AutoCAD LT :: Not All Menus Showing In CUI Interface
Jun 19, 2013
I have been working on some pull-down menus. Occasionally when I have the bugs worked out, I will go to the Transfer Tab in the CUI interface and save the pull-down I am working on.
Now all the menus are not showing up in the Transfer pull-down. If you look at the cui-customize-tab.jpg, you will see which menus are shown in the Customize pull-down.
Compare that to the menus shown in the pull-downs in the other 2 attachments. Have I clicked something that I didn't want to click? Is it me? Do these pants make my butt look big?
Someone here at the office started up autocad and the only things that showed up were "File", "Window" and "help" in top menu bar are the only things that show up. Where did the rest of the tools and camands go, and how can I get them back.
4.1 download was successful but when i open up the application the develop interface is still lightroom 3. What do i need to do to get the new interface?
I am sure i saw that somewhere but how do i get the icons to show back instead of the bare text list of the drop down menus? In the old versions, it was easier to find my way around if i had to change version and the list might not have been in the same order, or if i was making a tutorial and someone had a PSP in a different language; i could just display the icon instead of the name for the other person to be able to identify which tool i was talking about. But in later versions, they are gone. How do i get them back?
I am running Lightroom 4.1 on two Macs, both running 10.7.4. On one of the machines the Alt/Option key does not work properly in the Develop module.
When I hold down the Alt/Option key and move the Exposure or Blacks slider I expect to see the clipping display. Instead this action moves the whole of the sidebar of the user interface. I can move it to any place on the screen and off the edge of the screen. Clearly this should not be possible.
The problem machine has a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet attached, so I have tried updating the Wacom drivers, and also removing the Wacom software completely. Neither solves the problem. My other Mac does not exhibit this problem.
My preferred method of utilizing commands such as move, copy group etc. is to select the entities to be moved, copied or grouped then select the appropriate tool and proceed. Recently my computer has decided it wants me to select the appropriate tool prior to selecting the entities to be manipulated. I can not figure out how to get this program to return to the method I am most accustomed to??
I am working in AutoCAD 2011 and, all of a sudden, both left- and right-click stopped working properly.
Right clicking only repeats the last command, either with or without any object selected, even though my personal customized preference has been set to Edit when an object is selected.
But most worrisome is the left-clicking situation. Double left-clicking does nothing, instead of the usual editing it had been doing all these years.
When I single-left-click an object, it seems to select it (grips appear and the object lines appear dashed, just as usual), but if I want to do something afterwards, it does nothing. For example, I select (single-left-click) an object and press the delete button, and it does nothing. Also, despite the object being selected (in appearance at least), I noticed that the "Layer" and "Properties" toolbars don't change, thus, not displaying the correct layer and other properties of the said object.
The way around this seems to be to type the command first and then select objects (which means that the commands work properly). But after more than ten years working the other way, you can imagine this slows me the hell down, almost to a point of continuous stand-still.
Also, we opened other programs to see if the mouse and keyboard were simlutaneously broken down. Of course theye weren't and, in the other programs, left- and right-click and "delete" funcitons were working properly.
I just installed AutoCadLT 2014 on my MAC using Parallels. In my pulldown menus for "Layers" , "Linetypes" , "Colors" etc the words inside and stacked on top of each other and I can only see fragments of the choices. They are also clipped horizontally as well.
How to change the size of the fonts within in these pulldowns and the width of the pulldowns themselves?
I use my own drawing templates with CUI files for layers, dims and notes to scale. Since I've been using LT2012, I've found that the CUI files don't appear in the drawing template. No problems re-loading them but I'd like them in the template if poss. Problem seems originate with LT2012 - didn't experience any difficulties with LT2011.
How to switch from the Ribbon interface to the Classic interface in inventor 2012? It is not in the same place as in inventor 2011. This ribbon interface just don't do it for me.
I created my own workspace from Map Classic Workspace and created my Toolbars (like in 2011).My new Workspace is default and current yet every time I open Map 3d 2012 I still get Express ribbon.
I already closed every ribbon in Customize User Interface and saved again but then I get this message: The Ribbon does not have any tabs or panels currently loaded. When I choose My workspace even if it is already default, ribbon disappears.
I have no issues when using autocad for simple 2d drafting, layers and commands seem straightforward enough, but I am having real difficulty with the 3d interface when set up with 4 viewports, similar to Rhino (top, front, right and perspective)
Question #1: can I link the viewports so that moving around in 1 moves the other simultaneously to the same zoom and location?
Question #2: can I set up the MButtonPAN (or similar for orbit) command to orbit ONLY when in a perspective viewport? (in rhino, the right mouse button always orbits in a perspective viewport, and pressing shift with right mouse button can pan, ideally this is what I need or some variant of it). It seems very cumbersome to have to use the orbit button every time I want to adjust my perspective view!
Basically I want to make my workflow as similar to Rhino as possible, as it has become deeply engrained, and so far the crossover is not going well.
Last night i closed down my cad as per usual but this morning fired it up and my pulldown menus are missing-file,tools etc. The only one left if ltxpress which has been on my system for months now. I have turned my system off and rebooted but still missing.
I'm working for a new company and have not used AutoCad in some time. We want to be able to "drop in" existing drawings through the use of customized drop drop menus. Is there a tutorial somewhere that shows how to customize the drop down menus and link them to files?
I am using AutoCAD 2012 and I like right click menus.
If I use ctrl + right click, I get a menu with snap options, and if I use shift + right click, I get the same menu. How I can change one of these menus without the other is affected, and perhaps also how to get an alt + right click menu.
we cannot afford giant size monitors. An average AEC firm would have a 23 inch monitor or 21 inches. Now almost all the monitors are 16:9. So already the height of the monitor is reduced when compared to the 4:3 monitor.With the Ribbon Interface, the height of the drawing space becomes even less. Of course the ribbon can be minimized etc. but it is a nuisance revoking it and minimizing again. the 2008 version IMHO had a better interface with dashboards which occupied the vertical space on the right side. This way the height of the drawing space is not affected. It used to be a good interface - why change this into Ribbon mimicking MS Office for a CAD program?
I know that you could still have the Classic interface - but you lose the convenience of the ribbon. Frankly, I am a "command line only" person. But I would like to get used to the Ribbon also. Only at this point of time it started to irritate me the small height of the drawing space.
By very huge monitors? or may be you are using highly advanced models where you have a choice for a 4:3 format? I am struggling. I would like to use AutoCAD the way the rest of the world uses - though I am very fast in command line and know by heart most of the commands & shortcut keys. Sometimes i work in FullScreen mode.
I am trying to link to parameters in sub-components of an assembly, and feed dimensions to them. When I am in my iLogic interface I browse to the the part in the assembly and click the plus sign next to the part I am interested in. I then click the "User Parameters" section under that part and find the parameter I want to change. Now the normal workflow is to double click the parameter and it shows up in your iLogic code like here in this example:
So obviously something got messed up in my machine and iLogic is no longer formating the code properly. It only happens on my machine here, everyone else in our department still works fine. I have also determined that it is happening on all files new and old.
My fear right now is that I may have to re-install Inventor and I do not want to have to do that. I do have a call in with tech support through my local reseller, but who knows how long that will take.
When I opening any of the drawing using File Dialogue in my c# application, user interface is getting minimized. How can I set User Interface to top level in any of the drawing ?
I have developed the interface using c#,i want to turn off or on the layer according to the parameter in i have carried out turn off or on a specified layer using a .dll file. but how i can connect the parameter in interface to the program in .dll file.