AutoCad :: Quickly Searching For NON-overridden Dimensions?

Dec 12, 2011

It seems there are several ways to search hard coded (overridden) dimensions. However, the FIND command does not locate dimensions that are not overridden.

Example, I want to find all dimensions that are 12'-0". If I 'FIND' 12'-0", it will only locate dimensions that I have forced to 12'-0".

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Find Overridden Balloons

Mar 11, 2013

I have a situation where there was a modified balloon with an overridden part number that was causing some confusion.  Is it possible to toggle a setting, like how you can select Overridden Inventor dimensions, to find any overridden balloon objects?  Need to save some time performing a manual, visual search.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Revert Overridden Text In Parts List

Feb 23, 2012

If I override the text in a parts list, say to rename a part number.How can I make Inventor revert back to the original listed part number?I've tried deleting and inserting the parts list, but it still has the overridden Text.

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AutoCAD LT :: Searching For A Specific Block

May 8, 2013

Im trying to find a particular block amongst hundreds. I know the name of the block also what layer it is on i just want to be able to find that block through a search so i don't have to spend ages scouring the drawing to find it.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Searching Files In Vault Using Interlop

Oct 9, 2013

I am trying to search for file in Vault from AutoCAD using Interop.

Is there any way to do so..?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Searching Address Information In Maps?

Nov 17, 2011

We're looking to use our state provided aerial photos as background landbase in our production maps. I'm wondering AutoCAD Map has to ability to search for geographical locations (like a Google Maps) if the database (??) is connected to the drawing. I understand our state's aerial photos to be referenced to the NAD83 state plan coordinate system.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Searching Whole Assembly Stack

Sep 18, 2013

I'm looking to write a VBA macro that'll run through an entire assembly and list all the assemblies and parts that have a custom property like "Inhouse" set to a certain value (YES/NO)...

Any example of something that at least runs through a whole assembly?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Searching For Textstyle References In Styles?

Jun 18, 2012

C3D 2013.Is there a way to search the C3D styles for references to textstyles?

IOW - I know there are references to a certain textstyle in this drawing, how to find it/them without manually inspecting each style?

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AutoCad :: Moving 2D Object To 3D Position Through Association / Searching

Dec 20, 2011

I have a 2D plan and a 3D plan. The data is essentially the same on both, the only difference being that the 2D plan has several hundred points on it (all at elevation/z coordinate of 0, of which can easily be copied to the 3D plan).

I want to move those 2D points to their respective 3D positions. I.e. if point X is at coordinates 15213.321, 51646.632, 0 I would like to search in the Z direction above (or below; although in this data set it would always be above) for any object (line, polyline, 3dpolyline or an arc only I think) that crosses or is on this coordinate and then move the point (or place a new point) to that z coordinate. So if there is a line whose z value is 895.265 at coordinate 15213.321, 51646.632, then the point (that was originally 2D) would become 15213.321, 51646.632, 895.265.

Any lisp or other method in AutoCad that could accomplish this (ideally without having to select each point individually)? Surely this must have come up a few times before although I'm not too sure what search words to be using to look for info.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Change Dimension By Stretch Searching

Jul 28, 2011

I try create simple block where I change dimensions of polylines. Everything work with stretch partameter until I try use search parameter for change dimension.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Syntax For Searching In Excel And Update IProperties

Dec 17, 2013

I want a ilogic rule syntax for following process:

I have one excel sheet it consists around 5 sheets for Plate, Flats, Rounds, etc. When i am run the rule then it will ask and do the following:

Ask the thickness value.It will search thickness value in “D:LINUS KOTTEstock numbers.xlsx” in sheet 1If thickness value found then fill the stock number in iproperty(project tab-stock number)   

Here i am using different rules for plate, flat, round, etc.,

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Searching External MText / Rich Text Editor?

Jun 26, 2012

I'm searching an external RTF-Editor which is quicker then "MS Word" and better then the internal editor. Some applications use this RTF-modules.

Can one of these used by Autocad?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Aligned Dimensions Change To Rotated Dimensions?

Dec 4, 2012

I was adding a lot of aligned dimensions to a drawing and some where along the way they changed from aligned dimensions to rotated dimensions, even in the same string of dimensions.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Inserted Hole Dimensions Not Matching Feature Dimensions

Mar 16, 2012

I typically as much as possible like to insert my dimensions into my drawing from my model.

I created holes in the model as a 1/4" tapped hole

Yet when I show the dimensions in the drawing they show the minor dimension.

How do I get the 1/4" to show?  I have selected the feature and still get these results.

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AutoCad :: Make Exploded Dimensions In Old Drawing Become Live Dimensions?

Sep 17, 2013

Is there any way I can make exploded dimensions in an old drawing become live dimensions again.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Changing Elevation Quickly

Dec 16, 2013

I conducted 2 surveys on different days and somehow the second survey was off by exactly 0.9 (don't ask because I do not know). With the temperatures being -10C with a very high windchill. I said I would worry about it after the fact once I put it into CAD. 

So I am on to Civil3D 2014. I imported the 2 .FBK files and was wondering how to do an elevation drop of 0.900m for just the one survey quickly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Lock The Dimensions To Aligned Dimensions?

Aug 22, 2012

is there a way to lock the dimensions to aligned dimensions...or a key i could hold while dimensioning that would do that..

i have to dimensions a drawing where theres a lot of aligned dimensions to put and to do it manualy each time takes forever...

 Product Design Suite 2013

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AutoCad 2D :: Aligned Dimensions Versus Rotated Dimensions

Oct 9, 2013

Also be sure to pick the 'aligned dimension' method and not the 'linear dimension'. I hope that works in Revit as it does in AutoCAD.

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AutoCad 3D :: Create Surface Quickly Using 3D Survey Points On DWG?

Oct 9, 2010

is it possible to create a surface quickly in Autocad using 3d survey points on a DWG?

The way I did it was 3dpolylines and then lofting the surfaces. Quite time consuming.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Searching For Dynamic Blocks With Visibility Perimeter That Is Case Sensitive

Dec 19, 2013

create a routine to list all the dyanmic blocks in my drawing with a specific visibilty parameter name. The problem with the blocks that I'm trying to search for in my draiwng is that the visibility names are very similar with the only differences being CASE sensitivity (ie. OBJECT vs. Object).
(defun c:test (/ BNAME DATA E I PNAME SS VIS) (if (setq data nil vis (getstring T "
Enter the Visibility Parameter Name: ") ss (ssget"_X"(list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 2 "`*U*")) ) ) ;; setq (progn (repeat (setq i (sslength ss))(cond ((and (setq bname(vla-get-EffectiveName (setqe (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss (setq i (1- i)) ) ) )) ) (setq Pname(car (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda(j) (eq (strcase (vla-get-PropertyName j)) (strcase vis) )) (vlax-invoke e 'GetDynamicBlockProperties) )) ) (not (member bname data)) ) (setq data (cons bname data)) (foreach itm data (print itm)) ));; cond );; repeat );; progn );; if (if (null data) (princ "
Block/Parameter Name not found")) (princ))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Search A Block Quickly

Feb 2, 2012

to verify if a block exists in the drawing, use the following function, which for is too slow.Is there a faster way to search for a block?

(defun findblock (cerca / blk nomebl trovato) (setq blk (tblnext "BLOCK" 1)) (while blk(progn setq nomebl (cdr (assoc 2 blk)))(if (= nomebl cerca) (setq trovato T) ) ;-(setq blk (tblnext "BLOCK")) ) ) trovato)

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 2014 Not Recognizing Commands Entered Quickly?

Aug 14, 2013

As the title says, when several commands are entered very rapidly, i.e. zoom + extents (z+e), AutoCAD doesn't seem to recognise the second command. I believe there was a command that I came across a while back that adjusted the time delay between entered commands but I am unable to remember or locate it.

Any way to decrease the minimum time between entered commands?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Quickly Add Points At The Insertion Point Of A Block?

Nov 8, 2012

how I can quickly add points at the insertion point of a block?  I have over 1400 and would like to find the quickest way to do it.

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Photoshop :: PS Keeps Searching The A: Disk

Nov 14, 2004

I am using Photoshop 6. Since I have loaded a picture from a floppy disk, Photoshop keeps searching the a:/ disk of my computer with almost every action I do (selecting a tool, opening the layer style window, selecting a layer, what ever)

Every time I hear the sound of the computrer searching for a floppy, that is not there, and see the light of the a: drive flickering.

It makes working with PS rather slow.

This only happens with PS not with other programs. And it continues after resetting the computer.

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Revit :: Searching With Element IDs?

Dec 4, 2012

I am used to searching for Elements by using their IDs, however in editing a door family I have been stumped by a dialogue, herewith:
The unusual thing with this is that this dialogue is always followed by another stating that 'No good view could be found', whatever view I try to look for them in!  Having opened every view in the family and done a search I am wondering what next to do?

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Photoshop Elements :: Searching By Tag Name?

Aug 24, 2012

When searching for images in Elements 10 by tags such as "cats" is there any way to prevent Elements 10 from displaying all the images in a stack which might contain one image tagged "cats"?

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AutoCad :: Quickly Change All Font Size Across Entire Model Space

Feb 23, 2012

Is there a way to quickly change all text font in model space in autocad electrical 2009 rather than doing it manually for every text block?

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Illustrator :: Searching Among Layers By Layer Name?

Jun 1, 2013

Is it possible to search among the layers of an Illustrator file by layer name?

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Lightroom :: Searching Based On Two Keywords?

May 28, 2013

I always click on the arrow next to a certain keyword in order to filter my photo results down to just that keyword. How can I search for images based on two keywords? So maybe I want to search for all images of keyword "Bob" with his dog keyword "Charlie." When I click on the second arrow it deselects the first one.

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Lightroom :: Searching By Multiple Criteria

Jul 16, 2012

It is important that a "catalog" or database is easy to search by complex queries.  So, for example, if I want to know what images I entered in the state fair in 2011 and am trying to enter in the state fair again in 2012, I'd like to be able to search on something like:
keyword "state fair" and "2011" and "2012".since I have a "state fair" keyword with "2011" and "2012" as children. 
In Bridge this is trivial since you can build criteria.  How do I do this in LR?  The only way I've been able to do this so far is to add a second keyword column to the library filter bar and fiddle around that way.  It's pretty clumsy.
OR, for example, I want to see which 11x14 (or 14x11) images I have, that have NOT been used for a specific club competition..I'd want all the filenames that contain "11" AND "14" AND "x" and do NOT contain a keyword "xyz"
Since this one requires both keywords AND multiple pieces from the filename, I haven't figured out how to put this together in Lightroom. 

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Lightroom :: Searching For Photos By Lens?

Oct 29, 2011

how do I search for all photos taken with a certain lens? 

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