AutoCad :: Plotting To PDF - Same Source Folder And Filename
Apr 29, 2011
I just re-install my ACAD to a new PC.
When I do plotting from DWG to PDF now, it doesn't plot to the same folder as the DWG file and the file name also. It used to do that on my old PC.
Go through the settings and it doesn't have an option to let me plot to the same DWG folder or an option to plot to PDF with the same file name as the DWG.
I am using this code snippet to open an idw. With this code, the idw has to reside at the same file path as the current document.
Sub OpenIDW() On Error GoTo Oops Dim oDoc As Document Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim sFullFileName As String sFullFileName = oDoc.FullFileName Dim sDrawingName As String sDrawingName = Left(sFullFileName, Len(sFullFileName) - 4) & ".idw" Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument Set oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(sDrawingName) Exit Sub Oops: MsgBox "IDW File could not be found. FileName of IDW must be the same as this file.", vbInformation End Sub >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"What if"... my idw is not at the same location, but under a subfolder instead..... like this
Part file c:designsDrawingsJobxxx
Idw file c:designsDrawingsJobxxxIDW
I am sure that this can be done by editing the line "sDrawingName = Left(sFullFileName, Len(sFullFileName) - 4) & ".idw" " . Everything I have tried did not work.
I have about 1000 folders all that have a file inside called; sample.jpg. I need to resize each of them and I have to use the Save For Web option so that these files are as small as possible. Save As makes the images too big. My plan was to make an action and batch process the files. It's easy enough to open all the documents, within the root directory, that are called, sample.jpg, by using the finder search features, but what I can't seem to do is get the Save to Web option to recognize the image's source folder. If I create an action, I see that the location I used when I created the action, is hard coded, so all I'm able to do is overwrite the same file, over and over again.
I need to copy a layer from one drawing to another, the problem is that one of them is in model and the other one is in paper. The method I tried using was: I used the q select command to copy all objects from one layer on to the clipboard and then tried pasting it in the other drawing (which was in paper) - and nothing got pasted.
I'm attempting to plot a drawing with a 3d shape and a title block around it. I would like for the occluded lines to not be drawn therefore I'm using the hidden visual style and set shade plot to hidden as well.
My problem arises from the quality of the plot to PDF versus the quality coming out of a printer. It is just a 8.5x11 page. The pdf comes out with horrible anti-aliasing and jagged lines, whereas the print is entirely smooth. Is there something simple I'm missing? It would be even better to find a way to make the plot to PDF come out in vector format! I know it is possible to show the layers and have them vectorized in a PDF... How is this done?
I create an I part and I noticed it creates a folder within my main folder. This introduces a bit of chaos into my folder structure, is there any way around it?
I am trying to write code to collect standard info from a csv file to be added to iProperties.
Following is the code I have so far.
Dim Separators() As Char = {""c} Words = ThisDoc.Path.Split(Separators) FilName = "C:VaultDesigns" & Words(3) & "Spec_Sheet.csv"
Dim ReadCSV As New System.IO.StreamReader(FilName) Dim WordSets As New ArrayList()
Do While ReadCSV.Peek <> -1 WordSets.Add(ReadCSV.ReadLine.Split(",")) Loop
i = 0 SName = iProperties.Value("Project", "Stock Number")
For Each wrd In WordSets If WordSets.item(i)(0) = SName Then iProperties.Value("Project", "Description") = WordSets.item(i)(1) iProperties.Value("Custom", "Finish") = WordSets.item(i)(2) End If i += 1 Next
The only problem I have is that this line crashes. I am not competent enough to understand why.
Dim ReadCSV As New System.IO.StreamReader(FilName)
Is there a way to use the filename to drive the parameters of the file?
Example: I have a cube that is called 4x4x4.ipt its dimensions d0,d1,d2 are 4,4,4 respectively. I want to rename it to 4x4x6.ipt and have the dimensions d0,d1,d2 resize to 4,4,6.
In R2013, the default file naming convention for plotting to a file (jpg, pdf, etc) was [your dwg's filename].pdf
Since R2013 SP1 (including R2014, which I've just moved onto), it has changed to [your dwg's filename] [name of the sheet you're plotting].pdf - as in "DSMC-AS-L Model(1).pdf" instead of "DSMC-AS-L.pdf"
I don't like that at all. Having to manually change it every time is pretty obnoxious.
I'd like to change the filename of a part before it's first save.The code would look somewhat like below.
Private Sub m_appEvents_OnNewDocument( _ByVal DocumentObject As Inventor._Document, _ByVal BeforeOrAfter As Inventor.EventTimingEnum, _ByVal Context As Inventor.NameValueMap, _ByRef HandlingCode As Inventor.HandlingCodeEnum) _Handles m_appEvents.OnNewDocumentDim oDoc As Inventor.DocumentDim Name1 As String = "New Filename...."oDoc = DocumentObjectoDoc = oDocoDoc.PropertySets("Design Tracking Properties").Item("Part Number").Value = Name1oDoc.DisplayName = Name1oDoc.FullFileName = Name1.
The code partly works when opening a template but doesn;t work when create a an in place component or frame generated part? What do I need to modify to catch and change the filename before it's saved?
in Autocad 2012 whenever I want to make a PDF from a DWG I use the Autocad builtin DWG to PDF, but it wont suggest the filename anymore. When I use pdfcreator is will suggest the filename, but i dont have the correct paper sizes,
I've inherited the AutoCAD management at my office and I'm struggling a bit with my title border. We're in the process of moving from Mechanical 2012 to Mechanical 2014 and while setting up the new template I seem to have caused a problem with our title block - the file name no longer auto updates each time you save, where it did in 2012.
I have set the Options > AM: Preferences > System > Acad/M > Title > TitleUpdate variable to 1, but still no luck.
The file name attribute has the following info:
Tag: GEN-TITLE-DWG Prompt: File Name Default: (blank)
Are there any other options I need to change to get this to work in Mechanical 2014?
Edit: looks like it does update, but only when you open the file. ie. you need to save, close, then re-open the dwg. how to make it update when saving like it did in 2012?
I'm attempting to create a rule using iLogic, which reads the first two letters of either the File Name or Part number (Which ever is easier)i.e. if a part number was AB12345, I would want the code to recognize the "AB"...At which point I'm trying to use an If-Then-Else statement to modifiy the material of the part, dependent on the first two characters of the File name.
As an example, where the underlined portion is what i don't know how to If iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") Begins with "AB" Then iProperties.Material = "Steel" Else If iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") Begins with "AC" Then iProperties.Material = "Aluminum" End If
I am trying to use the iProperties.Value("part1", "Summary", "iProperty") function to get the filename or complete filepath of a component within a subassembly. I know that these iProperties exist because I can insert them onto a drawing, and I see them in the general tab of the iProperty window.
I get an error message indicating that the General tab can't be found. How might I go about getting this filename iProperty, or is there an easier way?
I have VB code that loops through and utilizes Excel data to pick which file(s) to open, update, and close. Then it opens the appropriate .idw file, updates it and saves it as a .pdf.
and that writes the file to my desktop as a .pdf.
However, as the loop runs over and over, it will find another data set that is the same A60 type, so it will want to save OVER that .pdf it's already created.
How do I go about having a variable filename? Something where it would add a _01 _02 _03 (or similar) to the end of the filename (i.e. A60_01.pdf, A60_02.pdf).
Whenever I want to save my DWG to PDF I use the builtin pc3 from Autodesk. Normally when I use it, the filename of the dwg is suggested as name for the pdf. But now this is empty and when you have to save 20-30 pdfs a day this is a pain to type over the names everytime. When I use PDFcreator however, it does suggest the name correct, but then I dont have the correct paper sizes.
I have an assembly which serves as a configurator. This Assy, needs to be copied many times. The assy contains 2 parts, which also must be copied. but when copied, the parts must have a new filename, and then the Rule cannot find them anymore. Therefore my plan is to define the filename with the configurator rule..
Assy = Module.iam
Part1 = Module-1.ipt
Part2 = Module-2.ipt
I have this so far, but is doesn't work.. what do i put before the .ipt??
I need some VBA code that will allow me to get the Filename from the border of a drawing. I've got code to get to the text of the filename, but I need to get the filename itself. Hope that males sense. Here's the
Public Sub GetModelFilename() Dim oDoc As DrawingDocument Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
What the code returns is the text <FILENAME>. What I need is the filename itself.
I am using AutoCAD 2012. I’ve come to realize that my Sheet Set command won’t work, as I cannot get any sheet sets to open. When I select a sheet and try and open it, nothing happens at all.
Also, I did get an error message when trying to create a new sheet set, “Unable to create sheet set file: *filename*”
I'm trying to get the file name of a file outside the search path. Obviously (findfile) is not an option. The file location changes with each project so adding a search path is also not an option. I can get the path to the file but i can't seem to figure out how to get the file name. I can also get the first set of characters, as they are constant from project to project, it's just the end of the file name that changes. The file is always a PDF.
Basically we set up our file names with a # and the title of the drawing. I want to create a field that only shows the number thats in the file name.
if the filename is "10101template.dwg", i only want the 10101 to show up in my field.
is there a diesel expression or something along those lines that would chose only the first 5 characters in the file name? (our job numbers are 5 #'s long and are the beginning portion of the filename).
if not, is there an expression that would show all numbers in the file name?
I realize there are a few simliar posts, but I haven't found exactly what i am trying to do, but if i do find a solution elsewhere, i will post it here.
and i would want the outcome to be: variable.dwg, rather than filename.dwg. I have tried numerous different ways of doing this with command prompt and cant seem to get anything to stick. Everything that works just creates a file named "filename.dwg", which is not what i want to do.
Create a Content Center Part that prompts for a file name and sets the Part Number to whatever I save the part as? It would also be nice to... Have the browser Display name the same as the saved filename.
If I have a standard part with a blank filename, inventor will make the part number equal the filename at the first save. It is this functionality that I require when using Custom Content parts.
E.G. If I have a length of 'RHS 200x100x6.3 - 2000mm' selected from content centre and I want the filename to be saved as 'Part-001', then I would like the Part Number to be set as 'Part-001'.
If I then place the same member in another project/assembly I may want to call it 'ProjectPart-100', where the part number would then be 'ProjectPart-100' and so on.
This method ignores the filename entry in the Ipart table.
"The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect. The database in K;lah/blahlah.widget.ipt* could not be saved".It's nothing to do with an improper name; even saving as the default 'Part 3' doesn't work.
At the moment I'm limping by using Save Copy As. Neither Save not Save As work at all.