AutoCAD .NET :: ObjectClass Is Not A Member Of ObjectID (2008)

Mar 25, 2013

I need to make my application compatible with 2008 and have one error saying that ObjectClass is not a member of SubEntId (As ObjectID) in my InsertBlock routine.
Public Sub InsertBlock(ByVal blockname As String, ByVal trans As Transaction) Dim db As Database = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database ' Test if block exists in the block table Dim bt As BlockTable =


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Member IPart Member In Drawing View?

Jan 8, 2014

In Inventor 2013 it was easily to switch in a drawing view between different iPart members. Through Edit view => Tab Model State and then it was possible to switch between different iPart members. So it was easy to make a copy in the Vault from only the dwg (from a iPart member) and then change the iPart member. Now in Inventor 2014 it is not possible anymore.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Store ObjectID

May 31, 2012

I can store some ObjectId from my drawing to text file. After that how we can get back ObjectId from string read from that text file. Or have a diferrent way to store the ObjectID.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Convert String To ObjectID

May 2, 2006

It is possible to convert an ObjectId into a string. But is it also possible to convert a string/int into an ObjectId?

I want to save some ObjectIDs to a text-file to use them later. But I haven't found something to convert them back.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Convert Entity Name To ObjectID?

Jan 3, 2012

I commonly send serialized data to .net functions.

One of the items I send in the entity name of something as a string.

Once my .net function is done, it constructs a resultbuffer to send back to lisp.

I had been doing this:

AcDb.ObjectId id = new ObjectId(Convert.ToInt32(ename));
but the Convert function is throwing an exception.

I do not recall this happening before, but forget if I ever tested it.

I am on win 7 64 bit.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Select Object Via ObjectID Or Handle

Jul 29, 2011


I have a list of blocks in a datagrid. When i double click a certain record it gets the objectid or handle.

Now i know how too highlight the object. But i don't want to highlight the entity but select it so i can change it's property's in the property pallet.

In the first screen shot you see the code i have. wicht highligts the record but the propperty pallet display no object selected.

But i want it to work like the next picture.

So the question is. When i know an entity's objectid or handle how do i select that entity programticly.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Erase Hatch Using Polyline ObjectID

Aug 18, 2012

I have a drawing with a Polyline filled with Hatch. Also I have that Polyline ObjectId. So using this ployline ObjectId I want to erase the Hatch inside polyline. How I can erase the Hatch.

I'm developing the application using C#.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Cloned ObjectID Or Handle Using An Overrule

Aug 19, 2011

I need to use the Handle of the cloned object during a DeepClone override but AutoCAD shuts down when I try to use it.

This is the best I can think of but it still boots me out when I try.

Public Overrides Function DeepClone(ByVal dbObject As DBObject, ByVal ownerObject As DBObject, ByVal idMap As IdMapping, ByVal isPrimary As Boolean) As DBObject Try Return MyBase.DeepClone(dbObject, ownerObject, idMap, isPrimary) Catch Finally CompileCloneObjects(dbObject.Handle.ToString, MyBase.DeepClone(dbObject, ownerObject, idMap, isPrimary).Handle.ToString) End Try End Function

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AutoCAD .NET :: Obtain Certain Vertexes Via Polyline ObjectID?

Jul 31, 2011

I create a polyline ,and then add it's objectId to a ObjectIdCollection defined by me.After the polyline is created,I would like to obtain it's second and sixth vertexes via this polyline's objectId.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Have ObjectID Of Block Need To Retrieve Info

Sep 3, 2013

I have stored within an external database a handle of an entity within a drawing.  If I have that drawing open and I retrieve that handle and then get the ObjectID from that Handle how do I convert that to a BlockReference so that I can then get position and attrribute values.  I can get the position and attributes if I can just get the blockreference from the Object ID.

I am using the following code to get the ObjectID from the Handle:

Public Function ObjectIdFromHandle(db As Database, strHandle As String) As ObjectId Dim nHandle As Int32 = Int32.Parse(strHandle, Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier) Dim handle As New Handle(nHandle) Dim ids(0) As ObjectId Try ids(0) = db.GetObjectId(False, handle, 0) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message.ToString, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Error in ObjectIDfromHandle") End Try Return ids(0) 'Return db.GetObjectId(False, handle, 0) End Function

I then want to use this ObjectID to get the BlockReference.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Create Object And Get ObjectID Or Add To Collection

Nov 8, 2012

I trying to create an autocad obbject eg: line. after creating i need to add object data to the created object.

unfortunately i am not able to get the objectid of the created object.

code snippet on how to do this..

1. creating a object and add the created object to collect or selectionset

2. get the object id or refernece so i can attach object dat relavent to the objedt...

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AutoCAD .NET :: Selecting Objects On Screen From Handle Or ObjectID

Feb 15, 2013

If I have a list of handles for Autocad Entities, how would I go about selecting these entities on screen so that the user could add to this selection or remove objects from the selection?  I could go with object ids as well if needed.

I have been searching and searching and coming up empty handed or at least coming up with information that doesn't seem to do what I want.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Convert ObjectID To Handle

Jan 10, 2012

I wrote code for an application that stores links to lines and blocks in dictionaries using handles.  The routines work well and I can manipulate the data marvelously, but if one of the lines or blocks get erased the whole danged opera falls apart.  I knew this when I wrote the routines and have always been careful about using the ERASE command, as a matter of fact, I considered disabling it.

I am trying to make the package more robust.  I have been experimenting with attaching a reactor (:vlr-erased) to the objects which fires when the object is erased.  Unfortunately it fires before I can retrieve the handle of the object so that I can remove the references from the dictionaries.  The only thing that I can retrieve once ERASE fires is the ObjectID.  I can't seem to find a Visual Lisp routine to convert this value to a handle, does one exist?  Is there an ObjectID collection that has any references in it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pipe Member Name In BOM

Mar 5, 2012

In Inventor professional 2009 Tube & Pipe style using, We have to give each pipe member name for display in BOM every time.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add IPart Member

Oct 2, 2013

In C++ can I use this function, using the key index Member string to select which row in the factory I want to insert?

In the docs all I see is Use an iPartTableRow (but no examples in C++).

Use an index, this works but I need to know the index before using it.Use a set of parameters in a string (but "[Member=142314]" does not seem to work. Can I not simple use a string with the appropriate member? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Extend Member

Jun 3, 2013

I need to close a gap between one frame member and another, I have tried using the trim / extend function however this does not work. The members are 25x25x3 SHS, please see attached screen shot which shows the issue.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rename IPart Member Name?

May 22, 2012

How do I rename an iPart member name?  Can I use Design Assistant?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Frame Member Won't Update

Aug 7, 2012

Frame members that are trimmed to work planes in the skeleton won't update when these planes are moved. This is not how it is supposed to work, right?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Trimming A Structural Member

Jul 28, 2011

I created a structural member of Pro-Panel II and placed it like a column. This works great, except when I need to trim the excess off at the end of a wall. I tried using a body modifies and it works in model view, but it doesn't in plan view.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Structural Member - Elevation Tag

Mar 11, 2013

I've attached a structural member.  Is it possible to tag each end individually and have ACA report if it's the high end or low end of the structural member?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hole In Frame Member?

May 19, 2008

Is if possible to create a hole in an assembly created with Frame Generator? (Inventor 11)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Frame Generator Member Offset

Dec 19, 2013

I have created a user parameter in a assembly, then creating a member with FG i use that parameter as member offset. The same with other members.

Changing from Parameters that parameter no update happen, I have tried rebuild all, working. The only thing that works, is to use the "change" command , select my member(s) , change nothing, than ok.

Then it update.

Is it a software limit? A bug? An error in the workflow? 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Modifying Custom Structural Member

Apr 5, 2012

I had created a structural member using the structural member wizard. I used many instances of the member in my drawing. However, the thickness of the member needs to be modified. Is there a method to modify the existing custom structural member without creating a new custom structural member?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add A New Member Row To IAssembly Factory Table

Feb 6, 2013

I am trying to come up with an automatic method to add a new row to my i assembly table and populate that row based on values entered by the user (assuming that combination of values doesn't already exist... ).  Basically, I wish to build my i assembly table on demand over long term by user input via a form that calls an ilogic rule.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Frame Member Lost Reference

Nov 7, 2012

is there a way to reconnect a frame member to a other sketch line? Lets say i've altered my sketch and delete a line to which a member was referenced. I get the error when rebuild the assembly.

When click change and select the said member i cannot select a new sketch line..

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Delete Frame Generator Member

Jul 7, 2013

I have  a sick FG member but when I try and delete it I get this.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Steel Member In Column Position

Feb 17, 2012

I have a W1`2x40 structural member in a column position. I am cutting elevations, I want the web to show as hidden but can't seem to get it to work. I have attached the drawing with my 2d elevation style.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Bending Non Prismatic Member To Predefined Curve

Jun 24, 2012

I am looking for broad principles as opposed to blow by blow information. I am planning to use inventor for the design of model aircraft. My problem at present is a lack of understanding of the possible ways in which the following can be achieved.

The sides of the fuselage are sheet material ( balsa or ply or a combination ) which need to be available in a 2D format so they can be converted into DXF files that can then be sent to my laser cutting machine.

I also need to model the fuselage as a solids model in inventor. How does on go about modelling something like this?  The curvature is going to be single as opposed to double.

Ideally I woul like a command that enables me to take a 2D sketch ( a copy of which is converted to DXF ) and to bend it around formers to form the fuselage shape.  That would be similar to the process that is used in the actual construction but I dont think that there is one as yet.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Frame Member Description Field Not Updating

Jan 12, 2012

I have a user that is creating frame work using custom members copied from the standard.  We have edited the frame members to use the company's part numbers and description and everything works fine.  The Parts List populates with the correct part number / stock number and description just fine.   I have customized the Part List style to display the stock number if one is available so that it shows correctly. 

The problem comes when changing the size of a frame member out.  Frame Generator creates a new file for that member and the Parts List displays the correct Stock number but the description still shows the original size's description not the one associated to the new member's size. 

I haven't tried it but I am sure that deleting the Parts List and reinserting might fix the problem but there are other lines in the Parts List that have Static overrides and the user would have to redo all that.  Why does the PN/Stock Number update correctly but the Description does not?

Dell Precision T3500
Xeon 2.13GHz - Windows XP sp3
nVidia Quadro FX 580
Erik J. Kurek
Manufacturing SME
Inventor 2013

Dell Precision WorkStation T3500
Bus Clock: 4800 megahertz
2.40 gigahertz Intel Xeon
8192 Megabytes Installed Memory
Windows 7 Professional (x64) Service Pack 1
NVIDIA Quadro FX 3700

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error Changing Material Of Frame Member

Oct 10, 2012

I'm with a problem here, that when i try to change a material from a frame member, i got the error below:

[WARNING] Frame Generator: Errors occurred while attempting to change frame member(s).
[WARNING] Problems occurred during changing Frame Member(s)
[ERROR] A change could not be completed. The reason for the failure is unknown. Please retry.

The structure that i'm trying to change, was created in IV 2012 SP1, and now I'm editing it in IV 2013.

All the pieces of this project were converted to the new version, and the only big difference from 2012 in this case i think that is the materials library, that I created a new one and set on project as default.

The strange, is that if I enter frame by frame and go to iProperties>Physicals, there i can change the material normally (but with a big wate of time ofc).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Frame Creator / Member Unique Names?

Feb 17, 2012

I have created a frame using the frame creator with all the individual members listed in the frature manager.  When I check this into the vault it goes in fine.

When I create a second frame (seperate frame file) it uses one or two of the same fram types as the first frame.  The problem comes when I go to check this into the vault it says the member already exists.

I have been told and I am seeing it that the frame creator always starts with "001" and numbers downward in creating the member names.  This creates a problem in the vault because of the duplicate file factor.

What I ended up doing was calling up that particular member and doing a file save as then replacing it in the assembly.  Then it would check in fine.

Is this the only work around or is there a setting somewhere that allows unique names for these frame members.

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