AutoCAD Map 3D :: Default Insert Raster Image Directory
Jun 21, 2011
Each time I go to insert a raster image it opens to a directory which has no files stored in it.
I do have a handful of directories that have my image files stored, and I have gone into Options>Files>storage paths>.... and set them per specs.
Is there a way to change the default directory that the dialogue box opens, when I select- Insert>Raster Image ?
I've also gone through all the options under the Option>File tab, and likewise don't see where it'd be set. I even clicked all the plus signs, down to their respective directories, and none of them match.
I have limited experience with AutoCAD, I am an ESRI GIS user. So here goes:
We are trying to use map image insert to insert a NAIP photo. The NAIP photo is in UTM meters. The existing AutoCAD Civil dwg is in state plane illinois wf. Everything I have read says all you have to do is go to map image insert, pick the tiff, my correlation source is a world file (.tfw), and BAM, your raster image should show up where it is supposed to. Well, it doesn't work. It appears that AutoCAD is not reprojecting the image to state plane feet. How can I get it to do this?
If we connect to the image, it reprojects it just fine. However, on every pan and zoom it is redrawing. We can't wait for the program to redraw all the time, it's too slow. So if we can figure out how to import it, it's a much faster option.
Another problem: the NAIP has 4 bands and the 4th band is an Alpha Band 1. This makes the image appear faded and white. In ArcMap you can simply uncheck the 4th band so the image looks normal again. Is there a way to do that in AutoCAD Map?
I am having an issue with Autodesk Map 3D 201164 bit and Autocad Raster Design 64 bit. Everytime we insert a raster file into a drawing.The laptop freezes. I really thought it was because we were using XP 32 bit. We got an error message that we did not have enough RAM. After doing some research on this forum, I updated to Windows 7.
When trying to install autocad 2010 civil 3D, I cannot get past the initial select products to install page without getting a bunch of errors as detailed below:
Error 1327. Invalid Drive C:
Fatal error during installation. #7560: failed to run AdskExecuteSequence
and finally;
Failed to initialise AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010
This is because when I installed windows, it assigned the letter H to the system drive (where Windows is installed) and as a result, there is no C drive in the system.
This has not been an issue for any programs installed to date, but is causing me grief when trying to install AutoCAD Civil 3D. 2010
Any way of changing the autocad code or settings around so that it will install to the H drive (or I can decide where it should install)?
Autocad is saving files to the Temp folder. I like to keep that folder nice and clean. My question is: which file location in the options dialog box that controls that issue?
In 2.6 Gimp used to save to my windows Pictures directory. Now in 2.8 the default export directory is Documents, which I find a bit annoying. Can I change this behaviour?
I have recently switched from GIMP 2.2 to GIMP 2.8. I'm using Linux (Mageia 3)
With 2.2, if I ran the GIMP from the command line, when I did File-> Open the file browser would open in the same directory that I had started the GIMP from.
With 2.8 the file browser opens in "Recently Used" and I have to navigate to the directory I want. Is there any way to make it open in the current directory instead?
Is it possible to change the default import directory from "My Pictures" to a different directory? It gets tedious to have to specify the directory I want to use every single time I import and I have not found a way to make this change sticky.
That seems like it should be a preference but I can find no way to make this change.
We have recently revised our drawing practices which has resulted in most of our electrical symbols being twice as large as they need to be so I am training myself to alter the default scale in the INSERT dialogue box but I get it wrong more often than I get right. In ACADE you can set the default scale in a properties box and all is right with the world.
Working in 2013 Raster Design. The commands for raster tools are not working. When attempting to insert an image the following message appears:
c:program filesautodeskautocad raster design 2013aeciibui56.arx cannot find a dll or other file that it needs. Unknown command "IINSERT". Press F1 for help.
Similar messages appear when trying other commands located within the Raster Tools tab.
well i have a problem on solving an autoCAD homework . i have a pdf with the contours of the altitude of an area and i have to rasterize it as an image in AutoCAD 2006 (i put it on windows paint , then i save it as an img (jpg) ) and then i inserted it in AutoCAD. I have to georeference that image and to fix its scale. How can i do that ?
I want to draw a ellipse with the mouse trajectory,just like draw Raster Image.Then Calculate the ellipse parameters and get a Data Base Object ellipse to add in!
How can I make a raster image transparent? I would like to see image #2 below image #1 by making image #1 semi-transparent. I can make one specific color in the image transparent..I am working from a scanned image in jpeg format. I would think it should be easy because any Microsoft Office program can do it. I have searched through multiple Autodesk discussion boards to no avail.
I have a problem with a drawing, containing aerial images.
If I try to plot it as PDF, using "Adobe PDF" or "PDF-Creator" as printer, I see green areas in my PDF. Here the result:
If I use the AutoCAD Printer "DWG to PDF.pc3", there is no problem. Here the result:
For the creating of PDF files I can use the AutoCAD printer, that is no problem, but I have the same Problem if i try to plot a drawing with aerial images on a Plotter (HP 1050C) or any other printer in our office.
I'm having an issue where the more I zoom into a drawing that has a raster image (a 1mb jpg) in it, regenerating times become increasingly long until the whole program just freezes. When I zoom back out, it's fine.
I've tried changing the file type, saving it with a different program, lowering the quality to Draft, zooming in on an area that the raster image wasn't in, lowering the DPI of the image, nothing works. I've spent the last two hours searching Google for a fix, found nothing. The only thing that seems to work is if I put the image on a layer and freeze it. The problem there is, I'm tracing over the image, so it being invisible makes it rather difficult to work with.
I'm still learning some of the basics in the AutoCAD Map features. Most of my work has been using a map that is connected to data. My raster image is connected to a Sid file which covers more area than I usually need to work with.
What is the best way to work with a small area at a time? I cannot seem to imageclip the connected raster image.
I have a small raster image (png) xrefed to an Autocad 2012 dwg. The image is on its own layer and the transparency of the layer is set to 60%.
When I select TPY the image displays correctly on the screen (i.e. semi-transparent). When I tick Plot transparency in the Plot dialog box and send the plot to our HP Designjet 800 the raster image prints exactly as I want (semi-transparent).
However when I use the Autodesk pdf writer (Dwg to pdf) the resulting pdf does not have the semi transparent appearance and the raster image appears in all its brilliant color even though it displays correctly (i.e. semi-transparent) in Print Preview. And, yes, I have ticked the Plot transparency box before seeing it to the pdf writer. Other autocad entities such as plines which are semi transparent are fine, its only the raster image that seems to lose its semi-transparent quality.
Is there anyway to bind a raster image to a drawing?
Everytime I bind/insert my title block the images dont bind in and also the file paths get deleted. Asked most of the drafters I know and everyone says it cant be done, which is what i think.
Normally I would use a CAD version of the Logos (for the client/architect,etc.) but sometime there isnt one available so have to use raster images.
Running AutoCAD 2004, XP Pro...I have inserted our company logo into the title block as a Raster image. The logo is png, and I have tried retaining the path and not retaining the path with the same result. After saving this as a template, I reopen as new sheet to start a drawing and the logo is now the path name.
I am having some problem with plotting Raster image.
From time to time I need to use raster image as a background such as the example in the attachment. Here you can see that the raster image is only plotting half of the image.
In doing some more research on my "reference question" below, I found that the scanner we have at work creates a tiff image and apparently there are different types of tiffs. Our scanner creates a tiff with a "bitonal" color setting. How to convert a tiff with a "RGB" color setting to a tiff with a "bitonal" color setting. I have done some searches but have come up with very little information about the subject. I would prefer to be able to do this with autocad software if it can be done.
Is there a way to change a pdf underlay path when drawing files are moved?
Is there a way to set the pdf path to match the drawing location so when a drawing?
and pdf is moved and they have the same path the pdf will be linked to the drawing?
The same can be asked about raster image files & AutoCAD?
Is there a way to set the raster image file to match the drawing location so when a drawing and rastor image is moved and they have the same path the raster image will be linked to the drawing?
I'm using C3D 2013 on a 64 bit windows 7 machine. I have basejump loaded, and when I first installed it there would be a "Raster" tab in the ribbon that would allow me to resample, etc. That tab is now gone. How to get it back?
I used to click on a point to select it and a new tab would show up in the ribbon to list points, edit points, etc. That doesn't come up anymore either.
I have a a graphic image from a client to use as signage on my 3d model. In photoshop I have isolated the letters and the logo only by erasing the background. No color is in the background, not white nor black, it is transparent in Photoshop.
I saved the image as a .jpg, .tif .tga. and .bmp. Any of these raster images, when inserted into the drawing, shows the background as white. I cannot undertsand how to make it transparent so it looks like letters painted on the wall.
I have changed IMAGEFRAME set to 0 - no change, I have set properties TRANSPARENCY to YES but no change.
Am I missing a step, or does the program always show raster images in a box?
I want to iterate through the Image Dictionary and Connect into the Raster ImageDef Properties.
I want to be able to modify and fix missing Raster Images.
How to get this code sorted out.
For Each myObjID As ObjectId In myModelSpace Dim myEnt As Entity = myObjID.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) If TypeOf myEnt Is Image Then Dim myRasterImg As RasterImage Dim myRasterImgDef As RasterImageDef 'Open The Dictionary Dim ImgDict As ObjectId = RasterImageDef.GetImageDictionary(DatabaseIn) For Each dictEntry In ImgDict NextEnd If
I am using a tiff file as a Raster Image Reference while drawing over it in AutoCad LT for mac. The raster file is 8200 x 5700. If I examine the autocad drawing by zooming in closely the alignment is perfect. However, when I create an A0 pdf file of the drawing there is an alignment error between the raster image and the vector drawing on the x axis. The y axis alignment is perfect.
I believe it is a scaling error since there is no visible alignment error on the left hand side of the drawing and the error increases across the drawing to the right hand side. The error is small, about 0.2% but it is clearly visible in the pdf file.
To illustrate the problem I have put a test mark on the top right hand corner of the drawing outline and the attached file shows this portion of the drawing in autocad on the left and in the pdf file on the right.
I have tried different drivers and plot settings but the error is always there.