in the header but it doesn't work for me. the loader is loading on the left of the browser window (full screen width is 1920) while the stage is loading in the center of the browser window. My stage size is 800x600. I tried including that in the css above but that didn't work either.
removing a preloader from the start of a project? I tried going back into properties>preloader and deleting it from the preloader stage, but when I publish it is still there.
I'm currently working on a site which is almost 95% complete. The loading time for the site is approx 7-10 seconds which seems to be slow. I have placed a preloader but that doesn't seem to be coming up while the site is loading.
Is there anyway to speed up the loading time. Like some code that will tell it load specific number of frames first and then load the rest in the background?
I have compressed the images that are being used but cannot compress further as they may lose the quality.I've got the preloader working and now it seems to be showing up while the site is loading. Is there any way to speed up the loading time.
I have a task to control sym timeline with a browser scrolled. If my animation "enclosed" and I use "overflow: scroll" it works - the Stage.scroll works. But I need to to have my animation not enclosed and with overflow:hidden, this means that my Stage don't have own scrolled bar and my browser scroller is not trigger this action.
I think that usage of JS API can solve my task - window.onScroll starts the calculation function and move results "inside" my animation as sym.stop(xx).
I created a simple banner with a couple of basic animations. I never even touched any code. Only basic images are used, no triggers, no symbols.If I preview within Animate, everything works fine.
As soon as I hit ctrl+enter to preview in my browser, everything just stays blank. I checked in multiple browsers, all have the same result with no errors in console.Autoplay is turned on.
I have an animation for a banner on a web page that is set to 100% width and 350px high. When i publish my animation the height in the browser is 316px high? I've attached a couple of images to show my issue..How do I make sure my animation is fixed to 350pixel high?
i'm working on a site that i'd like to automatically scale to fit the browser window, without any scrolling and while preserving its aspect ratio.
my client is very particular about the design & does not want the width & height of the images & text to change like they do in a responsive site- he just wants the site to scale to fit in a browser window.
uick response as I have to present this work tomorrow. I have been working with the "preview in browser" to view an animation which is a simple matrix of drag and drop. It works perfectly in the preview, but when I publish it either to .oam (bringing it into muse) or directly to html it loses all of its functionality. I am pretty new to this, but I have been using the same methodology for all my other animations and they work fine.
What I want to do is insert this link into a blog post (that's not a problem), but I want it to open in a new window AND I want that window to be of a custom size (the size of the stage of my annimation). The best way I can describe this, would be like a pop-up window.
I'm working on a project with drag and drop and im using jqeuryui for that.but i want the user to be able to drag a photo to the page and that it apears on the page in the browser ( no fancy upload but just client data)and also a button to "upload it" but just also using data ( i dont want to use node.js or any database for this project.)
so just a dragged photo from desktop to browser and let that attend a div, and a input button to upload a photo and let that attend a div.all simple local.
I did take a class for it in college so I know the basics, but still learning. I am trying to create a very basic animation where I have 2 assets that begin off the stage on either side. I would like the elements to slide in from the sides and meet in the middle with about a 20px overlap. I tried setting a keyframe for both elements at 0 seconds and setting the X translations to -2000px and 2000px and then setting another keyframe at 5 seconds and changing the X translations to 48% and 52% respectively. This got me the desired effect, but only because I have such a large monitor. If the browser window is resized or the screen is smaller, the effect does not stay the same due to using percentages to center the elements.
is there a way to animate elements to the middle of the screen without percentages(maybe by using margin:0 auto or something)? Or is there a way to accomplish what I am looking for so that the positioning of the elements is the same regardless of browser window size?
I am trying to do so my animation stage is align center. The problem is that the width of my animation is 1900px and I want to align center and overflow-x:hidden.
Have a fairly simple banner ad created in Mac OS. Previews fine locally. Previews fine in Safari on Mac as standalone file and dropped in to iframe on Wordpress page (just like a Nivo slider on same page. Also previews in Safari using IE user agent string. When viewed in any browser on Windows OS, no animation display; either as standalone or loaded into iframe. Possibly something simple: a CSS visbility? URL....
1. crolling like where you have buttons for example or press on a navigation bar tab, then it goes to that specific pace of the page, for a one page website, for example some sites you press on contacts and gose down to the bottom of the page where the contacts place is located, not opening a new link.
2.Second, navigation bar, where it fallows the scroll as it gose down, like for example when it is html the object is fixed to the top, and when you scroll down it will fallow it it,
3.I need Parallex scrolling where you can have the timeline or animations run while you scroll in the meantime and have animation running all the time, for example the infographic site where the bees are fluying but still have seperate animations while you scroll
4.I would also like to ask if like looping each animations sperately, not looping the whole timeline, can it be possible to loop an animation while you have all the interactivity witht he site like looping seperately all the time, without interfeering with all the other animation
5.I also are wondering if you can create multiple pages on one animate project, like multiple pages with html
I just moved on to edge animate from html, and html was also beirf learn for me and mostly i was doing design work, and i thought getting out of graphic river and moving on the theme forest.
I want also all the five things to work on one aimate project.
Is it possible to get the text color to FadeIn or the opacity of the text color to animate with the lines of code below? I simply want the color to fade in when the mouse rolls over the text.
I'd like to animate snow falling. I assume Edge would be able to do this. Will it be possible to add it as a background? Or would it just be easier to add the effect to the top graphic portion of my page? I've used Edge back when it first came out. But havent' touched it in a while. I'm now working "in the Cloud". and I do use Dreamweaver.
I am including an animation I built using Edge Animate into Dreamweaver. I can't use an .oam file because of some other JavaScript I'm using so basically I'm limited to an .html file with all my edge includes java, and other supporting files.
when I preview in browser within dreamweaver. However, when I upload the page to my domain, my animate HTML file won't work. Here is a link to the current site in progress. (The first green box top left is my link to my animation). URL....
I have 280 extracted frames from a 12 sec. mp4 clip. I've cut-out the main object to get rid of the background and saved all the files as png. How can I bring this to a HTML5 Animation to place it on a page that will be showed on ipad-air (no animated gif and no flash)
What the best way is to animate a progress bar with an increasing %. Seems like you would specify a variable set to 0 that is then incremented via javascript while an animation is going on.
I have an ordinary div I composed with HTML, that I'd like to import into an existing Edge Animate comp and have it treated like an ordinary div. The two closest things I saw were: a YouTube video of a whole page opening in EA, and divs animated within itThis other forum, which has more components imported than I need:URL...Isn't there some kind of pasting window somewhere?
So I created my own subscription form, I have it appear and disapear when you are on the button. And when you click on it, it stays. But how can a put in an action to add text to it?
I'm looking for a way to animate a link with a hover feature. I would like the link to be initally blank, but after hovering hover the link, a colored rectangle of sorts slides in from left to right, essentially creating a new background color. When the cursor moves off of the link, the colored rectangle in the background would slide back to the left, disappearing.
After some thought, initially it sounds like an animation of clipping masks. Not sure if this is possible in Edge, or if I am on the right track.
Another hover animation that looks as if it would be some sort of clipping mask is found here on this site: [URL]....
I love the link to the right of the screen that says "Watch the trailer." It's a simple, beautiful animation that gives the site a great look.
I have an existing HTML page (created in Adobe Muse) and I am trying to draw some Adobe Edge objects on top of the page (e.g. a rectangle or an image). When I look in the layers panel, the Edge objects show as top in the list. However, visually when I look at the page, the elements show behind the pre-existing HTML page from Muse.