I want to point out I am currently exporting my image by going to File>Export>.PNG>(72PPI+Transparent).The issue im running into is; for example when I am exporting text, I am also exporting a certain amount of area around my image. How can I export the exact outline of my image?
When I wanted to use my text image for a website I was building I noticed I couldn't get the image to center. I opened the image in paint and noticed I was exporting the area around my image as well and not just the image itself.
I would like to export the text outline only. As you can see in paint I am exporting a fixed area around my image.
I haven't been doing graphics for a few years and are having trouble getting Xara Extreme to export a small drawing with a transparent background. I am selecting the image in Xara, Export, Save as .png, True color + alpha, Save
I'm now using WIN version of AI CS6, and I've used CS4, CS5 before.Why does AI CS4(and the newers) export transparent PSD files which are always with blank transparent thin border(about 2~3px) line in the right and down side ?
This situation hasn't happened in CS3 and CS2.The PSD files I intended to export are about A4 size with 300 dpi, sometimes with 150dpi, in RGB/CMYK/Grayscale color modes.
I have a hand drawn picture scanned as a jpeg file and I want to convert it to a vector image with a transparent background, but it keeps saving with the white background.
I started with a file with a transparent background and placed it onto my artboard. When I traced it, the background turned white. How can I turn it transparent again. I also want to change the color of the image (a font) from black to white.
(I'm working in CS4) and created a corporate logo for one of my clients. When I place the logo into Photoshop or InDesign, the logo is in a white box. How can I make the background transparent in the original Illustrator file?
I dont know if the t-shirt company will want the black layer and the white layer on seperate areas, so i will give them three files per side (black and white, Black, White). Unfortunately when i split the colors in raster graphics and re trace them it doesnt do it the same! and i fear that their will be blank ugly spaces on the shirt. so is their a way to take all of the white lines and put them by themselves on another document... and do the same with the black?
Also in the all colors toghether sample i have changed white to blue, so that it doesnt blend in with the background... Is their an easy way to make the background transparent, and then change blue to white?
I created a layer of text in Photoshop (CC) that has a transparent background. I want to place this text in an Illustrator document overtop of the artwork already there.
I dragged the layer from PS into AI. It transfered fine but in AI is has a white background.
I am sure there must be a way around this - I just don't know AI well enough.
I have seen that there are several posts regarding "transparent backgrounds," but but they're difficult to follow.
I'm using AI within CS5.5 but new to it. I am importing/converting a JPG file to vector format. The image is a logo with a large black circle boundry and a white opaque background. The background elements inside the boundry circle are also opaque white, and I wish to leave that as is. The edges of the circle touch the boundries of the JPG file tangentially by about 100px or so on each side when the JPG is viewed at original size.
My objective is to make everything outside the boundry circle a "transparent" background. What would be the best/easiest way to do this within AI? Is there, for example, a tool that will draw a circle that I can expand to get on the edge of the black boundry circle, and then make everything outside it transparent?
How do you make the background of an object transparent in Adobe Illustrator?
I have been having issues with using the Magic Wand tool in Adobe Illustrator as well as the lasso tool.
Basically, I am trying to put a small graphic into a new Illustrator file.
The first thing I tried to do is to use the magic wand tool. But I found out that this did not work on a jpeg image since it did not have any individual objects to select.
So I tried something new. I opened the file in Adobe Photoshop and used the lasso tool to select an area. Then I coped this area. Then I tried to paste it into Adobe Illustrator. But the background was not transparent for the pasted image.
How do I make the background transparent.
I made this small video to show what I am talking about: [URL] .....
I'm using a very old version, Illustrator 10. I'm just learning how to use the program and I can't save an image with a transparent background. I tried using "Save for Web" and checked the "Transparency" box (.gif and .png).
The grey and white checkerboard displayed, as if the background would be transparent. However, when I opened the image, it had a white background. It wasn't the entire artboard, just the bounding box. Am I missing something?
How to get lines that export with transparent "fill" without booleaning them together? When I do this the lines change so I'd like to find a way to just keep the information on top and ignore what's behind entirely (including the fill) so that I only have lines and no fills. Its for printing on fabric and such.
I need to create pattern using a simple shape and a background colour – the catch is they both need to be exactly the same colour.
For example ideally I would like to lower the transparency of the shape to around 30% so it’s lighter. Then put down a completely opaque background colour and move the shape onto the background. Logically I understand that making the shape transparent means it won’t show up on a background that is opaque... The only other option I've found is adjusting the colour saturation however this seems to have the same affect as it being transparent. There must be an adjustment option that I don't know about?
Flipping the idea vice versa seems to be no problem, having a 30% transparency on the background colour and an opaque shape works well however this isn’t what I’m trying to do.
I know it’s possible as I’m trying to replicate a pattern background we already use. Unfortunately I only have the screen shot jpeg of the background that has been OK to use on small designs in the past. Now I’m attempting to re-create it properly as a vector so I can blow it up to 2metres x 1metre for an exhibition stand without worrying about pixelating.
I have a logo that I made into a vector image. It is simply black text with a transparent background. I am trying to create a duplicate of the image- but with the letters inverted to white (still with a transparent background). I am pretty new to illustrator and am not sure how to get this effect. I have tried using the "ignore white" button in image trace as I did with the black text image, but all it does is erase my text too. Is there an easy way to do this?
I have also tried to go to "object/edit color/invert" but all it does is say there are no recognizable colors to invert....
I have a Photoshop file with a transparent background and when I place it on the Illustrator against a colored background, it's still transparent on the screen, but when I print it, the transparent part comes out slightly white.
image looks pixelated after saving with transparent background...
i created a logo in adobe illustrator cc and i wanted to saved it for web in order to be able to copy and paste the logo where ever I wanted but the image looks extremely pixelated after saving as an png, and for web.
URL....I have a green vector background in illustrator and then I placed psd image over it and created PDF for press and under Color bitmap images I selected no compression.After viewing image in Acrobat all seems ok, I even checked with picker, but after I send this to printer (xerox in thsi case) I end up with this: Both .psd and .ai are in CMYK color space. For this particular case I could use mask to cover up that transparent space but my original project has shadows which I cannot mask by vector :S.
how to set color profiles or whatever is neccessary to avoid this issue. One thing I was using was, opening PDF in Photoshop and flatening all. Problem is that sometimes I need vector files and cut lines for cutter. Don't want to have bitmap, if I can have a vector? Also when I flaten image I do get same CMYK values in photoshop (with picker) than I have in Illustrator on vector object, but when I print this they don't match at all.
I must have pressed some shortcut and now the document background between artboards is no more dark gray (as usual) but fully transparent. How to restore this?
why do I keep getting a white background instead of a colored one when I export from illustrator cs6? I can't find what is causing this in acrobat preferences...
I need to strip my current image of its background color so that the background color on my website goes thru my image. In other words I need a transparent background for my image.
I have create a new layer that is transparent, but the background color on my website does not go thru it. The background color of this image appears to be grayish not transparent.
I have some text documents in PDF format and would like to edit it in photoshop CS5, but each time I open them up in photoshop, the background seems to be transparent (tiny grey and white tiles), which is very eye tiring when editing/annotating with a wacom pen, how to fill the background total white?
I was asked to cut out the background from a logo to make it transparent so the logo would look nice on a variety of backgrounds. I've been given a good quality jpeg file.
What I did was I selected (by colour) the background (white), inverted the selection, copied it and pasted as a new image.
It's all fine (the logo itself doesn't have any other elements) but there's still some whiteish/greyish outline around certain elements of the logo.
If I were to do it manually, it'd probably take ages. What would be the best way to accomplish it?
Im sure there must be something im missing here with the PNG export settings. I like the way the new export window appears but I cant figure out how to export from Draw to a PNG with a transparent matte of a color picked color.
How I did it in X4 was to chose to export to PNG, and when the window appeared to select a color for the transparent area, a color picker was used. Whatever I do with X5, i cant do it .
Let's say I have an image with a grey color as backgroung and i want to replace the grey color background and make it transparent instead, do you know how i can do this?
I have a file with 2 layers, one (Layerone) that is blank, i.e. no fill or anything. The other layer (Layertwo) has text. I save the file as a .gif, select transparent, select matte as none, and keep getting a white background when I upload the file to my website.
I also tried copying the text Layer to the clipboard, creating a a new file with the background set as 'transparent', then pasting the text only layer into the new file. I still get the white background when I upload to website.
It can't be this hard to get a transparent background. What am I doing wrong?