Illustrator :: EPS Files Open With Unusual Line Slices
Mar 20, 2013
We have roughly 4500 eps files that were created in freehand years ago. The files contain both raster images that were embedded as well filled vector paths which were created in freehand. The embedded raster image opens flawlessly as wells as some of the filled paths. I say "some of the filled paths" because there are other filled vector paths that were created using the freehand auto-trace function (similar to AI's live trace)- these filled paths open incorrectly. They open with unusual lines that perforate the entire filled object- a strange slicing effect that appears to happen only to the filled paths that underwent freehand's auto-trace function. The other art appears to be fine.
Is there a method to correct this problem in AI? I'm using A mac os 10.6.8 cs5, When I open the eps in photoshop I don't see any slicing- but photoshop also converts it to a raster image and I would like to preserve the paths. When I open the image again in freehand it opens fine.
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Aug 3, 2006
I have downloaded a bunch of free web templates I found on the web.
Some of them contain an HTML document, and images, which are presumably the output to HTML of a sliced up psd file, as they also contain the full psd file when you download it. The odd thing is that the PSD file simply has NO slices
I have no idea why they would do this, but it makes taking a nice template and making slight modifications rather difficult, because it would require you reslice the psd file yourself. At that point, its almost useless to have the template at all.
Am I doing something wrong?
Here is an example of a template I download, that includes the html/images and the psd, but no slice information that I can find.
I use Adobe Photoshop CS2, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 and Macromedia Fireworks 8
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Sep 26, 2013
Cannot open .AI files, I have run all the updates but still having to use Fireworks to open AI files.
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Mar 1, 2013
I'm working with both Photoshop and Illustrator CS6 on a mac. I'm creating a graphic. The background is a (cartoonish) mouth and I finished it a couple of days ago. (It's an Illustrator file.) I've been working on the letters to go inside of the mouth, (Once I'm finished it'll look as though they're being crushed.) I scanned and edited small wooden letters in Photoshop, and now I would like to work with them with the background in Illustrator. I understand how to open a Photoshop file in Illustrator, but I don't want to open the document as a separate Illustrator file. Is there a way to open a file from Photoshop as a second layer?
Some of the letters repeat as well. Will I have to create two files for this, or can I open the same file twice?
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Nov 27, 2012
How can I save slices (referring to the lines and the dimensions - NOT the cut out images) from one PSD and import them into another PSD?
I have 2 files (and will have more) with the same dimensions but similar artwork. I have created the slices in the first doc (master) and I want to bring all the slices (lines) over to the new file. I have seen other posts where you copy the layers from the second file into the master PSD (using SHIFT)
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Oct 5, 2012
I have a data set including .shx .shp .prj and .dbf files each named the same for landuse, rail, road, etc for a single city. How can I open these files to export a simple line drawing for use in a thesis project as a map.
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Jun 18, 2005
I have a page of web art that I have sliced up. One section is a series of buttons. I have the different button states on different layers and I have created slices for each button and then duplicated the slices onto each layer so that every button state has a slice.
But...since the slices associated with a layer don't hide when you hide the layer, it's almost impossible to get at the underlying slices to name them and/or select them for output.
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May 17, 2010
is it possible to have overlapping slices? For example, I typically start a web design in illustrator, then like export pieces to use in in my build. But, I tend to have a lot of overlaping pieces that need to be exported (full static background image for the webpage and banner overlap for example). I find myself, hiding pieces, drawing out a slice, export it, then go back, delete that slice, create another slice . . . as you can see, it gets pretty tedious. Everytime I try to overlap a slices, they just create new slices and I end up with a bunch of rectangle slices all over the artboard.
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Dec 10, 2012
Why doesn't this mature software have robust save to web features? The save to web component should be shared between Photoshop and Illustrator.
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Jan 27, 2014
I tried to use the export function "save for web" in Illustrator CC 17.1.0 for the first time in many weeks.
I created a document with some slices. Strangely, in the dialogue of "save for web", the image preview isn't shown in the original size although the setting is set to 100%. It seems, like the preview is only about 50% of the original image size.
Furthermore, it is impossible to select the specific slices for renaming it. Also setting up the preview to 200% doesnt solve the problem.
I already uninstalled illustrator with the uninstall file and downloaded the software from the cloud again. But the problem still exists. I also created a complete new document without success...
I'm using Mac OS 10.9.1.
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Jun 20, 2012
I just learned that it's not possible anymore to export slices to swf or svg via the save for web dialog: [URL] .....
Apart from the fact that I believe that this is a pretty strange decision to remove an existing feature… Any workaround for that (apart from installing cs5.5...)?
I need to somehow be able to export my slices to swf. As far as I know, the only option to export slices is via the save for web dialog, but this dialog only offers pixel graphic formats, so now way to use fireworks or what ever to convert them to vector swfs…
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May 23, 2010
Illustrator CS4, latest updates.MORE than often, slices on my design can't be selected.I tried everything, from sending all others to the background or deleting them, resaving them, cute-paste, moving them to another layer, hide-show, lock-unlock…
You can see them on wireframe view, but they won't preview, nor are selectable other than drawing a square over them with the slice select tool, but after you have them selected, you can't move them with the pointer, since they get de-selected.
While the are selected with the above technique, just nudge them and move them back to its place. e.g. click the "up" arrow once and them "down" once while the slices are selected and the slice-select tool is active.
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Jun 10, 2012
Since the Save images as SVG has been removed from Save For Web in CS6, is there a way to save slices as SVG images in illustrator CS6?
I tried the Save As menu but it only allows me to save the whole artwork instead of slices.
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Nov 27, 2012
I have slices in my document. On one slice, I have added some information under the Slice Options, such as a URL and an alt tag. When I choose Save Selected Slices, I get a drop-down menu in my Save dialog called File Format. The only choice in this drop-down is "Images Only." Same thing happens if I try to save the selected slice via the Save for Web dialog. Didn't you used to be able to choose to save the HTML as well? Or, is there ever another choice in this drop-down?
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Jun 27, 2012
I have a logo for an organization I volunteer for that I guess was originally made in such a way that it consists of a large number of "slices" on top of each other. I don't mean slices in the same meaning as the tool in Illustrator, but rather separate, horizontal objects on top of one another that together form the logo. They are not overlapping but have common anchor points.
Here is a crop of the logo file: [URL]....
How do I merge these slices into one object? I'd like to clean up the logo and the paths are quite hard to modify as it is
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Oct 27, 2013
I am running illustrator CS6 16.0.4 on an iMac (new). I get the following error when trying to open some EPS files "can't open this illustrator file. the file was generated with a newer version of illustrator and cannot be opened. resave in a format compatible with your version of illustrator". As far as I can see I am running the latest version of illustrator and have updated everything that is available. I am having to get the files resaved in older versions to open
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Mar 5, 2012
Everything is working fine with opening .psd files in photoshop. Everything was fine a few days ago opening .ai files with Illustrator. Now I can't open any .ai files most of the time. My computer will start up Illustrator but no file will load. Occasionally, the files I tried to open will all open and load at once after a reboot. But after the reboot, the files will not open again. I uninstalled Illustrator and reinstalled, however, this has not fixed the problem. I'm also having trouble exiting out of Illustrator, it won't let me close the program at times. I'm using a Macbook Pro with the Lion OS.
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Sep 22, 2013
I can`t open files in Ai CS5.1 . This problem has appeared the last week, I have been using this program every week for the last two years. The message I get is: The file was generated by a newer version of Illustrator. I have tried to download CS6, but the message I get is: You don`t need this update. So what can I do to make this work??
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Dec 29, 2012
I've tried everything I can think of, I've reinstalled twice, deleted preferences, removed problematic fonts, installed patches, restarted my computer 3 times... and it just worked yesterday morning. Illustrator will open up fine, but if I try to open anything it freezes up, whether I drag it over the icon, double click, file/open... whichever. I can create a new document, but it freezes if I save it. I know there are a ton of different problems it could potentially be, but I don't know what else you'd need to know to figure out what.. have work to get done for a huge trade show that is fastly approaching. Using CS6 16.0.3 on a 10.6.8 iMac
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Jul 26, 2013
Can Illustrator CS4 open files created in CS6? or can CS6 files be converted to be opened in CS4? like CS6 InDesign can be saved in IDML files to be opened in previous versions. Or if there is any other work around ways, like save CS6 files in PDFs/eps/... so the files can be opened in CS4 and work from there.
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Oct 3, 2013
I have Illustrator CS6 (version 16.0.4). If I open a file in Illustrator, and then close all files, leaving the application open, I can not open any other files without first quitting the program. I can open files fine when Illustrator isn't already open
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Jan 15, 2014
how do you open Illustrator CS6 files in CS5
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Jul 22, 2013
One of our users is unable to open some PDF files in her ver of illustrator.Her version is 15.0.2 using Windows 7 64bit.She can open the PDF in reader but when she tries to opens it in Illustrator she gets error "file not found" this is the same if she right clicks open with illustrator or double clicks, and also if she tries to open from within Illustrator.The file was created using illustrator for MAC and they can open the file OK, they also tried to save the file as an AI and she still cannot open it
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Oct 15, 2013
I have a client who is trying to open files from FTP in a Windows Explorer window. When she tries to open the file, she receives the message that "The file is in an unknown format." If she downloads the file, however, it opens fine, so it's not an issue of file corruption. Is there any way to resolve this so she can open files directly from the FTP window? I know donwloading doesn't sound like a huge deal, but we're trying to make this process as streamlined as possible.
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Apr 30, 2013
Why can't I open DWG files in Adobe Illustrator CS6? I recently upgraded to Mac OS X Mountain Lion & got a new Mac Pro. Then I signed up for the Creative Cloud. Now I cannot open any DWG files in Illustrator. Why?
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Dec 4, 2013
I would like to be able to save all open Illustrator files at once.
For example: I am working on a series or collection of designs. Each design has multiple artboards in it that make the files rather large. I am making minute changes to each one that require grunt work. I would like to be able to open 10-20 files at a time, copy and paste the chagnes i need, hit Save All and walk away. So is there a way: a command, a script, something that does this?
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Nov 22, 2013
Is there a way or a script to save all open files in Adobe Illustrator?
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Feb 13, 2013
I'm on Windows 7, and need to be able to open .eps files with Illustrator CS3. Since installing CS6 yesterday I'm no longer able to associate EPS files with Illustrator CS3. When I right click an eps and go to "open with", only Illustrator CS6 is listed. When I "choose default program", only Illustrator CS6 is listed. If I "browse" and manually select the Illustrator CS3 executable, it still defaults to CS6. Using the same process with .ai files works fine, there is no issue. However these .eps files are not behaving like .ai files.
Also, attempting to set the default program through the "set associations" control panel doesn't work, after selecting the Illustator CS3 executable it still shows up as CS6.
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Feb 24, 2013
I've used Illustrator for several years and it did it until..CS6... and now it notifies me that it is an unknown format... in both the Finder and Bridge. In Bridge I've set FH11 filetype preferences to CS6 and in the Findera FH11 file was selected and in teh Information Panel, Illustrator 6 was chosen as well as 'Open with...Change All'
I have plenty of Freehand files that I convert on as needed and I don't want to install CS5 just for that purpose.
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Jan 4, 2014
I am running OS 10.6.8 on MacBook Pro (traveling). Use Suitcase Font Management. Saved 1.5 Mb file and closed it. When I go to File-->Open Recent, or File-->Open and select the file to reopen, it does not open. When I double-click on the file, it also does not open. If I quit Illustrator CC and relaunch it, I can then open that same file using any of the aforementioned methods. Is this something I can fix or is it a 10.6.8 glitch? I can live with it if I have to, but it is inconvenient. T
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Aug 29, 2012
I frequently use dwg files in Adobe Illustrator, so I set dwg files default program to Illustrator CS5.
We recently upgraded to CS6 and when I opened it, it didn’t update the default program. I tried using the “open with” menu. Illustrator CS6 doesn’t show as one of the options, so I browsed for it, selected it, clicked ok. The dialog box closed, but CS6 wasn’t added to the menu. I received the same results using “Associate a file type with a program” in the Control panel.
How to make Illustrator my default program for dwg files?
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