I have numeric values [St_NUMB] I'm adding as labels. I see that Map is converting them to strings [TOSTRING"(ST_NUMB)"]. The ST_Numb refers to a street number for a a house, and any outbuildings are labels as '0' (zero) since they are not technically an addressable structure. I have a large amount of data with a value of '0' (zero) that I would like to filter out of the labels. I'm really not sure what expression or command is the simplest to use.
I have a map of a city which is segmented into different areas (based on post code boundaries). i have 5 sets of data for each area and was wondering how to display this data. one way is to present an image for each set of data. lets say the data is numbers of people. is there a way how I can relate the density of a co lour to the actual numeric value? e.g . very light yellow for 10 people, darker for 90 people and dark yellow for 350 people ( i would prefer a more defined range!!). Also, how might I use speckled colors?
I notice with GIMP 2.8 that I can't type in numeric values if I want to scale/rotate/etc. a selection. I can use the mouse to manipulate my selection freely, but I'm pretty out of luck if I want an exact value (though I know that I can hold Ctrl for certain snapping, which is extremely useful).
Any routine where I could keep picking on my exit arrow blocks (showing how many persons exiting from each space) one-by-one and the program would add up the numbers. For example I pick on blocks with numbers of 2, 4 & 3 and I would get 9.
Is there a way in C3D to add elevation information from a profile to an alignment label? What I'm trying to do is add labels to an alignment in a plan view with elevation information from a profile design associated with that alignment at a particular station. For example, the note would read:
ALIGNMENT B STA: 12+83.67 ELEV: 435.87
I can't figure out how to add any elevation data to the alignment note. I really don't want to have to create a section and a corridor surface, but that's the only way I can think of right now... and I'm not sure that would actually let me add a station and elevation in the same note in a plan view.
I am placing a lot of suface slope labels in my drawing (as in hundreds). The default settings force you to choose a surface, and then to place it by selecting 1-point /or/ 2 points. The CAD default is the 1-point. Is there a way to change this default to the 2-point so I dont have to change it everytime?
in iParts factory I would like to create part ## by setting common name and adding to it different values drawn from part parameters.
Please refer to attached image – common name in that example would be “DRILL” and description of the diameter and length automatically taken from parameters in columns “DRILL_D” & “INSERT_L”.
I am creating an image of 150mm x 100mm at 300dpi but photoshop keeps adding decimal points like 150.02 when i change the image from the original size, is it something I am doing wrong or a known bug? You would expect that when you change an image to 150 x 100mm it would stay at that size and not be added to.
For no apparent reason I can no longer add ratings/picks/colour labels to my pictures through either shortcuts or the menu. The only way I can add ratings is by clicking on the ratings dots when I have the grid extras turned on.
I have an attribute blocks and this att block has two tag values , is there a simple code for to change 1st tag values automaticly according to 2nd values ?
for example :
1st tag (50x50) - 2nd tag ( 100 ) ==> 50x50-100
if i enter 201 valuse to 2nd tag then 1 st tag has to change as 100x100
if i enter 501 valuse to 2nd tag then 1 st tag has to change as 150x510
Is there a way to have no layer value set for the description keys. I set all the layers, and now I realize I'd rather set this to no layers (boxes are all unchecked). I'd rather see no value under the layer column, but there doesn't seem like a way to set this.
I am trying to create a surface rise:run slope label for our company template file. I have it set using the default values that I want. But right now the text is just 1:1...where we want it to read 1V:1H.
how I can keep the label dynamic to the surface, but put the V & H in the label after the values.?
I think it is normal to want a style showing stationing, speed design stattions, etc.But.... Radii of curves ? Clothoid parameters ?
Why is the reason Autodesk developers think that designers dont want to see this information instead of "add labels, aligments, multiple segments,. etc ....
What my problem is; i want to express an if function like if P1 is out of my EG and Distance to Surface is error value OR P1 is inside the EG and Distance to Surface is a numeric value.There is the attachment to explain it.
Can AUTOCAD sum values that are entered as text values? Attached is a table text whose right final values should be all sumed up? Is this possible inside AUTOCAD?
I was trying to use ipart to create some parts and place the relevant dimensions in the table format in the idw file. However, the equation for the dimensions appeared and I like to have it as numeric. Also, the feature present or absent is preferred to be called "Yes" and "No" instead of "Computed" and "Suppress" respectively.
When a revision is created we bump up the revision using a letter. If there are multiple changes done to the drawing during that revision we will use a number to indicate that. For instance; if I have 3 changes to the drawing for Rev C they will be tagged as C1, C2, C3. However the drawing Rev in the title block should only display C.
Is there a way to make the revision block do this? Right now we place in the DESCRIPTION a note like 1. Added Dim in zone E10. 2.Text was "Flat" in zone H3. But this for goes the ZONE column that comes with the revision block and makes it difficult to edit because you cannot see the entire description while editing.
In 2D I need to create some alpha-numeric content that will be uploaded to a CNC machine for production.
For example the numbers '7 1 9' and characters 'U N I T' need to appear on screen exactly as they will be when CNC machined from metal.
I am not sure what the capabilities are of Autocad for this kind of work in terms of WYSIWYG and what kind of styles I can create. In particular my requirement is to have the alpha-numeric characters quite substantial and not 'thin' (so far I can only think of using bold).
In an Inventor Drawing (.idw), dimensions are formatted (i.e., as decimal or fractional) based on the style selected for the dimension annotation. You can also force stacked-fraction formatting of specific numeric text within a text box.
However, text boxes don't seem to offer much control over retreived parameters. When you insert a value from the parameter table into your text box or leader text, the retrieved parameter always gets pulled in as a decimal number regardless of how it was formatted in the part's parameters table.
Are there any formatting functions that can be used within a text box or leader text to force fractional formatting for a retrieved parameter embedded within that text?
In attachment is a file created in AutoCAD 2010. This file contains a block in the block editor that I can no longer edit the command in the message "Numeric overflow".
In attachment is a file created in AutoCAD 2010.This file contains a block in the block editor that I can no longer edit the command in the message "Numeric overflow".
I have a text parameter "ARM_TYPE" that kicks out a numaric parameter "ARM_ANGLE" through an ilogic rule. My problem is i need to have the rule kickout an error when (ARM_TYPE= "none"). I can do this by changing the "ARM_ANGLE" parameter from a Numaric to Text format (see below). The problem here is that "ARM_ANGLE" is used in several more ilogic rule calculations generating other parameter values which also need to kick out an "error"
I'm trying to show, using the eyedropper tool, the actual values of pixels in an 8-bit grayscale image (Mode command confirms that's what's there). In the Info panel, the eyedropper tool displays percentages for every type of color information (K, CMYK), while the "8-bit" field remains blank.
Is there a way to resize images, etc., by entering pixel dimensions? The transform palette used to allow this, but it seems that palette is absent from the cs6 version of photoshop...
1)Since getting Photoshop 7.0 I've lost a function called numeric transform - I used it constantly. Is it gone gone, somewhere else or what? Any advice on alternitives?
2) Suddenly I'm getting a 'detect watermark' option come up when I open a file?