InDesign :: CC - All Menu Items Grayed Out On New Install
Mar 12, 2014
I just installed Indesign CC on a new Mac laptop (I can provide specs if needed), and when I open ID *all* menu items are greyed out. I can't create a new file, open legacy files, or even quit the app (force quit only). I have not installed any plugins. Other CC programs work fine.
I have been unable to select previous folders used for export by selecting them from the usual dropdown menu in the export dialog box. All the folders created by the Choose option since installing LR4 are shown, but the are grayed out an inaccessable. I am unable to locate the Preferences file in my user library (Mac Lion 10.7.3) to delete it to see if that might work.
When launching, the window labeled "Adobe Design Suite Premium CS3" opens - it's only filled with white, and no text or graphics (I think it's usually the window asking me if I want to register, which always comes up when I launch the program (rather annoying in itself). However, now it seems that the launch gets "hung" on this window, as, even the the program starts, all the menus are grayed out, and I can't open any files or do anything. Also, the window mentioned above only has the yellow "minimize" button available in the top left corner, so I can't close it or otherwise get rid of it. Since even the Quit function is grayed out, I have to quit the program with a force quit. Also, this same thing happens in my other CS3 programs (In Design) as well.
I tried trashing the photoshop plist file (com.adobe.photoshop.plist) and also the com.adobe.118.registration file, which had no effect.
I have CS2 Premium which I'm running on an older PowerPC Mac (G5 - Dual 2.3 GHz ) running OS 10.4.11. I've had this setup for many many years (registered/activated with Adobe) but suddenly one day I could no longer launch my Photoshop app: when I clicked on the Pshop icon it would start the launch (open) procedure ... and then almost instantly it would quit (in just a few seconds ... before the application even got to the 'title/credit' screen).
I've recently tried uninstalling CS2 (everything except Acrobat) and I ended up doing a manual uninstall of Version Cue. I've been on Macs for 20+ years so figured this would be a pretty straightforward procedure - uninstall -> reinstall and then back to work. Nope.
I'm attempting a fresh installation direct from the original CS2 CDs. In any event, when I try to (re)install CS2 - and after going through the standard screens with Adobe's usage terms agreement and installation hard disk selection - I arrive at the screen where one selects which application(s) to install by checking the various boxes (or alternately, to install the entire suite) but the 'Adobe Photoshop CS2/Adobe ImageReady CS2' line and checkbox are grayed out, so it will not allow me to check them and continue with the Photoshop installation process.
A co-worker scanned a photo and emailed it to me to edit it and try to improve it, but everything I want to do is grayed out so I can't select it and I can't figure out why. Maybe it has to do with how she scanned it?
It's CMYK, 300 dpi, and 8 bit.
I'd like to sharpen it and adjust the hue/saturation, but they're grayed out.
why this is happening and how I can work around this so I can make the changes I need to make?
How do I add custom menu items to the main menu in Illustrator?
I would like to build my own menu with scripts that I use alot. This is a powerful feature that I use alot in other programs, but I have not seen any examples of this in illustrator.
Any way to automatically fill a blank document with placed items making it multiple up?
A simple example would be a business card that I designed in InDesign. I have the margins, document size and bleed edges set, I would like to place them multiple up on various sizes to see what size would hold the most to trim. 8up typically go on a letter sized document etc. But now many could I fit on 12"x18", etc.
What I am trying to accomplish not having to align each one manually which is slowing my work flow down. Plus when customers have odd sized documents they want cut and padded etc, having the abilitiy for the software to automatically place items that are all alligned by their trim edges would save a lot of proofing and re laying items out.
The idea comes from my Silouette Cameo personal cutting plotter. The software lets you fill the cut area with a design and it is filled equally.
There has to be a way commercial users can do this with out figuring all the math?
A netwrok group policy has kicked in on my machine (which I have managed to evade for 2 years) and the recently opened items has stopped displaying. The recent items options in Preferences>File handling is also greyed out. The recently opened items in the Start menu>properties is greyed out too. I know its the policy that is the root cause.
The list does not generate at all, even while I am active in the program.
However, Illustrator and Photoshop are still recalling the recently opened files as they normally would. While I know they are all different programs this gives me hope that there is a slim chance I can find a work around? Maybe redirecting where the data is saved or somethign along those lines?
Running CS5.5 Master Collection, Windows 7.just to add there is nothing in the group policy that is specifically directed at Indesign as i am the only person that has it.
Just downloaded PS CS5 on my new 64 bit computer. A lot of my basic filters are grayed out and I don't have access to them. Filters such as distort, brushes,artistic to name a few. I did download the 32 bit & 64 bit version.
We're running InDesign CS6 (version 8.0.1) in my office. When we override and delete a master page item from a page then save out the PDF, the deleted item still shows up in the PDF.
Example: We typeset a string of 250 trading cards. Each card is a separate page, in a single InDesign document, and are all based on one of several possible master pages. On the master page for a given card there are some graphic elements like symbols and directional arrows. During typesetting on a card that uses that specific master page we find one of the pointing arrows needs to be oriented in a different direction. We override the existing arrow and delete it, then replace it with the correct arrow (the arrows are placed graphics). The old arrow is no longer visible in the InDesign file. When it comes time to export the file for the printer we run a script that exports each page as a separate PDF. When we proof the PDFs, the card with the arrow adjustment still shows the deleted arrow, it is visible beneath the new arrow. If we save out that page by itself (with the script or manually), this problem doesn't occur. It only happens when we save out the entire set of cards at once or as a single, multi-page PDF. Though we typically use a script for the export, we still get the same result if we don't use the script.
I have Photoshop CS6 13.0.1 x64 Extended and all options under the 3D manu are grayed out. My graphic adapter is nVidia GeForce GTX 650 (it has 1024 MB memory). I have Windows 7 x64 and 8GB RAM.
In Performance settings I have checked to use the graphic processor and in Advanced settings the drawing mode either Basic, Normal or Advanced, it doesn't make a difference.
I just tried to create a 3D postcard and got this message: why the 3D doesn't work and what can be done about it?Here is a fragment of System Info regarding the display driver. The line with OpenCL Version is empty, although I have checked "Use OpenCL", could this be a problem?
Memory available to Photoshop: 6314 MB Memory used by Photoshop: 32 % Image tile size: 128K Image cache levels: 4 OpenGL Drawing: Enabled. OpenGL Drawing Mode: Advanced OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True. OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.
At first my 3D menu wasn't showing up, but after reinstalling, I was able to get it. Though, the problem now is that the 3D menu itself is greyed out. I have an up to date graphics card, more than sufficient VRAM, and an overall powerful machine; I'm sure it can run 3D.
Adobe Photoshop Version: 14.0 (14.0 20130423.r.221 2013/04/23:23:00:00) x64 Operating System: Mac OS 10.8.4 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:58, Stepping:9 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading Physical processor count: 4 Logical processor count: 8 Processor speed: 3492 MHz Built-in memory: 16384 MB [code]....
I am using CS5 Extended Teacher Student edition on my Mac OS X version 10.6.8. After using PS5 for many months with no problems, suddenly my entire menu is unavailable. I cannot even open a file or close a file from the menu.
I closed PS and restarted it and it is the same. As you will see in the screenshot, I recently downloaded and installed a couple sets for the Radlab plugin that I use to edit. I had not had any previous issues with RadLab. I have three shoots to edit and can't do anything.
I have an image with 2 layers. On one of the layers I have applied a gradient (default). I want to edit the gradient yet when I attempt to move the sliders by clicking and dragging, nothing moves. In addition, when I right click on the gradient window, the gradient editing menu appears but I cannot get it to do anything as the end functions in the menu are grayed out.
Photoshop CC The 3D Menu is greyed out so no options are able to be selected. If I try to use the 3D Window (Window>3D) then I get a message about enabling "Use Graphic Processor" even though its already enabled. I wanted to try out CC before upgrading for CS6 - And certainly will not be buying a new system just for 3D Option in CC (will stick with CS6)
System InfoAdobe Photoshop Version: 14.0 (14.0 20130423.r.221 2013/04/23:23:00:00) x64 Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1 System architecture: AMD CPU Family:15, Model:1, Stepping:0 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3
I am using CS4 for Mac. My tools and window panels were missing on the side. I placed them back in but noticed something odd happened under the Image tab in the menu bar. Normally I can select from the color modes under Image to change RGB photos to CMYK. For some reason, the CMYK mode is now missing unless I manually select SHOW ALL MENU ITEMS at the bottom of Image - Mode tab. How do I fix it so that all the color modes appear when I go to Mode under the Image tab? This happens every time now when I open a new file. It doesn't seem to save when I quit out of the program. I couldn't find it in Photoshop preferences.
I'm getting all of my menus corrupted after using CS6 for a couple of hours. See below. . This is happening for all of my windows (Navigator, preferences, etc.) I have to close the program and re-open to fix.
Running Windows7 64-bit. 12 GB RAM with an ATI FirePro V8700 card with 1 GB on it as well. I have all of the latest drivers for the card (installed yesterday). This should be blazingly fast, and it's chugging along like my CS3 used to with 4 GB RAM. Are these issues with speed and the corruption of the menu items related?
In Photoshop (Mac OS X), I typically use the pattern type cmd+shift+/ to open the help menu, type the phrase of the menu item I want to use, and then hit enter to activate the selected menu item.
I just checked Photoshop CC and the enter key does not seem to correctly behave as it should. Instead of activating the selected menu item, it just dismisses the help menu.
Is there a way to force the enter key to behave correctly, as it does in other apps?
Why are my menu items greyed out until I hit a tool icon?Example Photoshop, click "FILE" = everything greyed out except "recent" whose submenu (list of recent files) greyed out. If I hit any tool icon, menu items appear.ALSO .....eyes on layers have no effect ubtil I click elsewhere, navigator panel empty until I click an increase or decrease there, etc. I need to always click elsewhere for something to happen.I am running Vista Ultimate with a high capacity video card. I removed all my plug-ins, I ran PS4 script-cleaner and re-installed applic 3 times -
resetting itself to factory defaults. Now I notice it has taken to hiding a lot of my menu items and I have to click 'Show all menu items' every time I open a menu. Most frustrating. And I can't find a way to force the blighter to do the decent thing and keep on showing me all the menu options. how to do this as the help files are less than forthcoming.
So I recently began teaching myself about the Maya program but I have an issue with the tutorials for the 2012 version. It appears as though the tutorial was not updated along with the 2012 Maya program and its menu changes. where the Markings Menu is on the 2012 edition?