AutoCad :: Change Transparency On ECW Image?

Oct 30, 2012

it is possible to change the transparency on a ECW Image within cad? and if so... how?

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GIMP :: Change Transparency For Portion Of Image?

Jun 10, 2013

I have a large background image and I want to change (lower) the transparency of the header portion. I can select the portion with the rectangle, but after that I'm stuck. I tried changing opacity but it affected the entire image. I tried selecting Layer -> transparency -> add alpha channel, but that didn't do anything that I could see. How do I make the rectangle portion that I selected somewhat blurry?

Note: I did simply blur out the header portion of my image as one solution. But is it possible to add a layer over just the header part of the image and make that layer semi transparent?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Change Layer Transparency

Sep 3, 2012

Is it able to change the transparency of a layer? I know how to get the value but i can't find how to set a new one!
Using acTrans = acDocs.MdiActiveDocument.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
acLyrTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acDocs.MdiActiveDocument.Database.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)
For Each acObjId As ObjectId In acLyrTbl
acLyrTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acObjId, OpenMode.ForRead)
Dim MyTransparency As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Transparency = acLyrTblRec.Transparency MsgBox(MyTransparency.ToString) Next acObjId
End Using

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: WMS Image Transparency

Jul 16, 2013

I have a problem finding a solution to how to adjust the transparency of my WMS image.

Does it even possible? I'm using Civil 3D 2012.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Raster Image Transparency

Oct 31, 2008

How can I make a raster image transparent? I would like to see image #2 below image #1 by making image #1 semi-transparent. I can make one specific color in the image transparent..I am working from a scanned image in jpeg format. I would think it should be easy because any Microsoft Office program can do it. I have searched through multiple Autodesk discussion boards to no avail.

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AutoCad :: Adjust Transparency Of Image?

Jul 13, 2013

How to adjust the transparency of an image in the AutoCAD?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Image Looses Transparency

Jul 1, 2012

I have a map of town area, because i need to color some area (and use see through color) i needed to make this in autocad 2011, because in 2004 i cant do this. Ok, but when i want to make an image (dwg to jpg) it looses transparency??

How can i just paint one area of map, make it transparency (see through) and than save it as an image file (jpg, png or whatever).

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Raster Image Transparency

Mar 20, 2012

I have a small raster image (png) xrefed to an Autocad 2012 dwg.  The image is on its own layer and the transparency of the layer is set to 60%.

When I select TPY the image displays correctly on the screen (i.e. semi-transparent).  When I tick Plot transparency in the Plot dialog box and send the plot to our HP Designjet 800 the raster image prints exactly as I want (semi-transparent).

However when  I use the Autodesk pdf writer (Dwg to pdf) the resulting pdf does not have the semi transparent appearance and the raster image appears in all its brilliant color even though it displays correctly (i.e. semi-transparent) in Print Preview. And, yes, I have ticked the Plot transparency box before seeing it to the pdf writer. Other autocad entities such as plines which are semi transparent are fine, its only the raster image that seems to lose its semi-transparent quality.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Set To 0 Transparency Of Image Text In 2012?

Jun 21, 2012

Can I set to zero trasparency of image, text in Autocad 2012? How can I do it?

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Paint.NET :: Change Transparency On Selection?

Mar 30, 2013

I've been trying to make a Doll Maker, and it's come to my attention that I can't figure out how to make a selected area transparent! I just want to select what I want and then mess with the opacity; is that too hard to make it do!?!
I tried searching for this but turned up nothing. It'd be a really useful feature if it can't be done already.

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3ds Max :: Change Transparency Of The Background Fields And Buttons To 100% Visible?

Apr 9, 2011

(1) Where do I change the transparency of the background fields and buttons to 100% visible?

(2) Is there a fix for the hinge from edge planned? As it is now and was reported on in 2011, if I use this function on a selected polygon model in face mode, and complete the hinge from edge, then if I select another polygon without going out of polygon mode and choose hinge from edge, the previously selected edge is in Max's memory and I have to go to wire frame mode just to be able to see the edge I want to select.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Resize And Change Transparency Of Logo

Mar 6, 2014

Just had a logo designed and would like to add it to my existing photos.  How do I resize and change the transparency of the logo when applying it to an existing photo.  Everything I have tried so far the logo just covers the picture and I can't move it or resize it much less change the transparency.  I am an amatuer and really don't want to put out the big bucks for photoshop itself.

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Illustrator :: Batch Change Transparency Resolution On 1000+ EPS Files?

Apr 26, 2013

When batch processing actions in Illustrator, it will not allow me to change the Transparency Resoluition and I have over 1,000 eps files to process. You can only select from the dropdown by doing it manually. The "default" or preset is Medium. I need high res.
This is what I need to do to 1,000+ eps files.
1. EPS file is open in Adobe Illustrator CS6 on Windows.
2. File > Save As> filename.eps > Desktop
3. EPS Options > Transparency > Preset: [High Resolution]
4. OK
When you automate this through batch processing an action, you cannot select [High Resolution]. [Medium Resolution] is selected as default. I need for all my files to be [High Resolution].
My printer software will not read the cutlines on any other file formats so they must be High Res EPS files.

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Photoshop :: Drawing Glass Containers - Retain Transparency To Change Background?

Jul 7, 2013

I've just landed some contract work where I will design glass forms/containers and render realistically. Also, I need to retain transparency so I change backgrounds.
I'm more adept with Photoshop than Illustrator, but would like input on who likes which program for this task, why, and where I can find excellent tutorials before I start spending my tutorials dollars.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Way To Easily Select A Bunch Of Geoms And Change Their Transparency

Jul 12, 2012

I have a Batch with 3 Action nodes inside. Each of these has multiple Geoms tucked away in groups.I only want to see some of the Geoms about half way through the clip.It's raised a few questions:

1) I can only think of animating their transparencies to make them appear at a certain point, is there some other way? Like if it was footage you could use the Timing in Batch.

2)I couldn't find a way to easily select a bunch of Geoms and change their transparency together, I could only do it by using Duplicate mode. But that takes all the parameters from the parent, what if you just wanted to alter one thing?

I could use an expression, but would I have to do that one at a time on all the Geoms?

3) What does the Parenting mode do exactly? can't you just parent thing while in Move mode? What does it add?

4) So I used Duplicate to link the Geoms to one in particular, it doesn't seem to have affected anything I didn't want it to (fingers crossed) and then used an expression on that to link it to a control axis for ease. Does that sound the easiest way?

5) And finally, I was just thinking it would be nice if I linked the transparencies to a control axis of some kind in the Batch, to affect all of the Actions. I half expected to find a 'Control Node' in the box Is there a particular node that would work well as a control axis?

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Photoshop :: Image Transparency

Sep 10, 2004

I am creating an effect from a freeze video frame. The clip is of a Kite Boarder at the apex of his jump. I have cropped the boarder from the image saved it (so normal background but white where the boarder was) and vice versa (an image where the the boarder is visible and the background is white). I wish to make the white areas in each image transparent.

Sounds really easy (and it probably is) but when I load up the images in ImageReady I see the "Transparent" checkbox ticked but I cannot select the colour white as the Matte (it's greyed out). Nor can I select the transparent icon from the color table. Consequently when I save as 24-bit png it doesn't have the white bits as being transparent.

How do I make those white areas transparent (and exportable in png format)?

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Photoshop :: Image Transparency (GIF)

Apr 11, 2006

I've created an image which you can view as attached.

The problem is when I place it on to a background in a webpage it appears all jaggedy, with white outlines.

This is just plain white text created in photoshop, no fancy shadow effects or anything like that.

The settings when I'm saving are:

GIF (no preset)
No Dither
256 colors
Web Snap:0%

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Photoshop :: 25mb Transparency Image

Jan 26, 2006

I’ve got an psd image on a transparent background that is 25mb that I want to place in an indesign document. I selected this image with the lasso tool from an original and placed it on a transparent background. this image is way too big while the original is only there an alternative way to reduce the file size while retaining the 300 dpi and transparency?

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Photoshop :: Image Fading To Transparency

Aug 13, 2007

I need to make an image fade to transparency for a little projet of mine.

I tried to add a mask to my layer with a gradient [blanc to white] in it, in photoshop it gave the result I wanted, but when I save it as a PNG, the transparency is just not working like in photoshop. (Assuming I use it as an image in a website)

I tried to remove the contour thing, and photoshop see's only two colors [000000 and transparency] so when I open it in a browser, there is simply nothing. If I add a white background for exemple, the image will work, but I need the image to be really transparent so it can merge with my web background.

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GIMP :: Image Loses Transparency

Nov 22, 2011

*) Open the image "Ok.png" - you'll see there's a small green triangle on the right.
*) Mark and delete a bit of the triangle.
*) Save the image (I checked the 3rd (gamma), the 5th (resolution) and the 6th (time) checkbox).

When I now open the saved image in a different viewer (I use the picasa viewer because this viewer shows the transparent areas nicely), the image is still transparent.

*) Delete the rest of the small green triangle on the right.
*) Save the image.

When you now open it in a different viewer, then suddenly the background isn't transparent anymore. (It's then like the 2nd attached pic - Fail.png)

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GIMP :: Are There Different Formats Of Transparency In PNG Image

Mar 5, 2011

Are there different formats of transparency in a PNG image?

I've made a PNG image with transparency that looks fine (I see gray checkerboard through the image) when I close it and reopen it in GIMP. But in the Windows 7 picture viewer, all of the transparency looks opaque white. It is also opaque white when I load it into my Android app for use in OpenGL.

I've made PNG images with Inkscape, and they do not have this problem. The transparency looks correct in the Windows picture viewer, and in my Android app.

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InDesign :: Colorize Image With Transparency?

Feb 23, 2014

is there a way I can colorize just the image inside an image box and *not* the box itself?
said image is PNG with, lets say it's a photo of a zipper..I'd like to be able to colorize just the zipper.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Transparency Settings - Change Size Of Center White Spot

Sep 14, 2012

In X5 is there a way to change the size of the centre 'white' spot when using transparency or is it always proportional to the object size?

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Photoshop :: Fading Edge Of Image To 100% Transparency

Jul 11, 2012

I need to fade the edge of an image to 100% transparency, save as PNG, and then I can put it on another image and it fits naturally.

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Photoshop :: CS5 - How To Create Transparency Around Edges Of Image

Feb 16, 2013

I'm an beginner/intermediate Photoshop user, using CS5. I'm working on an image of two women, starting from an historical photograph. I selected, copied and pasted the central image of the 2 women onto a new layer which is otherwise transparent. I then created a copy of the original photograph's layer and applied a masking layer with a radial transparency gradient, so that when the original layer is hidden, the background appears to be radially faded behind the central image. So far, so good.
However, I'd like to apply an additional "dose" of transparency around the edges, so the image fades completely at the outermost edges. And I'd like more control over this additional fading than just applying another gradient.
I've seen a video of someone "painting" transparency onto an image, but I can't quite get my brain around it. From what I've read, it looks as though I should create another layer that will be an additional masking layer... but how to do this.
My undying gratitude for any assistance to get me past this roadblock.

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Paint.NET :: How To Remove All Transparency From The Image / Layer

Oct 19, 2012

The attached image has transparencythat I don't want.

What I would like to do is eliminate all transparency from the image so that I can then use the eraser tool to make transparent the areas that I want transparent.

I can't figure out how to remove all transparency from the image / layer. I'm new to, it may be obvious to others how to do this but not to me

The layer properties (where I thought I'd fix this) show opacity 255 now but the image still has unwanted transparency.

Attached Thumbnails

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GIMP :: Transparency Coloured When Exporting Image?

Jul 11, 2011

You probably think "but come on, there are many places where this is explained...". And so it is, but it doesn't work anyways.

I have an image with transparent areas. I have an alpha channel. When I save the file, I do use the "Save colour values from transparent pixels" for png and for gif I check "Interlace" option.

I have done the rigth click -> colour to alpha. What happens when I do this is that some white parts become black.

Things I have noted, perhaps that doesn't matter , is that when checking the alpha channel in the layer tool, it is white and not transparent.

The image is attached.

One last thing, I did copy the image from ConeptDraw (visio-alike application on Mac) before trying to save it with transparency.

This is driving me nuts, I have struggled for hours. I have done it before (way back), but something is different now.

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Paint.NET :: TGA Image File - Any Way To Disable Transparency

Jun 29, 2011

I'm trying to open a .tga image file with Paint.NET.

But instead of the actual image, I just get the grey-and-white transparency grid.

I can see that the image seems to be somewhere behind, because when I use the color-selecting tool on it, I can have the various colors of the image in the color window, with a 0 alpha-transparency.

Is there a way to disable this transparency so I can see the image and be able to modify it ? (I should mention that there is only on layer to that image.)

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Creating Image With Gradient Transparency

Dec 11, 2012

I am trying to creating an eye lid image to for a video.  I would like to make two extremely large black circles that are totally opaque at the top and then as the image approaches the bottom there would be a gradation of transparency where at the very bottom of the circles the image is totally transparent. 

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Photoshop :: Transparency Edges On Image Files When Zooming In CS6

Oct 6, 2013

I usually happens when I'm usuing the Ctrl+0 command. Zooming anywhere between 100-200% I'm getting this issue. Is there a reaon for this?

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Photoshop :: How To Make An Image Selection Fade To Transparency

Sep 3, 2004

I have Photoshop CS and I want to know how to make an image selection fade to transparency.

Example, I select part of a photo, say a persons face, with the lasso select tool.

I want to make the boundries of the lasso selected area fade to transparent in a gradient style.

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