CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Items Selection With Black Handles
Dec 6, 2011
New to Corel, I find selecting items kinda frustrating with the black handles, which can be difficult to distinguish with objects close in size or proximity. Is there a way of making a selection change color when selected as Cad programs do ?
Is there a way to convert to curve (with handles)? I Ctrl+Q on a object, then it say convert to curve. But it's a bunch of segments. When I drag them they don't have curve handles, they don't curve. I have again to click on a segment, a * appear. Then click To curve in the property bar.
Can I just put curve handles in one shoot to all the segments of a object (ex a square)? Without to have to do all 4 segments one by one?
CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64
I'm running out of time. I ungrouped a set of three images. How do I take only one of the images out? When I try to take one out, all three images come out? I am doing this for a nonprofit organization and it needs to be done today. Did I ungroup them incorrectly or can you not remove only one image?
When I import an eps, or create a new object with a shape tool. The default style is a clear fill and a hairline CYMK black (0,0,0,100) outline. I think I know how to change it to true black (0,0,0,0), but when i import an eps or an illustrator file, it is coming in as CMYK black (0,0,0,100)
Can the items in the Contents Folder (e.g. Frames, pictures, etc.) be opened directly into Photoshop CS6 without first being opened in CorelDRAW X6. I have both programs, and it would be great if I had access to those objects whenever I'm using Photoshop.
In Corel Draw x6 recently I am facing a problem. After writing few sentence when I wan to change the font style... and click on the font then the system hangs for a minute or responding very slowly. If I scroll the mouse to go downwards or upwards fonts... even then the system works very slowly. Why its happening? Any problem due to the number of fonts loaded? About 600 fonts loaded in my machine.
When I used the erasor to remove the fill from inside an image which has been powertraced, the bits which have been erased turn black, rather than transparent.
When you print a file from corel you have the option to choose always overprint black, but when I make a pdf with publish to pdf in the advanced tab I have only the option to preserve document overprint, and the black text is knocked out. Is there a solution to that, other then manually setting black text to overprint fill in corel?
When I am printing my design, the black is not printing. Have tried on two printers, neither are faulty. Wondered if I accidentally have it on a setting that doesn't allow it to print black.
Is it possible to turn off the selection marks which appear after each drawing stroke when drawing in a freehand style with a wacom pen?
I find it very off-putting to my drawing. In Illustrator and Inkscape it is possible to draw freely without constant selection marks appearing after every stroke of the pen.
Why when I make a path for example and make a selection from it every time the selection is 1 pixel wider then the path. I'm used to it with Photoshop and it's very precise even you use the lasso tool and paths. But here I can't understand the logic in that 1 pixel more. Every time I make a selection I have to reduce the size of the selection with 1 pixel and that is very uncomfortable.
Is there a way to remove or make more transperent the grey highlight selection on text? When I adjust kerning to text in order to match spacing, the cursor highlight for the text covers up any image or artwork allowing you to only see the text selected. This also appears this way in wireframe?
I'm trying to write a script to put printing ticks around the selection. I can get the height and width of the selection, but I cant find anything like "position" or "location" in the methods to get the selections X and Y on the document.
I would like to scan some original pen and ink drawings I do and I'd like to remove the background once they are on the page so I can manipulate the art. I work in Corelx4. Will this same technique work with book pages scanned in?
i noticed that when i try to print anything that has a black in it it comes out looking greyish but when i print the test page from my printer the black comes out looking black.
on the bottom of the design page i see some thing saying
(Document color profiles: RGB: sRGB IEC61966-2.1; CMYK: U.S. Web Coated(SWOP) v2; Grayscale: Dot Gain 20%)
Again a new version and again the same issue like in all previous versions. One could think that issues solved in one version would not be present in the next one.
Again Corel made barcodes apear in all colours in separations, instead of the logical Black only.
I know I can export to pdf and then import again, change colour to black to solve it, but if you want to keep editability or have to do 100+ Barcodes, this is just annoying.
After installing windows upgrades on win 7 (64-bit) my Corel X6 products have gone mad.When i try to open Draw or Paint the program loads to the splash screen and locks.the splash screen is black and the program does not respond anymore.I tried to uninstall the X6 Graphics suite but the uninstall screen is Black as well..I tried to uninstall every windows update to the date the problem started, but no luck.I have too much info on my computer to do a whole install of all programs.
The problem that has been with me for years is how to print a booklet as a single print job onto a digital printer that has say a colour spread on cover and centre pages... Coreldraw X5
Scenario: A3 12pp bookletI might receive a file in publisher or whatever but colour is generally on most/all pages but the client only wants colour on say cover spread and centre spread pages. I convert this file to a PDF using distiller, then save it as an EPS file to import into Coreldraw. (The step to convert to eps seems very important as I have encountered font and spacing issues when importing PDF into Coreldraw - eps seems to over come this problem)Even saving the PDF in distiller as a Black only file, am still getting the colour click on the printer...
is there any way to isolate say the cover pages and print as colour with other pages as black only I have tried saving eps files as black only but they still register as a colour print on the XeroxWould love to see an option to set properties of individual pages to colour or mono (does it exist?) At present, I have to print all the colour spreads and the black spreads and hand collate together! time comsuming to say the least!
surely there must be others out there with a similar problem? how do you overcome it?If I am designing I can easily ensure pages are black only but not when the arttwork is coming from so many different sources.
I am new to the forum and new to CorelDRAW X5. I use CorelDRAW to laser engrave text and logos through an engraving machine. Most basic logos are easy to convert right through CorelDRAW, but today I ran into a serious issue.
I received a logo that was very detailed in color and also had numerous different shadows in it. When automatically switching to black and white, the colors get very warped and the shadows take over the entire logo.
How do you go about switching a logo like this to black and white?