CorelDRAW X5 :: Saving Files - File Name Is Invalid In Certain Folders

Jun 24, 2013

I'm Testing77. I'm a graphic designer for screen printing, formerly a screen printer, and I work primarily in CorelDrawx5. I work on a MacbookPro, where I run Parallels and then XP in order to operate the windows-only program on my MBP. 

I'm posting to publicize an error I've been running into as far as saving cdr files goes. Again, I run x5 through parallels, and there a grey area between what characters you can use in file names on Mac as opposed to Windows. I can use a "/" on a mac file name, and not on windows for example. In any event, I get a 'save drawing' error saying the file name is invalid in certain folders. I have a 'corel files' folder that contains primarily registration mark template files, a folder for my companies files, 10-15 folders for my most-frequent clients, and a "Misc" folder that contains subfolders for less-frequent clients. I tend to get the error message in the subfolders of the Misc folder. The message does pop up in other folders.

Technical side: Instead of simply saving to c:/documents and settings/~username/my documents/corel files/~my clients files/FILENAME.cdr I have to go through a "Z:/" drive (what windows thinks the mac is) so the directory I actually save to looks like this: \psfHomeDocumentscorel files/~my clients files/FILENAME.cdr. Effectively directly linking the "Documents" folder in Mac to the My Documents folder on windows.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Opening CDR Files - Contains Invalid Object

Sep 8, 2011

I am not able to open an old existing file I can see it but when I try to open it I get a message 

Contains an invalid object

Click Abort if you wish to open file 
Click Retry if you wish to open file 
Click Ignore if you wish to open file  

nothing happen  what should I do ?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Error Message - File Contains Invalid Objects?

Jan 23, 2010

I am using Corel Graphic Suite X3. I created one file of 330 MB. It contains text and images....

But now when i am opening this file it say "File contains Invalid Object" "IGNORE:ABORT:RETRY"..I chose every option but nothing seems to happen and corel draw gets hanged..I tried importing it..also i tried re installing it but nothing seem to work...

this file is very imp and i have to open it...Wht to do? Also any future precautions,  if any?

And am i using the right version? Im mean is is because this is the lower version and i need 2 upgrade?

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AutoCAD LT :: Automatic File Saving Is Not Saving Temp Files?

May 7, 2013

AutoCAD LT 2012

I had my automatic save set up for every 10 minutes but files were not being saved regularly. I deleted files from the Temp folder thinking it was full and now there are no .sv$ saving at all. How can I make drawings save automatically every 10 minutes?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: JPG Exported Files Appear Locked In Documents Folders

May 30, 2011

I"ve just recently upgraded to CDGraphics Suite X5 (from 12), along with Windows 7 and M.Office 2010.  When trying to export jpg's I've got 2 problems:

a) Jpg files that I"m now exporting seem to have so many more "options" for exporting and are automatically exporting colours as CMYK.  Some of the software programs that I use (for programming digital signage) require jpg files in RGB.  Is there a way to set this as a default instead of having to change this everytime I export?  (note that I have "checked" the embed colour profile option for my US Web Coated Pantones). 

b) The default for exporting is also set at "custom" - should I always be changing this to either medium or large, or can I just leave it at custom.  Often I am just emailing jpg's for approval purposes, so I don't always need large file sizes.  Does custom set it to the largest possible file size?

I found a tab at the top of the export window that says "Load Presets" and lists for example "low quality jpg.xml" what is this for?

c) when I look at my jpg files in my documents folders they appear "locked" with a little lock on them. Old jpg files created in CD12 don't have this little "lock" icon on them.  I have checked the properties and see that these files give full access for modification etc, so I can't figure out why they may be locked.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Saving PDF Files

Jun 24, 2011

I have a new Corel product...Graphics Suite X4 Home version operating on Windows 7. I have designed several flyers and attempted to save as a PDF file to send to an associate. However the PDF option is not available in the selection box.

So I attempted to download Service Pack 2 for Suite X4 but the installation fails on three attempts.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Saving Files Changes

Jun 17, 2011

I am having an issue saving file changes. I can create a file and save it, but if I make a change and try to save it again I get an error that says that the file is open elsewhere.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: File Size When Saving CDR File?

Mar 7, 2011

I have trouble with file size, example I design a poster say 120mb and open existing poster 200mb so that i can copy certain images and text from it and even though I delete the second poster before the saving the new poster but the file size becomes 320mb?

So I thought there was something worng with my machine i.e a virus.

I repeated the example above and removed all the images and all background and left the text on the poster and save the final poster with text only but the file size is same i.e. 320mb?

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Saving A File

Apr 5, 2013

I just installed a new larger HD disk in my computer, then reinstalled my old Corel Draw 4 program.  It installed OK, seemed to worked OK, and it printed OK.  But when I tried to save a file I got a message saying it couldn't save because there was not enough room on the disk.  The path was correct and there is over 115GB free.

When doing the install I did notice that it did not recognize the size of the disk correctly, but it showed plenty of free space at the time.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Saving As AI File

Dec 8, 2011

Okay, last few day i have been having a huge issue with saving as an AI file..

If the file  saves, there is nothing showing up.. or it goes from 100mb file to 1.3 gb file..

i can save it as an eps, but i have 15 jersey design i need to convert, i cant take 3 hrs to save each one as eps files..

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CorelDRAW X5 :: PS File Saving Options

Oct 24, 2012

Colour profile is CMYK and how to save PS file in CDR X5

for broucher printing

my friends send me some screen shots

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Files Are Saving In Huge Sizes?

Oct 25, 2013

Several days ago I noticed my files sizes were enormous. I was unable to even open them to work on them. Something that was once 517KB becomes 161MB the next time I save it.

After I installed the Corel update this morning, things were back to working as usual. But tonight it's back to the huge files. I saved a simple greeting card file - no halftones, no gradients, etc. It saved at 19.7MB. A few minutes later after making some small changes - saving again it was now 118 MB.

I tried saving to a lower version of Corel and ver 15 it was the same scenario. When saving to 12, 13, & 14 the files were normal, small sizes. But after a few hours even those versions were saving at huge sizes.

I've had a friend check her computer using the same file - she has the exact same computer & on Corel X6. All of her files are nice and small like they are supposed to be.

I've run virus checks and nothing is coming up. I am on Windows 7 64 bit.

Other than recreating all of my files every time I use them - I have no way of saving usable .cdr files.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Saving Files To A Lower Version

Jul 14, 2011

We have a vendor that is still using X3 or later. I currently have X4. Is there a way to default your save selection to save down a version?

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Saving Valid Workspace File

Aug 13, 2012

I get a message stating that "Valid workspace file not found at the path specified"  I know the fix for this is to hold down F8 while starting up to reset it. The thing is that I set up so many specific things to my work that it takes me hours to get it back to the way I want it (i.e. Default font, color, menu layout etc.).

I can save this default in a separate location, and load it in should I get this error message again, thereby avoiding having to set it all up from scratch.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Saving JPEG Files With Original Format

Jul 24, 2013

I am adjusting colours on photos with Photo Paint X6. When I try to save with original settings the OK button in the "Export to JPEG" dialog box is grayed out. There are no error messages or hints on the screen as to what to do to proceed with the save JPEG with orginal settings.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Importing RAW Camera Files And Saving As JPG From Photopaint?

Jan 18, 2013

After using Camera Raw Lab for .NEF files, photopaint seems to be incapable of exporting the file to a jpg file without extra fiddling. 

I can export after I convert the file to RGB mode, but I want to understand why I cannot export as a jpg without doing that...?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Saving AI File In CMYK

Jun 25, 2011

How to save Ai file in CMYK, in Corel Draw. How do I convert colors from RGB to CMYK? 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11 :: Saving / Exporting To PLT File

Aug 29, 2011

When I draw an image on coreldraw 11, and save it as, or export it to a .plt file, it adds lord knows how many nodes, which creates issues for my plotter. How can I fix this issue? when drawing the images I use as little nodes as possible, but as soon as I export it or import it into artcut it has hundreds more nodes than I put in.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Saving File To JPEG

Nov 11, 2011

I've created a poster on corel draw x5 and I want to save it into a jpeg file, how can I do this? I have tried opening the file in corel photo paint but it loses some of the effects I have added.  

Also, I want to be able to upload the poster on my website but being new to that as well how do I get the poster web ready?

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Photoshop :: Problem Saving Files & File Extensions

May 21, 2008

WE just bought an educational licence of design standard and it been installed on our networked computers.

It seems to be working fine on my computer apart from a bug maybe with adding colours to the gradient map. but thats not why im posting.

If a pupil logs on and opens a new file does some work and then tries to save in a photoshop file format this will work the first time but on a second attempt if they save as another file with a new file name it will say there is a copy of that file when clearly ther isnt. If they say that they want to copy over the file it will save the file but photoshop will not open that file again unable to open wrong file format.

anybody have any idea why photoshop may be acting like this it seems to be a file format issue..

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Copy And Paste And Opening / Saving Files Really Slow?

Aug 28, 2013

I am using corel X6 64 on a Dell optiplex 9010 intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz. 8.00GB of RAM. Its taking about 1-2 minutes to copy/cut/open a file/save a file or even publish to PDF. On the same machine Same circumstances but different User i have no problem. I have to use my user because its connected to my email and at this company i cant change that. I have researched many forums and its not color styles or object styles. It does it on a new file with only one object created. I got a new computer signed on to my user account and the problem persists.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: What Causes An Invalid Fill ID

Apr 15, 2011

I just started using corel x5 and EVERY time I put an outline on an object, (always 9 points thick) the next time I re-poen the file it says I have an invalid fill id and it makes my outline hairline thin and the default stroke color.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Saving File For Older Version

Jul 21, 2011

How do I save a file in X5 so it can be opened in X3? 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: How To Get Automatically Opened PDF File Just After Saving

Apr 16, 2012

How I get an automatically opened PDF file just after saving it? In the PDF settings in CorelDraw X5 there seems to be no option for this.

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Photoshop :: Saving JPG Files To Save As Specific File Size

May 25, 2012

Is there a way, when saving jpg files to save as a specific file size, rather than quality level (currently using CS5)? I have a few clients (realtors) who require files to be 100kb (or smaller... but 100kb is the ideal to shoot for) for their listings.  

Given I'm working with a number of images, I would like to be able to do this as a batch, rather than one at a time, getting as close to 100 as I can without going over, as I have to at this point.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Saving To Specific Folders

Jun 27, 2013

Something in my Photoshop cs 6 seems to have changed ... only allows me to save photos to "pictures" and not specific folders in pictures except for recent favorites.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Show Up Status Bar While Printing Or Saving File

Sep 28, 2012

Status bar.JPG

Is there a way to have the status bar show up whenever a file is printing or saving. So far the only way it shows up is if you click on the little icon at the bottom right of the window.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Saving / Exporting A Vector File That Is Uneditable

Mar 27, 2012

Is there a way to either save/export a vector file that can not be edited.

I know there are tracing programs available, but I want to make it as hard as can be so this logo will not get re-edited.

I designed it for a customer (belongs to us) they did not contract/pay us for it.  We do all of their clothing.  She is sponsoring an event and the event coordinator wants the logo to put it on their advertising.  Just don't want it to end up on other clothes.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Corrupted CDR - File Won't Open After Saving And Closing It?

Mar 11, 2012

I know this happens sometimes when a file won't open after saving and closing it. Usually I can open the backup file with just some lost work, but not this time. Problem is this time it happened with a file I spend a long time working on. I tried unzipping and opening riffData.cdr with no luck. I've uploaded the file. It is a complex drawing with over 20 pages including vector and bitmap objects.


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Illustrator :: Setting Up Action To Save Files In CS4 - File Saving Without Extension

Sep 4, 2012

I'm trying to set up an action to save a batch of files I creating using the variables tool (as detailed in this video: [URL]), I'll go into the Actions window, and record myself  saving the current file in .Ai format, and then stop recording. Seems pretty simple, but when I set that action to run a batch on my dataset it saves all the files without an extension. Am I missing another step where I set the file format that the action is supposed to save with? I'm confused. I've tried this using a few different file formats and they all come up the same.
this is what my Output looks like:

and my simple action:

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Lightroom :: 3 Stopped Saving Imports In Folders?

Sep 9, 2013

LR 3 just recently stopped saving my imports into the folders.  Luckily, I exported the edits as jpgs so at least have the edited images saved elsewhere, but only my most recent imports show up in the LR catalog.  I'm a relatively experienced LR user, and don't know what suddenly went wrong.

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