AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Select Similar By Window Selection
Jul 30, 2013
When you select similar using autocad it select similar in entire drawing. What i want is i am able to select similar using the same setting of selecting similar but with window selection instead of entire drawing ?
I downloaded a lisp routine that will align block attributes. The problem is I can only select the attributes one at a time. I'd like to be able select multiple attributes using the selection window or a crossing window, but I haven't had much luck. If you use the AEATTSHOW command, it give you a prompt to "select using window" by pressing W. I'd like to have the same functionality for my Align attributes routine.
Below is the portion of code I currently have to select attributes one at a time:
;* Select all attributes to align with the parent selected above and add the attribute entname and the block ;* entname to a list in format ( (AttrEntName BlkEntName) (AttrEntName BlkEntName) (AttrEntName BlkEntName) ) ;* while (/= TempAttr nil) (setq TempAttr (nentsel " Select Attributes to align: ")
(defun CELBLKS ( / e blk ss blkl) (setq blkl "" ss (ssadd)) (while (setq e (entsel "
i have this lsp, it works great but how can modify it if i want select with a window.? exemple: if i have 3 differentes blocks, i want to select them with windows and the lisp select all blocks that are identical of those 3.?
Is there some sort of a getradius function in lisp? I'd like to display a preview of a circle as the user drags the cursor away from the centre point, similar to the way getcorner displays a preview of a rectangle.
i am working on writing a lisp to update several similar drawings through a .bat file. One of the things i would like to do is to automatically increase the revision number by one. I have figured out everything except how to select the text. Looking at the database, the coordinates for the revision number are (10 15.2908 0.0295 0.0). However, (setq a (ssget "x" '((0 . "TEXT,MTEXT")(10 15.2908 0.0295 0.0)))) returns nil.
If each drawing's revision number is not in the exact same location, is it possible to select by a range of coordinates? Using (getpoint), the range is from (15.5 0.0 0.0) to (15.1805 0.1409 0.0).
I've created a lisp that draws the boltholes of a pipe flanges, using the correct number of holes, at the correct diameter at the correct bolt-hole diameter and then rotates. Everything works seamlessly, when i do just one flange. But I've discovered that fewuently there will be mulitple times when a user will have to perform the command.
So the idea I had was to do the following:
Select all circles with (setq CirclesFirst (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE"))))
Go through the code to create the new circles.
Select all circles with (setq Circles (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE"))))
Remove selection set "CirclesFirst" from "Circles".
But what for some reason (command "" Circles "R" CirclesFirst "") does not work.
I'm trying to fix an issue with entlast where if the user hits escape during the process, the wrong entity gets erased, etc. Here's the problem code...
From a function that would have just inserted a dynamic block at 0,0 then modified it - here's where we pick up..
I'm putting together some quick function that I can send 2 arguments and get from it the total area of a given hatch on the given layer. I think everything is in order but I'm having trouble with the selection set filter:
(DEFUN GET-HATCH-AREA (HATCH LAYR / area sset) (COND((AND(ssget "X" '((0 . "HATCH") (2 . HATCH) (8 . LAYR))) (SETQ area 0) (VLAX-FOR H (SETQ sset (VLA-GET-ACTIVESELECTIONSET (VLA-GET-ACTIVEDOCUMENT (VLAX-GET-ACAD-OBJECT)))) (SETQ area (+ (VLA-GET-AREA h) area))) (ALERT(STRCAT "Total area = " (IF (OR (= (GETVAR "lunits") 3) (= (GETVAR "lunits") 4) ) (STRCAT (RTOS area 2) " sq. in. (" (RTOS (/ area 144) 2) " sq. ft.)") (RTOS area) ) ) ) (VLA-DELETE sset) ) ) ))
I can create an empty selection set (setq EMss (ssadd)). As I loop through a list I can use the counter to create selection sets on the fly by using:
(set (read (strcat "ss" (itoa cnt))) EMss) and even keep a list of the ssets created with (setq sslst (cons (strcat "ss" (itoa cnt)) sslst)). But when I try to add an ename to the ss with (ssadd ename (read (strcat "ss" (itoa cnt))), I get a error: bad argument type (SSADD NEXTE (READ (STRCAT "ss" (ITOA CNT)))).
why I can create the sets but not add to them this way? I can add to them from the command line.
I wrote a lisp program which creates a selection set using ssget. Then I use the bounding box commands to get the lowest point of that selection set. Now I want to move that selection set as a whole using the vla-move command. Can we vla-move a selection set?
Newbie here trying to learn LISP. My first program is to flip all arcs and circles that have a Normal Z property of -1. But I'm having trouble finding a detailed list of commands and functions for the LISP language that explain creating circles to selecting entities filtered by properties. I must be searching for the wrong terminology.
I have the following code, that for some reason the last created dimension is no being selected. That's the first problem. The second (and not as improtant) problem( becasue it does work), is that I'm using the "dimedit" command. I prefer to do a swap within the dxf codes, that I treid but didn't work, so I resorted to the "dimedit" command.
using autolisp or visual lisp I want to open "Select Color Dialog Box" URL....and get RGB color code to my lisp.If I enter "color" in command line, i get color dialog box, but if I use this command in (command "color") I get more promts and not color Dialog Box.
I want to make a lisp routine which would ask for first color, second color and range of colors. And will calculate color range from first color to second color.
I want to explode all anonymous blocks, but how do I create a selection set of them.?(ssget "x" '((2 . "*U*"))) doesn't work, and is dangerous if you have any blocks with the letter 'u' in them.
There is a very complecated drawing. Texts are on a line and crossing a line or something like that. Some texts has insertion points on the line. When the line is selected by LISP, only the specific texts with insertion points on the line are selected. Does it make sence?
I am interested in a program that can select layers by its color, and then change those layers to a different color and add a prefix of Z- in front of those layers.
I found a program (below) that works pretty close to what I am looking for but not quite.
;;; Change the color of a layer to another color by Jeff Mishler July 9, 2003 ;;; Usage - (lay_col_chg oldcolor newcolor ;;; example: Command: (lay_col_chg 142 100)
what I'm trying to do is have the program select the block and then I want to get out of it what the Block Name is, so I can then compare it to the list of block names that I want the program to move. Here is what I was trying to use:
To get the 'File Selection dialog box' in AutoCAD via LISP, which command should I use other than 'GETFILED' ?
I have a program which using GETFILED to select the drawing file , but I think this dialog box size is too small to browse folder/file , as you cant see the favorites list and you cant resize the dialog box.
I'm working on a lisp that goes through a whole list of files and does different things to those files. I've been racking my brain for a way to select just a folder via a dialogue box, but haven't found a way. I'm sure it can be done with dcl, but I don't know where to start.
This would not be the standard "file" selection box, but would only list the folders and let me select one even if there are others "under" them. This is what I'd like it to look like.
I'm not sure if there is a standard AutoCAD box that I could call for this or not
I have a lisp routine that creates a "frame wall" and I want to be able to automatically dimension said wall within the same routine. I have created two sets of points, each set being on its own new layer. I have made selection sets of each set of points, and want to cycle through each set dimensioning as required. This what I have so far for this part of the routine:
When I run the program I get the error: bad point argument. So what I think is happening is that the ssname command is not returning the actual value but just the name? I am new to AutoLisp and even newer to selection sets so be easy... Along with this, I am also curious as to how a selection set is ordered when it is chosen ie how does it determine what would be in (ssname sel1 0). Also, how would one go about deleting the points in these selection sets after the dimensioning has been completed.