CorelDRAW X6 :: CPG Plugin In 64 Bit Variant

Apr 5, 2012

We developed a 32-bit .cpg plugin a couple of years ago to allow CorelDRAW to interface with our (32-bit) graphics program by providing a custom button on the CorelDRAW toolbar.The CPG plugin works fine in CorelDRAW X6 32-bit but not in the 64-bit variant.Is 64-bit CorelDRAW going to support existing (32-bit) CPG's?Or will we need to rebuild new CPG's using a new SDK?If a new SDK is required, when will that be released?

Test computer configuration:- Windows 7 64-bit

P.S.  I attempted to submit this question through the Corel "Ask a question" web page but it appears that page is not working correctly.  After submit, both a success message and an error appear on the resulting web page.  There is no reason given for the error.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Passing Late-bound Variant Arrays

Aug 22, 2012

I have been attempting to pass a string array contained in a variant to the AutoCAD method AcadPlot.SetLayoutsToPlot.  I am using late binding without a Interop assembly because we have several versions of AutoCAD in this company and I would like to support all of them from the same code base.The method wants a variant that contains a string array passed byref.  The Microsoft documentation on COM interop from VB.NET makes it sound like the compiler will marshal it correctly by default, but it always throws a COMException (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG)).

The stack trace shows it is trying to anyway:

       at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.LateBinding.InternalLateCall(Object o, Type objType, String name, Object[] args, String[] paramnames, Boolean[] CopyBack, Boolean IgnoreReturn)
       at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding.LateCall(Object Instance, Type Type, String MemberName, Object[] Arguments, String[] ArgumentNames, Type[] TypeArguments, Boolean[] CopyBack, Boolean IgnoreReturn)

But no matter how I code it I cannot get this variant array passed to AutoCAD.I have tried:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
' VB default marshalling
Dim layoutarr = New Object() {"Layout1"}
' using a VariantWrapper
Dim layoutarr = New Object() {"Layout1"}
Dim wrapper As New System.Runtime.InteropServices.VariantWrapper(layoutarr)

As intensively as AutoCAD ActiveX uses variant arrays, I know this problem is going to come up again and again for me as I try to migrate code over to .NET.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Plugin For 3D CNC Code

Sep 22, 2011

whether exists any plugin or converter, to change ordinary 2D vector graphic into 3D cnc code.

i´ve already bought  DXF tools pro, but it is just 2d, i  mean something else to generate new axis for e.g. engraving.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Plugin For Plotter Cutter?

Apr 13, 2011

this is a really seperate plea, we have bought a plotter cutte and trying to plot/cut but can only get the device to plot/cut A4 size - we have been told to obtain a plug in - I cannot find any information on excatrly what plug in to obtain. The plotter cutter is a Gold cut JK 1351

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Use X5 KPT Collection Plugin?

Jul 11, 2013

I still have my X5 KPT collection and want to install it into X6

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Plugin Or Tool That Will Generate A Sequence Of Numbers?

May 14, 2008

 is there a plugin or tool that will generate a sequence of numbers for example

52700 - 52900

with out manually doing so...

I am not referring top print merge

I learn something new everyday

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Plugin Variable Data Print System

Jan 15, 2009

I have a question if there is some kind of plug in for Coreldraw to easy make personalized printing?

For example Kodak calls it Variable Data Print System and you can easy starts personalizing your bussiness cards.

Is there some kind of plug in aviable?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Error / Failed To Initialize Video Capture Plugin

Jan 22, 2013

in capture mode, choosing "capture video"I get error message "failed to initialize the video capture plug-in another program may be using it or this file has been moved" " open driver failed" 15023.4.2 my video capture device is a USB WDM 2860 and shows in the "source" window but no "formate" can be chosen and no video comes through. The operating system is windows 7 64 bit. I have "Magix movie edit pro 17" and "Cyberlink Video Director" and both of these programs work with the same device and capture. Neather one of these applications are running while using Video Studio. I checked and nothing else is utilizing this USB WDM 2860 device. I reinstalled the software, installed the patches, and uninstalled the USB drivers and reinstalled them.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Cutting All Components Of Image Using Cutting Master 2 Plugin

Aug 1, 2011

I have downloaded an eps file, which I need to cut. I use a graphtec ce5000-60 cutter, and a plugin called cutting master 2 in order to use coreldraw.

when i select application launcher and choose cut / plot, it opens cutting master. when i do this, it only shows the 2 outer lines of the logo i need to cut. I have attached a screenshot so you can see exactly what I mean. I have tried lots of things to recitfy this, but as a complete beginner with this software, I really dont have a clue. 

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Photoshop :: Plugin

Jan 23, 2004

some photoshop plugin can process a single image from multiple little image. A kind of mosaic. I'd really like to know the name of this plugin since making this kind of composition can ben very long.

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Photoshop :: CS2 Tab Plugin?

Feb 5, 2006

Is there a plugin that makes it so you can have your images that are open be in tabs like firefox's tabbed browsing.

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Photoshop :: Plugin.dll CS3

Sep 14, 2008

Whenever I start Photoshop CS3 i get the following error:

"the procedure entry point PIZToUnicodeStringLen could not be located in the dynamic link liabrary PLUGIN.dll"

After I click OK 2-3 times the dialog box goes away and everything seems to wrk fine. But I want to get rid of this dialog box error for good.

I tried downloading 'plugins.dll' and 'msvcrt10.dll' from the internet. I put them in my windows/system32 folder and also in my Photoshop folder,

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Photoshop :: Plugin

May 29, 2008

looking for an excellent plugin to extract objects from background.

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Photoshop :: Plugin To Cut Out

Aug 24, 2008

I want to cut out an object from a picture.

As I understand it, this canbe done in Photoshop: but it takes time.

I've been told you can buy 3rd party plugins that will make he job easier.

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Photoshop :: Plugin*

Nov 22, 2005

Plugin* is a complete solution for all your problems concerning the management and use of plug-ins in your favorite application. Plugin*® technology is based on a patented, advanced hosting method. Plugin*® introduce you revolutionary approach to plug-in hosting. The application uses the latest file management making it easy to navigate through thousands of plug-ins with just a few clicks of a mouse.

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3ds Max :: Spline Plugin For It?

Feb 2, 2012

i am looking for a plugin like FI Bezier for 3dsmax, Basically its a plugin which lets you pre-define the path and lets you move the object throught the path using a helper, unlike animating the percent along path in 3dsmax Pathdeform

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Paint.NET :: How To Use A Plugin

Jan 27, 2011

I have downloaded and extracted dpy's pack in order to use the perspective tool to correct converging verticals. When I click on Effects > Distort there is a 20+ list but none for perspective. I am a Newbie and have successfully downloaded and used Madjic's pack to create a grid. What have I done or not done?

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Photoshop :: Plugin For JPG / PNG Saves For CC

Jun 4, 2013

I'm looking for plugins for Photoshop CC, I have a full license and need a plugin for jpg / png saves, Super PNG is installed in my plugins folder but it still doesn't give me the option to save. I'm just trying to type a font and save it .

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Photoshop :: CS4 Raw Plugin For Canon S95?

Mar 11, 2012

A search indicates that Camera Raw 6.3 plugin and later will work, but it is apparently for CS5 only.  Is it true that CS4 loses the ability to work with camera raw files of newer cameras?  If not, where can I get a camera raw plugin for my new S95 that works with CS4?  (The camera does ship with proprietary raw processing software, but I'd prefer the integration of Bridge and Photoshop.)

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Photoshop :: Twain Plugin For CC

Nov 4, 2013

Is there a TWAIN plug-in for Photoshop CC? (I saw the June 2013 query; any updates since then?) This is for a Windows 7, 64 bit installation, using an Epson Perfection 2400 scanner. If not, any work around beside buying Vuescan?

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Photoshop :: Is There A Kaleidoscope Plugin

Jun 27, 2013

I used Paint Shop Pro for years and they had a great Kaleidoscope generator effect built in to the program.Switched to Pshop a couple years ago, and have been sorely missing the Kaleidoscope thing. I've searched high and low on the 'net and there seems to be nothing out there.  Some freebies made for PC but nada for Mac. 
Is it really a difficult programming feature to cook up one of these things? people are doing amazing stuff with fractal generators and computers, isn't about time someone coded a simple kaleidoscope plugin for Pshop on Macs?

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Photoshop :: Fits Plugin For CC

Aug 7, 2013

I want to use PS CC exclusively for astro photography, for that , the file format use is FITS 16 or 32 or IEET , before with CS3 we used fits liberator and after downloading , it was easy to use it , in plugin/ file format. But now  I have a lot of difficulties to open this file.

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Photoshop :: Use Topaz As Plugin?

Aug 13, 2013

Who here uses Topaz as a photoshop plugin and what do you think of it? To me it is not a cure-all but it saves a lot of time for quick edits or just refreshing a boring picture.

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Photoshop :: Plugin Compatibility - CS5.1?

Apr 18, 2012

I'm running CS5.1 on a Windows 7, 64 bit machine.  I've been using plug-in's from Neat Image and OnOne for a long time with no issues.  Now I've installed Topaz Adjust plug-in and I'm having a problem.  Randomly, when I launch Photoshop and look in Filters I will find EITHER my old plug-in's or the new Topaz plug-in.  But never all three at the same time.  And it is always random as to which will load at launch.

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Photoshop :: Plugin For CS4 Extended

Oct 13, 2013

Any plugin for a Nikon D300s raw files is available for CS4extended. If this is available, how do I go about downloading it?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Plugin Installation

Jun 14, 2012

I downloaded and installed noise ninja, which is compatible with photoshop CS6, into the Cs6 plug-in folder.  Why is the noise ninja application not contained within CS6 Photoshop when I select the filter menu?  

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Photoshop :: Snowboard Plugin For CS3?

May 20, 2012

I heard a rumor that there was a snowboarding plugin for CS3 but I couldn't find it; I asume it was just a template of a snowboard which I could probably do myself, but if there was a plugin for CS6?

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Photoshop :: 32 / 64 Bit With Twain Plugin In CS6

Jun 4, 2012

I am about to upgrade from CS5 to CS6. I found that CS5 automatically installed in 32 and 64 bit in my Windows 7 64 bit PC. I use 32 bit to scan as it has a TWAIN plug in, and 64 bit to manipulate images as the File Automate Batch causes the 32 bit program to crash with the plug in - but I really want to go on with TWAIN . There is a plug in for the CS6, (for the 32bit version) so I just wanted to know that it does instal in both versions as did its predecessor.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Plugin Not Working?

Apr 4, 2013

I have problem with Photoshop cs6, after the installation (I had sc 5 before ) I cannot open any off my JPEG 2000 files .But i can create new ones.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Get Rid Of IE Plugin / BHO

Aug 24, 2010

how to get rid of the IE plugin/BHO. This has taken over and am now unable to download dwg files. They just open to a blank screen active x control installed or not.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Extension Of Plugin

May 5, 2013

I have a finished plugin (dll-A), which works well.Now I want to write an extension for it (dll B).The function in the expansion are so special that I do not in want to integrate the finished plugin (dll A).I bind the dll to the plugin (dll-A) into the new dll of the plugin (dll B) and inherit the plugin class (class A) in the plugin class (class B).Is loaded by the netload (dll B).

Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception: eDuplicateKey bei Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Interop.Check(Int32 returnValue) bei Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.CommandClass.AddCommand(ICommandLineCallable ca, MethodInfo mi) bei Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.AutoCADApplicationHolder.Initialize(Assembly assembly) bei Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.ExtensionLoader.ProcessAssembly(Assembly assembly)
Exist in both dll's no duplicate commands!

On debugging looks as if autocad load first dll-A and than load dll-B.

Can it be that the (dll-A) is loaded twice?

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