AutoCAD Map 3D :: Shape File Only Displays Partial In Plot?
Sep 12, 2013
I have a user who is trying to plot several design drawings which all have a connection to one shape file. The file in question is used as background data for the design and is apparently fairly large. When he plots the drawings only part of the shape data comes through. Based on the information I have it sounds like the software does not have enough time to retreive all of the shape data before the plot data goes to the printer.
I've made a shape (attached image) and am trying to find a way to use it for a linetype. However, I'd like to have the left and right "blocks" filled (hatch or whatever) so that when used repeatetively in a linetype, the filled and open spaces will alternate. I may change it to be only 2 blocks or 4 - haven't decided yet.
I've made linetypes with simple line shapes, but never one like this.
I have exported the 3 polygons through the Map Drafting ribbon --> Export and then brought it back into CAD. This gave me 3 adjacent filled polygons (3 seperate objects) and I don't know how to show it as one shape entity, much less without the middle fill.
Is there another way I can accomplish this without the use of shapes?
Civil 3D 2012 Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 Dell Precision T3400 (Q9550 @ 2.83 GHz) 8GB RAM Nvidia Quadro GTX 650 Ti BOOST
I have this problem with my MText Background Mask. You can take a look at the two attachments. Each one gives me the same issue, but with different MText objects. I'm also plotting to a KIP5000 and a SHARP All in One, and I get similar results, except in some of the MText, they come out in a random color as well. The pc3's for all devices are set to Lines Merge.
The text is actually part of an xref file, and if I plot directly from the file they are in, I have no problem. I did a test where I copied the text into the sheet file, and got similar results when the text is in modelspace, and I got my intended results when the text is in paperspace. Now, this is the way I want to go...but the company standard is to draw it all in the xref, so I have to figure out how to get around this.
I've gone back and forth with the Merge/Overwrite options in the pc3, and when plotting to PDF and SHARP, I get the correct output with Overwrite, but the KIP just completely ignores the background mask with Overwrite.
When I bring an xref drawing (floor plan) into a plot sheet drawing the xref does not display properly. Walls at doors are not removed and have jambs and door in what appears to be 'reflected screened' view. Switching to 'reflected' view, walls not removed, jambs and doors, and windows still showing.
I may have inadvertently changed some of the settings in the display manager, is there any way to restore the defaults here without reloading the program?
I've been using Xara Photo and Graphic designer for about a week now to design some characters for a game I'm working on and in general find it great to use as a freehand authoring tool.
In order to develop a cartoon style, I'm building my characters out of free hand coloured objects with black outlines with cel shading made from partial masked clones of the objects. This works a treat until I come to put two of the objects together and want to erase part of the outline on the topmost object where it meets the underlying one.
I thought I'd found a solution with a tip on the Xara site (at the top of the page here) where you draw the outline portion you want and combine with a second object then break the objects again. This pretty much achieves what I want, I get a filled object with the outline broken where I originally left it, however, things start to go wrong when you attempt to mask clone a part of the object you've created (for example, to produce a shaded portion of the underlying object) as it's still a line and not a shape, so the mask clone gets confused and doesn't cut out the intended area.
This must be a pretty regular requirement, particularly for people creating flash animations, so I'm sure I must be missing something or going about the construction of the image in the wrong way.
how to make a partial open (saddled) and partial box (housed) stringer?
The only difference is that the open treads do not extend but are the same length as the box treads.Partial_Open_into_Box_Stair.gif Using Autocad Architecture 2012.
I try to load my menu at application start. But I can't see this menu in the menu bar after start. I see menu only after I "reload" current workspace in user interface customization dialog.
const String myCuiFile = @"D:Visual Studio 2005ProjectsAutoCAD 2008Cuisits.cui"; public void Initialize() { String currentWorkSpace = (String)Application.GetSystemVariable("WSCURRENT"); CustomizationSection acadCustomSection = new CustomizationSection((String)Application.GetSystemVariable("MENUNAME") + ".cui"); if (acadCustomSection.PartialCuiFiles.Contains(myCuiFile) == false)
I'm having difficulty accessing the Customization Section for a particular Partial CUI which I need to return the Ribbon Tab Source using AutoCAD 2012.
Here's the snippet
var cuiMain = (string)Application.GetSystemVariable("MENUNAME"); var csMain = new CustomizationSection(cuiMain); //*** This line return null even when the PartialCUI exists? **** CustomizationSection csPar = csMain.getPartialCUI("myPartialCui"); [code].......
working with 2014 acad and i have made myself a partial CUI. it is really only one extra tab on the ribbon with a few of the standard panels i use in one place. nothing to out there. so here is a step by step of what i did to get this cui file.
entered comannd CUI in command prompt.
went to "Transfer" tab in the CUI dialog box
on the left panel it is "Main Customisation File (acad.cuix)"
on the right panel i created a new CUI file.
then right clicked the "Ribbons" path and created new "Josh's Tab"
then transfered the panels across i wanted
then saved the cui as "Josh's CUI.cuix"
then loaded the .cuix file via the "CUILOAD" command
at first nothing at all happened, so i unloaded and reloaded it. then closed and opened acad again. still nothing
so i loaded it and unloaded it a few times again. so i went back to "CUI" and had a look at my partial and it hadn't saved anything.
so i created a new tab again "Josh's Tab"
transfered the panels again and saved the file then loaded and reloaded the .cuix
when i loaded it acad "blinked" while it reloaded all the CUIs and my tab was there but no panels. i had another look at the CUI and the panels are there but not showing in the ribbon.
i have done this from 2009-2012/13 (can't remember which i was last using) and never had a problem. i have been away from Acad for the last 16months though so i figure i have just forgotten one simple step somewhere. I have the current SP installed also.
Product design suite 2014 running on a Toshiba Qosmio X870-70
I have just switched over to 2014 and i cannot for the life of me get my batch plot to plot PDF's to a single file! Instead, it's printing all 37 layouts separate. I tried switching between multi-file & single file in the publish options, but nothing!
i know that it took me a while to perfect my settings the last time i set up a new version, but i am struggling to work it out now.
2004 and how to turn "plot to file" off? Any time they go to plot the plot to file is already set and grayed out. It has been way too long since 2004 and I don't know where to have them look although I assume it is in Options somewhere.
I am plotting a file that has a pdf referenced into it. The quality of the plot is degraded only at the inserted pdf. The rest of the AutoCAD file looks fine. The inserted pdf is a printed AutoCAD file which looks clear and even has embedded layers and linework I can snap to (which seems to indicate that there is vector information present when it is in Autocad.
I have attached an image with 4 zoomed-in screen shots to show what I'm describing.
Running AutoCAD 2004, XP Pro...I have inserted our company logo into the title block as a Raster image. The logo is png, and I have tried retaining the path and not retaining the path with the same result. After saving this as a template, I reopen as new sheet to start a drawing and the logo is now the path name.
How to turn plot and publish log file off? (see attached pic)
I found out how to turn the one off under plot stamp settings, but I would like this box to be unchecked also and I want to do it automatically for all my users.
Civil3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional - 64-bit HP Z400 Xeon W3550 @ 3.07Ghz 24GB of RAM Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
Using someone elses template. When I plot to PDF the layout sheet name is not the PDF plot file name, it uses the drawing file name (and hence the same file name for all plots, not what I want). When I plot in paper space, my layout sheet name is the output file name, is there a way to change this?
I'm trying to outline a shape, the outer edges for which are on two or more layers, I've been met with some success using the bpoly command, but ideally I'd like to put in some space between the edge and the outlining polyline; I've tried scaling the image up by a factor of 1.02, but that didn't work as the edge is irregular.
If I import an Arcview shape file into Autocad Map, why can't i plot it out from Paper Space??? I can plot out shape file data in Model Space but not Paper Space. The data is mapped to a layer, and it can be viewed in "Print Preview" but nothing comes out when i plot from paper space.
I have a PSD file that became corrupted when the power went out in the house while in the middle of saving the the file.The PSD file itself is corrupted.
When I load it it says "Could not complete your request because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered." I have tried all sorts of PDS recovering programs and none could get the file recovered except for a BRIGHT BLUE/GREEN BACKGROUND.
When I load up photoshop 5.0 and go to select the corrupted psd file, there thumbnail DOES show up perfectly fine. However I cannot remotely see it in details because it's TINY.. Like 1/16" x 3" high.
Is there ANYWAY.. with ANY PROGRAM that will actually extract that thumbnail? All the ones I've tried online or downloaded extracts the thumbnail as just one BRIGHT BLUE/GREEN BACKGROUND.
I'd like to extract the thumbnail and have it LARGER so I can actually VIEW the contents.
This just started happening really recently and I'm not sure at all what the cause is, soWhen opening or saving files, Photoshop displays this error message and closes itself:
and here is a picture of the error message:[URL] pops up when saving and opening certain files, but not others. I can't figure out what causes it to happen for particular ones since they are not all in the same location, or the same file type.I am using Windows 7 64bit and this is Photoshop 7.0
any way to delete more than a single shape at a time from a shape collection file, other like step by step with the option key? I have one collection with about 400 shapes and would like to save it to some "groups", like people, arrows, devices..
I have one drawing per file at model tab. When I need to plot a multiple page file, I use:
Print > Batch Plot.
The problem is that I have to set plot configurations ( plot style table, plot area, paper size, etc) in each file before use Batch Plot.
Now I received 722 files with a wrong Plot Style Table. For this time I change the associated *.ctb file at Plot Style folder, but I will need to associate the right *.ctb to each drawing. It's also common to have to change other properties.
My file locator displays photos in locations other than the folder selected. The path displayed at the top of the photos is neither the location of the selected folder nor the photos displayed. Is there a way to correct this?
How can to export my SDF file to ESRI Shape file? In AutoCAD Map menu have a commands, but those works only for drawing objects. Have any way to export SDF to Shape?
My issue revolves around plotting a pdf from paper space. I made a viewport from model to show the pdf on the drawing. It shows up in paper space, when I go to plot it, hit preview, pdf doesn't show up on the preview. Funny thing is, the rest of my viewports show up on the drawing and come out fine when I plot them, just not the pdf.
I used layer 4(cyan) as my outer image border. Not sure why its not picking up the pdf image when I plot it out.
Having an issue where the .ctb works in some paper space tabs and not in others. When we do the plot preview on one tab the line weight is correctly shown, and when we go to a different tab, the preview displays colors and no line weight. We tried this on two separate machines both running the same operating system, AutoCad 2013 and using the same .ctb.. We tried creating a new copy of the ctb. There must be a setting that is different in the viewports, but I can not figure out what it is.
just in the lst day when trying to creat a plot file it goes through the process like it's working fine but after creating the plot file ist's empty 0 memory. It shows the plot preview correctly but after sent to plot the plt file is 0 memory and has nothing to plot. This just started never happened before. Using 2000