Illustrator Scripting :: Can Populate A Pie Chart From Excel Data
Apr 4, 2013I was wondering if there was a way to import excel datat into illustrator, then it populates a vector pie or bar chart for me?
I was wondering if there was a way to import excel datat into illustrator, then it populates a vector pie or bar chart for me?
I was wondering if there was a way to extract data from Excel to be used in Illustrator. I know there is an option of variables and xml, and I don't want that. I've seen and tried out how to read illustrator and write to excel, and I get that. What I would like to do is pretty much the opposite:
1.Pre-fill in an Excel file(.xls,.csv, doesn't matter) with data such as a filename in column 1 and (Replacement Text) in column 2 and close manually.
2. Run script(VBSCRIPT,Javascript, doesn't matter)
3.For each column in Excel file where cell in first column is not empty, open Illustrator Template with placeholder of "DWG" textframe and replace the frame titled "DWG" with Replacement text from Excel in Column2.
4, Save each to a PDF file and name file with text from Excel Column1(Filename)
In a nutshell, there will be a single illustrator template with a premade textFrame with a name of "DWG". Excel will contain two columns, one for the filename to be named and one for the relative text to replace with the placeholder in AI.
I want to send the contents of A1 to an Illustrator document at 135, 172 and B1 to 135,190, same with A2/B2 will be at different coordinates as will A3/B3 and so on... I want to do this 6 times and save the document as a PDF. Then, it should clear and do it again. The columns will ALWAYS be A and B.
View 5 Replies View RelatedProblem:
How to read real number data from selected columns in an Excel spreadsheet into an illustrator javascript array variable, so that then I can use this information to construct an illustrator polygon.
Further information:
I am new to javascript (and not much of a programmer in the best case, but do have some basic knowledge using ancient languages like FORTRAN 88). I am sure I am just missing an important step here despite all morning browsing with Google for answers (something to do with variable definition I assume?). I have some survey data defining the outline of features in map view listed in a string of point (x,y) values in adjacent columns in excel (these x,y point values calculated from GPS data using a commercial program to converted 3D position to a 2D x,y by geoid projection, and then in excel to re-scale point locations to illustrator’s artboard). What I am trying to do is select columns of x,y value pairs in an excel spreadsheet, copy these values to the clipboard, and then develop an IA JavaScript to draw a polygon through the specified set of x,y points. It seems easy enough to script illustrator to draw the polygon once I get the values from the clipboard are in a javascript array (lots a good tips here [URL] ....), but pulling in the clipboard data seems to be beyond me. I have tried populating a defined array with various combinations of array declarations and app.paste(); or windows.clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); with no satisfaction. I then had the idea to try to pull in the clipboard to one long continuous string, place that in a text box (see see its structure), andthen read and split up the text in a loop to populate the JavaScript array…but that deposited a complex illustrator table object into my text box, and several attempts to force the clipboard to paste text did not work (again probably having problems understanding variable type declaration).
I would be happy to find any method of scripting the pull of the selected on an excel spreadsheet for use in an Illustrator script…so if I am making this all harder than it needs, be I would be grateful to know that also!
Copying an excel chart (2010 and/or 2013, Windows 7 Ultimate) to Illustrator CS6 works okay if line chart lines are solid... but if they are dotted, then in Excel 2010, the dotted line becomes jumbled, and in Excel 2013, the dotted line converts to a solid line... is the only solution to this to save the excel chart as a pdf, or is there another workaround?
Essentially, I am creating a chart in excel and adding a few notations and graphic elements in illustrator for professional publishing..
I have some trouble with copy/paste charts from Excel 2010 into Illustrator CS5. I can move things around, but I can not change the colours in Illustrator. The chart is shown as a picture graphic, not a vector in Illustrator. Also when I save the Excel chart in a PDF and try to open it in Illustrator CS5 it is still a picture, not a vector graphic. Where is the bug? (I am using Windows 7.)
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhen I copied and pasted charts from excel, the lines are all doubled. This is the first time I got this. I could not figure out what is the difference between these double lines and the regular lines. Any clues how to change the lines to regular ones. I am using AI CC.
There is no difference in Excel.
I have an MS Word 2011 document with an Excel pie chart embedded.Double-clicking the pie chart will open it in Excel 2011.Copying/pasting the chart into Illustrator CS6 results in an uneditable bit image.
Previously, with Word 2008 and Illustrator CS2, this worked perfectly. Mind you, I had tons of excess empty paths and such to scrape out, but still, after a couple of minutes' scraping, I had an editable .ai file ready to be cleaned up, captions typeset, and colors edited for export to .eps and placement in InDesign
In fact, right now I've had to jump over to my old iBook G4 to open my old copies of Word 2008 and Illustrator CS2 in order to do this so I can get this job out the door.Is there any way at all that I can get an Excel 2011 pie chart into Illustrator CS6 as a vector image?
I've tried the shift-click on "Copy Picture" method, but the pie chart still appears as a bit image, and the text is turned to gibberish. Saving the chart as a pdf returns the same results.
At this point in the project, asking for the raw data set and regenerating the pies in Illustrator isn't an option -- and besides, I've had to do that before. Oh, the pain.
I' m importing Excel 2008 excel pie charts to illustrator CS5. I am cutting and pasting content between the applications to import. When importing a pie chart - the chart imports OK, but the pie elements import as low resiolution non-vector elements. Is there a way to import as 100% vector elements? Note - all other chart types - bar graphs etc import fine!.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe calibri font used for graphs in Excel are not recognized when the graphs are copied into Adobe Illustrator. Other than changing the font to arial or another font. I upgraded from CS4 to CS6 on my mac and I still get the same error, "An unknown shading type was encountered," and the letters in the chart get substituted with jumbled symbols. I've tried copy the chart directly from excel to illustrator as well as saving it as a pdf or postcript file and then opening in illustrator. But neither approach works.
A friend managed to open the chart in Illustrator (CS5 on a mac) which gave the prompt that it cannot read the font and that it will display it as outlines. This worked and the text was displayed properly. But for some reason I never received this promopt whether using illustrator from CS4 or CS6.
We have a Visual Basic Script that creates pie charts using Adobe Illustrator along with an internally created app called Chart Generator. An xml file that contains a markup for a set of pie charts is imported into Chart generator and by using Illustrator it generates all of the pie charts and saves them as individual eps files.
It was recently discovered that not all of the pie slices are proportioning correctly. In some cases a slice that is 10% of the pie appears larger than a slice that is 13% of the pie. We can’t determine a pattern that might be causing this issue. We think that the problem is in the Visual Basic coding.
Can you put line break in text in the data box when creating a chart.
i.e. if you have a bar chart with text underneath each bar, can you break it when you’re entering it instead of manually afterwards
I know we all feel the difficulty in how ancient the graph / table tool in Illustrator is.
But, is there a way to display Data Labels on the front of my stacked bar chart?
See attached image - this is what I want to achieve.
Can you access graph data through the scripting DOM?
View 3 Replies View Relatedsay you make some parcels in your project with custom data fields like: id_no, permit_no, acres_served etc. you attach an agency provided shape file via an fdo connection that has many fields of information like above.
when you right click on your parcel and do parcel properties you get a tab that lets you input the custom parcel data.
lets say you print an fdo map label showing, say, the id_no, provided in the shape file. Then in your custom parcel properties for id_no you type that in.
is there a way to make an expression to put in the other custom parcel properties that will read, say, the permit_no(id_no) from the fdo like and put that information in the custom parcel property field?
I have a form I have to fill out every day several times according to the client, but this information comes from a spreadsheet.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am trying to use an iLogic rule to populate iProperties (some generic, some custom) from a part number spreadsheet (containing columns such as PART NUMBER, DESCRIPTION, FINISH etc) and the rule keeps throwing up the following error 'Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid.'
Here’s part of the code (would be extended for the required custom iproperties but I’m assuming the same principle is ok)
'read excel file
'index row 3 through 10000
For rowPN = 3 To 10000
'find first empty cell in PART NUMBER column (Column A)
If (GoExcel.CellValue("A" & rowPN) = "") Then
Changing the format of the excel data (number or text) has no effect. Is manipulation of the format required so that Inventor can read text and numbers to iProperties in this way?
I cut and pasted a pie chart from MS Excel into PS, but when it prints, the imagery looks very low res, with jagged lines and text. Is there anything I can do differently, or is this a limitation due to Excel?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am searching for a simple automated Find and Replace script, the idea is that in Excel the Find and Replace with texts are located. The script finds the textblock in Illustrator and replaces it with the value from Excel "New number".
Example Illustrator:
Example Excel Find and Replace:
I have an excel file with thousands of rows, each with a column for the x-coordinate, the y-coordiante, the height, and width of a rectangle. I need a script that will ask me to select the excel file, read the excel file, and create rectangles from each of the thousands of rows. I'm working in a windows environment and have Illustrator CS4. Any scripts out there that might give me a start?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIf I was to make a chart in excel or word can I insert this into autoCAD and have it so I can adjust this in CAD?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm laying out a report with many graphs of similar styling, the client is to provide an Excel doc with the figures and I need to redraw them as graphs.Is it possible to design the graph style in Illustrator, import the data from the spreadsheet to the graph and then place the graph(s) into InDesign. Essentially, this is what I'd like to achieve:
1) Style/design a graph in Illustrator
2) Import spreadsheet data into Illustrator graph (a step I'm also haveing problem with - is it possible to import an entire Excel doc or do you have to copy and paste each cell individually)
3) Import Illustrator graph into Indesign
4) If original data in Excel is changed/updated and the document is saved, data will update in Illstrator and therefore in InDesign.
I have an embeded excel chart on my drawing called CLASS 125 Single Disc.xls. I want to switch this chart with another one known as CLASS 150 Single Disc.xls. How do I do this? I am using Autodesk Inventor 2011.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI would like to open a file dialog box seltect a CSV text file saved from Excel and import this into an array/variable/dataset in adobe illustrator using javascript. Have done some work with javascript but not a power user. Can't work out how to get the open dialog to appear.
Long term aim would be to use the data to plot a path which seems straighwforward enough, its the getting the info in bit I'm stuck on.
You do have to be able to select the file to import, this bit quite important.
I have to add 80 Xdata to some objects. How to populate them within a loop. This what I did for 11 of them . But
I am pretty sure there is a way to do it in a loop which I don't know .
Public Sub SetXData2()
Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
On my Mac OS X (2010), running Excel 2011 and Adobe CS6, I'm having major issues with the points in a scatter plot not rendering as vectors once moved to an Adobe program. The entire plot will transfer as a vector, except the data points themselves! Oddly, even the shapes in the legend are vectors! When I save a plot from a powerpoint presentation as a pdf, the data points look pixelated in the pdf. When I copy paste the plot into illustrator, same thing. It is totally infuriating.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhat would be the best strategy on the usage of data set to translate our product packaging. It's quite complex as we have several languages on the same packaging. Moreover, we have different text sources that would require to be translated in different sets of languages.
I have already looked into the data set and I tried to get familiar with it. How to create the data set and how to name the different variables knowing that there are different source texts for a particular region (region means a set of languages) and other texts for another region... The idea is to export this into one XML file with well identified elements that can be split with a tool, sent for translation according to their region then merged back into one single file to be imported back into illustrator
Region 1:
text 1
text 2
text 1
text 2
Region 2:
text 3
text 4
text 3
text 4
Region 3:
It seems that the formatting such as bold, italic and so on is not exported into the data set which is quite embarrassing.
I have some files (OK, 11,000 of them) and they have drawings on the bottom and text on the top. I want to erase this text and replace it with data that comes from a database. I don't know where to start.
I need to:
1. preferably find a way to erase the old data on the top, but I could do it manually
2. Insert data from specific fields into specific spots on the drawings.
3. Each drawing would have the same fields but different data corresponding to an account number. The account number is included in the name of the drawing and is a field in the database.
How to get started? I have Map3D as well, which I was told would work better than regular AutoCAD on this, but I also have regular AutoCAD. I can't even figure out how to make the database connection work.
Any way to create a parcel from an object (closed polyline) and populate the parcel with Object Data from the polyline?
I have imported a .shp file into a drawing and the result is many closed polylines with properties similar to the attached image. I would like to bring this data into a parcel object for labeling purposes.
Is there a way to cross populate data from the i properties fields using iLogic or another method?
I would like to have fields from the Project tab to cross populate with items I have created in the custom field.
Inventor 2013
Automated AI so much so that it can read instructions from an external source like xml or txt and automatically creates files and folders.
For example we have something like this:
Font: Myriad
Size: 22
Colour: Pantone 254C
Image 1.jpg (link)
Source: Image1.png (link) clipart1.eps (link)
and so on.
I want AI CS5 to:
1. create an eps File1, create a folder named File1, put File1.eps in it
2. type the text Hello, apply Myriad 22pt and PMS 254 to it, centre it to the artboard
3. Place all jpegs, pngs, eps source files on the artboard and embed them.
4. Save the file as eps legacy version 10, close the file and move to the next file.