I believe I have a settings issue for which I am stumped- My polylines are visually appearing grey when I open just this one particular dwg. I have rechecked my layers and plot settings and all seem correct. When I click on the polyline (or any of them) they are on the correct layer and also by color layer and in the properties box - everything seems to be correct. I can draw new lines and they are the correct color - UNTIL I close and reopen the dwg and all polylines change to gray - BUT only visually - the layers still have the correct color and they will not even plot in color.
How do I change the default toolbar background from dark gray to light gray in illustrator CS6? In the older versions, the toolbar backgrounds were light gray. It easier to read on light gray backgrounds. THe same question applies to Photoshop CS6. InDesign CS6 has light gray backgrounds.
As the above mentioned, I have a drawing drawn using polylines with width from someone. The width of the line are suppose to represent area,
To put things into prospective, here is an example:
The polyline is 10 unit long and with a width of 2 unit wide. If i explode that polyline, it will become a single polyline without width. The line are suppose to represent 10 unit long and 2 unit wide; representing an area.
My question is is there a way to change the line above directly from polyline with width to a close polyline (4 x polylines) of 10 unit long and 2 unit wide.
When I import shape files the polylines will not take the layer style I move them to. They stay a continuous linetype. Linetype and Lineweight is set to ByLayer. Only difference between the new lines and the lines drawing correctly is the lines that stay continuous are 3D polylines and the correct ones are normal polylines. What I need to do to make the imported lines accept my layer linetypes?
I need to be able to grab all polylines and change global width at once. This is a repetitve task that i have created a button for. I am trying to use this but it is not working. It gets hung up on me wanting to manually select the polylines when i thought i grabbed them with the first line.
(ssget "X" '((8 . "LayerName"))) (command "PEDIT" "w" "9")
Is there a way of converting 3d polylines to polylines with an elevation?
I have a dwg of contour information, the contours are 3d polylines, because they are contours the z value is constant all along the line, so there no question what the elevation of the polyline would need to be.
I need to do this as I then need to import the dwg into a GIS programme called MapInfo whch doesn't read 3d polylines.
My company is switching from ctb files to stb files. With the ctb file, we make concrete hatch with two layers. A top layer with the concrete hatch pattern and a background layer with a solid hatch patern. The ctb file concrete plots the concete hatch black and the solid background hatch light gray. I am using civil 3d 2013 and the hatch allows a seperate background color mask. I am trying to make all my concrete layers (Top of Curb, Curb Flowline, etc.) a certain color scheme, i.e. shades of green. I would like my on screen concrete hatch patern to be a green color with a gray background, but plot the concrete hatch black with a gray background. I can not figure out how to do this without making two layers. Is there a way to use one layer and utilize the background color mask to show on screen green and gray, but plot black and gray?
My client has an image of his hotel logo that is in black and white. Unfortunately he does not have the original vector art for his logo. He wants a copy of it in the color#999 for a brochure. How can I take the image and get this color.
I just got cloud downloaded and the dark gray background is driving me crazy. How do I change it? I have been searching and found it's adjustable, but the blog I saw with that statement didn't say how!
The original image had the car in a deep shadow and it appeared to be black. I played around with it and this blue was the best I could do. The real color is silver gray. Is there anyway to change the car color to silver.
What ever color i put it only stays in gray colors!!?? When i click on the color i see it corectly but when for i example i use the gradient tool or paint bucket tool the color stay gray...
I have a small grey 'play' icon which I want to change the grey area to brown. (Looks like I can't paste it here). It isn't just one color and has a side of ridge that shows an outline you'd press.Can I use PSP7 somehow to make the colour change?
I need to change the background of 15 photos to 40% gray and cover the existing background.I am new to PS elements 7 and not skilled manipulating layers.I was told I can place a layer between the foreground and background and edit fill the middle layer to 40% gray.I tried that but it didn't work.
is it possible to change the background color [outside the artboard] to a dark grey? because i really dont like having a big white screen while working in illustrator.when you normally work in illustrator, the artboard is indicated by a black border line but when you select the artboard editor tool, the background changes to dark grey, so it is possible and that is the effect im looking for, but then permanently.is it possible to do this via the preferences somewhere, or via a hack?
Today I downloaded a trial version of PSE. This means of course that I'm new to the game. I can follow a step-by-step guide though. Here's what I'd like to do: I've taken a dozen photos of an actor with a green screen as a background. Is there a way that I can chroma-key out the green and put in another color, like gray or perhaps a textured off-white?
Example: CTRL+click on grey channel theoreticly (by my theory) make selection from white depending on its value. So cuting out must leave transparent greyscale image. But it don't (okey, it do, but changes black value):
The same selection inverted and filled with 100%K gives correct result: Is my "theory" about CTRL+click selection wrong? Becouse for my point of view, both ways should give same result.
I have a complex (includes tints) clip art object that needs printing in a specific pantone color I just convert it to grayscale using edit>find and replace objects>color mode. then print it as a black plate and just use another color on press.
Today I had to send off artwork to another printer. Dang. How to install a macro. Import clip art to be modified to a new document, do not do this in your working document.
Use Edit>Find and Replace> Find Objects Replace a color model or palette. Next Leave as is except change Replace with color model to "Grayscale" Next>Replace all
Repeat 2-4 for 'outlines' if you have them.There you now have a gray scale clipart, but the fun continues!You'll need to know what pantone color you want to use. Let's say Reflex Blue. Make a square and color it Reflex blue from a pantone palette.Duplicate the square and create swatches at 90% 80% 70% etc down to white.Select these square swatches, then Windows>Color Palette>Create Palette from Selection. Save palette with a temporary name, it is only time use. Or you could call it 'Reflex Blue'Now go to this website and download the macro "limit colors" URL...
Drop it in your GMS folder in under your username to install the macro. (might have to save the drawing and restart Corel...)Once you reopen your now grayscale clipart document, Select the clipart. Run the macro (Tools>Macros>Run Macros) LimitColors.Posterize select the number of colors in your new palette if you created 10% swatches, go with 11, if you did steps of 20% then you'll do 6 (don't forget white).Run the macro LimitColors.LimitColors and select your new palette you made in step 9.
Why does a black through white gradient created in an RGB document have a B channel that differs from the R and G channels?
In 8-bit mode, only some of the "grays" have a mismatching B value and there seems to be more of them when the gradient is created by Gradient Tool than when it is a Gradient Fill layer. The difference seems to be 1 in the cases that I've seen.
In 16-bit mode, I see the B differ from R and G by 7 at black, gradually reducing to 0 at white.
Before someone says, "Why make a fuss about small discrepancies?", I'm asking why there is any difference at all.
I have just purchased this upgrade software having used XARA Xtreme4.0 for many years.How can I change the black background screen with white writing to grey with black writing?
In both Photoshop and Illustrator the gray colors look brown. However, in Fireworks and other programs the gray colors look gray. Any color management settings to fix this?