AutoCad 2D :: Block Scaling On Insert (default)

Mar 17, 2011

We have recently revised our drawing practices which has resulted in most of our electrical symbols being twice as large as they need to be so I am training myself to alter the default scale in the INSERT dialogue box but I get it wrong more often than I get right. In ACADE you can set the default scale in a properties box and all is right with the world.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Insert Dynamic Block At Default State

Feb 15, 2013

When scanning the BTR (Block Table Records) and encounter a "*U" block definition

how can i know if it relate to dynamic block and have it's name?

acutally my current goal is:

when insert a dynamic block at default state (no change in it's dynamic properties/actions)

it's 'Name and 'EffectiveName is equal, when set some of it's properties it turns to dynamic anonymous

with Name = "*Unn"

Can i programaticlly set the block reference to be dynamic anonymous (with out setting any of it's properties)

cause i would like to modify it's BTR (with out effecting the original BTR dynamic block) but do not want to convert it to static anonymous block.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Insert Block From External DWG File / Specify Insert Point By Click Mouse

Apr 2, 2013

I write a program, this program needs to insert some standard illustrations. I made these standard illustrations into different blocks. And I store these blocks in a dwg file. Everytime I need to insert some illustrations, I just click the mouse on the current drawing, I want the illustration inserted. These means the following points:

(1) Import the blocks to the current drawing, if the blocks have already been imported, then do nothing.

(2) Specify the insert point by clicking the mouse, and I want the block's insert point to coincide with the mouse clicking point.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Scaling After Insert

Jan 21, 2013

This is in Acad 2013.  This wasn't happening last week, and I don't know what changed.  I have a small drawing file with a few point blocks with attributes and some lines I'm trying to insert into a main drawing.  I've made sure that both files are set to "unitless" in the following variables:


I've run SCALELISTEDIT on both files and reset them to "metric and imperial scales", and saved both files. The base points in both drawings are 0,0,0.  Both files are in the WCS.

I've run audit on both files.  I've run purge in the main drawing to make sure it doesn't already contain a definition of the small drawing.  I've rebooted the PC and restarted acad.

When I insert the small drawing into the main drawing, the points come in at the correct coordinates.  But the lines connecting them and the point block attributes are scaled up by 39.3700787400 and are far away. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dynamic Block Grips - Block Does Not Change When Insert In Another File

Oct 28, 2013

I have created a dynamic block with a stretch, flip and rotate.  Everything works great in its file.  When I insert it in another file, the grips move but the block does not change.

AutoCAD 2014

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Insert Point At List Block And Dynamic Block

Apr 18, 2013

I am learning autolips and i found  a problem that i can´t solved.
(vl-load-com)(defun c:pmb ( / ss ent pt )(prompt "
selec block : ")(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "INSERT")))) (setq ent (ssname ss 0)), (setq pt (cdr (assoc 10 (entget ent)))) (command "point" pt))
 wich this code you select one block and insert one point at insert point´s block.

which this other code yo select all block and insert all  point.... but in one block
(vl-load-com) (defun c:pmb11 ( / sele cod bloque nbloque lista pt ) (prompt "
block: ") (setq sele (ssget ( List'(0 . "INSERT"))) Cod 0 )cod (1+ cod) (repeat (sslength sele) (setq bloque (ssname sele cod)) (setq pt (cdr (assoc 10 ( entget bloque)))) (command "punto" pt) );repeat ) 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Insert A Block / Explode And Rename Nested Block With Suffix

Nov 30, 2012

I have a block that i want to insert several times and revised each one to be different to do this i would have to insert it and rename the blocks that come in and then reinsert i would like to insert and have a lisp explode the main block and rename the other 2 blocks with a suffix at the end depending on how many times its in the drawing... can this even be done? My original block name that will be first inserted is "BENT PULLEY NOTES" it needs to explode after i drop it in and then there are 2 blocks within that called "Bent Pulley" and "Bent Pulley DYN" that i was hoping to keep the names but add a number at the end depending on how many are in the drawing already...

here is a lisp that i have found... it would work if i didn't have nested blocks and only wanted the one block to be insert and not explode...

(defun c:Test (/ e i name Bname )
(setq e nil)
(command "_.-insert" "Drawing1.dwg" pause "" "" "")
(if (setq e (entlast))

[Code] .......

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AutoCAD .NET :: Insert Block And Drag Jig Hiding Inserted Block At 0,0

Apr 11, 2013

I have a pallete button that inserts a block then a drag jig to position it. The block is first inserted at 0,0 and dragged.

The block at 0,0 remains visible while a "duplicate" block is dragged. Is there a way to hide the original?
Insert block then calling the drag jig..
AddViewBlock(New Point3d(0, 0, 0), 0, ColorIndex, trans) psr = ed.SelectLast() DragView(psr.Value, "Bar Insertion Point")
In the DragView procedure I have:

 Public Sub DragView(ByVal SS As SelectionSet, ByVal sPrompt As String)
Dim ppr As PromptPointResult = ed.Drag(SS, vbLf & sPrompt, New DragCallback(AddressOf MyDragCallback))

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AutoCAD .NET :: Insert Dynamic Block And Position And Stretch The Block?

Apr 6, 2013

I am trying to insert a dynamic block and position and stretch the block, using the linear parameters, depending on values entered into a form.

I managed to create a form that would draw a series of boxes. And i managed to create a routine that would insert a block and size it depending on fixed values but i can't link the 2 together.

Win 7 Pro 64bit, Dell Precision M6500

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AutoCad :: How To Delete Block From Insert Block List

Oct 20, 2007

I am using Autocad 2007 I made several blocks with att. And I use this drawing and copy it to the samples/design center folder so that I can see the blocks that I created on the Design center window for use on different other drawings.

My problem is that if I make a cange on the ORIGINAL block drawing how can I update the inserted blocks on the other drawings? I try to delete the block from the local drawing insert block list (is this possible?) to paste the block again with the new changes, but somehow even when I grab the new modified block to inserted again when I do it, it takes the shape of the old version!

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AutoCad :: Create Block To Insert On Title Block

Oct 26, 2012

Is it possible to create a block to insert on our title block that will populate itself with a list of drawings and names?

I know this is possible through the use of LISP and the Sheet Set Manager, but could this be done through a combination of attributes and fields (we want the same functionality in LT).

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Insert Point At Block Insert Point

Sep 26, 2012

trying to insert point instead of block.

(setq blok (entget (car (entsel))))

(setq point (cdr (assoc 10 blok)))

(setq XX (rtos (car point) 2 20)) ;; x koordinata bloka

(setq YY (rtos (cadr point) 2 20)) ;; y koordinata bloka

(setq ZZ (rtos (caddr point) 2 20)) ;; z koordinata bloka

(command "point" xx,yy,zz) is not working

!xx="5582453.414999999" but when i (atoi xx) i get 5582453 no dedimals...

how to create valid insertation point from xx, yy and zz?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Insert Block Reference Using Block Name

Nov 17, 2012

Drawing contains a block with "BlkName". I want to insert blockreferences of this existing block using .Net. All shows how to insert a new block and then use the BlockID returned by the insert function. In my case I only have the block name and there is no Block id. How to get it or how to create a block reference of an existing block?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Scaling Block Attributes

Jun 4, 2013

How can i scale a block have some attributes , with known factor ?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Block With Attributes Scaling?

Nov 29, 2012

I'm trying to make some command which allows me to easily scale blocks.

I've this
BlockReference br = (BlockReference)obj as BlockReference; br.ScaleFactors = new Scale3d(0.5, 0.5, 1);

Everything is ok, lines, circles, etc. in block are scalling correctly.

But I have problem with attributes (look at the image) - attributes are not scaling and their position are not correct.

Simple command ("scale") is working OK

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AutoCad :: Title Block Scaling

Nov 9, 2011

We are having some issues with title block scaling when importing them from the design center. Some people have this problem whilst others have had no problem at all or only in the past and this has since stopped.

Layout Template.jpg

The image above shows an example of the problem. The Layout basically appears 25.4 times larger than the paper itself (the paper is at the bottom left). This would indicate something is wrong with the insertion scale.

The drawing containing the title blocks is in millimeters and the drawings which it is being inserted to are in a mixture of millimeters, inches, or unitless. I have checked the insertion scale settings within options and both Source and Target units are set to millimeters for users that have this problem and users that don't.

I know a quick fix is to just select that block and scale it by 0.03937 (1/25.4).

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AutoCad :: Scaling Objects In Dynamic Block

Jun 27, 2013

I have two "drawing title" lines in my block when I use the, stretch, move, scale parameter the attributes lose the position (the drawing titles lines are stacked) and will not scale with the rest of the objects. I tried all tricks that I could possibly think of but no success.

maybe LT2012 has a bug that does not allow me do this correctly?

LT 2012 User
Windows 7 professional

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AutoCad :: Annotative Scaling With Dynamic Block

May 14, 2012

I'm setting up CAD standards for my office (title blocks, tool palletes, dynamic blocks, you know the drill). This should have been done long ago by another employee who makes more money than me, but that is beside the point. (Maybe you know the drill on that front too...)

This is a granite counter top fabrication shop, and I've created a dynamic block containing all the edging profiles we are producing at the moment. Contained in the block are "3D" versions of each profile, both with and without dimensions (for annotation purposes), and a 2D closed polyline showing only the "section" of the profile, to be exploded from the block and used as an extrusion shape when 3D drawings of the finished look of a countertop are necessary.

The issue I'm having is with scaling/annotative scaling. I have created a custom tool pallete with this edge profile block and a couple other dynamic "mark-up" blocks. (See Layout1 in the attached drawing.) What I need is for this edge profile block to insert into model space at "actual size" (3/4" thick), so when it is exploded and extruded, I'm creating that 3D edge at the proper proportion in my drawing. But for annotative purposes, I want to be able to insert the block at a different scale in paperspace (roughly at the size it is shown in the attached drawing).


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AutoCad :: Scaling Block Location On Viewport?

Apr 23, 2012

I have about 10 instrumentation enlarged plans that are drawing in model space and all the equipment text and instrument bubbles and blocks are in paper space.

All of the drawings are at 1/4" but they are getting loaded down with too much info, so we are cutting each of them into twenty drawings instead of ten. While I can change the view port very easily and scale it up accordingly, after I do that I will have to re arrange the text and blocks. I'm looking for a way to scale the blocks and text in a way to where it will change the location of the text and blocks, without actually changing the size. So I bring the drawings up from 1/4" = 1'-0" to 1/2" = 1'-0". If I scale all of the blocks up by 2, it will put them in the right location, but all of the text and blocks will be too large. I could select them all and change their scale down in the property palette, but I would still have to trim down all of the leader lines going from the instruments to their bubbles.

Long story short, is there a way to scale a block or text from a basepoint to where if you scale it, it will change it's location, but not the scale of the block or text?

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Block Scaling / Stretching In One Axis?

Feb 17, 2012

I have a profile drawing of a pv module that is a dynamic block. The dynamic block has options to let you select different attachment points. The location of the attachment points and where they attach to the pv module (the rectangle) is a manufacture requirement to maintain the warranty.

I am trying to modify this dynamic block so that I can stretch both the length and the height of the module. The height was the easy part and is working in the attached dwg.

As the length changes the location of the attachment points need to change as well but proportionally to the length. Basically scaling the rectangle but only on one axis.

I have seen references to how when you insert the block you can change the scale factor or once the block has been inserted into the drawing you can set the scale for one axis in the properties menu but is there anyway to do this dynamically?

The pv modules (the rectangle) come in a variety of specific sizes so scaling the block upon insert wouldn't really work anyway.

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AutoCad :: Annotative Scaling And Title Block With Attributes?

Jan 7, 2012

I was just notified I am supposed to show a small class how to make our company title blocks using attributes and what annotative scaling is and how to use it. videos or related forums so I can set up something to show tomorrow morning. We are going to be setting up our block library and setting up our title blocks. Should this be done using templates for each paper size?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Scaling A Block With Increment Each 0.5 Mm On X And Y

Oct 16, 2012

I'm scaling a block with increment each 0.5 mm on x and y. But when I get out of the block the size is no longer the same.

Ex: 2,5mm scale gives 2.667mm

3mm --> 3,115, etc.

Hw can I fix it?

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AutoCad :: Title Block And Model Space - Scaling

May 9, 2013

I have set up a template to A3 - I have amended the page setup to A3 and I have drawn my title block and saved it as a template.

I am now trying to insert the template onto a drawing I have done. I insert the template into a new layout and then do MVIEW to insert my drawing from model space. The problem I am now encountering is that my drawing in MVIEW will no scale correctly. It should scale as 1:100 at A3 as the drawing does before I insert my title block, but when I insert it, I then have to scale at 1:500

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Block Scaling / Won't Resize To Correct Scale

Sep 17, 2012

So I create a block on layer 0 and then create the block as a 1 inch by 1 inch block so it is easy to scale up to the size I need but when I try to insert the block at the scale I need it wont resize it to the correct scale. It stays at the 1 inch by 1 inch original block.

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AutoCad 2D :: Scaling Attributed Block - Imperial / Metric Conversion

Nov 11, 2013

I have the drawing I'm working on, who's scale is set to "unitless". I'm attempting to insert a series of attributed blocks (containing titleblock information) into the paperspace of my drawing. The attributed block is also set to unitless.

Two of these blocks require editing to suite the drawing, the other two are to be edited at a later date by a third party.

Everything HAD been working fine, however, it appears the wheels have fallen off ~ I'm now experiencing a periodic error where, I insert a block to the 0,0 at a scale of 1 (as per procedure) but the block comes in at a fraction of the correct scale. I have to scale the block up by 25.4. (The imperial / metric conversion.) (Note, I'm working in Metric)

Even stranger - its not happening on all blocks. Just the two that have to be edited "in house".

I've checked measureinit within the blocks and it is set to metric. I'm limited in my ability to purge / audit the drawings as they don't want template information deleted from the drawing - but I don't know what other system variables i should be looking at.

I'm using CivilCad 2012 with Windows 7,

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Default Insert Raster Image Directory

Jun 21, 2011

Each time I go to insert a raster image it opens to a directory which has no files stored in it.

I do have a handful of directories that have my image files stored, and I have gone into Options>Files>storage paths>.... and set them per specs.

Is there a way to change the default directory that the dialogue box opens, when I select- Insert>Raster Image ?

I've also gone through all the options under the Option>File tab, and likewise don't see where it'd be set. I even clicked all the plus signs, down to their respective directories, and none of them match.

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AutoCAD LT :: Insert Using Block Name

Oct 12, 2012

Using the command -insert -blockname = filename successfully? What I have tried is:

^C^C_-insert;"Insulation - 25-50mm"="K:/All Staff Personal Folders/Personal_Charles Edwards/Autocad/Blocks/Detail Blocks/Insulation - 25-50mm.dwg";

Trying to run this I get:

Command: _-insert
Enter block name or [?]: Blockname="K:/All
""K:/All.dwg": Invalid file name.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Insert Block From Other DWG

Nov 12, 2012

I have to write a procedure for insert a block with attributes from an external file and set the annotative scale block to current scale. where I cand find an examples?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Insert Block With Different Name

May 3, 2011

is there a way to insert a block in the drawing, but with a different name, so it can be edited separately?

I have block A in the drawing and i want to insert it again, but then edit it while the ones already inserted stay unchanged. So i would need it to be inserted as A_1.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Insert 3D Block Into UCS

Aug 24, 2013

I defined a 3d block..It is defined along X axis...I want to insert it into a ucs by picking 2 points( insertion, and direction) and that Block Z axis to be parallel with UCS z axis

I insert the block first then I rotated it..I have got this

P1 is insertion poit

P2 is the point for direction

P1 world is p1.transformby(current ucs)

Dim Xax_block As Vector3d = Block1.BlockTransform.CoordinateSystem3d.Xaxis.TransformBy(Block1.BlockTransform)
 Dim VectorP12 As Vector3d = P1_world.GetVectorTo(P2_world)
    Dim RotAX As Vector3d = Xax_block.CrossProduct(VectorP12) ' here is calculating the perpendicular vector between x axis of the block and the vector from point1 and point2
      Dim Rotation1 As Double = Xax_block.GetAngleTo(VectorP12)
      Block1.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Rotation1, RotAX, P1_world))

By picking 2 points is inserting the block along the line between 2 points...But is not having as normal the z axis of the ucs..

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AutoCad :: How To Insert 3D Block

Feb 29, 2012

I have a problem with inserting 3d blocks in autocad 2011. While inserting a block, i specify insertion point on-screen and blocks seems to be inserted to right place but block itself is far away from the drawing (eg. if i type zoom --> extens = drawing and inserted block are totally different locations on model screen.)

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