AutoCAD LT :: Error 1325 Not A Valid Short File Name (Resolution Not Working)
Sep 26, 2013
I have a customer that is hvaing some issues with an error upon starting Autocad LT 2013.
The error code is attached.
The error is 1325 "%username%" is not a valid short file name
I have followed the resolution steps found here: [URL]
They did not resolve the issues.
I found the workaround listed here: [URL]
This works, but I will need to create a batch script that will write these registry entries automatically, which my customer does NOT want to do... They just want it to work.
The only way I have found to resolve the issues is to create a script that copies the Local Admin registry entries to the currently logged in user.
This is a domain user without local administrator access to the machine.
They have 3 other users that are working with no issues.
When a student launches AutoCAD they get error message: Error 1325. "username" is not a valid short file name.This is true for all students who have a username with 9 alphanumeric characters.
However, when I launch it with my student test account named "test" it will launch just fine. Also, it launches okay using my domain Admin and local Admin accounts.
Seeing as how it works with my student test account I don't think it's a permissions issue because that account mirrors the actual student accounts in regard to rights and restrictions.
I just upgraded from CS5 to CS6 and for the most part love it. I have run into a very serious problem when it comes to saving. I am on Mac 10.6.8 and have a server that I save all my files too. In CS6 anytime I try to save something to the server's HDD I get the error below,
"Could not save as “avi_horizontal_logo.jpg” because the file name was not valid"
Now, the file name is valid, obviously. I can load the file into cs6 but whenever I try to save over or as a copy I get this error. I still have CS5 installed and have gone back and verified that I can save files to my server via CS5 since coming across the error in CS6. Additionally I have no problems saving to my server via Illustrator or In design
This issue is not occurring on one version on only one workstation either. I have both Design Premium (on 2 computers) and Design Standard (on 1) and all three are replicating this issue but the issue is non-existent in CS5.
I get a "Could not complete your request because it is not a valid Photoshop document." error message whenever I try to open up a PSD file created on a Mac using Photoshop CC on my PC using CC. Other people have been able to open the file from the same location, so the files aren't corrupted.
My illustrator CS6 short commands have stopped working. Any time I try to use any CMD + Key, illustrator will not react. This has been on going for a few months, I have tried resetting preferences but nothing has changed.
I have been running AutoCAD LT2002 on a very old desktop computer and am attempting to switch to my new laptop. I have the original CD, Serial No., and CD Key. I have switched computers many times in the past and have had no problems installing this software on any of them. This time, it is giving me a "serial number not valid" message and will not let me proceed with the installation. I had some difficulty entering the number initially (the label with the s.n. was quite faded, but I KNOW that the serial number is entered correctly now-- what do I do?
I'm getting a strange error with my iLogic code running parameters in my assembly. When I have one "if....then..." my rule runs fine. Even two statements work. But for some reason when I get to a certain number of statement I get an error: I've attached some sample code and snapshots of my error screens.
I'm trying to install the latest Inventor View on all of the computers at work and keep getting this error. The program installs fine, opens fine, but I can't set it as a default program to open .IDW, .IPT, and .IAM files. When I do I end up with the error "not a valid win32 application".
The computers are running the 32-bit version of XP, and Inventor View 2012 works fine on all of them (after doing the DtDv install trick).
Also, while we are talking about Inventor View, is there ANY reason at all why it isn't combined with TrueView??? Seems like such a hassle to have two programs doing basically the same thing, with TrueView being MUCH more functional.
We have three old drawings (saved in the year 2009) that we are trying to open with AutoCAD 2013 and we keep getting the message "Drawing File is not valid".
I have done the following:
Files do have a file size. Sometimes, files have 0 KB size, but not these ones.
We tried to open the files using AutoCAD 2013, AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and DWG TrueView (downloaded today!) and in all instances we get the same message.
We tried recovering and the message is "unable to recover the drawing file"
We tried inserting as a block and, in the command line we get "...was created by an incompatible version of AutoCAD *Invalid*" Again, the file is genuinely older than our current AutoCAD.
I was trying to spare some room on my C: drive so when I went to save for web last time, I decided to save the images and html on D: drive instead of C:. Ever since then, when I go to save for web I get this error message: "Could not complete this operation. The directory name is not valid". I even uninstalled PS and reinstalled it to see if the factory default settings might override whatever I screwed up!
I lost a portion of a dwg. and downloaded a file from our backup service. When I try and open the file in Autocad, the messenger says "drawing file is not valid".
A Drawing File (dwg) was accidentally delete and was retreived, but now can not be opened. Error message is "Drawing File is Not Valid". how to repair or fix this, so the drawing file can be opened.
I have AutoCAD 2010 and the drawing was saved in 2010 as no one in my company has a higher version. also unfortunately i am not able to post the drawing as it is part of a current project.
So no matter how i open the drawing it prompts me with drawing file not valid.
Whenever I try to upload a picture to edit on photoshot it tells me "Could not complete your request because it's not valid Photoshop document". I don't understand what this means. Why can't I upload my picture? Am I clicking the wrong thing? I go under "File" in the upper left corner and scroll to "Open As... Alt+Shift+Ctrl+O" then it brings me to my photos I have saved on my computer, then I click on the photo I want to edit but the "Error" sign pops up. I'm using the 30 day trial so I dont have much time!
I'm trying to make an application that would take a drawing(dwg) and convert it to pdf. Since I can do it directly in autocad 2013, i presume that there should be a function in the API, that i could use to do the same. So far, i tried with AcadDocument.export(filename, FileExtension, AcadSelectionSet) with no luck. I cannot put PDF as a valid file extension.
Here's my code
Public sub SaveToPDF(ByVal psfilename As String)
Dim oAutocad As AutoCAD.AcadApplication = New AutoCAD.AcadApplication()
Dim oAcadDoc As AutoCAD.AcadDocument = oAutocad.Documents.Open(psfilename, True)
Dim sFolder As String = psfilename.Substring(0, psfilename.LastIndexOf("") + 1)
I have a mixed environment where I have some users are opening .dwg files with DWG TrueView 2011 and others with AutoCad LT 2012. I am able to open the file immediately with DWG TrueView 2011, but with AutoCad LT 2012 they display an error message of "Drawing File Not Valid". In order to view the file I need to go into File>Open> Choose the file located on a mapped drive and select "Open Read-Only". Is there a way this can be changed where I can automatically open files as read only? I have changed the permissions to the share to allow full control to a particular user for testing purposes and it appears that the files are not in read only when examining the properties of it.
I don't know what happened, but my autocad file doesn't open up with a message "drawing file is not valid". I opened it at home once in Autocad 2012 - Student version and I open it at school usually every other day in Autocad 2012 - Educational version and it opens up properly at both places. But this tuesday I tried to open it, and it didn't open. I really need this file to be recovered because this drawing was complicated and I finished it. So, it will be a real pain to do it all over again plus the time I will waste. I am going to attach that file here.
Our staff can not get this file open. It says "Drawing file is not valid". It was emailed to them. He tried sending over as a 2000 drawing then tried it as 2007. We have AutoCad 2010 and 13 available to us, but no luck.
"Attached is a 2007 version of the same dwg. We have an Autodesk dwg viewer that we use here when we are sent a dwg and so far I have been able to open every file I have sent you with our viewer, so I am not sure why it is not working on your end. What I did though was opened the drawing in our autodesk viewer and then saved it from that."
I received a dwg file from my architect through e-mail. When I open it in Autocad LT 2004, a window pops up stating, "Drawing file is not valid." I forwarded the e-mail on to my boss with the same file and it opens perfectly on his version of Autocad LT 2004.
The only difference between our computers is that he is running Windows 7 and I am running Windows XP. The architect is running Windows 7.
At the end of the day yesterday our server crashed while I was working on a drawing and today when I tried to open the drawing I got the message 'Drawing File is Not Valid'. Is there a way to recover the drawing? I tried the recover command but I got the same message. i tried converting the BAK file and CAD did not respond.
Have some photos of a warehouse fire in Plymouth Indiana. Files were saved as .jpg Can't get them to open.
One message is "Pain't cannot read this file. This is not a valid bitmap file or it's format is not currently supported." Couldn’t display DSC-0023.jpg because a suitable graphics importer could not be found.
Elements11: Trying to make a photo collage, but get the message : "Could not complete your request because the file was not a valid frame file". What does that mean? I follow the instructions given how to make a collage, but it comes to a halt when I try to import the pictures to the collage.
I bought the lightroom 3 cd and installed it. When I downloaded the 3.6 update and tried to install it, I got this error message : Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid. Ive tried uninstalling the 3.2 version and then installing the 3.6 version, but that didnt work either.
I have edited my video using after effects. I have been unable to export my file to youtube using a valid file name. All of the results have issues with sound and quality.