I was wondering if it was possible to change the origin of the ruler?
I have a template page I'm trying to set up where I have guides placed roughly an inch into the paper. What I want to do is change the ruler so that the origin, that is point 0,0 , is at the cross hairs where the vertical and horizontal guides meet.
In AI CS6 can you change your XY Ruler origin to automatically start in the lower left of your document?
I am coming from AI CS4. In AI CS4 when you would open or creat a new document, your X Y origin would alway start on the lower left hand side.
Now when you open a new document in CS 6 the origin starts in the uper right. If I hand drag the ruler down to the lower left, the Y coordinant reads as a negative number.
I'm a first time GIMP user. I'm a long-time Adobe PhotoShop user.What is the default ruler units. How can I change the ruler units and divisions to whatever I want?
Currently when I create a new layer within an image, and set the horizontal and vertical size using “inches” instead of “pixels,” and display the image at 100%, it shows 10 tick marks in the ruler to equal 1 inch.
I want rulers in my image to be scaled at 1/8”. Therefore, it should show 8 tick marks in the ruler with each tick mark (incremental unit) to represent the 1/8” scale. Example: 4 tick marks would equal ½”.
As in the title, expected result in attached drawing. I'm trying to change Origin X /Y, but that doesn't change the origin of the hatch. It there a setting that controls it?
In CS4, I could crop a larger picture to a size such as 9"x12" without actually resizing it, just eliminating the unwanted areas. It seems this is no longer possible as now when cropping, the positions on the rulers are not marked as I determine the crop size. So I can set the size to be 9x12, and whatever crops will expand to that, I assume with interpolated pixels and possible detail loss.
If unconstrained is used, then you don't know what the size will be till the crop is done and it realigns with the rulers.
Before, I could either enter the numbers, such as 6" 8" 300dpi, if I wanted to enlarge a smaller image, as I still can do now. But also, with CS4, I had made a preset with no numbers, similar to unconstrained, but with the positions showing on the rulers, so I could draw to whatever size I wanted, within a larger image, so when a crop was made, area was removed but there was no re figuring of the size. This is more like cutting out a picture on paper, while now it seems only a stretching of the area can be done.
What I want to do is make a Ruler. In particular a Ruler that goes up to 360. This is going to be a Liner Setting Circle that I am going to use to wrap a Dobsonian Base with. So these are going to be in Degrees.
My plan was to try and break up each degree in to 20 increments. I was hoping to used the (Filter>Render>Pattern>Grid) feature to do this in layers. To have 3 Layers overlapping. One are 360 for the main degree marks. One at 3600 for the increments of 2 between each degree. One 7200 for the increments of 1 between each degree.
Being a 3D modeler, I want to texture my safe in GIMP. However, I have no idea how to go about texturing that dial like bit where you turn the handle, complete with numbers.
I want a lines going out from the center, lots of lines, and some numbers along a circular path.
I cannot select origin to constrain sketch with dimension to origin?
I selected Sketch, expanded origin, selected mywork plan (xy) drew rectangle, input dims, right click for marking menu, selected dimensions, Origin is yellow,
cannot select it and then edge of rect to set dim that will center sketch on origin? Just like the videos show, but cannot select origin>
I quite often need a separate ruler scale on each page of a multi-page document. The only way I know how to do this is to create a separate document for each drawing that requires a new scale.
I request that you add the ability to change the ruler scale on a per page basis within a single multi-page document.
I cannot find the time ruler on my screen or where you can add it in. There is simply a slider, with no ruler underneath it. Where can I find this feature?
According to Adobe Photoshop CS3 Classroom in a Book, there's a ruler tool hidden behind the Eyedropper tool. All I see are the Eyedropper tool, the Color sampler tool, and the Count tool.
I use the ruler tool a lot and hate the way it keeps reverting to the eye-dropper tool in the toolbar all the time! Is there a way to stop this from happening? If you use the ruler tool, then some other tools all seems okay until you save the image - at that point the ruler is replaced with the default eye-dropper tool. Therefore if you want to use it again you have to select it again which is a pain. Most tools seem to stay as they are when saving except the ruler. This was the same in CS3 by the way. I was hoping this might have been fixed in CS4.I'm using CS4ext in Vista Business.
I need to make a ruler in 1/32nd increments 4 inches high and 1/2 inch wide, I've tried going for help in other places but I'm such a newb to PS that I can't get it to come out right.....
when my ruler is set 1:1 that the scale does not give an accurate reading when I place a ruler on screen and measure it. Can this be corrected or am I just being daft.
I frequently use a flatbed scanner to capture images of them. I normally import the scan into Photoshop and tweak it before saving.
I'd like to also be able to easily put a ruler in the scanned image to show the size of the item scanned. A layer that was transparent except for a ruler that ran along the sides and top of the image would be perfect. Can I create such an image and then paste it on top of each scanned image?
Is there an easier way to do what I want to do? Maybe something already in Photoshop, or some kind of plug-in?
I need to make a ruler in 1/32nd increments 4 inches high and 1/2 inch wide, I've tried going for help in other places but I'm such a newb to PS that I can't get it to come out right. specifically I asked for help here but they don't seem a very friendly place for newbs. Some of you guys can probably whip this up really quickly, would you mind emailing me the PSD file at gjowen@knology.net, can you put a black rectangular border around the ruler so I will be able to cut it out easier?
Something that has always bothered me since Photoshop's beginnings was that in high resolution files, at extreme screen magnifications, you can't measure using the rulers easily. In other programs, as you magnify the image on the screen, the ruler marks will keep reading their measurements. In Photoshop, you only get the full inch readings, not fractions of the inch. So if I want to draw a guide at 1/16" or find something at 1/16" in Photoshop, all I see is:
You have to shrink the image back down to find the 1" line and then zoom back and count the fractions to find the one you are looking for. I know you can use the ruler tool, but let's say you want to paint, or select starting at 1/16". Using the ruler tool becomes problematic, when all you want to do is see where 1/16" is on the screen.
I like to set lines for cropping on the canvas. The vertical ruler is perfectly accurate. The horizontal ruler is off by alot. This is on cs4. The canvas size is adjusted to be A2 (420x594mm) The crop marks are with the ruler in inches to 16x20.
When I set my ruler to inches, and view the document at 100%, the inches appear much smaller as inches on my screen. I'm assuming this has something to do with resolution of either my Illustrator document, or maybe my computer screen? I would like the inches on the ruler to appear as the actual length of an inch on my screen.
I need to show specific ratios on the image, e.g., this distance is to this as that is to that. A measuring tool that works in pixels is pretty cumbersome. IS it possible to re-calibrate the ruler tool to measure in millimeters, centimeters, etc.? Pixels don't really make it for me. It seems like an obvious choice, but I can't figure out how to do it.
The ruler scale isn't proportional on my screen for the height and width. The canvas size is only 3 x 5, so I don't think it's because the file is too big. The file looks great on screen, but when I print it out the image proportions I see on the screen aren't the same as the print out. When I look at the ruler, an inch is much longer on the height than it is on the width. I'm viewing in Print Mode, but have also tried fit on screen and actual pixels (which makes it too big to see, of course). I tried resetting all tools, but no luck.