AutoCad :: Extract Northing / Easting Elevation

Mar 9, 2012

How Can I extract Northing , easting , elevation from an AutoCAD drawing into excel.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Add Northing / Easting And Elevation In Section Views Annotation

Aug 4, 2013

I want to add northing, easting and the elevation (point of the middle in the top layers) in section views annotation as you see in the picture, I tried my best but I couldn’t find how to do it.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: False Northing And Easting In Coordinate

Mar 25, 2013

I'd like to know what the point of the false northing and easting is as it's defined in some coordinate systems.  My understanding was this was an issue many years ago so that any coordinate values that were extracted for use in a db would be positive values.  However, I'm not sure that is an issue any longer for most applications so is there any point to using a coordinate system with those values? 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Find A Point Using Northing / Easting?

Mar 29, 2012

i have the fillowing norting/easting:



how can i enter that into autocad (2010) and find its location?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Northing And Easting (or Points) From Profile

Apr 4, 2013

I am working on a pipeline profile.  I have survey information (existing surface) and the horizontal alignment.  I have created an existing surface, a pipe alignment, and a surface profile/profile view.

In the profile view, it only showed the existing surface.  Now I have taken the design information of the pipeline and drawn in the vertical alignment on the profile view.

I need a surveyor to go out and shoot the top of pipe at high points, low points, and select points in between.

I have placed a pvi for each of these locations.

I need to know how to either spit out a table of these points that will include northings and eastings or create cogo points from the pvis so that i can create a table from the points that will include northings and eastings.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Label Northing And Easting Macro

Apr 16, 2012

I would like to create a toolbar command to label northing and easting.  I know I can label it using Note Label, but can I make this into a macro with a shortcut button?

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AutoCad :: Assigning Easting And Northing Coordinates To Origin

Jul 26, 2013

Is it possible to assign easting & northing coordinates(gps coordinates) to origin or any other point in drawing so that i can find the others with respect to that?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Northing Easting Grid Lines

Sep 22, 2010

Any way to create NE grid lines or ticks and labels around the perimeter of a viewport.  I found a VBA program online, but I'm using 2011 and it uses .net.  Is there a way to convert VBA to .net?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Random Shift In Northing And Easting

Jan 21, 2013

Civil 3D 2013, SP1, Windows 7, 64-bit -

I've got a user who imports points into the survey database and RANDOMLY the points will be shifted on average 27 feet in the northing and 4 feet in the easting.  She notices this because she'll check a point and see tht the northing and easting varies from the grid northing and easting (I've attached an image to view)  She will then discard the drawing and begin a new one only to import the data and now it imports correctly.  The behavior is completely random and it's happening on multiple projects. 

All the projects begin with the same template.  All the settings (drawing settings and survey settings) have been set to US Survey Foot.  It's weird because once the issue is noticed it can be fixed by simply beginning another drawing and re-importing the data, but it has happened on projects where she's already got pre-existing data. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Adding Static Offset To Northing And Easting

Oct 8, 2013

how would i add a static offset to the both the northing and easting to all my points?  i need to add 3.02 feet to the northing and 0.56 feet to the easting.  elevation is good, but the positions all need to be shifted.  

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export To Excel Northing - Easting On Alignment?

May 31, 2012

I need to export to an Excel Spread Sheet (along a 15,000 foot alignment) the Station and Norhing-Easting at every 100' station tic. The only solution I can think of is to place a point at every 100' tic and export the points to a file. I can then put in Excel and edit the point number to reflect the correct station.

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AutoCad :: Snap Specific GPS Coordinates On Layout (northing And Easting)

Oct 23, 2012

I am having a little trouble with gps coordinates. I am trying to snap to a specific gps coordinate on my layout. I have a "gps block" that spits out the proper coordinates but i am not sure how to move to a specif point. My layout is set up such that when i use my "gps block" on a known point it spits out the northing and easting, however, when i try to actually type in a specif northing and easting, it is no where near the point i am looking for on the layout.

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AutoCad :: Converting Northing And Easting Meters Coordinates To Map Coordinates

Aug 21, 2013

I'm a GIS analyst trying to learn Cad. I'd like to place a single point in autocad model space at a specific Northing/Easting position. After reading several forum threads I don't think CAD allows me to change the coordinate system of model space from map coords to northing easting coords, as we can in GIS.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Sample And Extract Elevation From A Surface

Feb 27, 2012

I just got a topographic map of some land we plan to develope, and would like to work out some preliminary earthmoving analysis.

I would like to sample that surface at very specific locations --  I could produce the required points in PNE format.

What I want is to find the way to: (1) import those points, (2) sample elevation from the surface at those locations, and (3) export the 3D poitns in PNEZ format.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Elevation Label That Give Spot Elevation

Jul 11, 2013

I am trying to create an elevation label that will give me the spot elevation followed by the letters "TC" and then on the line below subtract 4 inches from the elevation followed by the letters "BC".  It's easy enogh to add the letters but the simple equation of elevation - 4 inches eludes me.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Elevation Takes On Elevation Of Snapped Object?

Dec 19, 2012

When I snap a point to an object, the point takes on the elevation of the object. I would rather the point's elevation stay as is.

-changing osnapz variable

-latest civil 3d service pack

A few weeks ago I did not have this problem but once my computer was switched to the company's global server and c3d was reinstalled the problem appeared. Furthermore (post switchover), when a colleage of mine prepared a simple test drawing with just a line and a point, he was able to snap to that line without the point changing elevation. When he sent that drawing to me and I tried snapping the point to the object, the same problem occured with the point taking the elevation of the line object. I suspect it is a system variable issue

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Change Invert And Top Elevation To Existing Top Elevation

Apr 16, 2012

i have some existing drainage pipe and structures in a base plan that i need to change the invert (which is the easy part) and the top elevation to the existing top elevation that does not meet the minimum presect in civil 3d 2012 is there a way to change these min. to match my exisitng elevation for example i have a catch basin invert is 15.45 top is 17.56 with a 18" rcp  the cover will be less than 12" and i need to change this.

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AutoCad :: How To Extract A Section From DWG

Mar 1, 2012

How to extract a section from a cad dwg that has contours and place on a graph like manner to show the different elevations of the particular section.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Extract MSP On Windows 7

May 31, 2012

I'm getting this error message in a cmd window.

'AutoCAD_2012_SP2_64bit.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I ran the following in the folder where the exe is.

AutoCAD_2012_SP2_64bit.exe /e AutoCAD_2012_SP2_64bit.msp

I'm figuring the UAC is probably biting me...

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AutoCAD .NET :: Extract All System Variables

Oct 14, 2011

I was wondering if there is any way to dump out all system variables with current value in a text file. One way would be to have the variable names already preset in a list of strings then extract them. But is there any other faster way? I need to compare some drawings side by side.

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AutoCad :: Extract Coordinate Data

Jan 23, 2013

I work in a manufacturing facility and we are trying to come up with a way to extract data from an AutoCAD file in to a .KML or .CSV file which gives coordinate points, etc.

This will be used in a mapping-type software to display/highlight areas of the plant with zooming capabilities and information shown on the left-side. We are trying to make it look something like Google Maps, so it can used to determine areas of the plant undergoing work, lighting zones, etc.

In a nutshell, I want to be able to extract coordinate data from our layout(s) which can used to pinpoint locations on the map and highlight regions, etc. Perhaps it could export data in to Excel with attributes assigned to the coordinates which give Area, Bay Location, etc. The initial thought was to somehow export this to a .KML file and use that as a starting point.

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AutoCAD VB :: Excel VBA To Extract Attributes

May 9, 2013

I have a program that I used years ago to extract attributes from AutoCAD into excel.   The VBA program is in excel.  It is Attribute extraction Utility for AutoCAD Release 14.   I want to use it again for 2014 but when I run it I get a compile error can't find project or library and it highlights the the following code "set doc = ACAD.ActiveDocument". Below is the entire VBA sub routine.


Sub Extract()
Dim sheet As Object
Dim shapes As Object
Dim elem As Object
Dim Excel As Object
Dim Max As Integer


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AutoCAD .NET :: Extract Bill Of Materials

Jul 14, 2012

I am doing a project where am required to open AutoCAD Database and Extract Data from AutoCAD.I am using VB.Net as Front End.I am not using NetLoad.

Directly i am opening the AutoCAD Drawing and trying to access the data.
acadApp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application")
acadApp.Visible = False
Dim ValCount As Integer = 0
'acadDoc = acadApp.Documents.Open(Files(ValCount), True, Type.Missing)
acadApp.Documents.Open("C:SomeDwg.dwg", True, Type.Missing)

Now using acadApp i am trying to extract Data as AcadApp has AutoCAD Drawing

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AutoCad :: Extract Coordinates Along Polyline

Jan 3, 2008

Imagine i have a polyline(2d or 3d doesn't really matter),and i want to extract the coordinates info of every vertex on the polyline from start to end.

How do i do that in AutoCAD?And if not is there a way to do it on any of the verticals?

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AutoCad :: Extract X And Y Coordinates On A Drawing?

Apr 4, 2012

I have to tabulate the X and Y co-ordinates along a polyline at 1 metre intervals. I have divided the polyline into segments of one metre and have tried to use a command called data extraction. So I use this command and individually click on each point. The end result gives me the X and Y coordinates in the order I have picked them however when I put it into a table on the drawing it messes up the order?

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AutoCad 3D :: Extract Data From 3D Object

May 27, 2011

is there any way to use data extraction and get the dimensions of the solid. Using dynamic blocks on 3d solid is not an option as far as i know. I tried using block with attributes and field which refer to a dimension line but it's too complicated and takes far more time than just check them by hand.

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AutoCad :: Extract Attribute Value From Blocks?

Jan 26, 2012

knows a lisp to extract each attribute value from multi-entity single layer blocks to respective different user-named layers? Say tag1 value to layer1, tag2 value to layer2,entity1 to layer-entity1 .The source blocks are all in one layer containing texts and symbols/entities.


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AutoCad 2D :: How To Extract Text From Multileader

Jan 21, 2012

I have multiple closed areas that i want to show the sq ft. Now i use the command multileader then click to insert a feild.

Select object then area. Now i have a leader with text. Can i extract the text to a table or spreadsheet. Or approach this differently. I use autocad lt 12

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AutoCad :: How To Extract Data In A Viewport

Oct 31, 2012

I have tried this question before but it is now becomming a little more urgent. I would like to extract data I can see in a viewport then add it to the data it finds in the paperspace of the sheet. I don't want the entire drawing (modelspace) just what is seen in the viewport. Then do this process again and so on. 1 excel sheet per 1 sheet.

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AutoCad :: How To Extract One Layer To DXF File

Feb 21, 2011

I have an auto cad file which has around 100 different layers, I want to extract one layer to a dxf file. I have frozen all layers accept the layer I require and have then tried to use the dxf out command, however the created dxf file still contains all of the other layers. Is dxf out the correct command or am I doing something wrong?

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AutoCad :: Set Elevation To 0?

Jan 16, 2013

I have a drawing of Polyline. The elevation of Polyline's are set different. But I don't need the elevation. So I change the elevation to 0. But after making it 0 all the polylines are scattered. How will I make the elevation to 0 not hampering the polylines.

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