CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Can't Snap Table Cell To Other Elements
Mar 19, 2011can't we snap table cell to the other elements ? and not to the table itself
View 2 Repliescan't we snap table cell to the other elements ? and not to the table itself
View 2 RepliesI'm trying to vertically center text in a cell (in a table of course). So far, I have tried Align and Distribute when the cell is active, using text selector. I have also tried selecting table tool and highlight a column, then trying Align and Distribute functions. Both are no-go.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to setup vertical alignment of text in a cell for the entire table, when using Table Tool? It is possible for a single cell, but when selecting a table (or multiple cells) this option is not available.
View 5 Replies View RelatedNot sure if this is expected behavior but I've found that it's only possible to snap to one type of guide/grid at any given time.
For example if you want to snap to a guideline in the horizontal and the pixel grid in the vertical, you won't be able to. Instead, the snap will work on the guide and completely ignore the pixel grid.
how can I set left, right, rop and bottom table borders with VBA Macro? I have select table, but my old (CDR5) macro doesnot work.
This not works:
Sub tableborder() Dim o As ShapeRange Set o = ActiveSelectionRange Set ta = o.Item(1).Custom For Each radek In ta.Rows For Each bunka In radek.Cells bunka.Borders.Top.Color = CreateCMYKColor(0, 0, 0, 100) bunka.Borders.Top.Width = ConvertUnits(1, cdrMillimeter, cdrInch) bunka.Borders.Top.Style = OutlineStyles(0) bunka.Borders.Bottom.Color = CreateCMYKColor(100, 0, 0, 0) bunka.Borders.Bottom.Width = ConvertUnits(2, cdrMillimeter, cdrInch) bunka.Borders.Bottom.Style = OutlineStyles(0) bunka.Borders.Left.Color = CreateCMYKColor(100, 100, 0, 0) bunka.Borders.Left.Width = ConvertUnits(3, cdrMillimeter, cdrInch) bunka.Borders.Left.Style = OutlineStyles(0) bunka.Borders.Right.Color = CreateCMYKColor(0, 100, 0, 0) bunka.Borders.Right.Width = ConvertUnits(4, cdrMillimeter, cdrInch) bunka.Borders.Right.Style = OutlineStyles(0) Next bunka Next radek ta.Borders.Left.Color = CreateCMYKColor(0, 0, 100, 0) ta.Borders.Left.Width = ConvertUnits(5, cdrMillimeter, cdrInch) ta.Borders.Left.Style = OutlineStyles(0)End Sub
I have a problem with my table in Corel Draw X6.
So, my table has a few rows and a few columns. I want the width of the first cell of the last row to be wider by 1 cm than the width of the first cells of the other rows.
When i select a cell and resize it with my cursor, the whole column changes width. I want the column to stay as it is, just its last cell to change width. How to do this?
how to make the thee grid lines in a table go away - how to make the lines ofthe table totally invisible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCoreldraw X4 - Windows XP
When I enter text into a table cell all I see is a red dotted rectangle. Object Manager shows there is a Paragraph text object there. If I open it in Text editor tool the text I typed is there.
Why is it not visible on screen or when printed?. Paragraph text not in the table is visible.
how to write vertical text in a table?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have CorelDraw16 loaded on a W7Pro 64 bit system it has all the latest updates, I use it to run my Roland vinyl cutter. I am trying to convert some drawings to a DXF format so they can be cut on a CNC Plasma Table as well. It is my understanding CD16 by default saves DXF files as "Splines" you have several options for what years of Autocad to save them as.
The two tables I have tried to upload my DXF (R11, R13,AC 2005 or AC 2008) files are a Koiki Aronson and a Retro Plasma System. Neither one could open the files. Further research shows that some CNC machine controllers prefers "Polylines" over the "Splines".
I have found an add on utility (Leonard CNC Pro Software) that will export the DXF file as a Polyline, Polyarc, Line/Arc or a Line only. I have other options such as toolpath directions ect.
I have attached a free macro to change the text color of cells in a table. Without the macro there is currently no way to select more than one cell and change the text color.
The macro allows the user to either:
click on a table (to select it) and then apply a new color to ALL text in the table; or choose a new color from the macro from, select some cells in a table and then apply that color to the text in those selected cells
Please note in step 2 it is important you choose the new color first and then select the table cells. If you do it the opposite way around, while choosing a colour you will deselect the selected cells and apply color to all of the text in the table.
is there a way to create a ToC and a Subject Index with Corel Draw?
View 2 Replies View Relatedis it possible to create a style for formating cells in a table in CDX6?I mean to format aligninig, text formating /font, margins and stuff like that?
Now I have to do a infoguide for my city and have to put in a lot of info - restaurants, hotels etc. Probably 300 and more and the best way is to use the great table tool. BUT it will be fatastic if I can format cells with style because with easy I can import xls file in Corel and the good news is that it recognise it as a table so the formating is the next step.After that selecting cells, changing fonts, margins etc. is a painfull job to do.
I've spent some time designing a chart using the table tool. Now I want to adjust some column widths and add some text.
However, the mouse keeps trailing a small table icon, and all it will let me do is insert another table. I can't enter text, or highlight a row or column, for example. Most of the right mouse click options are greyed out.
How do I change from this mode for the mouse, with the Table icon switched on, to other modes where I can do other things with the table I have already created?(If I create a new table below this existing table, all is well. However, I can't grab the content in the earlier table to paste it into the new one.)
I use everything keep them into the powerlclip and i have selected some of the powerclips and wanted to delete all the inside elements only. How to delete all the contents in the powerclip at once despite of going inside and deleting one after the other.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am creating a table where I want the cell contents to be aligned Middle Center. I can set that up in the table definition and it seems to be in place once the table is in the drawing. If I type text into the cell the alignment is as expected. Whenever I type a number the aligment changes to Top Right. I can go back into the cell and reset the alignment to Middle Center. If I then delete the cell contents, exit the cell then return to the cell and enter a number the alignment returns to Top Right. I want the table to start off empty so others can enter informaiton as it becomes available. Is there a way to have the cell alignment stay the way I wnat it regardless of what I enter into the cell? I tried changing the cell format to text but the instant I entered a number it switched back to a number format and aligned Top Right.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to split cell (from one cell to two cell) in table.Because I want to put separate text in these cell as shown in pdf.
Attached pdf file.
I am trying to find out which Cell in a table is being / has been modified, in AutoCAD 2011 with C#.
I have subscribed to the Table's .Modified event, but when this is triggered by modifying some MText in a Cell, the Table's .HasSubSelection property is false and its .SubSelection property throws an exception. Conversely, modifying the MText in a Cell does not trigger the Table's .SubObjectModified event.
I noticed a class called Autodesk.AutoCAD.Internal.Reactors.TableSubSelectFilter which has a event called CellSelected, but how to instantiate such a class for the Table and subscribe to this event.
How Autodesk intends you to determine which Cell of a Table has been modified?
I am currently using 2008. I have data linked an excel sheet to a table in my drawing. That part works fine.I am trying to link cell values in that table to block attributes using fields-object-formula-cell.Numeric values transfer to my field OK but values containing letters or full words transfer as #####.This appears to be the 'way it is' in 2008.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a trick in using a dynamic block in a table cell? When a dynamic block is inserted into a cell, any visibility can be viewed (Properties Manager) in that cell if the visibility state has a block in it. What happens if the visibility state does not have a block. That is, if the view has exploded block so one can use parts in actions etc? Can I view ANY state in a cell regardless if it has a block or not? Or must the visibility states have blocks to be able to use it in the table cell?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI create Table using Autocad .net api C#.
var table = new Table();
In single text(class DBText), change text width of the property - WidthFactor.
How change text width in table cell using autocad .net api C#?
I have set up several tables inside autocad that have one cell as the input cell and after regen the others perform calculations based on that cell. I want to write a command that uses the same value as the input value to draw the arc to scale. I tried using the table value as is called out in the cell field:
^C^C_arc 36,6;e;0,6;r;Table(8796085192704).A3;.
Is there anyway to get a value from a cell inside autocad and put it into my macro so I can draw an arc of the radius shown?
In ACA2008 there seems to be a maximum of 10 Cell Styles allowed in a Table Style? When I try to make a new 11th style, one of the existing 10 styles gets supplanted by the new style.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I copy existing (in the drawing) text / mtext into a table cell? I found programming solutions but I want to do it manually (one time job).
I tried Copy / Paste but it does not seem to work.
I have been made one load schedule for distribution panel by using table command in autocad. In that table, I have to mention load with units(watts) for each circuit in cell. (example: 6000w).
If I put like 6000w in a cell, the sum formula's is not working. These formula's used to get total load of panel. what should i do to rectify this problem? How to mention this units in a cell?
I working with one schedule dwg by using table command. I could not able to edit text in a cell while i double click, inside the table cell. But i can edit by using right click method. before it (double click) was working. now i dont know what happend.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn ACA2008, can the display of each of the four edges of a cell in a table be controlled individually? I want left and right edges of cells to display, and top and bottom edges to not display. In the Cell Border Properties dialog box, I can set the Lineweight, Linetype, and Color of each edge, but I don't see how to set the visibility of each edge.
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow can i draw a line/arc inside a cell in ACADTable.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have tried:
Table.SetCellType(0, 0, TableCellType.BlockCell)
Warning 1 'Public Overridable Sub SetCellType(row As Integer, col As Integer, type As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.TableCellType)' is obsolete: 'Use Cell functionality instead.'
Then i tried:
Tbl.Cells(0, 0).CellType(TableCellType.BlockCell)
Error 1 Property access must assign to the property or use its value.
Then I tried:
Table.Cells(0,0).CellType = TableCellType.BlockCell
Error 1 Property 'CellType' is 'ReadOnly'.
Is there a way to unlock a cell using lisp. I have a datalink that is used to create a table. Once the table is selected I have a command that will format some of the cell style (which will let me while locked), but it I cannot seem to find a way to unlock them to merge a couple of cells. I can manually do it using the table toolbar, but programmably I am a little stuck. I can see if it is editable by using the vla-iscontenteditable and it will return :vlax-false. I do not see a vla-setcontenteditble or something to that effect.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a table, in cell D3 I have inserted a field containing a system variable. The contents of the cell looks like this,
%<AcVar dimadec>%
I want to put in cell D2 the name of the vairable that is in cell D3 - I have tried the following,
%<AcExpr (D3).ObjectName>%
%<AcExpr (D3).textstring>%
Is there any way to reference the name of that system variable contained in cell D3? I want to do this to prevent errors by curious new users that may edit the table, I want the table to reference itself so that the system variable being read is always related to the correct system variable name.