Photoshop :: Ruler Scale Not Proportional On Screen?
Aug 7, 2012
The ruler scale isn't proportional on my screen for the height and width. The canvas size is only 3 x 5, so I don't think it's because the file is too big. The file looks great on screen, but when I print it out the image proportions I see on the screen aren't the same as the print out. When I look at the ruler, an inch is much longer on the height than it is on the width. I'm viewing in Print Mode, but have also tried fit on screen and actual pixels (which makes it too big to see, of course). I tried resetting all tools, but no luck.
When I set my ruler to inches, and view the document at 100%, the inches appear much smaller as inches on my screen. I'm assuming this has something to do with resolution of either my Illustrator document, or maybe my computer screen? I would like the inches on the ruler to appear as the actual length of an inch on my screen.
1. Why do Illustrator, Fireworks and InDesign (these are the ones I have checked) open with floating panels, tabs and windows, even in full screen mode... but Photoshop opens nicely in windowed mode with all the panels, tabs and windows fixed? Â 2. In full screen mode the left ruler is hidden behind the tools panel?! Why?! Â 3. How can I have Ai, Fw and Id open like Ps opens? Â I have Adobe Creative Cloud CS6 for Mac.
I quite often need a separate ruler scale on each page of a multi-page document. The only way I know how to do this is to create a separate document for each drawing that requires a new scale.
I request that you add the ability to change the ruler scale on a per page basis within a single multi-page document.
when you make a layout how are you supposed to know the difference from how it looks in ps then in a how big to make the graphis and the content boxes and headers and what not...cuz it may look small in ps but it might be huge in a browser.?
I have created a web document of 1024px 72 dpi on a macbook Pro retina, I want to use a screen dump file, I have inserted copy - paste this in the file, it is more than 2 times bigger. What is wrong. I am used to work on a PC windows..
In digital scrapping, you usually create an inner and outer mat for a photo. I select the photo layer, then edit>transform and click the lock button and set the option to 105%. After I create both inner and outer mats, the heighth and width proportion does not seem like it is exactly 105% on all edges.
I did not apply any drop shadows because I thought perhaps that was fooling the eye.
A customer of mine runs PS CS4 and when they free transform proportionally (holding down Shift while resizing a corner of an image), the image does not snap to any cyan guide lines. If they just drag a side of the image, however, it snaps to the guide with no problem.
For some reason, when I bring up the scale tool, the toolbox appears to the right of the screen, half cut off and under the Gnome toolbor. I've tried moving it, but it is being stubborn. This appears to be the only box having this problem, right now.
Ok gang my daughter as asked me to print of a image of her and her sisters - she's going to redraw over it with thick pencils.
My question is this, how do i or can i make four separate proportional images of the one big one for print of on A4, so it would be four quarters re assembled as the one big original?
I have a function that uses AcadApplication.ActiveDocument.SendCommand to allow the user to scale the inserted lines and text before the next step of the process, but AutoCAD does not display the scale prompt until after the entire program finishes. Â The prompt works well, but needs to be displayed before I end the sub.
How do I get the command to be sent immediately?  Is there another way to allow users to scale the items I insert?  The screen needs to be refreshed before the scale command is called, so that the lines and text I just added shows up.  I have attached the code for the Send Command call and for the function that calls it. Â
I have a model of that I need to save images of from different angles, but they all need to be proportional so they line up. How can I get images that are all proportional from different angles?
I need to create a map, connecting different parts of the world, with curved lines that have a specific thickness when compared to each other, similar to this print screen: [URL] ....
How should I go about doing it? I am completely new to Adobe Illustrator, and I am using the mac Version.
when I draw an object (let's say a line that's 10 inches long) and paste it into corel the size varies based on how much I'm zoomed in.
fwiw I'm using 'paste special' and using picture (metafile) this way I can keep the points. if I just paste as autocad I loose the points, and an arc might become a rectangle as far as points go...
I tried DWG and DXF and it's the same problem. metafile lets me keep the edges and such for nodes at least. I'm having the issue primarily with DesignCAD and AutoCAD
I need to resize the canvas for some custom work. All I can accomplish is to resize the canvas and then do a crop and paste to the correct size. Why is the canvas resize locked into proportional sizing only?
Is there another setting I could change? The added steps of cropping and pasting to get to the right canvas size is a hassle.
Draw a box. Draw a Guideline. Have all snaps on. Including "smart Guides".  Drag proportionally (by holding down SHIFT) the size of the box... and it won't snap to the Guides.  How can proportional scaling be down by dragging, and have Guides and other nodes, vertices, anchors, "smart Guides" etc actually functional as Snap positions?  Or Adobe figure there's no need for accuracy when proportionaly scaling?
When I draw an object (let's say a line that's 10 inches long) and paste it into corel the size varies based on how much I'm zoomed in.
fwiw I'm using 'paste special' and using picture (metafile) this way I can keep the points. if I just paste as autocad I loose the points, and an arc might become a rectangle as far as points go...
I'm having the same problem with DesignCAD actually.
I have an acad document connected to some .shp files, which contain polygonal shapes with some meta-tags.
I want to achieve the following: draw a polygonal shape and select all the tangent areas (I already know how to do so)take a property of those areas and calculate an area-proportional [or: area weighted] average value  (proportional to the partial area defined by the drawn polygonal shape). I tried to achieve this by splitting the objects and merging them again with defined splitting (area proportional) and merging (average) options. The problem is: splitting & merging doesn't work until I disconnect the data files (checking the objects out doesn't work) and even then I can't split the areas. And, more important: This doesn't create a weighted average and I don't even want to manipulate the objects! I just want to get one value out of all these steps.
I appended a screenshot of my file. E.g. I want to take the value 923.2 and multiply it with the corresponding area percentage it represents in the drawn shape. So the calculation would look something like 0.02*923.2 + 0.2*926 + 0.12*945,9 [...] until all the 100% are covered and I get one single representative value.
I use AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 on an Intel Core i7, 12GB RAM, 64bit Win 7 Pro SP 1 PC.
According to Adobe Photoshop CS3 Classroom in a Book, there's a ruler tool hidden behind the Eyedropper tool. All I see are the Eyedropper tool, the Color sampler tool, and the Count tool.
I use the ruler tool a lot and hate the way it keeps reverting to the eye-dropper tool in the toolbar all the time! Is there a way to stop this from happening? If you use the ruler tool, then some other tools all seems okay until you save the image - at that point the ruler is replaced with the default eye-dropper tool. Therefore if you want to use it again you have to select it again which is a pain. Most tools seem to stay as they are when saving except the ruler. This was the same in CS3 by the way. I was hoping this might have been fixed in CS4. I'm using CS4ext in Vista Business.
I need to make a ruler in 1/32nd increments 4 inches high and 1/2 inch wide, I've tried going for help in other places but I'm such a newb to PS that I can't get it to come out right.....
when my ruler is set 1:1 that the scale does not give an accurate reading when I place a ruler on screen and measure it. Can this be corrected or am I just being daft.
I frequently use a flatbed scanner to capture images of them. I normally import the scan into Photoshop and tweak it before saving.
I'd like to also be able to easily put a ruler in the scanned image to show the size of the item scanned. A layer that was transparent except for a ruler that ran along the sides and top of the image would be perfect. Can I create such an image and then paste it on top of each scanned image?
Is there an easier way to do what I want to do? Maybe something already in Photoshop, or some kind of plug-in?
I need to make a ruler in 1/32nd increments 4 inches high and 1/2 inch wide, I've tried going for help in other places but I'm such a newb to PS that I can't get it to come out right. specifically I asked for help here but they don't seem a very friendly place for newbs. Some of you guys can probably whip this up really quickly, would you mind emailing me the PSD file at, can you put a black rectangular border around the ruler so I will be able to cut it out easier?
Something that has always bothered me since Photoshop's beginnings was that in high resolution files, at extreme screen magnifications, you can't measure using the rulers easily. In other programs, as you magnify the image on the screen, the ruler marks will keep reading their measurements. In Photoshop, you only get the full inch readings, not fractions of the inch. So if I want to draw a guide at 1/16" or find something at 1/16" in Photoshop, all I see is:
You have to shrink the image back down to find the 1" line and then zoom back and count the fractions to find the one you are looking for. I know you can use the ruler tool, but let's say you want to paint, or select starting at 1/16". Using the ruler tool becomes problematic, when all you want to do is see where 1/16" is on the screen.