GIMP :: Animated GIF Options Grayed Out
Mar 5, 2012I cannot get an animated gif I save with GIMP to save with 'one frame per layer (replace)' because GIMP won't allow me to choose that! all the 'animated GIF options' are grayed out.
View 1 RepliesI cannot get an animated gif I save with GIMP to save with 'one frame per layer (replace)' because GIMP won't allow me to choose that! all the 'animated GIF options' are grayed out.
View 1 RepliesWhy are the majority of my edit options grayed out. I cant copy and paste
View 10 Replies View Related I am working in a studio who have photoshop cs5 extended. I would like to use the 3d for a project but the menus are greyed out? I have checked the preferences and turned on Enabled openGL Drawing. The Advanced settings can only be basic (others greyed). The care used in the machine is NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT OpenGL Engine and the Mac spec is below..
2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
8 GB 667 Mhz DDR2 FB-DIMM
Model Name: Mac Pro
Model Identifier: MacPro1,1
Processor Name: Dual-Core Intel Xeon
Processor Speed: 2.66 GHz
I have CS6 Extended, and while I can use some 3d features, the options are not available. I've removed and reloaded PS, the graphics driver has been updated, removed completely and then reloaded, but nothing works even though I have never actually gotten a warning that the card isn't supported. It is supposed to be compatible with OpenCL but this isn't available for some reason.
The graphics card has vram of 512, with 503mb available according to PS. In preferences-performance, "use graphics processor" is checked. In the advanced button, "use graphics processor to accelerate computation" is checked, but "use openCL" is grayed out. I've tried unchecking it, restarting the program, and then turning it back on, along with all other forms of "turn it off-turn it back on". The screen resolution is 1366x768, if this matters.
Here are the specifics:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x32
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
System architecture: AMD CPU Family:15, Model:0, Stepping:1 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2
Physical processor count: 4
This graphics card should be enough to work with the 3d of PS, but it isn't, and I've looked at everything that I can find trying to figure this out.
Photoshop CC The 3D Menu is greyed out so no options are able to be selected. If I try to use the 3D Window (Window>3D) then I get a message about enabling "Use Graphic Processor" even though its already enabled. I wanted to try out CC before upgrading for CS6 - And certainly will not be buying a new system just for 3D Option in CC (will stick with CS6)
System InfoAdobe Photoshop Version: 14.0 (14.0 20130423.r.221 2013/04/23:23:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
System architecture: AMD CPU Family:15, Model:1, Stepping:0 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3
I would like to Smart Sharpen the white type in a green 8-bit .GIF image.
I have Saved it AS a .PSD file but all the Filter menu options stay grayed out.
Photoshop CS2. Windows XP Pro SP2
Why the custom option for live trace would be ghosted in CC?
I haven't changed any settings, and as far as I know it's been like that since the initial install.
The option is there... can't click it...
I'm running Win 7 Pro 64-Bit with 32G Ram and a core i7.... so my specs shouldn't be the issue
in the latest version of Adobe Photoshop CS6 when creating an animated GIF via the Save for Web dialog box; there is a looping option section that allows your animation to loop forever, or once...
In the previous version, it would remember which setting you selected for subsequent saves. In this new version, it forgets it and always defaults to ONCE; where I want FOREVER... making me forget to check it sometimes, when I'm working fast; and create animations that stop after one loop...
I have CorelDraw X4... I created a design like I always do, but I can't print. All the "Print" options are grayed out and won't let me use them.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSomething strange here, just working on an image idea, thought to try 'Distorts / Emboss' only to find that the function is greyed out. Haven't a clue what to do about it.
I have re-installed gimp and done a reboot with no change so I am stuck.
Specs - OS Ubuntu, Gimp 2.8 single window mode with precise
I have an image with 2 layers. On one of the layers I have applied a gradient (default). I want to edit the gradient yet when I attempt to move the sliders by clicking and dragging, nothing moves. In addition, when I right click on the gradient window, the gradient editing menu appears but I cannot get it to do anything as the end functions in the menu are grayed out.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just installed my wacom bamboo pen and touch CTH-470, and, like many people, pen pressure sensitivity isn't working. I installed the driver for the tablet and it's all ready to go, but when I go to Gimp 2.8 and try to configure the tablet in the "input devices" section, I see "core pointer" in black, and then "Tablet Port:HID, Dim 5500x4000..." and it goes on. Now, I'm quite certain that that is my tablet, but I'm seeing people say they have the bamboo pen and bamboo eraser present but greyed out.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy link but when I get to the part where it says to add the alpha channel - add alpha channel is greyed out in gimp.
I'm using Gimp 2.6 - windows xp.
I told GIMP not to add a delay to my animated gif but GIMP did anyway and now my animated gif is really slow. How can I prevent GIMP from adding a delay to my animated gif?
Edit: How can I save my project without losing my layers so I can work on it again later?
I've never been into animation very much but recently, while making an avatar, I couldn't make up my mind which of the three chipmunks from Alvin and the Chipmunks I should put into it. I decided to try an animated gif and put them all in a constant loop one-by-one. How hard can it be, I thought.
Well, turns out it wasn't and here it is:
On paper, it works fine but in practise, it doesn't for reasons I can't fathom. I've tested it on three forums and on every one of them, it occasionally freezes in the last frame and refuses to execute the animation while other people's animated signatures and avatars animate just fine so it's safe to assume that there's something wrong with my gif.
Here are the settings I used while exporting:
How to create an animated route along a map. Here's the final image...
While these steps will only show how to add a single route to a map, you can add as many routes as you would like and even instruct the script to start on any layer or have any number of frames.
I'm using GIMP 2.6.6 for the tutorial. You will need the following script installed to complete the tutorial ->Animated Path Stroking Script Suite. The script zip file was updated today (December 26, 2013) to include brushes from GIMP 2.6. GIMP 2.8 no longer uses them, but in order to run the script effectively without having to modify the script itself, please add the brushes to your GIMP brushes folder here: C:/Program Files/GIMP-2.0/share/gimp2.0/brushes There have been no changes to the script, so if you have the previous version, there is no need to install it.
It's probably a good idea to have the animation settings script installed on your computer so you can quickly adjust the timing of the layers. That script can be download here-> saulgoode's animation settings script
Let's begin.
Step 1
Open up your desired map in GIMP. I'm using one from Google that's near my house in Central Florida and I'll show you how to get to Disney World.
Step 2
Create a duplicate of the map so you have two layers. Here's a screenshot of the layer dialog window.
Step 3
Grab your path tool and start creating your path on the image. Here's what my path looks like. I started near the green dot and finished at the red dot. The path will be painted in the direction you draw it.
Step 4
With your path now drawn, make your top layer active by clicking on it in the layer dialog window...(It's highlighted in blue in my screenshot.) This is the layer we will start drawing on. The bottom layer will be left untouched.
Step 5
Choose the brush you want to paint with. I chose the Circle Fuzzy (07) and set the spacing to 1.0
Step 6
Click on the Paths Tab in GIMP and it will show the path dialog window and all of the paths you have for that image. Right now, we should only have one. Right-click on that path and choose Animated Path Stroking.
Here's the settings I picked...
Click OK and script will do the rest and your animation should look something like so:
Step 7
If you want to alter the speed of the layers, make sure you installed the Animation Settings script I recommended at the beginning of the tutorial and go to Filters > Animation > Settings... Under delay you set the timing. The larger the number the longer the delay. I picked 100 and set the mode to Replace. I then added a longer delay (1.5 seconds or 1500 ms) to my first and last frames. To do that, I double-clicked on the layer name changed the timing number to (1500ms), and then hit the <Enter> key. Make sure you hit the <Enter> key so that GIMP will know to make the changes.
That's it! Give it a shot and see what you come up with. Try adding more routes to the map, changing brush size, colors, and altering the number of frames they are drawn over. Don't be afraid to experiment with the settings. Undo is your friend!
How to add an animated gif on top of an image?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to add a top image to an animated gif, an image that is like the background image which will appear together with each frame, but appears on the top of the frames instead.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have about 350 images I am trying to turn into an animated GIF so I can stick them in Flash rather than importing 350 images. When I click "Optimize for GIF" it works, but strips the quality way down. I would rather use a PNG, so if there is a plugin, I would love to hear about it OR if you know a way for the animated GIF to be created without losing quality, that would be awesome.
View 1 Replies View RelatedGIMP can preview my animation at 25 fps but when I export the animated GIF I can't seem to get it to run fast enough. I reduce the amount of time between frames to 0 and tried experimenting with the 'use delay entered above for all frames' but it's just way too slow.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to edit an animated GIF. I can open it in GIMP and the various frames appear as layers - all good so far. I would like to paste in an object into each frame then re-export. The problem is, many of the frames have large transparent sections in them. I'm guessing this how the original program saved some space in the GIF file - by using transparency in areas that don't change from the first few frames. Is this going to cause issues, and if so, is there a way to export all the frames as images with the full detail rather than looking like a series of cheese-graters?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI can't slow down my gif.
I save as animation. However my setting of delay between frames makes no difference. I set it at 200 milliseconds and another at 65000 milliseconds
I got a request from an administrator of an online meat cutters club. He sent me two separate animated gifs that he wants me to put together side by side in one picture. When I open one it is fine. I then adjust the canvas to make room for the other but when I "open as layers" the second gif's colors are all messed up. Is there a way to combine 2 animated gifs side by side into one larger image? It would be some tedious work moving the layers and merging down to mix them in, but I might be able to do that.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI now have xscanimage running from a command line. I added a soft link from .gimp-2.6/plug-ins/ to /usr/bin/xcanimage and restarted gimp. In File/ Create the option for xscanimage remains greyed out. What must I do to make it active?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have 100 BMP images, all the same size ( 508 x 320 ). Is there simple procedure to import these into GIMP and save as an Animated GIF ?
From what I've read ( via search and the manual ) I getting impression that I must create a layer for each frame and then insert the image. This would be very time consuming.
Virtual DUb has very user friendly interface, but I have problems with final product ( lots of residual artifacts )
How to add an extra background to the animated gif?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to make a gif like this:
Is it possible to make it with Gimp?
Is there a tutorial or something for how to edit animated gifs? I want to add some watermarks and crop some of my gifs.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a 25 layer animated gif done. I also have a png of the same size with a transparent background. I want to run that png image on each layer so the background is animated while the foreground is not.
How do I add that layer to each one of the 25 layers of the gif so that the background looks animated while the foreground looks still? Version 2.6.11
I have attached the 25 layer background and the single top layer.
I have an animated gif in which I put in a transparent background on all the frames a long time ago. But the edges of the images were all anti-aliased, so the edges look pretty bad on a much different background. Now I want to change it back to the black background on each frame, and the origial file is lost.
I went through each frame and used Select by color to select the transparency, then Edit to fill the selection with black. However, most frames have a layer boundary that is smaller than the image size because the animation does not always fill the screen. The background on each layer/frame is still transparent. When I saved that work, only the current layer boundary in each frame shows - the rest is transparent. So instead of an unchanging size image with a black background, I get a variable sized one.
So I thought I would remove the alpha channel from each frame. That looks ok while the whole image is open in GIMP, but when I go to save it, GIMP puts the alpha channels back in each frame! I don't know why it's doing that. But I did notice that when I preview the animation with the alpha channels removed, artifacts are visible when the next frame is smaller than the one before it, so I don't know that it's what I want, anyway.
Can I change the alpha channel from completely transparent to completely black? how to make the blackgrounds transparent, but I can't find anything about undoing it.
is there a easier way to make flashing animated gif? like the photoshop way? one that I don't have to add the white lines one by one, next to each other?
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