GIMP :: Alternative To Layer Masks?

Nov 24, 2012

You know how you can add a 'layer mask' to a layer and then apply various shades of grey to the mask to alter the transparency of the layer.

For some work I find this awkward as you cant see what your doing on the layer mask (or have a missed a trick here). Are there any alternatives? I would be nice if there was a blend mode to make one layer alter the transparency of the layer below.

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GIMP :: What Are Layer Masks For

May 4, 2013

I usually try to see for myself but when I apply a layer mask, I don't think that there's any difference, so what do they change and what are they supposed to be used for?

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GIMP :: Why Use Layer Masks

Jul 17, 2013

Why do people use layer masks?

I read tutorials all the time. They say to apply the mask, then erase the mask around where you want to keep, then delete the picture thats under the mask.

Why not just use an eraser and erase what you don't want?


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GIMP :: Removing People With Layer Masks

Dec 30, 2011

Using Photoshop or Elements, it is possible to open up two image of the same subject (I.e. a building) taken taken at several minutes interval, then using the move tool you combine the two images, then add a layer mask, you can edit out any people or distractions, how is this possible in Gimp, I have both Photoshop and Elements (Both Legit), but I dont want to return to Windows.

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Photoshop Elements :: Layer Masks - Can't Get White Or Shown Masks To Be Taken Off With Black Brush

Sep 11, 2012

I am having trouble with using my layer masks. I can use the masks that are hidden (shown with black screen) and apply them with the white brush, but I cant get white or shown masks to be taken off with the black brush. Sometimes, not always I have trouble adjusting the opacity of white masks. I was playing around with actions I downloaded and after applying three actions to a photo, elements froze on me. I read about trashing preferences, I dont know what that does or means but I tried to hit cntrol alt shift when photoshop was opening and nothing happened. When it first opens it shows I can install the new inspiration browser ( i dont know what that is either) thinking it was a required update I tried to update and it gave me an error message, something about the installer has been mis-configured.

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GIMP :: Showing Masks As Overlay And Command To See Layer Underneath Current One?

May 20, 2012

1. Is there a "show quick mask" feature for showing masks?

I know Gimp has a "*Show quick mask*" feature which shows what you have(and haven't) selected by displaying a red overlay over your image,allowing you to add to or subtract from a selection by using the paintbrush, but I haven't found a similar feature for showing masks.

Photoshop has this feature (it's called 'reveal mask' I think) and it basically just shows a red overlay of your mask on your image so that,similar to the quick mask feature in Gimp, you can see where you have and haven't masked through.

(I don't own Photoshop so I'm not sure if the red overlay shows the opacity with which you've masked through or whether or not you can edit the mask when it's being shown as a red overlay.)

2. Is there a command for showing the layer underneath the current layer I'm working on?

This is another feature that I've seen Photoshop has that is useful for blending multiple exposures (and lots of things, really).

Basically it's just a keyboard shortcut for showing the layer underneath your current when you hold down a certain keyboard command (it's not something you toggle since it's meant for quickly viewing what's on the layer underneath your current one).

I know I can press space bar to show or hide the layer I'm currently working on, but I can't do that unless I focus into the layers dialogue first. It'd be nice if I could activate that functionality from anywhere,regardless of whether I'm focused on the layers dialogue.

Do either of these features exist in Gimp?

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Photoshop :: Alternative To Duplicate Layer?

Sep 14, 2012

When using floating windows for images it is very straightforward to copy content from one image to the other.With docked windows in cs6 there's of course the duplicate layer-feature but there's certainly also a drag and drop method. But how to get this to work? I tried dragging Layers and Ctrl-tabbed, I dragged the Layers onto the tab of another image and tried so by holding all sorts of modifier-key.combinations.No avail. So what was the correct way to copy from one image to another by using Drag and Drop?

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GIMP :: Alternative For A Different Workflow?

Nov 14, 2013

what will be better than GIMP (Linux) for this type of workflow:fast processing of the tens of files, jpg to jpg: open, levels, sometimes color rorrection, scale, unsharp, export as jpg with web setting, not camera settings.

For now, GIMP is my main program because of familiar look and easyness of use, but it was designed for an opposite use, and is counter-productive for this kind of workflow.

Here is link to what use it was intended for vs similar to mine workflow: [URL] And similar to mine problem experienced by another user: [URL]

So far I went through:


... still GIMP provides better results much faster.I was under impression that with wide use of the Web there bound to be some Linux software for a fast mass editing.

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Photoshop :: Base Layer Layer Style With Clipping Masks

Feb 19, 2009

I'm using a clipping mask on a layer. The base layer that the clipping mask is referencing has a layer effect applied (in this case an inner shadow). I want to make it so the layer effect is only applied to the base layer and NOT the clipped layers.

Below is an example of what I'm talking about. as you can see, layer 1 has the base layer's inner shadow applied to it. I want the inner shadow to be hidden by Layer 1, but the clipping mask to still apply.

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Photoshop :: Multiple Layer Masks On Single Layer

Jan 16, 2013

A student of mine asked why you would create multiple layer masks on a single layer.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Layer States / Layer State Masks In VB

Jun 10, 2011

My goal is to batch plots using VB in Visual Studio 2008, Autocad Map 3D 2010, Win 7 Pro 64.  It all works but now I want to apply layerstates.

I am using the example in the dev. guide here: [URL]........

My questions:

1. If you use Option Strict, how do you convert from integer to "layerstatesmasks.color"?  VS shows the error "Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Integer' to 'Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.LayerStateMasks'."  I can't figure out the conversion.  Are the values documented somewhere?  "clientmask" is not in the object browser or the dev. guide.

2. If you aren't sure what is masked, do you turn on all of the options on (on, color, linetype, lineweight, etc.)?  Is there a sum of values that means "layerstatemasks.all"?

3. LAS files are DXF format.  Do I have to read the LAS to detemine what the user wants?

4. The second argument to .restorelayerstate is the viewport id.  The examples use objectid.null.  I could have several layouts to plot, and maybe several viewports.  Is the process a) Make the layout current, b) activate each viewport, c) set model space current, and d) restore the layerstate?   

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Photoshop :: Two Masks On One Layer?

Jul 1, 2006

I added another mask, when I start brushing it just switches back to the other?

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Photoshop :: Regarding Layer Masks

Oct 25, 2006

If I have already made a layer mask for a specific do I copy the same layer mask and apply it to whatever layer I want?

Also, how do I make it start out all black instead of all white when creating layer masks?

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Photoshop :: Layer Masks

Jun 30, 2006

I have added a layer mask and now they want me to fill it black... problem is when I do will it black it removes the blur and revert back to the normal image?

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Photoshop :: Layer Masks?

Feb 15, 2005

what a layer mask is and give me an example of where it owuld be used and how?

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Photoshop :: Layer Masks Posterized

Aug 29, 2012

I am having a problem in Photoshop CS6 where I am getting posterization in a layer mask, instead of a smooth gradient / transition. I am 87% sure that this is resulting in a visible hard transition in the final image (a TIFF, not a jpeg).
I have tried applying a gaussian blur to the mask, but this just changes the posterization, it doesn't remove it. Doing the gaussian blur with the document in 16 bit mode doesn't make any difference.
The posterization is visible at all zoom levels. I have tried setting cache levels to 1 and GPU acceleration to basic (and restarting PS), but still see the posterization when using a soft brush on a layer mask.
I read some of the other threads on the forum where people had problems with their graphics cards / monitor profiles causing things to look posterized when they weren't really. The examples given in those threads looked okay to me, so I think it is a Photoshop related problem rather than a general problem for me. I've attached two screenshots below, hopefully you can open them up full size and see if they appear posterized to you.
I'm not sure what the problem is or how to fix it?

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Photoshop :: How To Not Add Layer Masks By Default

Apr 4, 2013

I swear I remember that there is a preference somewhere for turning off the automatic addition of Layer Masks for new Adjustment Layers, but I can't remember where I saw it.  I'd like to disable the automatic creation of layer masks during addition of adjustment layers.

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Photoshop :: Layer Style And Masks

Apr 20, 2011

I have several times a little problem with subject.

If you take some Layer Style and then set mask on it then its of course mask all image.

I have problem to exlain it, i'll show:

that i have, and want to achieve that:

but get that by swich on mask on that layer:

So did i miss something about layer styles and there is easy way to apply mask to only effects, but not to image itself? Or at least to get something like that:

P.S. I know that it can be done my manipulation with groups or "merging" but is there some more "natural" way?

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Photoshop :: Layer Masks With Type?

Oct 1, 2004

playing around with layer masks today and we can erase and paint on the masks, but i really want to type on it, or even put a photo image on it.

why a new layer is opened when i type spmething?

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Photoshop :: Multiple Layer Masks

Aug 18, 2008

I would like to know if someone can please show me how to use multiple layer masks in an image? For example..I would like to do a curves adjustment layer and also only add contrast to a certain part of the image.

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Photoshop :: Layer Masks Not Working

May 3, 2009

Masks have stopped working in CS3 , I can't paint on them .

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Paint.NET :: Way To Create Layer Masks

Jul 11, 2012

I've downloaded and briefly messed around with Paint.Net, and while you can work with layers, I haven't found a way to use layer masks. I used to exclusively use GIMP, but then I found out about Adobe Lightroom, so I bought that and have been extremely happy with it. However, I can't do any pixel editing to get rid of any phone lines, or people's heads, or any other item that is goofing up my photo. I didn't want to go back to GIMP (it's not the easiest program to use), but then I found out about Paint.Net and that it uses layers.

I assumed that it would also have the option to use layer masks, as a natural extension or feature of having layers. But again I can't figure out, or have found online, a way to create layer masks.

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Photoshop :: How To Fix Broken / Destroyed Layer Masks

Nov 27, 2013

How to fix broken / destroyed layer masks (or the reason for that phenomenon)?
After clicking Alt+Click the whole picture transformed into rectangular fields and all masks are  broken. I save the file 5min before that accident and it still works - only this file is dead
1st picture: accident
2nd picture: how it was before
last 3 pictures: layer masks right now... yes they are changing

Photoshop CS6 (student version) Version 13.1.2 x64 MacBook Pro: Mountain Lion GHz Intel Core i716 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB

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Photoshop :: Vector Gradients In Layer Masks - How

Jan 28, 2013

if it's possible to add a GRADIENT vector mask to a vector shape layer?
I have a logo made up of various vector layers, and I need one of them to fade to transparency. I traditionally use a regular "black-to-transparent" gradient on the mask for this, but it's pixel-based. So my question is, with regards to the black-to-transparent gradient located in the mask of a vector layer... is there any way to make this gradient vector-based instead of pixel-based?
So I can resize the logo at will without affecting the quality of the gradient in the single layer mask.All the vector mask tutorials I found are for shapes (regular and irregular) but don't seem to involve gradient-based transparency <- which is what I need.

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Photoshop :: Non Destructive Adjustments To Layer Masks?

Feb 21, 2013

Is there a way to make non destructive adjustments to a layer mask?

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Photoshop :: Automatically Re-link Layer Masks?

Aug 17, 2012

I regularly work on large Photoshop files with many layers and folders within folders and always have the problem moving a folder only to find that somewhere inside there was a layer with an unlinked mask and it gets left behind. Is there a way i can 'relink all layer masks' without having to manually go through and relink them all? Similar to the 'Close all folders' option i guess...

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Photoshop :: Aligning Two Layers That Have Layer Masks On Them

Sep 9, 2012

I am having trouble aligning two layers that have layer masks on them. At the moment, the Align Left Edge tool is aligning the layers based off the entire contents of the layer, and not the mask, resulting in the layers not appearing aligned at all. Is there something I can do to tell the Align tool to take the masks into account?
I am using CS6.

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Photoshop :: Dual Gradient Layer Masks

Jun 12, 2007

I want to combine two photo's and have a gradual transition. So I move one photo into the other, select layer mask, then gradient, drag left to right, and presto I have a nicely merged photo. However I would also like a gradient from Top to Bottom (and left to right) on the same photo. How do you apply mutliple gradients to the same photo? If I select gradient again, it just overlays the first. I want two or more gradients.

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Photoshop :: Color Profiles Appear To Be Affecting Layer Masks

Sep 19, 2012

We are using color profiles that adjust the white point.  When these color profiles are applied to the image we cannot properly paint into layer masks because we cannot access "pure white".  The brightest white we can paint with is a form of grey (aka, we cannot paint back full opacity in a layer mask).  This shows up in the color "chips" as only allowing the brightest value to be a light grey.  The only way to get around this is to turn off our color profile, paint pure white, and then reapply the color profile (which confirms my understanding that "pure white" is supported by the mask channel when a color profile is applied, we just cannot paint it that value when the profile is applied).
As far as I can imagine, color profiles shouldn't be applied to scalar channels like a mask channel, right?
This affects CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS6

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Photoshop :: Gradient Tool Not Working With Layer Masks?

Dec 20, 2011

i'm trying to fade out the last few inches of a photograph so it blends more seamlessly into backgrounds it's placed onto.If I use the gradient tool, set to "Foreground to Transparent" I get the proper effect, but instead of fading to transparent it fades to white.. which dosen't work when I move the layer over a coloured background.
I've read and watched many tutorials on this, and they all say to create a layer mask, and then use the gradient tool.. but for some reason anytime I have the layer mask selected the gradient tool won't work at all..

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Photoshop :: Brush Tool On CS6 Not Working With Layer Masks

Jun 2, 2013

I've been using adjustment layers (curves) and creating a dark / light layer, and then using a brush with opacity of say 30-50% to paint onto the mask to show dark / light in selected areas of an image.
Until yesterday this was working fine. Now however, my brush is appearing pixelated, and scattered about like an airbrush or spray paint. Rather than all the brush being smooth. Even at 100% opacity, not all of the pixels are altered, instead there are clearly visible (when zoomed in) pixels which are lightened / darkened, and some which have been totally unaffected, which leads to a horrible pixelated effect.

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