AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine For Changing Attribute Tag Width Globally In Blocks
Jul 15, 2013
Any lisp routine for changing the text width of all the attributes in a block globally. I want to change it from 1.0 to 0.8. I have attached a symbol where the attritube tags will be the same.
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Apr 30, 2012
I only do programming when absolutely needed so it usually only happens every couple years. I wrote this routine to count nested blocks inside of dynamic blocks to count parking spaces. The routine worked fine but was relying on the ltscale to scale a block containing an attribute for the total number of spaces. I want to update the routine to use an annotative block so the scale doesn't have to be set. I changed my block containing the attribute but now when I run my routine, the attribute height gets changed each time the routine is run. The text just gets larger and larger. Here is the portion of the routine where the attribute info is gathered and updated with the new value for that attribute. If you need the entire routine, I can post it with a slight modification so it will work outside our network.
(defun updateattrib ()
(setq CNT 0) ; sets count to 0
(while (< CNT (sslength ss)) ; starts loop while CNT is less than the number of objects in the group
I am running this in Civil 3D 2010 but will want it to work in 2013 so if the solution will only work in 2013, that is fine with me.
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Apr 19, 2012
Once upon a time in a job far, far away I had a lisp routine that deleted the current page setups and replaced them with new ones imported from a template drawing. It's probably been a good 6-7 years since I found it the first time.
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Nov 3, 2011
I'm trying to find a routine that will look for ABC block and updates its NUM attributes depending on what's shown in the DESC attribute. There are about 5 of these ABC blocks in a drawing. Block ABC has 2 sets of attributes: DESC and NUM.
When run, it will look at the value of tag DESC, if it contains value XXX, then it will change the NUM value to 1111. And if DESC contains value YYY, then it will change the NUM value to 2222.
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Nov 28, 2011
I am trying to create a lisp that prompts you to select multiple lines, and then prompts to enter a name of a block you wish to use. With that information use the measure command to place the entered block along the selected lines with the spacing set to the value in the blocks attribute.
I have a lisp that does most of this with the exception of the extracting the value of the block size to use as the distance between blocks, the current lisp just prompts for the distance.
I have a lot of blocks with different spacing so it is hard to remember the distance.
Here is the current Lisp i use:
(defun c:MEB (/ blk ss l name)
; TharwaT 04. 04. 2011
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Jul 3, 2012
I wanna transfer my attribute block values to another attribute text blocks , is there any lisp for that?
Is there a possibility for sum tag values of choice attribute blocks to inside of another attribute text block ?
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Oct 5, 2011
I am looking for a routine that will replace all blocks named "DgnMisc_nodepoleind" with a block named "DgnMisc_nodepoleind2" keeping the insertion point. I could use (command "-insert" "DgnMisc_nodepoleind=Y:/ACAD2007/DA settings/Library_new_scale1/DgnMisc_nodepoleind2.dwg" NIL ) but my problem is that the block I want to replace is used on two different layers and I only want to replace the ones on layer "TPSYM01".
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Jan 9, 2013
I found this routine [URL]...... that changes the width of an attribute in a block. After use it, I need to use the ATTSYNC to update the other instances of the bloc in my project.
How to modify this lisp that I receive a prompt to choose if the width attribute will be change just in the selected block or in all instances of the block? In that way, I would not have to use the ATTSYNC command each time.
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Sep 20, 2012
I am currently using this lisp routine to export selected objects as a dxf to import into another program:
(defun c:dxf ()
(command "_dxfout"
(getfiled "DXF File:" "c:/dxf/" "dxf" 1)
"_Objects" (ssget)
"" ; completes selection
"_Version" "2004"
"16" ; non-default number or other option if desired, with followup line(s) if
(princ "2004 DXF Created")
this saves the dxfs to a location of C:DXF
I would like it to save to a different location, the desired location is within the same root folder that the drawing is located in and is called "DXF-Programs-Releases"
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Aug 22, 2011
I found this routine but It doesn't work really good (see attachment):
1. We can select block instead of typing the name of it (or simply add this option)
2. That the undo command undo the whole lsp routine instead of undoing all single insertion.
3. That we can Hit the escape key at any point in the routine and it stops the routine correctly instead of writing "too many argu" maybe by undoing the insertion or by stopping the routine correctly at this point.
4. I just found that it does not paste the block directly on the points...? Finally this lsp didn't work at all !
I would like to have a lsp that do SIMPLY this:
1 : Ask wich "points" you want to convert (You know these points that you can change the appearrance in the menu format point style, thats what I mean by "points"). And By the way it would be cool if I could choose to convert the points or to paste my block on those without converting them but it is not that important.
2. Select block in the block listing of insert block popup window and paste it by his default insertion point to all the selected points.
Infos: New blocks on current layer.
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Aug 25, 2005
I need a LISP routine that could delete specific blocks from drawings. I have over 100 drawings, each having 4 blocks that I need to get rid of.
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Dec 27, 2013
I have a CAD file with a couple hundred detail blocks in it, and I am trying to standardize them without haing to block edit each detail block.
What i am trying to do in each block is as follows:
- Explode all dimensions, leaders, and blocks
- Change all objects to layer "0"
- Change all lineweights to default
- Change all object on colors 7 and bylayer to byblock
- Change all text and mtext to arial font
- Delete all points
Civil 3D x64 2012
Win 7 x64 Ultimate
I7 3820 (3.6ghz quad core with HT)
32gig RAM (Corsair XMS3 4x8g)
Intel x z79 mobo (BOXDX79TO 2011 socket)
Radeon HD 7850 2gb GDDR5
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Aug 17, 2012
i found this valuable script Lisp routine to insert blocks at point locations and want to modify it but i do not know much about lisp ...
what i want is :
1) script start and asks for a Block Name (in this case QPP1, QPP2, QS, QE, ect)
2) the user picks existing text
3) the script reads the value existing on this text an put it in a variable
4) then erases the pre picked text
5) inserts the block chosen
6) changes block value to number value pre-read
since it do almost all steps except for step 3 and 6
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Jun 18, 2013
I used to a have a LISP for changing levels en masse if I needed to transform a survey by a certain factor. Unfortunately I've lost it.
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Feb 8, 2013
Can you change the color of a block attribute with lisp like you can with the built in Enhanced Attribute Editor function eg
I can change the value of the attribute LAMP but can I also change its color from the color of the layer its created on?
(while (not (equal ck "SEQEND"))
(setq e1 (entnext e1)
e2 (entget e1)
ck (cdr (assoc 0 e2)))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 2 e2)) "LAMP")
(setq e2 (subst (cons 1 lamp)(assoc 1 e2)e2))
(entmod e2)
(entupd e1)
(setq ctr (+ ctr 1))
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Mar 21, 2013
This time I'm wrestling with getting the values from multiple blocks. The blocks all have the same name but at least the attributes have names this time. Each block have exactly 4 attributes, like: att1 (a number representing chronological order), att2 (some data), att3 (the actual date as a string of when the data was added), att4 (some more data)
I need to get and store the attribute's values. I was hoping to make a selectionset of the blocks and step through using the chronological order number.
At this point I have tried several combinations of foreach and ssget "x" (list (cons 2 MYBLOCK)), but I keep getting errors that I'm sure are telling me that I'm not passing the correct information to the function for iterating through. I'm banging my head.
(SETQATTLST(LIST "R#" "INIT" "DATE" "DESC")REVBLK(ssget "x" (list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 2 "REVISION")))CNT0CNT10 )
(vlax-ldata-put "dict" "RevTotal" (BLKCNT "REVISIONS")) (FOREACH BLK REVBLK (SETQ RBLK (ssname BLK CNT1)) (setq ATTVAL (mapcar '(lambda (x) (vla-get-TextString x)) (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object RBLK) 'GetAttributes))) (foreach ATT ATTLST (SETQ REV# (STRCAT "REVISION" (1+ CNT)))
(vlax-ldata-put "dict" REV# (member ATTVAL)) (setq CNT (1+ CNT)) ) (SETQ CNT1 (1+ CNT1)) ) (PRINC))
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Nov 30, 2012
i have found the following lisp in a previous thread: (shows XY coordinates of the selected blocks)
(defun C:MyFunc (/ ss Index Ename Lst)
(while (or (not ss) (= 0 (sslength ss))) (setq ss (ssget '((0 .
(if ss
I want this information to be added to the blocks as hidden attributes so that i can extract them by attout. The work to be done is : attout to excel, autofill an attribute (numbering) then attin.
but my problem is that i cant think of a way to number those blocks IN ORDER (ie top to bottom or left to right) unless by sorting them in excel first by their x or y coordinates
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Dec 16, 2013
I would like to select blocks based on the layer of one or more attributes. The obvious method would be to isolate that layer and select the ones with attributes that display. But many of the values are empty!
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Sep 28, 2013
What is the best way to change the color of two pieces of specific text in lisp? I want to change where it says (strcase ln6) & (strcase ln7) to the color of green. I tried it a couple of different ways but I'm having some trouble. First I am setting the current layer with a color of blue. I am then running the text command a couple of times. I want to run the mtext command a couple of times but I want the text to be green & I want the width factor to be .85
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Aug 25, 2011
I have to obtain a selection set of blocks (by window selection and/or single-picks if the user desires) and then an attribute value which I have previously assigned to a variable called TAGVAL to the attribute tag name called PART in that selection set of blocks.
I found a cool routine called RepAtt, but it isn't quite set up to do what I need...
(defun RepAtt (Tag / SourceBlk ValueToCopy SelSet) (vl-load-com) (if (setq SourceBlk (car (entsel "
Select Source Block:"))) (progn (mapcar '(lambda (p) (if (equal (vla-get-tagstring p) Tag) (setq ValueToCopy (vla-get-textstring p)) ) ) (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object SourceBlk) 'GetAttributes ) ) (ssget ":L" '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1))) (vlax-for DesBlock (setq SelSet (vla-get-activeselectionset (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) ) ) (foreach att (vlax-invoke DesBlock 'GetAttributes) (if (equal (vla-get-tagstring att) Tag) (vla-put-textstring att ValueToCopy) ) ) ) (vla-delete SelSet) ) ) ) (RepAtt "WIDGET");<-- Tag Name
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Apr 15, 2011
I found a lisp to get block attribute data to a other block. See attachment. I can only apply it to one block. I like to apply it to selected blocks or blocks in a group. Is this possible?
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Oct 6, 2011
I have created a bunch of templates (title block type drawings) for my company. In these templates there is a dynamic block used for a particular note. Based on customer number, this note will be changed.
We have a program that will insert the correct template based on the drawing type. It will know the customer number and change the dynamic block visibility state to reflect the correct text in the note.
Here's the problem; I don't know why, but sometimes the visibility state does not change. It's not the code as it works just fine in some drawings.
I've gone in and just changed the visibility state name, then changed it back, then saved the drawing and it worked. In some cases, I've also just gone into the template and deleted the dynamic block and re-inserted it, and it began to work again.
Having trouble with dynamic block visibility states not working when using an automated process?
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Jul 18, 2013
I have an attribute blocks and this att block has two tag values , is there a simple code for to change 1st tag values automaticly according to 2nd values ?
for example :
1st tag (50x50) - 2nd tag ( 100 ) ==> 50x50-100
if i enter 201 valuse to 2nd tag then 1 st tag has to change as 100x100
if i enter 501 valuse to 2nd tag then 1 st tag has to change as 150x510
I attached a jpg file for explain much better
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Oct 11, 2012
I'm trying to write a lisp routine that, when I invoke the mleader command, osmode is set to "nearest" & orthomode is set off. I then would like the original settings to be returned.
attached is what I have written so far:-
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Sep 16, 2002
I am trying to globally find and replace text in Autocad 2000 drawings. If I have a folder containing 10 Autocad files, I want to open every file in that folder, while in each file, search for a certain line of text and replace that text, then close that file, open the next and find/replace text in that file.
I've created an autolisp file that allows me to open all the files in a certain folder, but I can't find any way, either thru autolisp or scripts, to allow me to find and replace text in each autocad drawing without using Autocad's "find" command to manually enter the text when each drawing is open.
I want to setup the autolisp file to accept input up front, save the "old text" and "new text" to variables, then use those variables as the lisp routine is running.
This version was used to automate creating PDF files. The command 'PDF' is a command from another Lisp file.
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Dec 8, 2011
Background: Someone exploded an attribute block and copied it hundreds of times throughout a project, each time changing the Attribute Tag to match the Value they expected to appear in their drawing. The drawing must be xrefed, so the attribute definitions do not appear.
(There is only 1 attribute in the block.)
Proposed Solutions:
1:AutoLISP routine which copies Tag data from Attribute Definition into Value of Attribute Block:
Prompt-Select Attribute Definition
Copy Tag data
Prompt-Select Attribute Block
Paste data into Value
(Allow repeat to speed workflow)(*PREFERRED*)
2:AutoLISP routine which copies Tag data from Attribute Definition into Default Value and creates a new Block:
Prompt-Select Attribute Definition
Copy Tag data
Paste data into Default Value
Create New Block
(Select Multiple Objects)(Creates tons of new blocks which are messy)
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Nov 21, 2013
Basically, the routine asks for the user to choose the hatch type (Retirer/Percer), then the layer (Defpoints/Select/Current) and finaly the type of the object to draw (Polyline/Rectangle). My original routine has also a Circle and a Boundary options, and an Error trap to reset the variables but I will keep it simple for the purpose of my issue.
So, my issue is: when I choose the type of object to draw, it draws just one of it and the routine ends. I would like to have something that "says" to the routine that I want to keep drawing that object (Polyline or Rectangle) and putting the hacth inside until I do enter and then the routine goes to its end.
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Dec 10, 2012
I have created an acad.lsp file in where I want to arrange all our company settings. I've stored it on the network to make sure everyone will use the same one and when updates take place I don't have to run past all pc's to change it. I've set everything in the deployment package but users can still change it when they reset their profile. Plus some pc's are already installed with AutoCAD before creating the lisp routine, how can I enforce the support directory to check on the network for the acad.lsp each time?
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Oct 16, 2013
with the mouse I can select objects on the screen and then start a command that uses these objects.
How can I perform this in lisp?
I can create my selection set, that's no problem, but how can I 'make it active' for an external function?
(ssget "_C" p0 p1 '((0 . "TEXT")))
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Aug 12, 2012
I want autolisp program to check overlap like in closed or open polyline with any other entity in the drawing, whether other entity is overlapping inside the polyline or not, i am beginner in autolisp and want to know exactly which functions are used or the program itself Also if possible to check circular overlap of one polyline with itself.
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Jul 23, 2013
LISP routine for rotating lines so that text in linetypes always reads from left to right?
I use the QUERY command to create basemaps and often the lines that are imported read upside down or backwards or however you prefer to look at it. Most often, if I look at the XY coords of these backwards lines, the End X coordinate is of a higher value than the Start X coordinate.
Looking for something that would compare the two X coordinates of a line, do some sort of an IF Start X > End X, and if its true, store the XYZ coords of the Start and End in some variable, and swap them.
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