Illustrator :: Batch Converting AI To PDF

Oct 1, 2012

We create hundreds of large .AI-files (ranging from 10-100 MB in size) every few months, and before we can send them to our suppliers, we have to save them as PDF-files (both in order to reduce the size, but also to make sure our suppliers can open them). Now, the straight-forward answer is of course to open each file and export it to PDF manually.. But that takes way to long.
The files are saved on a server in a folder with several subfolders all containing ai-files.Is there a smart way to convert all the files from AI to PDF?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Batch Converting AI To PNG

Jul 24, 2013

i'm totally new to scripting.  i have a bunch of illustrator cs5 files (actually some of them might be older cs versions).  they all have an artboard size of 200 x 200.  i need to resize them to 700 x 700 and save them as png24 preserving transparency and keeping the same file name.  is this possible?  if so, any examples?

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Photoshop :: Batch Converting RAW File

Dec 2, 2007

I'm not sure it's possible but I'm trying to batch convert a bunch of RAW (NEF) files to JPG. Altering the file extension in bridge doesn't seem to work. Although it does convert the file name, photoshop does not recognise the file format when trying to open the jpg.

Is this process possible or is there a way I should be doing this? I have 300 RAW files and don't really want to open each one up individually and convert to jpg.

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Photoshop :: Automating A Batch-Converting Psd's To Jpg's

May 23, 2006

I am trying to convert a batch of psd's to jpg's and I can't figure it out.

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AutoCAD LT :: Converting Batch Of Drawings Into TIFF Files

Jun 20, 2001

Is there any way of running a batch process to convert a number of AutoCad drawings into Tiff format, at once? Also, if a batch process is not available, can we save our plot settings for conversion to Tiff so that they can be recalled at a later stage? We would like to be able to transfer the same plot settings to other PCs so that we are all producing the same formatted files. Are the plot settings transferable?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Batch Converting Large Number Of DWG Files To PDF

Feb 8, 2013

I've over 400 old AutoCAD 14 files that I want to batch process into pdf's at an "C" sized landscape layout. 

I've tried tools in Adobe and CAD but can't seam to find the one that will open each file and export out a C print at the extents of each file.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Process Error Batch While Converting Drawings

Mar 26, 2012

Why I get a process error batch converting these drawings? The command line says could not bind xrefs but I clearly checked the option not to bind.

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GIMP :: Batch Process Of Converting JPG Or TIFF Images From RGB To CMYK?

Sep 20, 2012

Is there a way to do batch process of converting .jpg or .tif images from RGB to CMYK?

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Photoshop Elements :: Batch Converting PSD Images Into JPEGs In Version 10 Or 11?

Feb 27, 2014

I want to batch convert the above. I know i can convert one image at a time. If not can one recommend a batch conversion program which is safe to use and free from viri  and malware.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Batch Converting CTB Files To STB Files?

Nov 19, 2009

As an organization, we have opted to go with STB as we have some complicated requirements that CTB doesn't accommodate. The wisdom of that decision is a moot point and I'm aware of the vast array of opinion.

We have a legacy of CTB drawings that occassionally need to be brought forward when projects get resurrected (state government highway designs are prone to getting shelved).

Up to AutoCAD 2009, I've had a VBA routine that performed a few operations on a list of files stored in a text file:

- Open the file

- Convert to STB using "CONVERTPSTYLES" with a specified STB file.

- Run a script to load a layer state file to change the plot styles from Style1, Style2 etc, to their correct named plot styles.

- Manage a recalcitrant layer that refused to play ball.

- Save and close the document

- Get the next file........

This was all fine until 2010 came along with the announcement that VBA was to be phased out. 2010 is OK with the VBA enablers, but now I've got some work to do.

Our organisation's development language is C# and I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition to develop my C# .NET code.

Is there another mechanism than "SendStringToExecute" for sending a command such as convertpstyles to AutoCAD and getting .NET to wait for it to finish before proceeding.

I've got CommandEnded code that handles waiting for MTEXT and DTEXT commands to finish and I've tried constructing a CommandEnded for CONVERTPSTYLES, but it seems to me that commands that throw dialogue boxes such as CONVERTPSTYLESand SCRIPT aren't handled the same way.

I've tried setting FILEDIA to 0 prior to running the CONVERTPSTYLES command, however the message box that CONVERTPSTYLES presents before asking for the STB file appears to be getting in the way.

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Illustrator :: Converting From AI To EPS / PDF?

Jul 25, 2013

I recently designed a logo for a client that included both a gradient and transparency. I flattened the transparency, expanded the strokes and embedded the text before saving a copy of it in .eps and another in .pdf (PDF/x-1a:2003)
When I opened both files in Preview, I found these two problems:

I didn't have this problem when I saved the file in other formats (.jpg, .png) Also, while I'm here, is PDF/x-1a:2003 preset optimized specifically for printing?

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Illustrator :: Converting AI To PNG

Aug 17, 2013

I'd like to purchase a website template online which denotes that I'd have to use Adobe Illustrator, Freehand, or CorelDRAW to implement it. There's just one problem - I can't use any of these programs. As a matter of fact, I would like to use the template that I found with a "drap and drop" website builder, as opposed to coding. I was thinking, "What if i could covert an entire Ai file to a folder of PNG's?" ..then I could just manually build my website using those PNG's. Is this type of conversion even possible?.

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Illustrator :: Converting To EPS And PDF

Jul 31, 2012

I can't seem to figure out why the illustrator file opens blank if photoshop. I tried converting to EPS and PDF and even Ai CS3 but the file is opening blank.  The pdf file also saved as blank document.

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Illustrator :: Converting AI File To DXF?

Oct 18, 2012

What would be the best Adobe product to convert AI -> dxf ?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Converting PDF To PNG?

Jul 27, 2012

I wrote the following AppleScript to open a PDF file and export is as PNG. I am using Illustrator CS5.
The export command gets an error: Adobe Illustrator got an error: Can't get current document.
when it encounters the export command.
set inputFile to (choose file with prompt "Open PDF file to convert to PNG:") as text
set exportFile to inputFile & ".png"
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
if not frontmost then activate
open inputFile as alias without dialogs
export current document to exportFile as PNG24 ¬
with options {class:PNG24 export options ¬
, resolution:300 ¬
, matte color:{red:0, green:0, blue:0}}
close current document saving no
end tell

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Illustrator :: Converting Image Into SVG?

Mar 19, 2014

I'm having trouble getting an image successfully into my vinyl cutting program. I open a black and white image into illustrator, I trace it, I paint a few more black lines that I need and then save it into svg or pdf. Once I import the image into my software it show all the brush strokes that I painted making it impossible to cut. Is there a way to make the image in illustrator all one image once painting it and making it decal cuttable?

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Illustrator :: Converting File To PNG?

May 24, 2012

I made a really awesome logo in Adobe Illustrator earlier today and wanted to share it with my friends, but I didn't know how since none of them had Illustrator. Then I remembered that I once opened a PNG file in Illustrator, so I tried to save it as a PNG.
In case you haven't already guessed, my efforts were in vain. Is there anyway that I can convert an .ai to a .png?

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Illustrator :: CS4 Files Not Converting To CAD

May 23, 2012

I've been trying to export some CS4 Illustrator files to cad for laser cutting.  Fab shops here use mostly Solidworks, but can use autocad.  I'm selecting dfx/dwg in the export, and scaling to inches, even double checking the scaling is correct from a decimal measurment found on another forum thread, and it is-- but I've tried this about 8 times now with 2 different fab shops and they both say when they open the files the scaling is WAYYYY off, and there are breaks and "splines" all over that are disconnected.

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Photoshop :: Converting Font To Art In Illustrator 9.0

Oct 27, 2004

I have a logo that I need to give to someone else so they can alter it but they don't have a font that is used in the original .ai file.

I know it's possible, but I'm just not sure how, to convert the text in the logo to art so that it won't matter if they have the font or not.

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Illustrator :: Converting To CMYK Is Not An Option

Nov 18, 2013

I'd like to convert a file from RGB to CMYK. Normally, I can go into Assign Profile, and just select CMYK. However, in this case (actually hundreds of files), none of them have CMYK as an option. So, all the files remain in Untagged RGB, when I need them to be CMYK US Web Coated SWOP.

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Illustrator :: Color Disappearing When Converting To PDF?

Apr 6, 2013

I have multiple files that I am converting to PDF files to print and all of them converted fine except one. When I convert it to a PDF half of the color changes to black. I can't figure it out and I feel like I've tried everything! And this is what it looks like when I convert it to a PDF.

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Illustrator :: Converting DXF File Created In PAD To AI

Jul 16, 2013

I'm woring on a custom textile design that needs to be printed on fabric within the CAD-generated garmet production pattern.
The garmet pattern was created in the CAD progrom PAD.
PAD exports .dxf and .txt files. The dxf file imports into AI as text and code. The .txt file is unusable. It's scale is skewed and important information is missing from the file.
I'm working in AI 5.5 on a Mac. I've imported .dxf files from other cad progrms like Optitex no problem.
PAD exports .dxf AAMA. I need to import this into AI, and the AI forums say Illustrator can read .dxf files.

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Illustrator :: Freehand MX File - Converting To AI

Jan 7, 2014

I have 14000 Freehand mx file and need to be able to open them in Illustrator cs6.... how can I convert them to ai files ... I do not have CS4 or CS5....

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Illustrator :: Converting PDF Image To Vector?

Feb 18, 2014

new to illustrator and im trying to convert a digitally generated pdf. into a vector format/file without the pixel data. I have drawn up a logo/font (in autocad as thats what i know) and made a pdf from it to send to a printing company that only deals in vector format. i can import the image and get a trace of it but the frames add radii to corners and im having trouble isolating the vector/trace result to make a seperate file from (to send off)
so, its there an easier way to get a vector file from my pdf image

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Illustrator :: Converting To CorelDraw File?

Jun 8, 2012

theres this client of mine who accepts work only in corel draw format n I have tried importing expanding and saving saving in different formats etc but nothing seems to work I have a lot of artwork with drow shadow transparency clipping mask and objects filled with patterns I made these are the effects I find extremely difficult to import in corel draw working half in illustrator n half in corel draw is annoyingly time consuming.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Converting PSD Into AI To Become Vector In After Effects

May 16, 2013

I'm trying to Extrude my logo in After Effects CS6 to appear 3D. My understanding is I need to import an Illustrator file (.AI) in order to "Creat Shapes from Vector Layer". I'm having trouble opening a .PSD and then saving it as an .AI. The file is empty when I open it in After Effects.

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Illustrator :: AI To PNG Batch Processing

Aug 8, 2013

I have 1500+ .ai files that I need to automate a batch processing of.Tried recording an action in PS, but it somehow doesn't work. Log file gives me this error message: "Error: The command "Image Size" is not currently available. (-25920)".
This error gets repeated for all other recorded actions that I've taken (I also had a "Save to web" action to export as a good quality .png file, but that action receives the same error in the log file).

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AutoCad :: Converting Illustrator Files To DXF / DWG For Laser Cut

Dec 20, 2011

I'm looking to start offering laser cut pendants and such. Laser cutters require AutoCAD files, and I have no idea how to use any of the AutoCAD software (I intend to learn, eventually) but I heard you can take Illustrator files and convert them into the necessary formats. I have experience with Illustrator so I thought that was brilliant.

I took my Photoshop sketch and brought it into Illustrator and traced all the lines on one layer using the Pen tool. It's all straight lines. I temporarily deleted the layer with JPG artwork, then chose the Export option and selected dxf.

I didn't change any of the default options, so AutoCAD version was set at 2000/LT2000, colors set at 256, and raster file format was left at BMP. The "Export Selected Art", "Alter Paths for Appearance", and "Outline Text" options were all left unchecked.

Upon sending the file to my laser guy, he said that when opening it, there were no entities. I don't know what I did wrong. I just exported it as a DWG as well and sent that to him.

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Illustrator :: Converting Layered PSD File To Vector?

May 22, 2012

I need to convert a layered psd file to a vector file but have never used illustrator (cs5). Looking for the steps I need to accomplish this? It is a logo I've created that is all white on a transparent background. I'm on a mac, OS 10.7.4

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Illustrator :: Converting Color JPG Image To Grayscale

Jan 24, 2013

I have a color .jpg image that I want to convert to grayscale and then add annotation. Is this easy to do in Illustrator?

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Illustrator :: Converting Label Template From Word To AI

Jan 27, 2013

I have a 3M label template that is only offered in a .doc and I need to use it in Illustrator.  Is there an (easy) way to do this?

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