a sudden, it refuses to import any of my NEF files from my SD card. I have tried all my SD cards to no avail. In the import window the files appear as thumbnails, but when I ask to import I get the message 'Files were not imported because they could not be read (3)'
I can't import directly from an XQD card into Lightroom on my laptop (Windows 7). The images appear in the import window, but I get the following message when trying to import: "The following files were not imported because they could not be read." I can move the files over to the hard disk where Lightroom can import them but only by using the "Add" function. This precludes my adding the date to the file name and converting the files to DNG. The funny thing is I can import them into my desktop, but it has less memory and an older processor which during the import often exceeds the memory capabilities and corrupts the image file.
where is the "eject card after import" in lightroom 4.1?
'Devices', which is under 'Sources' (for import) has dissapeared, and only 'files'shows, The 'eject after import' phrase and it'scheckbox has vanished.
I am a Canon shooter and a seasoned Lightroom user. About a month ago my Mac stopped allowing me to import images from my CF card into Lightroom. I have worked with Mac and Adobe to no avail. At this point I know that my Mac can see the card and will me allow me to download images into iPhoto. It will generate thumbnails in Lightroom, but will tell me that it's unable to read the images when I try a complete import. If I switch users on my Mac to a dummy user, I am able to import the same images off my CF card. To my knowledge, I didn't changed any settings, at least not intentionally.
I just purcgased an iMac (and installed LR3) after running LR3 on a MacBook for several months. Is there a straightforward way to copy all of my content (folders, collections and catalog) from the laptop to the desktop? I'm essentially trying to duplicate what's in my laptop LR3 on my desktop LR3.
I have latest version of LR4, just tried to import raw and jpg.'s from my card reader for a 5dMKIII. The jpg files will import but the raw do not. Latest version of raw on Mac Lion.
Just upgraded my primary catalog to LR4. The LR3 import problem that started in ~3.3 or 3.4 has not gone away. Import effectively hangs the app.
I have a 6 proc AMD 1055T, Win7x64, w/ 16GB ram, an ATI 5770HD video card driving two monis, one 27" and one 24", and a ton of disk space (4 hd: c 384 free of 931, x: 191 f of 1.36TB, y: 1.55TB f of 2.72TB, z: 1.4TB f of 2.72TB). Free space isn't the issue. I usually do have several network shares connected; disconnecting them and removing all optical media makes no difference. My primary catalog has ~30,000 images When I try to import, the dialog itself takes up to a minute to open.
Eventually, the select source prompt appears; clicking on my usb2 card reader causes the dialog to disappear for a long time, sometimes > 2 minutes. The busy icon is displayed.If I'm super patient, the import disalog will open, but can take many minutes (3-5) to display, and once displayed, the busy icon remains and the dialog is not interactive for another long period, for example, right now, it's been > 10 mins on the 8GB card I'm trying to import from, import dialog visibility comes and goes, interacting with the scroll bar works, but so far I've only been able to scroll about half way thru the picture previews
This is obviously unusable. I've perverted my workflow at this point to be:
Copy images to temp folder in pictures hierarchy Sync temp folder, adding new images, without showing the import dialog Then, in Library view, I copy the new pictures to their final dest in my pictures folder hierarchy.
I just converted the catalog, so presumably it's optimized (optimizing made no difference in lr3.6 perf). As I said, this perf problem started in 3.3 or 3.4. ABout the only improvement I see is that I was able to successfully cancel the import; in 3.6 the app just stayed hung.
If I use LR to import the RAW files directly from a CF card, there are preview images (but I don't know how to import and save to a different HDD yet so I am still transferring files with Nikon Transfer NX)), but if I use Nikon Transfer to move the NEFs to the HDD, LR reports that it can't read the RAW files. I am using the same NEF format as what I use with ny Nikon D300 (14 bit, uncompressed) and LR will read those files.
For some reason there was a setting to eject the flash memory card after an import was completed that seemed to disappear in my version 4 Lightroom. Where that feature setting is located?
I have importet pictures from mu card. No problem. But I needed the same pictures only with very important metadata, that my collegue made. So I got the pictures from him om a stick. Lightroom refuse to import them. I have tryed to delite the pictures from my card, so that Lightroom don´t think that they are allready there. But I still can´t import the pictures.