CorelDRAW X6 :: Separator Not Available In User Menus?

Jul 5, 2012

I like to have my own Command Bar for favourites but the Separator in User Menus can't be selected. In All (Show All Items), there is a ghost of it but it disappears from the list when I try to select it. Not a big deal but I would like to use it.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: User Menu Separator Is Separated?

Jun 5, 2012

This week I have been rebuilding some of my custom menus in CDX6, but  I could not find the Separator to add to my menu/toolbar. It was not listed under the Commands>User Menus where it should be...well at least I thought it was not there. If I mouse over the list I can see the text pop up intermittently.

I also checked via the All (Show All Items) command list. The space is there but the text for it is wonky. I caught a couple of screen shots to show you what I mean...

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: How To Edit User Menus

Apr 12, 2012

How to edit user menus? I created several user menus but I can't figure out how to remove items from a user menu or change the position of existing items once placed. Noticed that the user menu dialogue under Tools > Customization > Commands > User Menus looks a real mess?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Pop Up Menus Are Blank

Oct 25, 2012

Just upgraded my X5 to X6. So far so good, except pop up menus are blank. See image below. Am I missing a setting somewhere, or is this a Windows XP Pro problem? I have my screen resolution set to the Corel recommended 1024x768.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: How To Personalize Size Of Tools Menus

Dec 5, 2012

I've just installed corel draw home and student X6. But I can't manage the size of the reactive buttons in the tools menus. When I click on "tools" I don't have access to "personalization" as I should according to the notice. Therefore I can't enlarge the size of the menu.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Mesh Fill - Black Menus

Sep 8, 2013

When working in Draw X6, usually on  a Mesh Fill, when I go to a menu it is blacked out.  I have to close and reload Corel to get to a normal screen.  I've also experienced unexpected crashes when I work with the mesh tool.  In addition, I'm needing to reload pages with Firefox.  I use Win XP, it's the easiest to customize for my low vision.  My spell check has stopped working. 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Loading All Default Menus

Aug 9, 2011

So I wrote this script last night, well recorded it in Corel really

Sub NewDoc()    '    ' Recorded 8/8/2011    '    ' Description:    '    '    Dim doc1 As Document    Set doc1 = CreateDocument()    doc1.MasterPage.SetSize 11#, 8.5    With doc1.MasterPage        .Orientation = cdrLandscape        .PrintExportBackground = False        .Bleed = 0#        .Background = cdrPageBackgroundSolid        .Color.CMYKAssign 0, 0, 0, 5    End WithEnd Sub

Mainly used to open a new document and make the layout background solid and non printable. I really like this feature since I work with the color white a lot, however I could not find any setting to start new documents with anyway. The macro creates a new doc and changes the layout setting to what I like, but when i run it with no documents open, the only menus i get are File View Tools.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Menus Open Then Minimize?

Mar 30, 2011

CorelDraw was working a few weeks ago, but now when I open a menu  Bitmap and select anything to edit the picture, like Blur, Camera, Distort, or any of them, I see the adjustment slider screen open, but then it minimizes to a small blue bar that lists the name of the effect and does not allow me to make any adjustments.  In fact I can do nothing until I close (x out) the blue bar.

I have done the reset to workspace, downloaded and installed patches, but nothing changes. 

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AutoCAD VB :: Add Separator In Toolbar?

Nov 17, 2011

I'm using VBA to create a special toolbar, how i add a separator using the addSeparator method/

 Set ObjToolbrItem = ObjToolbr.AddSeparator(1) dose not seam to work?

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Lightroom :: Dot As A Keyword Separator?

Nov 7, 2013

I think that "treat '.' as a keyword separator" checkbox on the preferences window does not work as expected.I want to create keyword hierarchy with this option when importing, but Lr does not separate keywords entered with dot between them.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Sort The Flyout Menus In Alphabetical Order

Nov 29, 2012


Is there any way to sort the Flyout Menus in alphabetical order?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Adding Separator In Pop Menu

Jun 28, 2012

How could I add a separator in a PopMenu?

I have a PopMenu as below.

I want to add a separator between the menu.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Thousand Separator For Dimension

Jun 21, 2012

Thousand separator for the dimension.

I’m wondering if there is a way to have the dimensions written with thousand separator. For example, the number 23569 will appear like 23,569?

Is there such option in the AutoCAD?

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GIMP :: Equivalent To DIR-SEPARATOR For Search Paths

Nov 14, 2011

Is there an equivalent to DIR-SEPARATOR for search paths?i.e. the return from (gimp-gimprc-query "script-fu-path")As the path separator is different on Windows and Linux (and who knows what on Mac)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Decimal Separator In Fx Parameters

Aug 31, 2011

How do change the decimal separator from point to comma(in model and FX-parameter)

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CorelDRAW X4 :: User Symbols No Longer Visible?

Dec 31, 2011

I recently had to reformat a hard drive and reinstall everything.

I have a bunch of custom made symbols that I use often and for some reason, when using the Symbols Manager docker, they are no longer showing up in the Local Symbols>User Symbols folder in that docker as they used to.

The old hard drive had XP Pro on it but this new one has Windows 7 Pro on it. I am aware of the path changes made in Windows 7 and swear I have the custom symbols located in the correct directory.

I am using X4 version

I have them placed in the following directory:

C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingCorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4User Symbols

When I attempt to create a new Symbol, it saves the new symbol file in the directory above and when I go to that directory, I can see all of my custom Symbols. They just are not showing up in Draw X4 for some reason even though they are there.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Palette Not Updating With User Palettes

Sep 16, 2011

I will save a document in X5 and when its opened in the same program - same computer it doesn't update the palette that i used to create the document. The replaced colors are either Black or White.  They have the callouts of 100% ID: ### Density: 100.The Default RGB pallette and CMYK colors all come back but the color palette I use for my RIP (VersaCAMM) always change.

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6 :: Get Rid Of Thousands Separator In Resample And Paper Size Dialog Boxes?

Jul 19, 2012

Can I get rid of the thousands separator in the Resample and Paper Size dialog boxes?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Transition From Single User / Desktop Content To Two User / Vault?

May 7, 2013

After getting Vault installed on our server and successfully setting up users and connections, I used the Library Transfer Guide to move our Content Center (including custom) to the Vault. I then changed the Inventor Application Options -> Content Center -> Access Options to Autodesk Vault Server.

This seems to have worked, as I can Place from Content Center when in an assembly, and it is pulling standard content as well as our custom files properly from the vault.  However, in the instructions that I used for the installlation, it was suggested to stick with a standard folder structure within the Vault, namely two Library Folders named 'Content Center Files' and 'Libraries' and also a regular folder named 'Designs'.

 I created those folders prior to transferring the library, as I thought they would be populated with the standard/custom content. This was not the case and I am curious when these folders come into play? *they are empty*

Also, today I will be attempting to 'Check In' a project to the Vault that I recently completed; does this usually maintain structural relationships between files?

Would you recommend using a single project structure in vault for two people? It seems, since we won't be working on the same project at the same time, having a single project would not be relavant to our situation..

Inventor 2011 / Windows 7 Pro SP1 64bit
Dell Precision T3600
Intel Xeon E5-1607 @ 3.00GHz
AMD FirePro V4900
20 GB Ram

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Photoshop :: CS6 Ext - No 3D Menus?

Aug 27, 2012

I am running late 2011 Macbook Pro 15in. I am using Photoshop CS6 Ext. and there in no 3D menus. They are there, but I can't select them.

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VideoStudio :: DVD Menus In X4

Aug 8, 2011

I just installed and started to use VS X4; previously I had VS X3 with DVD MovieFactory 7SE. It looks the DVD menus in X4 are about the same as in MovieFactory 7SE. Are there more DVD menu templates available from any source? The ones in the program are good but I would like more variety. I have customized these in the past but I'm looking for some with more creativity than I have.

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AutoCAD LT :: Menus From 07 To 12 For Mac?

Apr 2, 2012

How can I (or can I) get my custom menus from my Autocad lt 07 (windows) to my new Autocad Lt 12 for Mac?

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Photoshop :: Disable Menus In CS6?

Jun 18, 2013

For my organisation, I need to remove some menus in Photoshop CS6.However, when I use Edit --> Menus, and uncheck which menus I don't want to see,  "Show All Menu Items"  appears.
How I can completely remove some menus, without seeing "Show All Menu Items"?

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Photoshop :: Mac CS5 - Menus Too Long

Dec 19, 2011

I've just bought Photoshop CS5 to stay on the upgrade path. In designing (or redesigning) the interface for CS5 and Adobe Camera Raw something seems to have gone awry.
Overlong Menus..Compared to CS4 two of Photoshop CS5's menus have lengthened so that they no longer fit on the screen of my MacBook Pro – the Edit and Layers menus.  Thus, the bottom of the menu is off the bottom of the screen (or the top, if you are at the bottom of the menu).  Now, it is true that the Edit menu has two more items (32 instead of 30) but the Layers menu has the same number (29 items). In CS5 all the menu text items are more widely vertically spaced leading (pun not intended) to this problem on a MacBook Pro.
The CS4 menus were perfectly legible before so why do this ?  What purpose does it serve ?
ACR Disappearing Into the Dock:And using Adobe Camera Raw has a similar problem in that the the ACR window disappears into the Dock at the bottom of the screen.  Now I've read Jeff Schewe's response to this in another post where he seems to think that those who use the Dock are in some way mentally deficient (I'm exaggerating to make a point) but, Jeff, some of us like the Dock and find its presence at the bottom of our screens reassuring and useful.  BTW, Jeff, removing the Dock doesn't solve the CS5 menu problem.  Seems to me to be sloppy design.
What would be better would be to ensure that the scale of the interfaces fits on our screens, would it not ?

Having felt I've been coerced into an early and expensive upgrade by Adobe to stay on the upgrade path is it not unreasonable to expect better?

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VideoStudio :: X4 Crashed / DVD Menus Gone

Jul 4, 2013

I am pretty used to VS crashing and becoming corrupted from version 6 to X4. I either reinstall or do a system restore. This time my free dvd template pack is not there but it says it is installed and will not give me the option to download again. I just have the basic DVD menus.

"C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorel VideoStudio Pro X4ContentMenu Template" gives me the four folders (4x3,16x9,HD Basic, HD pop up)

Is there a registry setting I can change to make VS think I did not download the menu pack so I can download it again or is there a better option?

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VideoStudio :: X2 - Recreating DVD Menus

Mar 25, 2011

I use VideoStudio X2 for most of my video editing but I haven't been able to recreate a menu that I regularly use in VS9. I wanted the icons to approximately a certain size and the ability to have 2 lines of descriptive text underneath. VS9, whilst perhaps a little clunky in the way it works, does have the flexibility I need. In my DVDs I might have 30 title so I do want 6 on a screen and about 5 menus are created.

I have attached my VS9 template (ignore the Background Image referring to VS10). With this template, I can just keep adding files or create new discs with no changes required to the format and only some minimal text editing. Can VS X2 be tweaked to have a similar menu?

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VideoStudio :: HD Menus And Authoring

Dec 31, 2010

I am using VS X2, very happy with it. I have been burning a few SD DVDs with AVCHD and very happy there, too. The authoring options and menu templates is quite limited when compared to my options when creating a standard DVD.

I need to know what is the best additional program I should use to have more options when creating AVCHD discs and Blu-Ray when that time comes. Is it movie Factory 7? IS MF 6 more compatible with VS X2 and will it give me the same features as 7?

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 - DVD Menus In Gallery

Jul 14, 2011

I recently purchased VS X4 Pro. There are only 5 DVD Menus in the Gallery. Is there a source for more?

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Photoshop :: Drop Down Menus

Sep 4, 2008

I just recently reinstalled CS3 on a new computer, and I noticed some things are different from the other CS3 I had installed.

The most annoying thing I noticed is when I left click on one of the toolbar icons (e.g Rectangular Marquee Tool) I get a drop down box showing the other Marquee tools, as if I right clicked it.

I just want to be able to left click and select the active tool, not be bugged to choose which tool every time I click a tool with a drop down list..

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Photoshop :: Drop Down Nav Menus In PS.

Sep 7, 2004

I was wondering if it is possible to do drop down navigation menus in PS? The kind where when you move your mouse over a rectangle navbar link another rectangle navbar opens up beside this one with a list of relevant links.

Can this be done in PS as a sort of rollover in image ready perhaps? Could you just create the second navbar and have it hidden in the normal state but visible in the rollover state? Or is there a better way to do this?

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Photoshop :: Dropdown Menus (no Js)

Mar 30, 2003

I'm trying to make a drop down menu (er...drop side menu) all in Imageready. I made the main button and when you rollover it the side menu comes out but then when I try to click on one f theside menu slices they disappear. They dissapear because in the main button slice, i have them appear on the over state and dissapear on the out state. Is there a way to get them to work? Sorry if this is a little confusing. The only reason that I'm not following pank's tutorial is because I don'y have dreamweaver so I can't make layers like he said.

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