Illustrator :: How To Make Halftone 3D
Jul 23, 2013
Adobe Illustrator question: How do you make halftone 3D? As in not just different sizes of circles, but contour the ellipses to the grid of the shape. The Warp tool sort of does this but I need a more precise method. Also the result needs to be in vector.
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Mar 8, 2013
I am trying to make a shape made from the blob tool made into hafltones. I do not want it as a gradient, just equal sized halftones throughout the shape. Is this possible?
When I do it using Effects/pixilate/color haltone it makes multiple colored halftones, whereas I just want one color. And when I change the channel's it comes up with similar results.
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May 5, 2011
How to make a gradient halftone in CAD
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May 2, 2011
Can you make a halftone hatch? Or a region where you can adjust transparency?
For example in plan view. I want to add a filled hatch region there but also want to let objects behind the hatch to be visible too.... halftone.
In printing the hatch region becomes non-halftone, I think? Or is there somehow possible to remain it? Greyscale printing perhaps?
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Feb 14, 2013
The final design I send over has to vectorized.I am going after vintage to lay vector beat up/distressed textures over design, merge them and delete them etc. BUT I am not after that type of vintage/distressed look. I am more after having certian parts of the design being faded here and there. I have attached an example pic.I can't use opacities and it has to be one color.
I attached a halftone tutorial that does EXACTLY what I want, and it works perfectly BUT they are doing it in Photoshop, is there a way to do this or something like this in illustrator? URL...
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Mar 21, 2013
I'm trying to simulate a retro cartoon look with large halftone dots something like this: [URL] ...
Where I can download an Illustrator pattern like that?
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Nov 23, 2012
I'm looking for a way to print at around 200 lpi with a laser printer, but I don't know which one. I've bought a Laserjet Pro 200 n251mw but it doesn't seem to be able to print in halftone even with the PS emulation.
I'd like to be able to reproduce the distinctive rosette pattern on one of my collectible playing card. I've looked everywhere on google, but most of the doc about halftone is referring to low lpi work like T-Shirts.
The fact is that I can produce the desired halftone pattern I want in Illustrator, I just can't seem to find a way to print it. I've read about Xerox printers on this forum that are maybe able to do it, but I don't know. Is a 600 dpi laser printer enough or do I need more ?
Here's a sample of the halftone I want to reproduce, the canvas is approximately ¾ of an inch.
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Feb 21, 2013
I've been creating them in black and white in CS6, then converting to vector via image trace since that's the only way to make them a perfect circular vector that I've found, but how do you convert it to a color afterward? It won't let me simply change the fill color, nor will it let me select the black dots with the white arrow. I had also selected "ignore white" while image tracing so it had a transparent background. ! I'd really like an orange halftone vector, and when I make it a color from the start it creates it out of multiple colors. I want it to be a solid color without any circles overlapping.
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Jun 17, 2009
In older versions of Illustrator (8 & 10) I can change the lpi to a 20 or 30 with a GCC Elite XL printer and have no problem printing BIG dots on vellum paper for screen printing on T-shirts.
I'm running newer version (CS2) now, and I can set the halftone to 20 lpi, but when I print it to my HP 5si mx printer, it comes out looking as smooth as a paper printed dot can look! Not what I want!! I've tried changing all kind of settings, both on the printer menu, and in the print dialog box. But my HP seems to default to an 'enhanced' halftone dot!!! My GCC is getting really old, only has drivers for 8 & 10, and I need a back up in case it dies someday and I can't print those big dots anymore!
I can't update to newer (600 or 1200dpi) printers because I need to print at 300dpi so my dots come out looking big and bold. I know, I know, it's not what most people want these days, but it's what I n
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Jul 12, 2013
I have created a somewhat complex vector using image trace and i now have a black and white image. I wante to use the color halftone filter to create a black and white halftone pattern but everytime i use the color halftone filter to get the results i want, nothing happens. When i click on the vector the halftone filter appears in the appreances panel but the effect does not show on the image on my artboard. why cant i get the filter to show?
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Oct 25, 2012
I am printing to my Epson 4880 for screen printing film. I have recently upgraded to CS6 on Windows 7. I can choose the separations option in the print window and edit the dot frequency and angle options.
When the film is printed, the graphics are printed as grayscale NOT dot pattern. This will not work when exposing screens. There is nothing new that I am doing so I must have some settings overlooked.
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Apr 9, 2009
"Can Illustrator allow the user to control the size of halftone dots?" Just to be clear, for silk screen, the dots must be course. I have read several posts on the subject and still there is no definitive answer. The PPD file has been loaded. The document is a CMYK. In the print menu the separation menu has only very fine settings available (The lowest is 56 lpi/300dpi) which if selected makes very little to no difference in the dot patterns.
Just to reduce confusion, often a silk screen printer will try to get two colors for the price of one. The simplest example would be to get Black & Gray with one screen. If I set the Gray to 50% and the Black to 100%, still no change. If I use spot colors like PMS Cool Gray and Black, no change. Moving the files into Photoshop may work but fundamentally speaking PhotoShop in my opinion is for constant tone images or Photos, and it seems counter productive to add in a extra step (and software) to the work flow.
I like Illustrator and have invested hundreds of hours learning and promoting it's virtues. When I was asked by a local shop how to do this task, I responded,Can I do this or do I need to tell my associate to keep using CorelDraw! 7...
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May 23, 2013
I have created a sticker on Illustrator and want to give it a fine retro halftone effect. Tried allsorts and I am having trouble getting it to look good. This is the look I want just a very fine halftone effect.
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Jul 18, 2012
I'll omit the long background --- suffice it to say I did this once and need to do it again, but can't recall the toolchain / workflow I used.
I _think_ it was Macromedia FreeHand 8, and that I used a plug-in w/in that program, but I can't recall. Any way other than rendering the drawing as a half-toned bitmap and then tracing it? Or re-drawing the image on top of such a bitmap?
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Jul 23, 2008
how to do turn my image into the "dots" like that one of that face, I kind of (not really) know how to use the color halftone filter but i can't do this.
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Apr 23, 2012
I am a screen printer and us photoshop regularly and that feature is a ver important part of my serparations when I make my film. I am also sue that thousands of screen printer also use this feature. Why can not such a simple already installed feature not be kept? Maybe off set printer do not need this but screen printers need this feature, we must be able to adjust our DPI , dot style and angle.
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Jun 20, 2008
I have read several topics and threads regarding halftone, I can create an image using this effect but I would like to know how to make one that is in colour with black dots.
Please see the image attached as an example.
I have created one but the dots are in colour, again see attached.
The only way I can think I creating the image in colour and with black dots is using two separate images and then merging them.
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Nov 1, 2005
The image to the left, the mans face ;
Ive been trying for days to create this type of halftone effect to photos in photoshop,
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Mar 27, 2004
how to create those Colour halftone effect?
I had seen alot of advertising poster using those effects but i simply cant get to the way they did.
I tried the colour halftone in my PS 7 but its not what i want.
For example, I have an image of a face, Is there any way I can have this face to b seen as dots?
The Dots usually are spaced at different distances and in different sizes.
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Nov 14, 2006
here are my instructions for a photo... i acted like i knew what my boss was talking about bc i didnt want to look like an idiot. but honestly i forgot what this stuff means.
-convert to halftone
-screen halftone to 20%
-120 lines
I have to prepare it for film too, in case that changes anything.
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Jun 3, 2004
i recently upgraded my iMac from 9.1 to 9.2, and all seemed to work well. however, there is a problem with Photoshop. i routinely use halftones in my work, and am having a big problem selecting a halftone pattern. no matter which pattern i select (elipse, round, line, etc.) all i get are squares.
i've tried deleting my preferences and also upgraded from 6.0 to 6.0.1, but the problem remains.
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Jul 10, 2013
I'm using Photoshop CS5 on Mac OS X. Last year I created an artwork including colour half tones, but also some other simple halftone filter that I applied to layers of solid colour (see attached image - you may need to view it at 100% to see what I mean)
It's a simple half tone pattern of white vs 1xcolour using either circles or squares. I remember that this was applied simply, not any special process as I didn't go out of my way to create this effect I just stumbled upon it. I can't for the life of me remember how to do it again.
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Oct 1, 2013
I have been struggling to master the style used here by artist Joshua Budich, I have been searching the internet and spending many hours on photoshop the past few days trying to figure out how to add halftone/polka dots in the same colours, like the one used in the Star Wars print and the pattern used on Tyrell.
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Apr 22, 2013
How can I create a custom halftone screen? I have tried to define a pattern and use that, and have over layed a pattern with hard-mix but I cannot seem to get as clear results as these.
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Dec 16, 2012
I have a problem that's been driving me nuts for the past couple of weeks. I have a collectible playing card that I' like to reprint . The card was printed using an offset press and so there is a distinct halftone pattern on the card. What I'd like to do is to scan the card, remove the pattern in photoshop (Noise->Median), use CorelDraw to print a ps which would reproduce the exact same pattern, and print it using Ghost Script with my Laser Jet 200 (600 dpi).
Here's a link to the card:[URL]......
So I have 3 questions.
Is it possible to reproduce the halftone pattern ?
If yes, can I do it with my printer ?
If no, what printer could do it ?
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Oct 22, 2012
How to do center Halftone Effect in CorelDraw in Photoshop Corel not getteing proper result.
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Jul 2, 2009
When I select a layer that has an image (I am going along with a tutorial on the Kelby Training site) and I am using all the same settings as they are in the video, when i get to the Filter Gallery > Sketch > Halftone pattern the view goes all white. Nothing.
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Jul 17, 2004
I'm using a two channel multi-channel file, and am trying to achieve an effect using the Halftone Pattern filter.
I apply the filter to one channel only (which has an image which I've increased the contrast, to deliberately blow-out the white areas). The other channel is just a flat block of background colour. The problem is that this filter applies itself in a horizontal manner only - and I want an angled pattern.
So I have rotated the image channel 45 degrees and then applied the filter ass before. Which works great and give me the effect I want.
The problem is because I have rotated the image 45 degrees, the corners of the image now exceed the canvas, and when I rotate the image back to it's original angle, I've lost the corners of the image.
So why don't I just increase the canvas size before rotating the image?
Well I did, but the strangest thing occurs when I apply the filter (same setting and selection as before). The filter acts quite differently, most notably in the (deliberately)blown out areas of "white". Before increasing the canvas size, the line pattern would taper into nothing in these areas. However, after increasing the canvas size, these areas become thick lines, instead of tapering to approxiamate the tonal value (white) before having applied the filter.
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Aug 23, 2007
I want to take the idea of the halftone pattern in the filter gallery and modify it. Rather than using a dot pattern, I would like the dot to be replaced by another pattern. For instance, replace the dots with stars. Now the image is composed of hundreds of stars.
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Aug 14, 2004
i am trying to turn a black and white image or line art (with or without grey tones) into an image with white and one color.
an example would be if i have a white page with black lines on it. how could i go about making the black lines pink (and let's say they are on the same layer) without taking the paintbucket to each area?
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May 1, 2004
I have just aquired a copy of my great grandmother, unfortunatly it came from a newspaper or a magazine. However I would like to remove the halftoning and then later colorize it. The latter should be no problem as I've done tht before, but those pesky halftones have me stumped. I have tried using gaussian blur and unsharp mask but it looks a bit iffy if you know what I mean.
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