Illustrator Scripting :: Modify Vector Drawings Automatically Via Database
Oct 26, 2012
A client wants to modify vector drawings automatically via database, preferably Microsoft Sharepoint Server running SQL. The modifications could be as simple as changing the color of a flag or overlay or as complicated as changing object dimensions and appearance.
I'm thinking SVG, but is there a more efficient method, something that can modify Illustrator files directly?
I know nothing about scripting in Illustrator, but am willing and interested to give it a try if this sounds doable. All we want are the names--just a simple list of the names, such as
of placed images (in our Illustrator CS5 art) into text that we can either import (from a tab- or comma-delimited text file) or paste into our Filemaker database.
Right now everyone is RETYPING the names of all placed images into the database, with consequent mistakes, missed images, etc. Then when we search our database to find which art uses a certain image...results are not to be trusted.
(If we could cut/paste from either the Links palette or Document Info, that'd be fine... but nope. Not in Illustrator, although we were thrilled to see InDesign CS5 has "Copy Info For Selected Links", which is VERY useful.) In Illustrator, we can export Document Info to a text file, but artists seem to find that long document too unwieldy, and they revert to typing the names, especially if they only have a couple of placed images... and then we're back to error-laden data no matter how careful they try to be.
Is such a script even possible? If so, where/how might I start? We're on iMacs with the Adobe CS5 suite (and Filemaker 11, if that matters).
I have a problem: when i scale objects (even if I do a proportional scale clicking "Shift" button), the program automatically modify the alignment and the form of the object. for example if i scale a "stickman" which is completely symmetric, finally I have a figure with arms of different dimensions and proportions. Im using the cs5
The problem is not about the stroke dimension, is the path that is modified.
Have to enter a lot of text snippets into illustrator cs4 every day, would love to make my live easier.
I'm trying to figure out how to import text to illustrator automaticly.
I have olny a few parameters: the text, what font to use, the size of the text (the text width and length in mm as if the text would be converted to outlines, needs to be exactly the right size) and the coulor.
Usually its one line of text, sometimes more lines of wich i have the widht and length of the complete block of text
The parameters could be in a cvs-file or something like that, ideally all texts would be imported in one file but it could be seperate files
Texts should be converted to outlines and saved as AI version 3
how to auto fit overset text in a fixed text frame?
I import many languages into fixed text frames and it is a pain to keep resizing or scaling manually.
As of yet I've been unable to source any javascript or applescript that can do it. The closest has been "JET_AutoFitVertical.jsx" but this resizes the text frames.
I have a friend who does drawings on paper that he wants to get scalable. The high-level path appears to be scan the image and run autotrace in AI.
As I look at online articles, some suggest taking the raster into PS to erase the pencil marks and ink the image. My friend does the inking on the paper before the scan.
I have some experimenting to do with autotrace settings, but I can see right away that some of the lines on the image vary in width in both PS and AI. And, no matter how good his inking is, there is still quite a bit of "noise" along the lines. His inking also leaves quite a bit of variation in line width. What he wants is a constant width.
My question is: if you want a line to be of constant width and you have a scanned image to work with, which tool (PS, AI) and what technique is best to create the result.
One thought is, rather than try to clean up the line in either tool, the better approach might be to draw a new line using the scanned image as a guide. My concern is that the line won't be smooth if done by hand.
I need to automatically create all the possible pattern combinations with 6 shapes and 6 colors.
I have an Excell file with assigned color combinations (values from 1 to 6) in the rows, and the shape name (A to F) in the columns. Column 7 is a string containin the color combination names (i.d. 123456, 123345 etc...) so that I can output each combination with the color/numbers in the name.
I'd like Illustrator to pick every row and assign the contained colors to each shape of the column and to export a .png with the name from column 7 content.
Just simple as that! But to me it sounds pretty hard!
Is there a script that makes it already posted somewhere? - i couldn't find any - or something simliar to start coding from?
I have some +900 legacy pdf's that need to have a title and date change. The pdf's where generated in ArcMAP 10 so the text appears as individual letters. So I wrote a script that creates a knockout and adds the required text. I can get this to work for an individual file but I can't figure out is how to have the script perform it for all the pdf's in a folder.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application") Set docRef = appRef.Open("C:WorkCity_Wide_Zoning�_Spring_2013TestA001.pdf") ' ************************* 'Knockout
Automated AI so much so that it can read instructions from an external source like xml or txt and automatically creates files and folders.
For example we have something like this: File1 Hello Font: Myriad Size: 22 Colour: Pantone 254C Image 1.jpg (link) Source: Image1.png (link) clipart1.eps (link) ---------- File2
and so on.
I want AI CS5 to: 1. create an eps File1, create a folder named File1, put File1.eps in it 2. type the text Hello, apply Myriad 22pt and PMS 254 to it, centre it to the artboard 3. Place all jpegs, pngs, eps source files on the artboard and embed them. 4. Save the file as eps legacy version 10, close the file and move to the next file.
What I bring to the software is my background in studio arts 2D and 3D. Photography is a tool to support both of these activities. Over the years that skill has developed and I have many great photos. The photos make me a little nuts now that I focus on digital. In digitals photos I easily have over 60,000 photos. I have some experience with Photoshop. I won’t say I am a proficient but will say I have good skills in it. I created my first logo in Photoshop. Of course it is not vector and I know it should be vector. I did it at no charge for a nonprofit. I would still like to create a vector form of the logo. Awhile back I purchased a book titled “Illustrator CS5 on demand”. It breaks it down in a way that Illustrator is less intimidating. It has renewed my interest in Illustrator. How do I more effectively merge all of these tools and skills? How do I bring what I know to Illustrator’s table? I know there are great possibilities here if I can learn to build vector graphics.
I think the execution would be relatively easy. how to tell detect if a symbol is within a rectangle vector area. so almost like a parent child relationship in HTML goes? was thinking about getting top bottom left and right of a layer called parent then checking all layers below it (maybe they have "child" naming scene, so i can match by layer name) if the top bottom left and right are >=/<= the one above it. so it is basically detecting if a box is inside another box.
URL...need to detect is symbol1 is within div1 or 2 and same with symbol2
I have some files (OK, 11,000 of them) and they have drawings on the bottom and text on the top. I want to erase this text and replace it with data that comes from a database. I don't know where to start.
I need to: 1. preferably find a way to erase the old data on the top, but I could do it manually 2. Insert data from specific fields into specific spots on the drawings. 3. Each drawing would have the same fields but different data corresponding to an account number. The account number is included in the name of the drawing and is a field in the database.
How to get started? I have Map3D as well, which I was told would work better than regular AutoCAD on this, but I also have regular AutoCAD. I can't even figure out how to make the database connection work.
We need to modify the 2D drawings of our terminal..The drawings are in DWG format and and 2D plot plans and isometrics,...which version of autocad would be suitable for the mentioned working above?I was considering Auto Cad LT.
I have a table in an Access 2010 database which has 130 rows of records. Each row is assigned a drawing file name field and then the 6 attributes for the title block of each drawing. I am wanting a routine that will open a set of drawings, the set matching each drawing file name field record and populate the attributes in the drawing title block with the corresponding records in that row from the database table.
I have seen where multiple blocks in one drawing can be populated with an attached database but I want to populate several drawings with a single database that has several records. One row of records for each drawing.
Any lisp routine on how to change "Drawing Properties" (fields via Mtext) on multiple single drawing files?
There are several instances where we would need to take a project to create another one and simply change the title block description.
As of now, we are opening each drawing (there could be hundreds) and modifiying the drawing properties on each drawing to change the customer name and other project descriptions.
These are not attributes, but fields. I've researched alot on here and couldnt find anything.
I have several parts which I wish to modify, but, those modifications are only being done to get some prototypes made. I do not want the changed (non-approved part) to be used in current issue drawings, assemblies etc. until I have proven the modifications and am happy with them.
I can do this by doing a save as on the part and could just replace the previous design, but then I lose the history of changes/revisions shown in Vault which is critical to me and part of using vault in the first place.
For some reason my dimensions are exploded automatically in some of my drawings. (The arrows and lines are not connected) Only certain drawings though-other drawings are perfectly fine. I've tried pasting dimensions into the drawings and that doesn't work!!
I'm try to automate the importing of the Varaible and datasets into my graphs via Scripting, but the ImportVaraibles() function doesn't seem to work. Here is my Script, mostly copied from the example script provided with Illustrator (CS5). And, this works manually, using the file names in the script, via Load Variable Library
Set appRef = CreateObject(strIllistratorVersion)
'Open the file and import the datasets Set docRef = appRef.Open(strTemplate & "") 'docRef.Datasets.RemoveAll docRef.Variables("Yearbook").Delete
Here is the problem, after I delete the previous library, then this next line, right from the example, does nothing The script then exits with 'No Datasets in this document'
docRef.ImportVariables (strXMLFolder & "Lumber_200-500.xml") 'appRef.DoJavaScript "alert('Template:" & strTemplate & strRange & ".ai | XML file:" & strXMLFolder & "" & objFile.Name & "^')" If (appRef.Documents.Count > 0) Then Set docRef = appRef.Documents(1)
If I remove that delete line, the script runs, but just uses whatever Variables I had last loaded, not the XML file.
It's simply not loading. What do I need to do to get it to load?
Any way to render my 3d parts into a vector image format? I do not have access to Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop.
We are a software company that uses these models in our applications. Originally we just used .bmp rendered images. If there is no way to do this, any way I can turn .bmp into a vector image format like .ai or .eps?
I don't remember ever using this checkbox on the Publish dialog box but today i want to and i can't figure out how to make it work. The help file ~seems~ to say that if i select this, the contents of all open documents (layouts and/or model space) are automatically loaded.... but they don't.
I know i can pick the Add Sheets button and manually select all the drawings i have open but doesn't that defeat the purpose of this checkbox?
I'm trying to gauge interest / opinions in this AutoCAD add on for automatically binding and PDFing drawings ready for issuing - it also adds the revision to the file name.
I'll omit the long background --- suffice it to say I did this once and need to do it again, but can't recall the toolchain / workflow I used.
I _think_ it was Macromedia FreeHand 8, and that I used a plug-in w/in that program, but I can't recall. Any way other than rendering the drawing as a half-toned bitmap and then tracing it? Or re-drawing the image on top of such a bitmap?
I am working on the AutoCAD customization and doing the same by VB.Net & C#.Net. But I just want to know the difference as mentioned below:
1. Insert Block In AutoCAD
Using VB.Net without using DataBase services..Only 1 statement is required to Insert the Block objAcadDocument.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(Required Arguments are here) Using C#.Net with DataBase services
There are many statments are there to insert only 1 block..Like Start Transaction, Lock the document, Get the Object Id Block etc...So my quetion is that when I have to use DataBase services and when not
what is the advantage of doing customization using DataBase services rather than go for wihout DataBase services.?
I've been using Illustrator since the late 80's but this request just now came up for the first time, twice in one day: the clients each want me to send them layered files (OK-no problem) wherein all the layers, even the raster layers, register as vector layers. Or at least all the layers, regardless of file-type (vector or raster) are contained within an unflattened Illustrator file. One of the clients specifically asked that the Type layer (No problem-all the type is on one layer) be "vector mapped", whatever that means, while all the other layers can be Photoshop layers, if necessary. So how do I hand them an open, unflattened Illustrator file containing both vector art and raster art? Can it be done in Acrobat, as a PDF? I'm working in AI and PS CS5, but I can and will upgrade if I have to.
I have been using Illustrator CS3 for several years under WinXP, and have now upgraded the OS to WIN7. I am failing to install, whatever I do it comes back with the following error message:
`The installer database is corrupt, if this continues .....'
I had onscreen chats with Adobe's Vallen and (maybe) Sumar, who just sent me back to the Support page and forum page. Digging there I eventually found [URL] ....... and followed the instructions, including deleting the caps folder because neither of the database files were in it.
There is a suggestion that I would get somewhere if I was disconnected from the internet. I am wondering also if removal of Photoshop Elements 10 would get rid of a conflict (I have already stripped out most other Adobe programs). I am pretty sure that before loading WIn7 I had been forced to uninstall CS3 for reasons of space, so I don't think ther should be an issue of serial nos.