I have CS6 wich I just DL a few weeks ago for school, I use no plug-ins or other add on software. The problem is my mouse will not interact with the panels, (ie layers, swatches, and the such) in InDesign. So far Photoshop Illustrator, and Bridge all work just fine it is only ID that I am having issues with. On the panels I can get it to open the group but it has no interaction with the fine details, selecting layers, double click name to rename locking viewing and open layer options, create new layer button will also not work, I can use the options button at the top right of the panel for some things but it leaves me limited on what can be done. I can not even use my mouse to switch between layers. (yes my mouse works, it is charged and interacts with other software and games with no problem)
The program Photoshop.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
I wasn't able to find out any information on what format the parameters are required to look like when passed along with the Method ExportAsFixedFormat.
I'm currently using the following code to change the active printer followed by the printout command
(vlax-put-property XL "ActivePrinter" "DocuCom PDF Driver on Ne03:")(vlax-invoke-method XLS "Printout")
where XL is my spreadsheet and XLS is the active worksheet. This works but the printer controls filename and location.
(vlax-invoke-method XLS "ExportAsFixedFormat"
I've found the ExportAsFixedFormat but can not find any documentation that shows how to format the parameters within LISP to send to Excel.
The object browser for VBA in Excel shows the following:
Sub ExportAsFixedFormat(Type As XlFixedFormatType, [Filename], [Quality], [IncludeDocProperties], [IgnorePrintAreas], [From], [To], [OpenAfterPublish], [FixedFormatExtClassPtr]) Member of Excel.Chart
I recording a macro and got the following that shows some additional information.
I'm using AutoCAD Architecture 2009. I xref a lot of floor plans underneath my new floor plans to trace different walls, roof outlines etc and ever since I started using the smart walls this has become a real pain. When I xref in a demo floor plan for example underneath my new remodeled plan the walls from the xref interact with the new walls and of course bring up all the error triangles.Is there a way to make the xref not interact with the plan that it is being place under?
I try to run Photoshop.exe, but it doesn't respond. I get this error message. How to fix it? I have no idea where is a problem? I had no problems with it earlier.
A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: Photoshop.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 3fce5708
Hang Signature: 1875
Hang Type: 0
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1063
Additional Hang Signature 1: 3732c99c21cdca196fbfee3cc7094b85
Additional Hang Signature 2: 848c
Additional Hang Signature 3: 5c7261f725b6a443e8327138a3fe0208
Additional Hang Signature 4: 1875
Additional Hang Signature 5: 3732c99c21cdca196fbfee3cc7094b85
Additional Hang Signature 6: 848c
Additional Hang Signature 7: 5c7261f725b6a443e8327138a3fe0208
how to turn off the mouse function when the mouse cursor moves over a feature, such as an edge, point, or surface, and highlights it. I don't want it highlighting the features automatically. I want it to highlight once I click over a feature. My colleagues and I are very distraught by this feature, and will be discontinuing our use of your products that do not allow us to turn this feature off. I'm not sure why you'd want to weed your customer base like this, assuming that I can't turn this option off from the research I've done pouring through the hundreds of complaints related to this issue. I haven't been able to find any posts recently, or regarding Inventor 2013 specificially on this issue, so I was hoping this version had the option of turning it off. Does any of Autodesk's software, such as AutoCAD, have the option of turning it off?
I followed the tutorial on this page: [URL]. However, my animation auto plays and mousing over has no effect. I have searched and sreached to no understandable (to me) avail. Here's a link to the file: [URL]
I'm using Photoshop CS4 on Windows 7 at work and every time I minimize or close Photoshop and then maximize/re-open, my Swatches and Layers panels are minimized.My workspace is saved, and I've tried resaving it (including panel locations, shortcuts and menus).
If i'm just simply switching programs/windows, it doesn't happen. Its only when the entire program is closed or minimized.It doesn't make any difference if I have a file open or not. Screenshots: left is before minimizing, right is after minimizing and maximizing again.hasn't always happened. Its jsut been in the last few months, and its driving me nuts. I mean its not like its hard to open them again, but when i'm switching back and forth between other programs and trying to do things quickly, it gets extremely irritating.
It doesn't happen on my colleague's computer, and she has the same version of everything. I've never seen it happen before (before it started doing this).I have CS5 (and have had CS3 and CS4 in the past) on my Mac at home and its never happened. Although you can't actaully minimize Photoshop on Mac anyway.
Why do ALL tutorial videos show the panels on the right of the screen? I loaded CS6 this week and thought I'd change them to the left. Why? Because I'm right handed and I tend to sit more to the left of the screen, which means I have to squint across to the right side of my very wide monitor to see the edit panels. I have successfully set up a profile with the panels on the left, and find it much easier to use (see below).
But... when I open an image it automatically loads to the left of the monitor (partly under the panels). I can get around that by hitting the 'F' key to get full screen mode with panels and menu, but is there a way to change the default position of the loaded image? I want to move it over to the right side as a default - like it is in screen grab below.
Is there a way to lock the height of the panels in CS4?
I like to have my navigator panel small and at the top with my History underneath and then my layers Panel the largest under that.
However, the sizes keep getting defaulted back and so it ends up the layer panel really small and the navigator panel bigger. This becomes 'pane' (sorry about the pun) having to keep stretching them out to how I want them?
How many panels there are in the web module of Lightroom 4.3 - 6 or 7 - I have 6 only panels, but it seems that I'm missing a seventh - The "appearance" panel or "aspect" in french?
I have Photoshop cs5 for the mac and I want to display 2 images of my project. I did this buy going to window>arrange>New Window For "project name" I want to be able to see one zoomed out and just have it displaying in the top corner. I position this new window on the top of my screen, but when I click on my "main" window, the new one just goes behind it and disappears.
My question is can I have my "main working window" tabbed in Photoshop, while I have the smaller zoomed out duplicate window floating on top of it?
I would like for the smaller window to always be on top of my "main" working window of my project even while I have the "main" window selected. Is this possible on the mac version? To solve this, I can make both of them floating windows and position them so that they do not overlap, but this takes up a lot of room on the screen.
Is there any way to enlarge the text in the panels, such as the "layers panel"? My eyesight just isn't what it used to be, and I would like to make it bigger. Is this even possible???
Working panels always used to lock into place inside frames in prior versions of Photoshop, but are free-floating in CS6; is there a way to anchor them as in prior versions?
I need to install a custom one that is working for CS5 and CS6, so that it can be seen and used in CC. But I don't know where to put it? (on the Mac)
for CS5 it goes here:
Main 3.0: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/3.0/panels/ User 3.0: /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/3.0/panels
for CS6 it goes here:
Main 4.0: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/4.0/panels/ User 4.0: /Users/[userName]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/4.0/panels
This is the issue:The other day i got an error message in Photoshop saying that Generator crashed and can't start until i uninstall other 3rd party plugins and reinstall PS. So I went to Extension manager and tried removing but ended up with an "Error code: -451 can't remove extension." Huh? Okay so I went on to do this the manual way following the [URL]...
Great! Now everything s clean. I reinstall PS as asked. and Duh! Nothing changed! The extensions are still there.So I tried uninstalling again, using the adobe cleaner tool and ten reinstall. Same thing - it's still there but the generator won't work.
Ok now I'm starting to get desperate. First I uninstall EVERYTHING adobe (even flash player), use the cleaning tool and then search the harddrive for anything having to do with adobe - all adobe folders, including temp folders, all registry accounts and remved them. Then I removed all things having to do with the extensions, searched the entire hd and if found any instance i removed it.
So I redownloaded Adobe Cloud, started a new account (for safety) and started to reinstall...After launching PS I see that the generator "reflow" option is back again, great! But, what the duck?! The extensions are still there!!
So I launch Extension manager, and it's empty completely empty.How am I now supposed to update the extensions? And how do I remove them
I have a few action sets from CS6 that came with custom panels that were installed after the actions were loaded using the Adobe Extension Manager for CS6. Can these panels be installed for CC? Is there an extension manager that will do the install, and if so how does one access it?
The panels windows take up so much space on screen. It's mainly the width of the panel. I'm constantly having to move the panels over and back in forth in order to see what I'm doing.
Here's what it looks like.... Nearly 1/3 of the workspace is taken up. Is there any way to make the panel thinner?
Why don't I have complete liquify control panels? How do I get them?
When I go to liquify I get some kind of watered down, simplified version of it. For instance, on the left edge I have 7 icons instead of the 12 shown I've seen on various webpage screenshots of the Liquify Filter screen
I tried posting a link such as this one, but it doesn't work:
[URL].... I have Tool and Reconstruct Options, but am missing Mask and View Options.
In the previous versions of Photoshop I've used (CS3, CS5), when I opened multiple panels (e.g. History, Info, etc) they would all stay open for reference. However with CS6 I've noticed that if I have, say, the History panel open, and also open, say, Info, then the History panel closes.
How can I change this behavior such that each panel I open will stay open and visible until I direct it otherwise? It's frustrating to have to keep using Window->History (or whatever) each time I need to see one or the other.
I have been trying to swap the Library Panel with the Previewer......so that the Previewer is on the Right Top and the Library on the Left Top...and the story line unchnaged. When I drag the Previewer to the Right Top....it will remian where I place it but covers up part of the Library. I just want to swap positions of these 2 panels......without covering up either...can that be done? If yes, than I must be failing to do something because...I have not been sucessful....I can move all the panels around.....but when doing so they always overlapcover other panels.......
I turned on my AutoCAD LT 2011 this morning at work, and I didn't have any panels or tabs on the top ribbon. After searching for a way to turn them on, I found a way to remove the ribbon completely and am unable to get it back. How can I get my ribbon with tabs and panels back on the top of the screen?
The program seems to run fine except that I cannot move or float the panels. They move ever so slightly and lock in place when I attempt to drag them. The only way to get them back is to do a workspace reset.
I am running Vista 32 bit, Nvidia 8600gt, Intel core 2 duo 2.33hz, and 4gb ram. I have the Production Suite CS4. I can move panels in every program but Photoshop. I have reset the configuration folders, tried a selective startup in msconfig and reinstalling Production Suite.
Lightroom has a photography editing friendly environment in what concerns to colors of its panels and controls (because it does not interfere with photos perception of color, specially in lights out modes) but Photoshop doesn't (in my opinion, of course).
My question is :
I changed the background color easily in photoshop to neutral gray but how to change its panels colors (tools panel, options panel, layers/navigator/history... panels) to turn them more attenuated and dimmed, in a more Lightroom lights out manner.
GIMP looks like more than enough to get me started with photo editing... however i've run into a problem -
Originally there were a few box's around the image that I uploaded, and they had tools and thing's in them (not sure what i only got it earlier) however now all i have is the image - and no toolbox / layer displays or anything.
Upon saving, usually there is a progress box in the middle of the screen. It appears after the save begins. Usually the box shows the progress is about half way along, and shortly, it gets to the end, then after a few moments, it eventually disappears and all is saved. However, occasionally, the toolboxes turn black and even flash during the saving process!
It's very strange. I have dual monitors on the computer; the left monitor is for the main application and the right is where I keep all the tool panels, mainly layers, appearance, glyphs, navigator/info, transparency, character/paragraph/opentype, document info/attributes, brushes, graphic styles, gradient and stroke with appearance. I have the UI set to light grey to work with.