Illustrator :: CS6 (64) Doesn't Work Anymore
Oct 28, 2013my Illustrator CS6 (64) denies any service since a month, but (32) is functioning perfectly .
View 3 Repliesmy Illustrator CS6 (64) denies any service since a month, but (32) is functioning perfectly .
View 3 RepliesI must have hit a hotkey or something because now when I drag select vector and text and copy paste inside the same document it only pastes unformated text back without any vector.
When I use create outlines on the text it copies fine but if Im just copying everythign together or only the text object I get unformated text back.
If I click on an eye symbol the symbol disappears, but not the elements on the screen like you should expect. There's also a weird behavior with the lock symbols. If I lock a layer, I can click the paths anyway. The lock symbols doesn't work anymore. The whole layers palette is useless now. I tried to remove the whole "Adobe Illustrator 17 Settings" folder, but that had no positive effect.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have an old version of the creative suite that is all right for what I do (information for a charitable organisation for medical research) installed in 2008. For quite a while now every once in a while when I start up I get a screen asking me to register. But since I already am registered Adobe just said to click on later and go on working. But this morning the screen is empty so I can't click anywhere. I've tried restarting and even turning off the computer and trying to restart my day.
View 2 Replies View Relatedthe mCloth modifier when applied to a plane , the plane doesn't move while playing the simulation, it doesn't move at all ! same thing with the apexcloth...
I've installed then all latest Physx software + latest cuda + Latest 3ds max Physx plugins for max 2013 ( v2.86 )
I also installed absolutely all updates for max 2013
....without success !
under Windows 7 pro and psp13.2.0.14 it don't work anymore. I even try to make it work in an old version of psp: V9.10. It still didn't work. Does any of you know something about kpt 5.1? I think it fail because of upgrades by Windows7 pro.
View 2 Replies View Relatedif the blurring of maps works ok on their system? It behaves very strangely on my system. For example Checker works fine, Noise just blurs with the Blur option, the Blur Offset does not do anything, Gradient and Gradient Ramp only blur the edges and create strange patterns, Smoke and Cellular do not respond at all, neither to the Blur nor the Blur Offset. The renderer or the coordinates source do not seem to change that. Am I missing something, could this be a bug in v2012? I do not recall this behaviour from earlier versions. According to communication center I have all updates installed.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have seen this in a lot of photos especially kids photos. The picture on the right show more of what I am talking about. See the vibrant greens and blues and oranges. Obviously those are not the originally colors of that background. I am trying to figure out how this is done.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy chrome button does not work anymore... I have Adobe Photoshop CS, every time i on sketch chrome, the window appears, i choose my settings and press ok and nothing happens!
It is not even mention in the history panel so there is nothing to undo...
Anybody have had the same problem ore know how to fix it?
photoshop elements 12: by reinstallations the foto editor doesn't work any more, but only the organizer does. What can I do?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a iLogic rule for saving drawings (dwg) to a pdf file in a designated folder. Everything worked well until this Monday morning. Now I get the message: Error in rule: Save2PDF, in document: 13006-027 propflens-1.dwg Value cannot be null.
Inventor 2014 sp1 | Vault basic 2014 | HP Elitebook 8670W | win7 64b | 8Gb | GMT +1
ACA12 - the mouse wheel doesn't work on many of the dropdowns anymore? Is this an 'improvement' or is there a new variable I need to learn to turn it back on.
Do autodesk have only 12 fonts on their machine? Why is the text style font name drop boxes so tiny? Makes it real time consuming to select a font when you have lots of fonts as I'd imagine most machines have.
I thought for certain that justification FIT option worked for Attribute definitions.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI´m working with LR 4.3 for 3 month but since days the "correction" brush doesn´t work anymore. The overlay button is still active and the system reboot I tried more than once ;-). I miss this function and maybe one of you is able to prevent me from reinstalling.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhen i press the command of "" to draw a line if i input 35 the line comes out to 34.925. Before it didn't do that. I'm sure i haven't made changes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI get an error telling me that in order to access help, I need to be connected to the internet. I AM connected to the internet (otherwise, I would not be able to post this question). All I am trying to figure out is where in the heck "Text Wrap" moved to since I cannot find it under "Window" or "Text," but realizing I have NO access to help in the program suddenly made THAT the bigger issue here. Do I need to trash my preferences file or something? I'm on a Mac, running Mountain Lion, Illustrator CS6.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have tried saving my project as a PDF so that I can send to different people and print, but no matter which PDF options I chose in Illustrator's final step for saving as PDF I end up getting a PDF with nothing on it! It turns up as a blank page. If I do get a visible PDF it stays that way for only a few minutes and prints out in reversed colours!! This is bissare. Some Preferences or something of mine are wack??
View 1 Replies View RelatedIllustrator CC does not work with the Photoshop layers?Can not adjust layer visibility.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a masked area in my illustration. When I copy & paste it into PS the mask doesn't work. It doesn't matter if i paste as pixel or smart object. Even in AI when I copy and paste it to another file the mask fails to work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis is a serious workflow disruption: In CSx I could open any file, choose a print preset, click on 'custom' for Media Size and it would automatically adjust the print width and height to whatever the artwork boundaries were (Ignore Artboards ✓'d). Now in CC it just uses whatever I had set for the print preset when I created it rather than adjusting like bfore. Is there something I'm overlooking? Can/will this be fixed? This might sound like small pease compared to the overall view, but this makes a design that would normally take a few seconds to print to our screens to almost half a minute.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to insert the blue shape into the iphone shape. I've clicked on clippin mask > make but it is not working. The iphone layer is "Clipping Path" and the blue shape layer is "Path". I've also tried to invert the order of the two layers but its not working either.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAlt + mouse scroll (Zoom-In/Out) doesn't work in my illustrator program.What should I do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am unable to download the following template: URL....
-Using Chrome, the download button doesn't work.
-Using IE 10, the download button works, but takes me to a login screen. When I enter my adobe ID and password, the page just sits there with a spinning circular spoked icon going round and round, indefinitely.
As a result, I am unable to download this template, or any templates.
I have found the center alignment only works randomly. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWindows 7 Enterprise 64 bit
Illustrator CC 64 bit
Within Illustrator select text tool.Type in a few lines of text with carriage return.Select all the text in the paragraph..Go to paragraph panel..Select the justify icon...NO results...the paragrpah is not justified
I'm new on illustrator so I'm still messing around with it.
The brushes seem to only do white lines whenever I select colours and try to draw with them! How do I make the brushes work properly?
I'm trying to distort a picture to make it fit a cover of a magazine. I read a few tutorials on Envelope Distort and followed directions. It seemed pretty straightforward.
I created a single, closed path that I placed it on a top layer. I placed the picture I want to distort and embedded iton a second layer behind the shape. Selected them together, continued with Object>Envelope Distort>Make with Top Object. But, the picture gets twisted and messed up.
This is what it looks like and I can't think of anything that is interfering with the process. This image will be part of a collage of images that will go on the front cover of my Google+ and Facebook profile.
I have a simple shape that doesn't work with the width tool. I have other shapes in my doc that work fine, even ones with gradient fills. What is wrong with this one shape?
Here is the image. [URL]
I have a problem with previewing effects in Illustrator. When I do this:
- create or select object
- go to appearance panel
- choose FX -> Stylize -> Drop shadow...
- check Preview in the effects window (it works as expected)
- now uncheck the Preview checkbox (when unchecked, the fx is still visible)
So, unchecking this Preview checkbox doesn't work right. It is very annoying. It is broken for most of the effect in illustrator. Strangly, it works fine with rounded corners effect. But other effects... not.
I've just started a new job, and I'm on a PC with CS6. (I'm used to Mac, CS5)
I can't seem to get 'open recent file' to work in any of my CS6 programes It is always greyed out and never remembers what I've last done. Does it have something to do with the files being stored on a passworded server?
As what the title says, inputting Chinese characters in Illustrator CC on Mac is not possible. Is there any way to fix this besides waiting for Adobe to release a patch?
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